[DHG_packages] 01/01: snap-server: patch out use of bytestring-builder

Clint Adams clint at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 19 17:32:34 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

clint pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository DHG_packages.

commit 7a64c0baf72a106ecf166f4509403fdf9cc0d8bf
Author: Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 19 13:31:17 2016 -0400

    snap-server: patch out use of bytestring-builder
 p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog             |  6 ++++
 p/haskell-snap-server/debian/control               |  4 ---
 .../debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder           | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/series        |  1 +
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog
index 1d40c3d..02679dc 100644
--- a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog
+++ b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+haskell-snap-server ( experimental; urgency=medium
+  * Patch out use of bytestring-builder.
+ -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Wed, 19 Oct 2016 13:31:06 -0400
 haskell-snap-server ( experimental; urgency=medium
   [ Dmitry Bogatov ]
diff --git a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/control b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/control
index b758861..0069cab 100644
--- a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/control
+++ b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/control
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ Build-Depends:
  libghc-blaze-builder-dev (<< 0.5),
  libghc-blaze-builder-dev (>= 0.4),
- libghc-bytestring-builder-dev (<< 0.11),
- libghc-bytestring-builder-dev (>= 0.10.4),
- libghc-bytestring-builder-prof,
  libghc-case-insensitive-dev (<< 1.3),
  libghc-case-insensitive-dev (>= 1.1),
@@ -59,7 +56,6 @@ Build-Depends-Indep:
- libghc-bytestring-builder-doc,
diff --git a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd60a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- a/snap-server.cabal
++++ b/snap-server.cabal
+@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ Library
+     base                                >= 4        && < 5,
+     blaze-builder                       >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
+     bytestring                          >= 0.9.1    && < 0.11,
+-    bytestring-builder                  >= 0.10.4   && < 0.11,
+     case-insensitive                    >= 1.1      && < 1.3,
+     clock                               >= 0.7.1    && < 0.8,
+     containers                          >= 0.3      && < 0.6,
+@@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ Test-suite testsuite
+     base                                >= 4        && < 5,
+     base16-bytestring                   >= 0.1      && < 0.2,
+     blaze-builder                       >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
+-    bytestring-builder                  >= 0.10.4   && < 0.11,
+     bytestring                          >= 0.9.1    && < 0.11,
+     case-insensitive                    >= 1.1      && < 1.3,
+     clock                               >= 0.7.1    && < 0.8,
+@@ -303,7 +301,6 @@ Benchmark benchmark
+     base                                >= 4       && < 5,
+     blaze-builder                       >= 0.4     && < 0.5,
+     bytestring                          >= 0.9     && < 0.11,
+-    bytestring-builder                  >= 0.10.4  && < 0.11,
+     criterion                           >= 0.6     && < 1.2,
+     io-streams                          >= 1.3     && < 1.4,
+     io-streams-haproxy                  >= 1.0     && < 1.1,
+@@ -384,7 +381,6 @@ Executable snap-test-pong-server
+     base                                >= 4        && < 5,
+     blaze-builder                       >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
+     bytestring                          >= 0.9.1    && < 0.11,
+-    bytestring-builder                  >= 0.10.4   && < 0.11,
+     case-insensitive                    >= 1.1      && < 1.3,
+     clock                               >= 0.7.1    && < 0.8,
+     containers                          >= 0.3      && < 0.6,
+@@ -475,7 +471,6 @@ Executable snap-test-server
+     base                                >= 4        && < 5,
+     blaze-builder                       >= 0.4      && < 0.5,
+     bytestring                          >= 0.9.1    && < 0.11,
+-    bytestring-builder                  >= 0.10.4   && < 0.11,
+     case-insensitive                    >= 1.1      && < 1.3,
+     clock                               >= 0.7.1    && < 0.8,
+     containers                          >= 0.3      && < 0.6,
diff --git a/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/series b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61cbb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p/haskell-snap-server/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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