[DHG_packages] 07/09: lambdabot-haskell-plugins: Upgrading from 5.0.3 to 5.1

Clint Adams clint at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 20 00:42:56 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

clint pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository DHG_packages.

commit 4936d6ed1f94cb35d750f524fb20ea0ac659fdae
Author: Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 19 20:28:14 2016 -0400

    lambdabot-haskell-plugins: Upgrading from 5.0.3 to 5.1
 .../debian/changelog                               |  6 ++
 p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control | 15 ++--
 .../debian/patches/newer-haskell-src-exts          | 80 ----------------------
 .../debian/patches/series                          |  1 -
 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/changelog b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/changelog
index 5efff3e..dd2da09 100644
--- a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/changelog
+++ b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins (5.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version.
+ -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Wed, 19 Oct 2016 20:28:14 -0400
 haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins (5.0.3-6) experimental; urgency=medium
   [ Dmitry Bogatov ]
diff --git a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control
index ff81e1c..6db9996 100644
--- a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control
+++ b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ Build-Depends:
  libghc-iospec-dev (>= 0.2),
- libghc-lambdabot-core-dev (<< 5.1),
- libghc-lambdabot-core-dev (>= 5.0.3),
+ libghc-lambdabot-core-dev (<< 5.2),
+ libghc-lambdabot-core-dev (>= 5.1),
- libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-dev (<< 5.1),
- libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-dev (>= 5.0.3),
+ libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-dev (<< 5.2),
+ libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-dev (>= 5.1),
- libghc-lambdabot-trusted-dev (<< 5.1),
- libghc-lambdabot-trusted-dev (>= 5.0.2),
+ libghc-lambdabot-trusted-dev (<< 5.2),
+ libghc-lambdabot-trusted-dev (>= 5.1),
  libghc-lifted-base-dev (>= 0.2),
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Build-Depends:
  libghc-mtl-dev (>= 2),
- libghc-mueval-dev (>= 0.9),
+ libghc-mueval-dev (>=,
  libghc-network-dev (>=,
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Build-Depends:
  libghc-split-dev (>= 0.2),
+ libghc-src-exts-dev (<< 1.18),
  libghc-src-exts-dev (>= 1.17.0),
  libghc-syb-dev (>= 0.3),
diff --git a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/newer-haskell-src-exts b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/newer-haskell-src-exts
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e342d..0000000
--- a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/newer-haskell-src-exts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Undo.hs
-+++ b/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Undo.hs
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-                                             (var "fail")
-                                             (Lit $ String "")
-                                     ]
--        where alt pat x = Alt s pat (UnGuardedRhs x) (BDecls [])
-+        where alt pat x = Alt s pat (UnGuardedRhs x) Nothing
-     f _ = error "Undo plugin error: can't undo!"
- undo v (ListComp e stms) = f stms
-  where
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-                                     [ alt p (f xs)
-                                     , alt PWildCard nil
-                                     ]
--        where alt pat x = Alt s pat (UnGuardedRhs x) (BDecls [])
-+        where alt pat x = Alt s pat (UnGuardedRhs x) Nothing
-               concatMap' fun = App (App (var "concatMap") (Paren fun)) l
-     f _ = error "Undo plugin error: can't undo!"
- undo _ x           = x
-@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
-              case r of
-                  (Lambda loc [p] (Do stms)) -> Do (Generator loc p l : stms)
-                  (Lambda loc [PVar v1] (Case (Var (UnQual v2))
--                                            [ Alt _ p (UnGuardedRhs s) (BDecls [])
--                                            , Alt _ PWildCard (UnGuardedRhs (App (Var (UnQual (Ident "fail"))) _)) (BDecls [])
-+                                            [ Alt _ p (UnGuardedRhs s) Nothing
-+                                            , Alt _ PWildCard (UnGuardedRhs (App (Var (UnQual (Ident "fail"))) _)) Nothing
-                                             ]))
-                            | v1 == v2           -> case s of
-                                                        Do stms -> Do (Generator loc p l : stms)
---- a/lambdabot-haskell-plugins.cabal
-+++ b/lambdabot-haskell-plugins.cabal
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
-                         containers              >= 0.4,
-                         directory               >= 1.1,
-                         filepath                >= 1.3,
--                        haskell-src-exts        >= 1.16.0,
-+                        haskell-src-exts        >= 1.17.0,
-                         lambdabot-core          >= 5.0.3 && < 5.1,
-                         lambdabot-reference-plugins >= 5.0.3 && < 5.1,
-                         lifted-base             >= 0.2,
---- a/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Pointful.hs
-+++ b/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Pointful.hs
-@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
- -- move lambda patterns into LHS
- optimizeD :: Decl -> Decl
--optimizeD (PatBind locat (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats rhs)) (BDecls []))
--        =  FunBind [Match locat fname pats Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) (BDecls [])]
-+optimizeD (PatBind locat (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats rhs)) Nothing)
-+        =  FunBind [Match locat fname pats Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) Nothing]
- ---- combine function binding and lambda
--optimizeD (FunBind [Match locat fname pats1 Nothing (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats2 rhs)) (BDecls [])])
--        =  FunBind [Match locat fname (pats1 ++ pats2) Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) (BDecls [])]
-+optimizeD (FunBind [Match locat fname pats1 Nothing (UnGuardedRhs (Lambda _ pats2 rhs)) Nothing])
-+        =  FunBind [Match locat fname (pats1 ++ pats2) Nothing (UnGuardedRhs rhs) Nothing]
- optimizeD x = x
- -- remove parens
-@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-   where defs = case parseModule combinatorModule of
-           ParseOk (Hs.Module _ _ _ _ _ _ d) -> d
-           f@(ParseFailed _ _) -> error ("Combinator loading: " ++ show f)
--        declToTuple (PatBind _ (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs body) (BDecls []))
-+        declToTuple (PatBind _ (PVar fname) (UnGuardedRhs body) Nothing)
-           = (UnQual fname, Paren body)
-         declToTuple _ = error "Pointful Plugin error: can't convert declaration to tuple"
---- a/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Pretty.hs
-+++ b/src/Lambdabot/Plugin/Haskell/Pretty.hs
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-             caseIndent   = 4,
-             onsideIndent = 0
-         }
--        prettyDecl (PatBind _ (PVar (Ident "__expr__")) (UnGuardedRhs e) (BDecls [])) -- pretty printing an expression
-+        prettyDecl (PatBind _ (PVar (Ident "__expr__")) (UnGuardedRhs e) Nothing) -- pretty printing an expression
-                      = prettyPrintWithMode (makeModeExp e) e
-         prettyDecl d = prettyPrintWithMode (makeMode d) d
-     -- TODO: prefixing with hashes is done, because i didn't find a way
diff --git a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/series b/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ca087..0000000
--- a/p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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