[pandoc] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 533bfa2)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Mon Jan 18 18:25:18 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/
in repository pandoc.
at 533bfa2 (tag)
tagging 355c08dbb503b1bcff01c842012520af633261d4 (commit)
replaces upstream/
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Mon Jan 18 23:29:25 2016 +0530
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version
Version: GnuPG v1
ARATA Mizuki (1):
LaTeX reader: Handle `comment` environment.
Albert Krewinkel (6):
Org reader: fix paragraph/list interaction
Org reader: allow toggling header args
Org reader: fix markup parsing in headers
Org reader: Fix emphasis rules for smart parsing
Org reader: Require whitespace around def list markers
Fix function dropping subtrees tagged :noexport:
Andreas Lööw (1):
Consider header files when determining whether to use csquotes.
Andrew Dunning (9):
Add new variables for ConTeXt template to README.
Update LaTeX/ConTeXt variable usage in README.
Note expanded support for abstract, keywords.
Remove redundant `center` variable for reveal.js.
Improve documentation of template updates.
Update LaTeX/ConTeXt link colour usage.
Fix math cross-reference.
Allow .adoc file extension for AsciiDoc.
Document change to subtitle in LaTeX.
Benoit Schweblin (1):
Fixed auto_identifiers examples
Christian Conkle (1):
Add .stack-work to gitignore
Jesse Rosenthal (6):
Follow relationships correctly in foot/endnotes.
Added test case for links in notes.
Docx reader: Handle dummy list items.
Docx reader: Add test cases for dummy list items.
Docx reader: Clean up commented-out function
Docx Reader: Remove DummyListItem type
John MacFarlane (317):
Pretty: comment fix (mb21).
Text.Pandoc.Options: modifications for image attributes.
Require pandoc-types >= 1.14
ImageSize: Added functions for converting between image dimensions.
Parsing: Add `extractIdClass`, modified type of `KeyTable`.
PDF: Modified for new image size attributes parameter.
ICML writer: Add Cite style to citations.
ICML writer: changed type of `writeICML`.
Updated readers and writers for new image attribute parameter.
Updated Arbitrary instance for new image attribute parameter.
Updated tests for image attribute changes.
stack.yaml : use 3.10 resolver.
Man template: make "generated by" comment conditional.
Tests: Unset `pandoc-version` so we don't get the comment...
Merge pull request #2461 from classeur/master
HTML-based templates: Use en dash between title prefix & title.
Updated tests for template changes.
Use MarLinn's real name in changelog.
Merge pull request #2458 from mb21/lang-inlines
Updated latex, beamer templates to support language divs/spans.
Fixed one test case.
Allow use of ConTeXt to generate PDFs.
Update date on README.
ConTeXt template: link color to black, define all sections.
LaTeX template: simplify hyperref usage.
Merge pull request #2467 from adunning/patch-1
Updated tests for latex/context template changes.
Textile writer: support start number in ordered lists.
Changed § to % in operators from Odt.Arrows.Utils.
Avoid compiler warning for unused identifier.
Fixed over-eager raw HTML inline parsing.
Merge pull request #2475 from tarleb/org-paragraph-before-list
make_osx_package: don't create man5.
Added stack.hsb2hs.yaml, for easy installation of hsb2hs.
Changes for deb and osx package generators.
Changed path . to .. in deb/osx stack.yaml.
Set paths in make_deb and make_osx_package.
Moved PATH setting in make_deb, make_osx_package.
Improved fetching of pandoc-citeproc man page.
make_deb: changed path for man page.
Added Paths_pandoc to other-modules for executable stanza.
Fixed typo.
Fixed typo.
Added Vagrantfile for building deb in vm.
deb/Vagrantfile: share .., so we can put the deb there.
deb/Makefile: added 'clean'.
Merge pull request #2477 from tarleb/org-toggling-header-args
Template improvements (Andrew Dunning).
Merge pull request #2481 from mb21/textarabic
Merge pull request #2484 from nickbart1980/patch-4
Markdown reader: improved parser for `mmd_title_block`.
LaTeX writer: Use `\hypertarget` and `\hyperlink` for links.
Change default for old-locale flag to False.
LaTeX writer: add `\protect` to `\hyperlink`.
Fixed omitted `url(...)` in CSS data-uri with `--self-contained`.
New approach to stack build on appveyor.
Revert "New approach to stack build on appveyor."
Beamer template: fix incompatibility of section slides with natbib.
Textile reader: don't do smart punctuation unless explicitly asked.
Beamer template: added code to prevent slide breaks inside paragraphs.
HTML writer: use width on whole table if col widths sum to < 100%.
Pipe tables with long lines now get relative cell widths.
LaTeX writer: avoid footnotes in list of figures.
LaTeX writer: properly handle footnotes in captions.
Merge pull request #2472 from adunning/patch-1
Use -XNoImplicitPrelude and 'import Prelude' explicitly.
Merge pull request #2505 from tarleb/org-header-markup-fix
Merge pull request #2502 from minoki/latex-comment-environment
Use Default-extensions rather than ghc-options for NoImplicitPrelude.
Give up support for ghc 7.4.
Revert "Give up support for ghc 7.4."
Revert "Use Default-extensions rather than ghc-options for NoImplicitPrelude."
Revert "Use -XNoImplicitPrelude and 'import Prelude' explicitly."
Restored Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid.
make_travis_yml.hs: don't suppress -Werror on ghc 7.10.
Fixed shadowing error.
LaTeX writer: set `colorlinks`...
EPUB writer: don't download linked media when `data-external` attribute set.
README: consistent capitalization for pandoc and Markdown.
Updated date on README.
ConTeXt and LaTeX templates: more cleanup (Andrew Dunning).
Updated tests for template changes.
Debian: added configurable VAGRANTBOX env variable.
Bump version to 1.15.2.
Added Arata Mizuki to contributor list.
Updated changelog.
Updated RELEASE_CHECKLIST with new deb procedure.
Makefile: include version in man page.
Updated man page from README.
Allow `://` in citation keys.
Added `emoji` extension to Markdown.
Updated changelog.
Merge pull request #2525 from tarleb/org-smart-fixes
Updated changelog.
Merge pull request #2526 from tarleb/org-definition-lists-fix
Text.Pandoc.Emoji: use hex escapes instead of Unicode in source.
Updated changelog.
make-windows-installer.bat: run tests.
Use current pandoc-citeproc for deb and osx packages.
Allow process 1.3.
Use lts-3.13 resolver.
Use latest pandoc-citeproc in osx, deb packages.
Updated changelog.
Slight improvement to changelog.
Added note about default for --email-obfuscation.
Allow more customization of opendocument styles.
Derive Generic instances for types in Text.Pandoc.Options.
Use latest pandoc-citeproc in deb and osx packages.
Merge pull request #2531 from adunning/patch-3
Merge pull request #2533 from adunning/patch-4
Use stack for Windows installer.
Docx writer: insert space between footnote ref and footnote.
Updated changelog.
Added 'make changes' target.
Added 'make changes_github' and 'make changes', updated release checklist.
Updated man page.
Removed 'changes' Makefile target.
Vagrantfile: Install certificates needed for stack to work.
deb/Vagrantfile improvements.
Build deb pkg on wheezy so we require a lower libc version.
make_osx_package.sh: be compatible with OSX >= 10.7.
Fixed bug in make_osx_package.sh script.
Adjusted trypandoc makefile for use of sandbox.
'make dist' - use stack to build from tarball.
Added two missing test cases to extra-source-files in pandoc.cabal.
Use example.com for sample link in changelog.
Use generic example.com link in README and changelog.
Added stack.yaml to other-source-files so it gets into tarball.
Updated man page.
Bump version to Updated changelog.
Updated man page.
reveal.js template: Fixed parallaxBackground options.
Improved implicit pandoc-citeproc inclusion.
HTML writer: Include `example` class for example lists.
Merge pull request #2540 from adunning/patch-3
ICML writer: better handling of math.
Textile reader: skip over attribute in image source.
Haddock writer: omit formatting inside links.
Added 'navigation' variable to beamer template.
Rationalized behavior of --no-tex-ligatures and --smart.
Merge pull request #2509 from adunning/patch-2
Merge pull request #2506 from adunning/patch-1
Merge pull request #2532 from michaelbeaumont/fix-2530
Merge branch 'new-image-attributes' of https://github.com/mb21/pandoc into mb21-new-image-attributes
Renamed link attribute extensions.
latex template changes.
context template: Revert use of `\setuphead` in title block.
context template: use simplefonts for font loading.
Updated tests for context template changes.
New stack-based .travis.yml.
Removed ./travis_long from .travis.yml.
More travis/stack tweaks.
Tweaked travis.yml.
Back to cabal-based .travis.yml.
travis: install unreleased pandoc-types & texmath.
Fixed .travis.yml syntax.
Fix travis problem.
Further travis tweaks.
Travis, make_travis_yml: reverted addition of 'cabal test' in tgz.
ImageSize: use safeRead instead of readMaybe.
Simpler travis - build pandoc, pandoc-citeproc, texmath together.
Back to stack-based .travis.yml; use stack 1.8.
Fixed travis.
Fixed travis again.
Added sanity check in .travis.yml to diagnose problem.
Travis: Use --system-ghc.
Travis: only use ghc 7.10.2 for now.
Improved Citations section of README.
hlint refactorings.
hlint fixes.
hlint fixes.
hlint changes
hlint fixes
hlint fixes
Document limitations of --self-contained.
Define a `meta-json` variable for all writers.
AsciiDoc writer: Fixed code blocks.
Beamer writer: mark frame as fragile when it contains verbatim.
LaTeX reader: Use curly quotes for unmatched `.
Improved fetchItem so that C:/Blah/Blah.jpg isn't treated as URL.
LaTeX reader: Improved smart quote parsing.
Allow pipe tables with no body rows.
Updated README for new pipe table behavior.
Added bodyless pipe table test case.
Added stack.full.yaml to build pandoc-citeproc as well.
s/mb21/Mauro Bieg/ in README contributor list and changelog.
Markdown writer: use raw HTML for link/image attributes when
stack.full.yaml - use local versions of everything.
Docx writer: better handling of PDF images.
Use lts-3.16.
Merge pull request #2568 from mb21/readers-images
Merge pull request #2569 from rgaiacs/add-highlighting-to-gap
Fixed man template so disabling hyphenation actually works.
LaTeX template changes:
Markdown reader: Improved pipe table relative widths.
Beamer template: make `\euro` conditional on presence of character.
Fixed Emoji character definitions.
trypandoc: sort drop-down lists.
Use latest texmath dev version in stack.yaml.
Update texmath version in stack.yaml.
stack.yaml: Use pandoc-types commit with SoftBreak.
Markdown reader: parse soft break as SoftBreak.
Implemented SoftBreak and new `--wrap` option.
Removed deprecated options `--offline` and `--html5`.
FB2 writer: support SoftBreak.
Fixed cite key parsing regression.
Restore no wrapping of XML in Docx, ODT.
Updated pandoc-types commit in stack.yaml
Modified readers to emit SoftBreak when appropriate.
Test fixes.
stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-types.
Fixed tests.
Update to use latest releases of highlighting-kate and texmath.
Implemented `east_asian_line_breaks` extension.
AsciiDoc writers: Add anchors on Div elements.
AsciiDoc writer: support anchors in spans with id elements.
Use lts-3.18 resolver to avoid Windows build problems.
Use lts-3.18 in stack.yamls.
Use posix path separators in ICML link URIs.
Fixed ICML image syntax for local files.
Merge pull request #2570 from mb21/rst-reader-imgattrs
ICML writer: removed redundant import.
Updated changelog.
Removed deprecated --strict option entirely.
Removed "compatibility mode" when called as hsmarkdown.
Factored out convertWithOpts
Fixed benchmark for new API.
Reorganized changelog.
Merge pull request #2591 from mb21/ICML-figures
Fixed typos in changelog.
Updated changelog.
Merge pull request #2594 from adunning/patch-1
Merge pull request #2593 from mb21/icml-linebreaks
Explain how to get `subtitle` to work with latex article etc.
Markdown reader: fixed parsing bug with macros.
README: reflowed to avoid overly long lines.
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AndreasLoow/pandoc into AndreasLoow-master
Merge branch 'AndreasLoow-master'
Fix language code for Czech (cs not cz)
Added needed import of FromJSON.
LaTeX/Beamer template changes (Thomas Hodgson):
Beamer: Moved header-includes before setting of title etc.
Updated changelog
Merge pull request #2598 from twsh/biblatexoptions
Added preliminary support for PDF creation via wkhtmltopdf.
pdf via wkhtmltopdf: take `title` and `page-size` from metadata.
Allow setting margins from metadata variables for wkhtmltopdf.
Improved treatment of margins in wkhtmltopdf.
LaTeX reader: allow blank space between braced arguments of commands.
LaTeX writer: create defaults for geometry using margin-left etc.
ConTeXt writer: set default layout based on margin-left, etc.
Updated README with margin and papersize variables.
Added 'paper' after $papersize$ variable in latex template.
Use cmark 0.5.
stack.yaml - use simpler extra-deps field.
Relax version bound on HTTP.
HTML slide templates: add toc. (Andrew Dunning)
Allow binary 0.8
Allow process 1.4
Updated changelog.
Tweaks to changelog.
MediaWiki writer: fix spacing issues.
MediaWiki reader: interpret markup inside `<tt>`, `<code>`.
Updated changelog.
Updated stack.yaml files.
Updated filter for man pages.
Updated man page.
Fixed windows stack.yaml.
Fixed debpkg target.
Textile reader: don't allow block HTML tags in inline contexts.
Updated binary package stack.yamls to ensure pandoc-citeproc...
windows/stack.yaml - use local pandoc-citeproc.
Fixed v1.16 reversion with --latex-engine.
Updated .travis.yml, added ghc 7.10.3 to tested-with.
Added 7.10.3 to make_travis_yml.hs known versions.
Regenerated .travis.yml to include 7.10.3.
Go back to testing with ghc 7.10.2.
RST, Markdown writers: Fixed rendering of grid tables with blank rows.
Merge pull request #2622 from conklech/ignore-stack
stack.yaml: bump pandoc-types version to
Make file globbing work on windows.
Revert "Make file globbing work on windows."
stack.yaml, stack.full.yaml - use lts-4.0 resolver.
Improved default template lookup for custom lua scripts.
Markdown reader: renormalize table column widths if they exceed 100%.
Upgrade hsb2hs.yaml lts resolver.
make_deb.sh - added --stack-setup-yaml.
deb/Makefile: Renamed COMMIT -> TREE
deb pkg generation improvements.
make_deb.sh - use --install-ghc flag instead of stack setup.
Merge pull request #2629 from tarleb/org-noexport-fix
deb/make_deb.sh - removed 'stack clean'.
Minor tweak in how make_deb.sh is called.
More deb packaging tweaks.
debpkg - back to lts-3.20.
deb/Makefile - make DEBPKGVER work.
deb/stack.yaml - use older aeson to avoid excessive memory use in compile.
stack.yaml - use older aeson to avoid excessive memory use on compile.
Merge pull request #2632 from matt-e/fix-stack-build
Entity handling fixes:
Work around tagsoup bug - not allowing uppercase x in hex entities.
Added some entity tests in Markdown reader tests.
Fixed shadowing warning.
LaTeX writer: restore old treatment of Span.
Version bump to
Updated changelog.
Updated stack.yaml.
Fixed typo in deb/stack.yaml.
osx package fixes: correct version, allow installation to any drive.
README - changed date.
Regenerated man page.
Release checklist: added note on regenerating Hackage docs.
Fixed regression in latex smart quote parsing.
Depend on deepseq rather than deepseq-generics.
Version to, updated changelog.
Updated README date.
Updated man page.
Jonas Smedegaard (2):
Imported Upstream version
Imported Upstream version
Matthew Eddey (2):
Update stack.full.yaml
Update stack.yaml
Raniere Silva (1):
Add support to GAP
Thomas Hodgson (1):
Removed hyphen
mb21 (14):
Updated readers, writers and README for link attribute
Updated Arbitrary instance for link attribute
Updated tests for link attribute changes.
LaTeX and ConTeXt writers: support lang attribute on divs and spans
Added writers-lang-and-dir test, fixed ConTeXt writer test
LaTeX writer: \textarabic fix
Parse CSS that doesn't contain the optional semicolon
Textile Reader: image attributes
RST reader: image attributes
new function to extract multiple properties at once in CSS.hs
Docx reader: image attributes
ODT/OpenDocument writer: improved image attributes
ICML writer: added figure handling, closes #2590
ICML writer: intersperse line breaks
michaelbeaumont (1):
Interpret pauses correctly for all headers
nickbart1980 (1):
Added de-CH-1901, fixed el-polyton
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 2e80643 Pretty: comment fix (mb21).
new 5df0999 Text.Pandoc.Options: modifications for image attributes.
new b08330b Require pandoc-types >= 1.14
new 878ab00 ImageSize: Added functions for converting between image dimensions.
new 76f0708 Parsing: Add `extractIdClass`, modified type of `KeyTable`.
new 12df405 PDF: Modified for new image size attributes parameter.
new 4391c5f ICML writer: Add Cite style to citations.
new 9deb335 ICML writer: changed type of `writeICML`.
new 92d48fa Updated readers and writers for new image attribute parameter.
new 564b0c4 Updated Arbitrary instance for new image attribute parameter.
new e44fc54 Updated tests for image attribute changes.
new a010b83 Updated readers, writers and README for link attribute
new fe2907c Updated Arbitrary instance for link attribute
new 08243d5 Updated tests for link attribute changes.
new f0c4790 Consider header files when determining whether to use csquotes.
new 5f25cf7 Fixed auto_identifiers examples
new 9328f4c LaTeX and ConTeXt writers: support lang attribute on divs and spans
new fa2b26d Added writers-lang-and-dir test, fixed ConTeXt writer test
new ea8da02 stack.yaml : use 3.10 resolver.
new 3b87933 Man template: make "generated by" comment conditional.
new 448f5b1 Tests: Unset `pandoc-version` so we don't get the comment...
new 88099bb Merge pull request #2461 from classeur/master
new b2bf860 HTML-based templates: Use en dash between title prefix & title.
new d028dcb Updated tests for template changes.
new 5062e03 Use MarLinn's real name in changelog.
new b49ab06 Merge pull request #2458 from mb21/lang-inlines
new 48aaf1b Updated latex, beamer templates to support language divs/spans.
new 82d2719 Fixed one test case.
new 8193ebc Allow use of ConTeXt to generate PDFs.
new 9f4faa5 Update date on README.
new eae2490 ConTeXt template: link color to black, define all sections.
new 273853d LaTeX template: simplify hyperref usage.
new 3ad6e58 Add new variables for ConTeXt template to README.
new ece2a6c Merge pull request #2467 from adunning/patch-1
new 652b60f Updated tests for latex/context template changes.
new 52e0330 Update LaTeX/ConTeXt variable usage in README.
new 48b68aa Textile writer: support start number in ordered lists.
new 317d9ee Changed § to % in operators from Odt.Arrows.Utils.
new a21833b Avoid compiler warning for unused identifier.
new a7150bb Fixed over-eager raw HTML inline parsing.
new 7c20cf1 Note expanded support for abstract, keywords.
new b273667 Org reader: fix paragraph/list interaction
new 8aa9e83 Merge pull request #2475 from tarleb/org-paragraph-before-list
new 69178d5 make_osx_package: don't create man5.
new 68ca646 Added stack.hsb2hs.yaml, for easy installation of hsb2hs.
new aafccdb Changes for deb and osx package generators.
new d355163 Changed path . to .. in deb/osx stack.yaml.
new d7e6a95 Set paths in make_deb and make_osx_package.
new 797ec7c Moved PATH setting in make_deb, make_osx_package.
new f8e58de Improved fetching of pandoc-citeproc man page.
new 0914f7f make_deb: changed path for man page.
new a777c6e Added Paths_pandoc to other-modules for executable stanza.
new ac1c0a9 Fixed typo.
new 34bcaed Fixed typo.
new 31e46c1 Added Vagrantfile for building deb in vm.
new c9693ae deb/Vagrantfile: share .., so we can put the deb there.
new f3e559c deb/Makefile: added 'clean'.
new 27a8603 Org reader: allow toggling header args
new f3f6483 LaTeX writer: \textarabic fix
new 45df87c Merge pull request #2477 from tarleb/org-toggling-header-args
new 7d4f174 Template improvements (Andrew Dunning).
new 89d399b Merge pull request #2481 from mb21/textarabic
new 143093e Added de-CH-1901, fixed el-polyton
new 2c08913 Merge pull request #2484 from nickbart1980/patch-4
new 3ea4446 Markdown reader: improved parser for `mmd_title_block`.
new d5efa9b LaTeX writer: Use `\hypertarget` and `\hyperlink` for links.
new 3b4d5d2 Change default for old-locale flag to False.
new 1d53d45 LaTeX writer: add `\protect` to `\hyperlink`.
new fb1843e Fixed omitted `url(...)` in CSS data-uri with `--self-contained`.
new cdd6389 New approach to stack build on appveyor.
new 95201a0 Revert "New approach to stack build on appveyor."
new d1ba023 Beamer template: fix incompatibility of section slides with natbib.
new 532ae22 Textile reader: don't do smart punctuation unless explicitly asked.
new 893ba98 Beamer template: added code to prevent slide breaks inside paragraphs.
new 7843b57 HTML writer: use width on whole table if col widths sum to < 100%.
new eb8aee4 Pipe tables with long lines now get relative cell widths.
new c4ea642 LaTeX writer: avoid footnotes in list of figures.
new 411a253 LaTeX writer: properly handle footnotes in captions.
new da05619 Merge pull request #2472 from adunning/patch-1
new 94500f7 LaTeX reader: Handle `comment` environment.
new e3b4844 Org reader: fix markup parsing in headers
new c423dbb Use -XNoImplicitPrelude and 'import Prelude' explicitly.
new 237c109 Merge pull request #2505 from tarleb/org-header-markup-fix
new 5a9ca26 Merge pull request #2502 from minoki/latex-comment-environment
new 67cabb2 Use Default-extensions rather than ghc-options for NoImplicitPrelude.
new e0c83f7 Give up support for ghc 7.4.
new 6c27e5f Remove redundant `center` variable for reveal.js.
new 384d03d Revert "Give up support for ghc 7.4."
new 777d717 Revert "Use Default-extensions rather than ghc-options for NoImplicitPrelude."
new 23b693c Revert "Use -XNoImplicitPrelude and 'import Prelude' explicitly."
new c1e474f Restored Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid.
new 38197c0 make_travis_yml.hs: don't suppress -Werror on ghc 7.10.
new 64b32e1 Fixed shadowing error.
new 83b1aa0 LaTeX writer: set `colorlinks`...
new c80c0df EPUB writer: don't download linked media when `data-external` attribute set.
new 562d051 README: consistent capitalization for pandoc and Markdown.
new a4759d8 Updated date on README.
new fe56af9 ConTeXt and LaTeX templates: more cleanup (Andrew Dunning).
new 0fd1381 Updated tests for template changes.
new 51195b3 Debian: added configurable VAGRANTBOX env variable.
new 193f00b Bump version to 1.15.2.
new 03743a3 Added Arata Mizuki to contributor list.
new c172383 Updated changelog.
new cc31d7d Updated RELEASE_CHECKLIST with new deb procedure.
new 43bcf5b Makefile: include version in man page.
new a119ad8 Updated man page from README.
new d8080db Allow `://` in citation keys.
new 220f3d1 Org reader: Fix emphasis rules for smart parsing
new 0a6aaf5 Added `emoji` extension to Markdown.
new 03ea420 Updated changelog.
new 028a605 Merge pull request #2525 from tarleb/org-smart-fixes
new c65674a Updated changelog.
new 67cb280 Org reader: Require whitespace around def list markers
new 73e6333 Merge pull request #2526 from tarleb/org-definition-lists-fix
new 37285b4 Text.Pandoc.Emoji: use hex escapes instead of Unicode in source.
new abca1da Updated changelog.
new acbd8be make-windows-installer.bat: run tests.
new ad321ba Use current pandoc-citeproc for deb and osx packages.
new e5b374e Follow relationships correctly in foot/endnotes.
new 78c90bd Added test case for links in notes.
new a63cb7e Allow process 1.3.
new cc062e7 Use lts-3.13 resolver.
new 0a9bb96 Use latest pandoc-citeproc in osx, deb packages.
new baa5ea3 Updated changelog.
new 55ea4d4 Slight improvement to changelog.
new 0f3a68a Added note about default for --email-obfuscation.
new 8b28932 Interpret pauses correctly for all headers
new 06ad6bd Improve documentation of template updates.
new 580a7fa Update LaTeX/ConTeXt link colour usage.
new 420c86b Allow more customization of opendocument styles.
new 3026c8d Fix math cross-reference.
new 8f5ff70 Derive Generic instances for types in Text.Pandoc.Options.
new 012110d Use latest pandoc-citeproc in deb and osx packages.
new db47cc2 Merge pull request #2531 from adunning/patch-3
new 2725ad3 Merge pull request #2533 from adunning/patch-4
new 87f20f1 Use stack for Windows installer.
new 593cbd8 Docx writer: insert space between footnote ref and footnote.
new 9ebd601 Updated changelog.
new 07e1234 Added 'make changes' target.
new 8914b65 Added 'make changes_github' and 'make changes', updated release checklist.
new fc56d9d Updated man page.
new 87470bd Removed 'changes' Makefile target.
new 35faf0c Vagrantfile: Install certificates needed for stack to work.
new 48503f9 deb/Vagrantfile improvements.
new fce995a Build deb pkg on wheezy so we require a lower libc version.
new b98fced make_osx_package.sh: be compatible with OSX >= 10.7.
new c720cbf Fixed bug in make_osx_package.sh script.
new b59d0fb Adjusted trypandoc makefile for use of sandbox.
new a52b188 'make dist' - use stack to build from tarball.
new 23c6f0c Added two missing test cases to extra-source-files in pandoc.cabal.
new c65d13a Use example.com for sample link in changelog.
new 6a22604 Use generic example.com link in README and changelog.
new bfea922 Added stack.yaml to other-source-files so it gets into tarball.
new d58d242 Updated man page.
new 0555d02 Bump version to Updated changelog.
new 5985688 Updated man page.
new a081df1 reveal.js template: Fixed parallaxBackground options.
new e441499 Improved implicit pandoc-citeproc inclusion.
new 74cf527 HTML writer: Include `example` class for example lists.
new ec0a227 Allow .adoc file extension for AsciiDoc.
new 46ff0e9 Merge pull request #2540 from adunning/patch-3
new f096f03 ICML writer: better handling of math.
new 469338a Textile reader: skip over attribute in image source.
new 995f28f Haddock writer: omit formatting inside links.
new 1f2c373 Added 'navigation' variable to beamer template.
new 5527465 Docx reader: Handle dummy list items.
new 186a955 Docx reader: Add test cases for dummy list items.
new da4103b Docx reader: Clean up commented-out function
new ed1173a Rationalized behavior of --no-tex-ligatures and --smart.
new 3f095ad Merge pull request #2509 from adunning/patch-2
new fdc81be Merge pull request #2506 from adunning/patch-1
new 1ad296d Merge pull request #2532 from michaelbeaumont/fix-2530
new 244cd56 Merge branch 'new-image-attributes' of https://github.com/mb21/pandoc into mb21-new-image-attributes
new 73e2d79 Renamed link attribute extensions.
new e5573bc latex template changes.
new fbb81c4 context template: Revert use of `\setuphead` in title block.
new 16be932 context template: use simplefonts for font loading.
new 6a28923 Updated tests for context template changes.
new ece6b63 New stack-based .travis.yml.
new 6ae2183 Removed ./travis_long from .travis.yml.
new 3ee2d62 More travis/stack tweaks.
new d20b15b Tweaked travis.yml.
new bd07432 Back to cabal-based .travis.yml.
new 0ea7cce travis: install unreleased pandoc-types & texmath.
new ba2bce3 Fixed .travis.yml syntax.
new f36f0b2 Fix travis problem.
new 1494097 Further travis tweaks.
new 99bc204 Travis, make_travis_yml: reverted addition of 'cabal test' in tgz.
new c5b9ae3 ImageSize: use safeRead instead of readMaybe.
new da43c70 Simpler travis - build pandoc, pandoc-citeproc, texmath together.
new 3f89c95 Back to stack-based .travis.yml; use stack 1.8.
new e456ddb Fixed travis.
new dd2d8ff Fixed travis again.
new ad6a340 Added sanity check in .travis.yml to diagnose problem.
new 8f0490a Travis: Use --system-ghc.
new 67b49d7 Travis: only use ghc 7.10.2 for now.
new 39a92b2 Improved Citations section of README.
new f0670cc hlint refactorings.
new 4b293a6 hlint fixes.
new a7f6241 hlint fixes.
new bbb3d8d hlint changes
new f7e3714 hlint fixes
new a008e57 hlint fixes
new 07b8a45 Docx Reader: Remove DummyListItem type
new 902c63e Document limitations of --self-contained.
new 4361dc0 Define a `meta-json` variable for all writers.
new b20ecbe AsciiDoc writer: Fixed code blocks.
new 2633dc2 Beamer writer: mark frame as fragile when it contains verbatim.
new 2eb5d2d LaTeX reader: Use curly quotes for unmatched `.
new ce55834 Improved fetchItem so that C:/Blah/Blah.jpg isn't treated as URL.
new c73ae81 LaTeX reader: Improved smart quote parsing.
new 33d328f Allow pipe tables with no body rows.
new e79fb6c Updated README for new pipe table behavior.
new 57350d9 Added bodyless pipe table test case.
new bfbd6c6 Added stack.full.yaml to build pandoc-citeproc as well.
new 2df4f39 s/mb21/Mauro Bieg/ in README contributor list and changelog.
new 6d91fb2 Markdown writer: use raw HTML for link/image attributes when
new 5c45a43 stack.full.yaml - use local versions of everything.
new 622f096 Docx writer: better handling of PDF images.
new ad6578f Use lts-3.16.
new 1f379da Parse CSS that doesn't contain the optional semicolon
new d901a3d Textile Reader: image attributes
new 48b7d25 Merge pull request #2568 from mb21/readers-images
new 13f74d0 Add support to GAP
new b63dc2c Merge pull request #2569 from rgaiacs/add-highlighting-to-gap
new 7b66f84 Fixed man template so disabling hyphenation actually works.
new e5c72ca LaTeX template changes:
new dd8df6c Markdown reader: Improved pipe table relative widths.
new fde548f Beamer template: make `\euro` conditional on presence of character.
new 09958d7 Fixed Emoji character definitions.
new 5f97abc trypandoc: sort drop-down lists.
new cf476fb Use latest texmath dev version in stack.yaml.
new b288884 Update texmath version in stack.yaml.
new 83c56bd stack.yaml: Use pandoc-types commit with SoftBreak.
new 63d875c Markdown reader: parse soft break as SoftBreak.
new 536b6bf Implemented SoftBreak and new `--wrap` option.
new b747243 Removed deprecated options `--offline` and `--html5`.
new 1b0e099 FB2 writer: support SoftBreak.
new 28a2f4c Fixed cite key parsing regression.
new 47cc5ad Restore no wrapping of XML in Docx, ODT.
new d9c2f50 Updated pandoc-types commit in stack.yaml
new af7e782 Modified readers to emit SoftBreak when appropriate.
new d6a4c70 Test fixes.
new 9ce7029 stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-types.
new 202d848 Fixed tests.
new 60d383e Update to use latest releases of highlighting-kate and texmath.
new 44120ea Implemented `east_asian_line_breaks` extension.
new 3e079a2 AsciiDoc writers: Add anchors on Div elements.
new e4b3da6 AsciiDoc writer: support anchors in spans with id elements.
new 30644b2 RST reader: image attributes
new 2060f5f new function to extract multiple properties at once in CSS.hs
new 37931cb Docx reader: image attributes
new df68f25 ODT/OpenDocument writer: improved image attributes
new 6c8a930 Use lts-3.18 resolver to avoid Windows build problems.
new 36c589a Use lts-3.18 in stack.yamls.
new 90b8024 Use posix path separators in ICML link URIs.
new a924a3f Fixed ICML image syntax for local files.
new f3133a8 Merge pull request #2570 from mb21/rst-reader-imgattrs
new 9f43acb ICML writer: removed redundant import.
new 3573d99 Updated changelog.
new 678e7da Removed deprecated --strict option entirely.
new c16efea Removed "compatibility mode" when called as hsmarkdown.
new a6d810a Factored out convertWithOpts
new 3e005aa Fixed benchmark for new API.
new 7c22959 Reorganized changelog.
new f3a9bda ICML writer: added figure handling, closes #2590
new 2af6bf3 Merge pull request #2591 from mb21/ICML-figures
new 62910d4 Fixed typos in changelog.
new d925cd6 Updated changelog.
new 1ead1f3 ICML writer: intersperse line breaks
new eb8a758 Document change to subtitle in LaTeX.
new e670435 Merge pull request #2594 from adunning/patch-1
new efb34a1 Merge pull request #2593 from mb21/icml-linebreaks
new ad3ef55 Explain how to get `subtitle` to work with latex article etc.
new e20f433 Markdown reader: fixed parsing bug with macros.
new ce21b2c README: reflowed to avoid overly long lines.
new 4c103f6 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AndreasLoow/pandoc into AndreasLoow-master
new 2998618 Merge branch 'AndreasLoow-master'
new 770641f Fix language code for Czech (cs not cz)
new 9333814 Added needed import of FromJSON.
new 28b2d86 LaTeX/Beamer template changes (Thomas Hodgson):
new 6924937 Beamer: Moved header-includes before setting of title etc.
new cab20a9 Removed hyphen
new 5c4e247 Updated changelog
new 32d2789 Merge pull request #2598 from twsh/biblatexoptions
new 0a768f1 Added preliminary support for PDF creation via wkhtmltopdf.
new 0596b65 pdf via wkhtmltopdf: take `title` and `page-size` from metadata.
new 8b8bdca Allow setting margins from metadata variables for wkhtmltopdf.
new 46e38d0 Improved treatment of margins in wkhtmltopdf.
new 35e0544 LaTeX reader: allow blank space between braced arguments of commands.
new f9202f5 LaTeX writer: create defaults for geometry using margin-left etc.
new 2973450 ConTeXt writer: set default layout based on margin-left, etc.
new 3861df5 Updated README with margin and papersize variables.
new 59d6f02 Added 'paper' after $papersize$ variable in latex template.
new b27783e Use cmark 0.5.
new a2fa460 stack.yaml - use simpler extra-deps field.
new 5f814b6 Relax version bound on HTTP.
new 54f4faa HTML slide templates: add toc. (Andrew Dunning)
new cfa6f9f Allow binary 0.8
new 8908205 Allow process 1.4
new f81c098 Updated changelog.
new 6ed41cb Tweaks to changelog.
new a68e072 MediaWiki writer: fix spacing issues.
new 75695b1 MediaWiki reader: interpret markup inside `<tt>`, `<code>`.
new 44c762e Updated changelog.
new 4edd1a7 Updated stack.yaml files.
new b5d9798 Updated filter for man pages.
new 1c0ebe6 Updated man page.
new 13f04ce Fixed windows stack.yaml.
new 90a2df3 Fixed debpkg target.
new 97c9691 Textile reader: don't allow block HTML tags in inline contexts.
new 1cee481 Updated binary package stack.yamls to ensure pandoc-citeproc...
new a6d20b3 windows/stack.yaml - use local pandoc-citeproc.
new 4990350 Fixed v1.16 reversion with --latex-engine.
new 694eb87 Updated .travis.yml, added ghc 7.10.3 to tested-with.
new 51a415e Added 7.10.3 to make_travis_yml.hs known versions.
new e792920 Regenerated .travis.yml to include 7.10.3.
new a81b093 Go back to testing with ghc 7.10.2.
new a796538 RST, Markdown writers: Fixed rendering of grid tables with blank rows.
new 45f5fc9 Add .stack-work to gitignore
new 2aee5a3 Merge pull request #2622 from conklech/ignore-stack
new 73d1175 stack.yaml: bump pandoc-types version to
new 363ecfe Make file globbing work on windows.
new 197f301 Revert "Make file globbing work on windows."
new f6fe430 stack.yaml, stack.full.yaml - use lts-4.0 resolver.
new a5efd2a Improved default template lookup for custom lua scripts.
new c4fdf28 Markdown reader: renormalize table column widths if they exceed 100%.
new b3b00da Fix function dropping subtrees tagged :noexport:
new 510a539 Upgrade hsb2hs.yaml lts resolver.
new af706bc make_deb.sh - added --stack-setup-yaml.
new 669153e deb/Makefile: Renamed COMMIT -> TREE
new 646ef17 deb pkg generation improvements.
new d2dfacc make_deb.sh - use --install-ghc flag instead of stack setup.
new 9320d35 Merge pull request #2629 from tarleb/org-noexport-fix
new 8a5950a deb/make_deb.sh - removed 'stack clean'.
new 6cb94d5 Minor tweak in how make_deb.sh is called.
new 6cf610d More deb packaging tweaks.
new f010b39 debpkg - back to lts-3.20.
new eadf5ad deb/Makefile - make DEBPKGVER work.
new 0602a22 deb/stack.yaml - use older aeson to avoid excessive memory use in compile.
new c30ad6f stack.yaml - use older aeson to avoid excessive memory use on compile.
new dbff1d1 Update stack.full.yaml
new 1730e63 Update stack.yaml
new 52d95dd Merge pull request #2632 from matt-e/fix-stack-build
new 12a5bd3 Entity handling fixes:
new 5884ff6 Work around tagsoup bug - not allowing uppercase x in hex entities.
new d5f6782 Added some entity tests in Markdown reader tests.
new 729911a Fixed shadowing warning.
new 1506e62 LaTeX writer: restore old treatment of Span.
new 687c39e Version bump to
new 1fbbc2b Updated changelog.
new 5eb8087 Updated stack.yaml.
new a412104 Fixed typo in deb/stack.yaml.
new 6936a6a osx package fixes: correct version, allow installation to any drive.
new 37ac274 README - changed date.
new 293f31c Regenerated man page.
new 4db912f Release checklist: added note on regenerating Hackage docs.
new 8611ac5 Fixed regression in latex smart quote parsing.
new f34382e Depend on deepseq rather than deepseq-generics.
new 3004306 Version to, updated changelog.
new ee09ee1 Updated README date.
new f8776ed Updated man page.
new 508f4ba Imported Upstream version
new 355c08d Imported Upstream version
The 364 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/pandoc.git
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