[tools] 01/02: Nub architectures
Joachim Breitner
nomeata at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 11 09:15:00 UTC 2016
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commit 5776b76182ef506e39c40384f74729efe0e9479a
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date: Mon Jan 11 09:48:54 2016 +0100
Nub architectures
binNMUs.hs | 16 ++++++++--------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/binNMUs.hs b/binNMUs.hs
index cb8247c..d37e724 100644
--- a/binNMUs.hs
+++ b/binNMUs.hs
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ formatNMU :: String -> ([(SourceName, Version)], [Arch], [Reason]) -> String
formatNMU dist (ss, as, d) =
printf "nmu %s . %s . %s . -m '%s'"
(intercalate " " $ map (uncurry (printf "%s_%s")) ss)
- (intercalate " " as)
+ (intercalate " " $ nub as)
(intercalate ", " $ map formatReason d)
@@ -212,10 +212,6 @@ mkUpgradedDep d1 d2 = UpgradedDep base hash1 hash2
base = intercalate "-" $ vpBase d1 : map fst commonHashes
(commonHashes, (hash1,hash2):_) = span (uncurry (==)) $ zip (vpHashes d1) (vpHashes d2)
-ordGroupBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b, [a])]
-ordGroupBy f = M.toAscList . M.fromListWith (++) . map (f &&& (:[]))
-- | Data aquisition and processing
getNMUs :: Conf -> [SourceName] -> Arch -> IO [CBinNMU]
getNMUs conf rms a = do
@@ -403,8 +399,8 @@ interesting b = not (null (bProvides b) && null (bDepends b))
splitSrc :: String -> (SourceName, Maybe Version)
splitSrc sf =
case words sf of
- [s,('(':sv)] -> (s, Just (init sv))
- [s] -> (s, Nothing)
+ [s,'(':sv] -> (s, Just (init sv))
+ [s] -> (s, Nothing)
_ -> error $ printf "Failed to parse source field %s" sf
fetchArchive :: Conf -> Arch -> IO [Binary]
@@ -604,11 +600,15 @@ putCLn s = putStrLn ("# " ++ s)
-- Generic grouping algorithm
groupEqual :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a, [b])]
-groupEqual xs = M.toList (M.fromListWith (++) (map (second ((:[]))) xs))
+groupEqual = M.toList . M.fromListWith (++) . map (second (:[]))
dontGroup :: [(a,b)] -> [(a, [b])]
dontGroup xs = [(a,[b]) | (a,b) <- xs]
+ordGroupBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b, [a])]
+ordGroupBy f = groupEqual . map (f &&& id)
-- Main program
main :: IO ()
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