[dh-haskell] tag done_configure created (now c180aec)

Dmitry Bogatov kaction-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 22 06:26:08 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

kaction-guest pushed a change to tag done_configure
in repository dh-haskell.

        at  c180aec   (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:

       new  a28aa98   Initial commit
       new  0c9c0a2   Prelimitary debianization
       new  45acc8d   Add perl makefile
       new  7e9872a   Fix trivial errors
       new  1ac17f3   Add gitignore
       new  2ef5ebc   Add repl for simple debugging
       new  4882c9d   sub: detect_haskell_compiler
       new  2b9ef49   typo: compilers -> compiler
       new  7291761   detect whether profiling is required
       new  8bcfe97   clean stage: do not pollute source directory
       new  a27466f   perltidy
       new  0a7fe6e   Refactor detect_haskell_compiler
       new  30dc824   sub: ghc_linker_flags
       new  9412f7e   Compilers paths must be absolute (add leading slash)
       new  0d71112   wip: cabal configure args
       new  f4e2424   Detect upstream(cabal) name of package beeing built
       new  823bd48   perltidy
       new  c9eb53d   Detect upstream version
       new  272ddb4   Scripts to perform automatic checks on commit
       new  9df17b1   Fix missing (--ghc-option) in ghc_linker_flags
       new  6d0c600   Add command to actually perform configure
       new  1d7bae1   Add haddoc and htmldir configure opts
       new  13576ae   Add more variables to fit 80 column
       new  8246da1   Optionally define DEBIAN_NO_GHCI
       new  9e625cb   Fix double call to same function
       new  e3ab57b   sub: deb_buildopt
       new  c180aec   Configure flags for tests and optimization

The 27 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/dh-haskell.git

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