[DHG_packages] 02/15: hoogle: Remove pre-compiled keyword hoogle database

Ilias Tsitsimpis iliastsi-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Oct 30 16:52:28 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

iliastsi-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository DHG_packages.

commit d0a411cadfef5520920027e4801b0d333dba9ea4
Author: Ilias Tsitsimpis <i.tsitsimpis at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 27 22:17:22 2016 +0300

    hoogle: Remove pre-compiled keyword hoogle database
    This file is not compatible with the latest version of hoogle
    and I could find how to generate one. Could it be that the latest
    version of Hoogle doesn't index Haskell's keywords?
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/README.source            |   12 +-
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog                |    2 +
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/files_hoogle/keyword.txt | 1116 ----------------------
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/hoogle.dirs              |    1 -
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/hoogle.install           |    1 -
 5 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/README.source b/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/README.source
index 588b2a1..8e5333a 100644
--- a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/README.source
+++ b/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/README.source
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@ trick hoogle into working fully offline.
 This doesn't offer the full functionality of hoogle (e.g. full package
 list is not available), but we do have full local indexing (based on
-what packages are installed) plus the keywords file.
-This file (`debian/files_hoogle/keyword.txt`) is being shipped as
-processed by a normal (with access to online resources) hoogle
-database. To regenerate it:
-- Create an empty directory and `cd` to it.
-- Run: `hoogle data -d .`; this will take a while as it downloads and
-  unpacks things, and then finally generate the default database.
-- You should then have, amongst many other things, a `keyword.txt`
-  file in it; simply copy it to `debian/files_hoogle`.
+what packages are installed).
  -- Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>, Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:06:10 +0200
diff --git a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog b/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog
index b3ebb70..979cc5a 100644
--- a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog
+++ b/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 haskell-hoogle (5.0.1-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Remove obsolete d/jquery_1.7.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz file.
+  * Remove pre-compiled keyword hoogle database.
+    This file is not compatible with the latest version of hoogle.
  -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <i.tsitsimpis at gmail.com>  Fri, 28 Oct 2016 13:02:02 +0300
diff --git a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/files_hoogle/keyword.txt b/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/files_hoogle/keyword.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd2f2d..0000000
--- a/p/haskell-hoogle/debian/files_hoogle/keyword.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1116 +0,0 @@
--- Hoogle documentation, generated by Hoogle
--- From http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Keywords
--- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/
--- | Haskell keywords, always available
- at url http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Keywords
- at package keyword
--- | Whenever a data constructor is applied, each argument to the
---   constructor is evaluated if and only if the corresponding type in the
---   algebraic datatype declaration has a strictness flag, denoted by an
---   exclamation point. For example:
---   <pre>
---   data STList a
---           = STCons a !(STList a)  -- the second argument to STCons will be
---                                   -- evaluated before STCons is applied
---           | STNil
---   </pre>
---   to illustrate the difference between strict versus lazy constructor
---   application, consider the following:
---   <pre>
---   stList = STCons 1 undefined
---   lzList = (:)    1 undefined
---   stHead (STCons h _) = h -- this evaluates to undefined when applied to stList
---   lzHead (h : _)      = h -- this evaluates to 1 when applied to lzList
---   </pre>
---   ! is also used in the "bang patterns" (GHC extension), to indicate
---   strictness in patterns:
---   <pre>
---   f !x !y = x + y
---   </pre>
- at url #.21
- at entry keyword !
--- | <ul><li>
---   Character literal: 'a'
---   </li><li>
---   Template Haskell: Name of a (value) variable or data constructor:
---   'length, 'Left
---   </li><li>
---   (in types, GHC specific) Promoted data constructor: 'True
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.27
- at entry keyword '
--- | <ul><li>
---   Template Haskell: Name of a type constructor or class: ''Int,
---   ''Either, ''Show
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.27.27
- at entry keyword ''
--- | This operator token is magic/irregular in the sense that
---   <pre>
---   (- 1)
---   </pre>
---   is parsed as the negative integer -1, rather than as an operator
---   section, as it would be for any other operator:
---   <pre>
---   (* 1) :: Num a => a -> a
---   </pre>
---   <pre>
---   (++ "foo") :: String -> String
---   It is syntactic sugar for the negate function in Prelude. See unary operator.
---   If you want the section, you can use the subtract function or (+(-1)).
---   </pre>
- at url #-
- at entry keyword -
--- | <pre>
---   main = print "hello world" -- this is a comment
---   --this is a comment as well
---   ---this too
---   foobar --+ this_is_the_second_argument_of_the_dash_dash_plus_operator
---   The multi-line variant for comments is {- comment -}.
---   </pre>
- at url #--
- at entry keyword --
--- | Arrow notation
- at url #-.3C
- at entry keyword -<
--- | Arrow notation
- at url #-.3C.3C
- at entry keyword -<<
--- | <ul><li>
---   The function type constructor:
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   length :: [a] -> Int
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   In lambda functions:
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   \x -> x + 1
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   To denote alternatives in case statements:
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   case Just 3 of
---       Nothing -> False
---       Just x  -> True
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   On the kind level (GHC specific):
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   ghci> :kind (->)
---   (->) :: * -> * -> *
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   Functional dependencies
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   -- This examples assumes that each type 'c' can "contain" only one type
---   --  i.e. type 'c' uniquely determines type 'elt'
---   class Contains c elt | c -> elt where
---      ...
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   View patterns
---   </li></ul>
- at url #-.3E
- at entry keyword ->
--- | Read as "has type":
---   <pre>
---   length :: [a] -> Int
---   </pre>
---   "Length has type list-of-'a' to Int"
---   Or "has kind" (GHC specific):
---   <pre>
---   Either :: * -> * -> *
---   </pre>
- at url #::
- at entry keyword ::
--- | <ul><li>
---   Statement separator in an explicit block (see layout)
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.3B
- at entry keyword ;
--- | <ul><li>
---   In do-notation, "draw from":
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   do x <- getChar
---      putChar x
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   In list comprehension generators, "in":
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   [ (x,y) | x <- [1..10], y <- ['a'..'z'] ]
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   In pattern guards, "matches":
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   f x y | Just z <- g x = True
---         | otherwise     = False
---   </pre>
- at url #.3C-
- at entry keyword <-
--- | In list comprehensions, "and":
---   <pre>
---   [ (x,y) | x <- [1..10], y <- ['a'..'z'], x > 42 ]
---   </pre>
- at url #.2C
- at entry keyword ,
--- | Used in definitions.
---   <pre>
---   x = 4
---   </pre>
- at url #.3D
- at entry keyword =
--- | Used to indicate instance contexts, for example:
---   <pre>
---   sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
---   </pre>
- at url #.3D.3E
- at entry keyword =>
--- | In a Bird's style Literate Haskell file, the > character is used to
---   introduce a code line.
---   <pre>
---   comment line
---   > main = print "hello world"
---   </pre>
- at url #.3E
- at entry keyword >
--- | <ul><li>
---   Implicit parameters
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   ghci> :t ?foo ++ "bar"
---   ?foo ++ "bar" :: (?foo::[Char]) => [Char]
---   </pre>
- at url #.3F
- at entry keyword ?
--- | <ul><li>
---   MagicHash
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   On the kind level: The kind of unboxed types (GHC-specific)
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   ghci> :m +GHC.Prim
---   ghci> :set -XMagicHash
---   ghci> :kind Int#
---   Int# :: #
---   </pre>
- at url #.23
- at entry keyword #
--- | <ul><li>
---   Is an ordinary operator name on the value level
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   On the kind level: The kind of boxed types (GHC-specific)
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   ghci> :kind Int
---   Int :: *
---   </pre>
- at url #.2A
- at entry keyword *
--- | Patterns of the form var at pat are called as-patterns, and allow one to
---   use var as a name for the value being matched by pat. For example:
---   <pre>
---   case e of { xs@(x:rest) -> if x==0 then rest else xs }
---   </pre>
---   is equivalent to:
---   <pre>
---   let { xs = e } in
---     case xs of { (x:rest) -> if x==0 then rest else xs }
---   </pre>
- at url #.40
- at entry keyword @
--- | <ul><li>
---   Template Haskell
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   Expression quotation: [| print 1 |]
---   </li><li>
---   Declaration quotation: [d| main = print 1 |]
---   </li><li>
---   Type quotation: [t| Either Int () |]
---   </li><li>
---   Pattern quotation: [p| (x,y) |]
---   </li><li>
---   Quasiquotation: [nameOfQuasiQuoter| ... |]
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.5B.7C
- at entry keyword [|
--- | <ul><li>
---   Template Haskell
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   Expression quotation: [| print 1 |]
---   </li><li>
---   Declaration quotation: [d| main = print 1 |]
---   </li><li>
---   Type quotation: [t| Either Int () |]
---   </li><li>
---   Pattern quotation: [p| (x,y) |]
---   </li><li>
---   Quasiquotation: [nameOfQuasiQuoter| ... |]
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.7C.5D
- at entry keyword |]
--- | The backslash "\" is used
---   <ul><li>
---   in multiline strings
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   "foo\
---     \bar"
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   in lambda functions
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   \x -> x + 1
---   </pre>
- at url #.5C
- at entry keyword \
--- | A function enclosed in back ticks "`" can be used as an infix
---   operator.
---   <pre>
---   2 `subtract` 10
---   </pre>
---   is the same as
---   <pre>
---   subtract 2 10
---   </pre>
- at url #.60
- at entry keyword `
--- | <ul><li>
---   Explicit block (disable layout), possibly with ";" .
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   Record update notation
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   changePrice :: Thing -> Price -> Thing
---   changePrice x new = x { price = new }
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   Comments (see below)
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.7B
- at entry keyword {
--- | <ul><li>
---   Explicit block (disable layout), possibly with ";" .
---   </li></ul>
---   <ul><li>
---   Record update notation
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   changePrice :: Thing -> Price -> Thing
---   changePrice x new = x { price = new }
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   Comments (see below)
---   </li></ul>
- at url #.7D
- at entry keyword }
--- | Everything between "{-" followed by a space and "-}" is a block
---   comment.
---   <pre>
---   {-
---   hello
---   world
---   -}
---   </pre>
- at url #.7B-
- at entry keyword {-
--- | Everything between "{-" followed by a space and "-}" is a block
---   comment.
---   <pre>
---   {-
---   hello
---   world
---   -}
---   </pre>
- at url #-.7D
- at entry keyword -}
--- | The "pipe" is used in several places
---   <ul><li>
---   Data type definitions, "or"
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   List comprehensions, "for" (as in, "list of <tt>a*a</tt> for
---   <tt>a</tt> in <tt>[1..]</tt>)
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   squares = [a*a | a <- [1..]]
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   Guards, "when"
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   safeTail x | null x    = []
---              | otherwise = tail x
---   </pre>
---   <ul><li>
---   Functional dependencies, "where"
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   class Contains c elt | c -> elt where
---      ...
---   </pre>
- at url #.7C
- at entry keyword |
--- | <ul><li>
---   Lazy pattern bindings. Matching the pattern ~pat against a value
---   always
---   </li></ul>
---   succeeds, and matching will only diverge when one of the variables
---   bound in the pattern is used.
---   <pre>
---   f1, f2 :: Maybe Int -> String
---   f1 x = case x of
---       Just n -> "Got it"
---   f2 x = case x of
---       ~(Just n) -> "Got it"
---   (+++), (++++) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
---   (f +++ g) ~(x, y) = (f x, g y)
---   (f ++++ g) (x, y) = (f x, g y)
---   </pre>
---   Then we have:
---   <pre>
---   f1 Nothing
---   Exception: Non-exhaustive patterns in case
---   f2 Nothing
---   "Got it"
---   (const 1 +++ const 2) undefined
---   (1,2)
---   (const 1 ++++ const 2) undefined
---   Exception: Prelude.undefined
---   </pre>
---   For more details see the Haskell Wikibook.
---   <ul><li>
---   Equality constraints. Assert that two types in a context must be the
---   same:
---   </li></ul>
---   <pre>
---   example :: F a ~ b => a -> b
---   </pre>
---   Here the type "F a" must be the same as the type "b", which allows
---   one to constrain polymorphism (especially where type families are
---   involved), but to a lesser extent than functional dependencies. See
---   Type Families.
- at url #.7E
- at entry keyword ~
--- | <pre>
---   import qualified Data.Map as M
---   main = print (M.empty :: M.Map Int ())
---   </pre>
- at url #as
- at entry keyword as
--- | A case expression has the general form
---   <pre>
---   case e of { p1 match1 ; ... ; pn matchn }
---   </pre>
---   where each <tt>match</tt>i is of the general form
---   <pre>
---   | g1 -> e1
---     ...
---   | gm -> em
---       where decls
---   </pre>
---   Each alternative consists of patterns <tt>p</tt>i and their matches,
---   <tt>match</tt>i. Each<tt>match</tt>i in turn consists of a sequence of
---   pairs of guards <tt>g</tt>ij and bodies <tt>e</tt>ij (expressions),
---   followed by optional bindings (<tt>decls</tt>i) that scope over all of
---   the guards and expressions of the alternative. An alternative of the
---   form
---   <pre>
---   pat -> exp where decls
---   </pre>
---   is treated as shorthand for:
---   <pre>
---   pat | True -> exp
---     where decls
---   </pre>
---   A case expression must have at least one alternative and each
---   alternative must have at least one body. Each body must have the same
---   type, and the type of the whole expression is that type.
---   A case expression is evaluated by pattern matching the expression
---   <tt>e</tt> against the individual alternatives. The alternatives are
---   tried sequentially, from top to bottom. If <tt>e</tt> matches the
---   pattern in the alternative, the guards for that alternative are tried
---   sequentially from top to bottom, in the environment of the case
---   expression extended first by the bindings created during the matching
---   of the pattern, and then by the <tt>decls</tt>i in the <tt>where</tt>
---   clause associated with that alternative. If one of the guards
---   evaluates to <tt>True</tt>, the corresponding right-hand side is
---   evaluated in the same environment as the guard. If all the guards
---   evaluate to <tt>False</tt>, matching continues with the next
---   alternative. If no match succeeds, the result is _|_.
- at url #case
- at entry keyword case
--- | A case expression has the general form
---   <pre>
---   case e of { p1 match1 ; ... ; pn matchn }
---   </pre>
---   where each <tt>match</tt>i is of the general form
---   <pre>
---   | g1 -> e1
---     ...
---   | gm -> em
---       where decls
---   </pre>
---   Each alternative consists of patterns <tt>p</tt>i and their matches,
---   <tt>match</tt>i. Each<tt>match</tt>i in turn consists of a sequence of
---   pairs of guards <tt>g</tt>ij and bodies <tt>e</tt>ij (expressions),
---   followed by optional bindings (<tt>decls</tt>i) that scope over all of
---   the guards and expressions of the alternative. An alternative of the
---   form
---   <pre>
---   pat -> exp where decls
---   </pre>
---   is treated as shorthand for:
---   <pre>
---   pat | True -> exp
---     where decls
---   </pre>
---   A case expression must have at least one alternative and each
---   alternative must have at least one body. Each body must have the same
---   type, and the type of the whole expression is that type.
---   A case expression is evaluated by pattern matching the expression
---   <tt>e</tt> against the individual alternatives. The alternatives are
---   tried sequentially, from top to bottom. If <tt>e</tt> matches the
---   pattern in the alternative, the guards for that alternative are tried
---   sequentially from top to bottom, in the environment of the case
---   expression extended first by the bindings created during the matching
---   of the pattern, and then by the <tt>decls</tt>i in the <tt>where</tt>
---   clause associated with that alternative. If one of the guards
---   evaluates to <tt>True</tt>, the corresponding right-hand side is
---   evaluated in the same environment as the guard. If all the guards
---   evaluate to <tt>False</tt>, matching continues with the next
---   alternative. If no match succeeds, the result is _|_.
- at url #of
- at entry keyword of
--- | A class declaration introduces a new type class and the overloaded
---   operations that must be supported by any type that is an instance of
---   that class.
---   <pre>
---   class Num a  where
---     (+)    :: a -> a -> a
---     negate :: a -> a
---   </pre>
- at url #class
- at entry keyword class
--- | The data declaration is how one introduces new algebraic data types
---   into Haskell. For example:
---   <pre>
---   data Set a = NilSet
---              | ConsSet a (Set a)
---   </pre>
---   Another example, to create a datatype to hold an abstract syntax tree
---   for an expression, one could use:
---   <pre>
---   data Exp = Ebin   Operator Exp Exp
---            | Eunary Operator Exp
---            | Efun   FunctionIdentifier [Exp]
---            | Eid    SimpleIdentifier
---   </pre>
---   where the types <tt>Operator, FunctionIdentifier</tt> and
---   <tt>SimpleIdentifier</tt> are defined elsewhere.
---   See the page on types for more information, links and examples.
- at url #data
- at entry keyword data
--- | Declares a datatype family (see type families). GHC language
---   extension.
- at url #data_family
- at entry keyword data family
--- | Declares a datatype family instance (see type families). GHC language
---   extension.
- at url #data_instance
- at entry keyword data instance
--- | Ambiguities in the class Num are most common, so Haskell provides a
---   way to resolve them---with a default declaration:
---   <pre>
---   default (Int)
---   </pre>
---   Only one default declaration is permitted per module, and its effect
---   is limited to that module. If no default declaration is given in a
---   module then it assumed to be:
---   <pre>
---   default (Integer, Double)
---   </pre>
- at url #default
- at entry keyword default
--- | data and newtype declarations contain an optional deriving form. If
---   the form is included, then derived instance declarations are
---   automatically generated for the datatype in each of the named classes.
---   Derived instances provide convenient commonly-used operations for
---   user-defined datatypes. For example, derived instances for datatypes
---   in the class Eq define the operations == and /=, freeing the
---   programmer from the need to define them.
---   <pre>
---   data T = A
---          | B
---          | C
---          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
---   </pre>
---   In the case of newtypes, GHC extends this mechanism to Cunning
---   Newtype Deriving.
- at url #deriving
- at entry keyword deriving
--- | Standalone deriving (GHC language extension).
---   <pre>
---   {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
---   data A = A
---   deriving instance Show A
---   </pre>
- at url #deriving_instance
- at entry keyword deriving instance
--- | Syntactic sugar for use with monadic expressions. For example:
---   <pre>
---   do { x ; result <- y ; foo result }
---   </pre>
---   is shorthand for:
---   <pre>
---   x >>
---   y >>= \result ->
---   foo result
---   </pre>
- at url #do
- at entry keyword do
--- | This is a GHC/Hugs extension, and as such is not portable Haskell
---   98/2010. It is only a reserved word within types.
---   Type variables in a Haskell type expression are all assumed to be
---   universally quantified; there is no explicit syntax for universal
---   quantification, in standard Haskell 98/2010. For example, the type
---   expressiona -> a denotes the type forall a. a ->a.
---   For clarity, however, we often write quantification explicitly when
---   discussing the types of Haskell programs. When we write an explicitly
---   quantified type, the scope of the forall extends as far to the right
---   as possible; for example,
---   <pre>
---   forall a. a -> a
---   </pre>
---   means
---   <pre>
---   forall a. (a -> a)
---   GHC introduces a forall keyword, allowing explicit quantification, for example, to encode
---   </pre>
---   existential types:
---   <pre>
---   data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
---            | Nil
---   MkFoo :: forall a. a -> (a -> Bool) -> Foo
---   Nil   :: Foo
---   [MkFoo 3 even, MkFoo 'c' isUpper] :: [Foo]
---   </pre>
- at url #forall
- at entry keyword forall
- at url #foreign
- at entry keyword foreign
--- | When importing modules, without introducing a name into scope,
---   entities can be excluded by using the form
---   <pre>
---   hiding (import1 , ... , importn )
---   </pre>
---   which specifies that all entities exported by the named module should
---   be imported except for those named in the list.
---   For example:
---   <pre>
---   import Prelude hiding (lookup,filter,foldr,foldl,null,map)
---   </pre>
- at url #hiding
- at entry keyword hiding
--- | A conditional expression has the form:
---   <pre>
---   if e1 then e2 else e3
---   </pre>
---   and returns the value of e2 if the value of e1 is True, e3 if e1 is
---   False, and _|_ otherwise.
---   <pre>
---   max a b = if a > b then a else b
---   </pre>
- at url #if
- at entry keyword if
--- | A conditional expression has the form:
---   <pre>
---   if e1 then e2 else e3
---   </pre>
---   and returns the value of e2 if the value of e1 is True, e3 if e1 is
---   False, and _|_ otherwise.
---   <pre>
---   max a b = if a > b then a else b
---   </pre>
- at url #then
- at entry keyword then
--- | A conditional expression has the form:
---   <pre>
---   if e1 then e2 else e3
---   </pre>
---   and returns the value of e2 if the value of e1 is True, e3 if e1 is
---   False, and _|_ otherwise.
---   <pre>
---   max a b = if a > b then a else b
---   </pre>
- at url #else
- at entry keyword else
--- | Modules may reference other modules via explicit import declarations,
---   each giving the name of a module to be imported and specifying its
---   entities to be imported.
---   For example:
---   <pre>
---    module Main where
---      import A
---      import B
---      main = A.f >> B.f
---    module A where
---      f = ...
---    module B where
---      f = ...
---   </pre>
---   See also as, hiding , qualified and the page Import
- at url #import
- at entry keyword import
--- | A fixity declaration gives the fixity and binding precedence of one
---   or more operators. The integer in a fixity declaration must be in the
---   range 0 to 9. A fixity declaration may appear anywhere that a type
---   signature appears and, like a type signature, declares a property of a
---   particular operator.
---   There are three kinds of fixity, non-, left- and right-associativity
---   (infix, infixl, and infixr, respectively), and ten precedence levels,
---   0 to 9 inclusive (level 0 binds least tightly, and level 9 binds most
---   tightly).
---   <pre>
---   module Bar where
---     infixr 7 `op`
---     op = ...
---   </pre>
- at url #infix
- at entry keyword infix
--- | A fixity declaration gives the fixity and binding precedence of one
---   or more operators. The integer in a fixity declaration must be in the
---   range 0 to 9. A fixity declaration may appear anywhere that a type
---   signature appears and, like a type signature, declares a property of a
---   particular operator.
---   There are three kinds of fixity, non-, left- and right-associativity
---   (infix, infixl, and infixr, respectively), and ten precedence levels,
---   0 to 9 inclusive (level 0 binds least tightly, and level 9 binds most
---   tightly).
---   <pre>
---   module Bar where
---     infixr 7 `op`
---     op = ...
---   </pre>
- at url #infixl
- at entry keyword infixl
--- | A fixity declaration gives the fixity and binding precedence of one
---   or more operators. The integer in a fixity declaration must be in the
---   range 0 to 9. A fixity declaration may appear anywhere that a type
---   signature appears and, like a type signature, declares a property of a
---   particular operator.
---   There are three kinds of fixity, non-, left- and right-associativity
---   (infix, infixl, and infixr, respectively), and ten precedence levels,
---   0 to 9 inclusive (level 0 binds least tightly, and level 9 binds most
---   tightly).
---   <pre>
---   module Bar where
---     infixr 7 `op`
---     op = ...
---   </pre>
- at url #infixr
- at entry keyword infixr
--- | An instance declaration declares that a type is an instance of a
---   class and includes the definitions of the overloaded operations -
---   called class methods - instantiated on the named type.
---   <pre>
---   instance Num Int  where
---     x + y       =  addInt x y
---     negate x    =  negateInt x
---   </pre>
- at url #instance
- at entry keyword instance
--- | Let expressions have the general form:
---   <pre>
---   let { d1 ; ... ; dn } in e
---   </pre>
---   They introduce a nested, lexically-scoped, mutually-recursive list of
---   declarations (let is often called letrec in other languages). The
---   scope of the declarations is the expression e and the right hand side
---   of the declarations. Within do-blocks or list comprehensions let { d1
---   ; ... ; dn } without in serves to indroduce local bindings.
- at url #let
- at entry keyword let
--- | Let expressions have the general form:
---   <pre>
---   let { d1 ; ... ; dn } in e
---   </pre>
---   They introduce a nested, lexically-scoped, mutually-recursive list of
---   declarations (let is often called letrec in other languages). The
---   scope of the declarations is the expression e and the right hand side
---   of the declarations. Within do-blocks or list comprehensions let { d1
---   ; ... ; dn } without in serves to indroduce local bindings.
- at url #in
- at entry keyword in
- at url #mdo
- at entry keyword mdo
--- | Taken from: A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, Version 98
---   Technically speaking, a module is really just one big declaration
---   which begins with the keyword module; here's an example for a module
---   whose name is Tree:
---   <pre>
---   module Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe ) where
---   data Tree a                = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
---   fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
---   fringe (Leaf x)            = [x]
---   fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right
---   </pre>
- at url #module
- at entry keyword module
--- | The <tt>newtype</tt> declaration is how one introduces a renaming for
---   an algebraic data type into Haskell. This is different from
---   <tt>type</tt> below, as a <tt>newtype</tt> requires a new constructor
---   as well. As an example, when writing a compiler one sometimes further
---   qualifies <tt>Identifier</tt>s to assist in type safety checks:
---   <pre>
---   newtype SimpleIdentifier = SimpleIdentifier Identifier
---   newtype FunctionIdentifier = FunctionIdentifier Identifier
---   </pre>
---   Most often, one supplies smart constructors and destructors for these
---   to ease working with them.
---   See the page on types for more information, links and examples.
---   For the differences between <tt>newtype</tt> and <tt>data</tt>, see
---   Newtype.
- at url #newtype
- at entry keyword newtype
--- | proc (arrow abstraction) is a kind of lambda, except that it
---   constructs an arrow instead of a function.
---   Arrow notation
- at url #proc
- at entry keyword proc
--- | Used to import a module, but not introduce a name into scope. For
---   example, Data.Map exports lookup, which would clash with the Prelude
---   version of lookup, to fix this:
---   <pre>
---   import qualified Data.Map
---   f x = lookup x -- use the Prelude version
---   g x = Data.Map.lookup x -- use the Data.Map version
---   </pre>
---   Of course, Data.Map is a bit of a mouthful, so qualified also allows
---   the use of as.
---   <pre>
---   import qualified Data.Map as M
---   f x = lookup x -- use Prelude version
---   g x = M.lookup x -- use Data.Map version
---   </pre>
- at url #qualified
- at entry keyword qualified
--- | The rec keyword can be used when the <tt>-XDoRec</tt> flag is given;
---   it allows recursive bindings in a do-block.
---   <pre>
---   {-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-}
---   justOnes = do { rec { xs <- Just (1:xs) }
---                 ; return (map negate xs) }
---   </pre>
- at url #rec
- at entry keyword rec
--- | The <tt>type</tt> declaration is how one introduces an alias for an
---   algebraic data type into Haskell. As an example, when writing a
---   compiler one often creates an alias for identifiers:
---   <pre>
---   type Identifier = String
---   </pre>
---   This allows you to use <tt>Identifer</tt> wherever you had used
---   <tt>String</tt> and if something is of type <tt>Identifier</tt> it may
---   be used wherever a <tt>String</tt> is expected.
---   See the page on types for more information, links and examples.
---   Some common <tt>type</tt> declarations in the Prelude include:
---   <pre>
---   type FilePath = String
---   type String = [Char]
---   type Rational = Ratio Integer
---   type ReadS a = String -> [(a,String)]
---   type ShowS = String -> String
---   </pre>
- at url #type
- at entry keyword type
--- | Declares a type synonym family (see type families). GHC language
---   extension.
- at url #type_family
- at entry keyword type family
--- | Declares a type synonym family instance (see type families). GHC
---   language extension.
- at url #type_instance
- at entry keyword type instance
--- | Used to introduce a module, instance, class or GADT:
---   <pre>
---   module Main where
---   class Num a where
---       ...
---   instance Num Int  where
---       ...
---   data Something a where
---      ...
---   </pre>
---   And to bind local variables:
---   <pre>
---   f x = y
---       where y = x * 2
---   g z | z > 2 = y
---       where y = x * 2
---   </pre>
- at url #where
- at entry keyword where
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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