[DHG_packages] branch experimental updated (bfcfb28 -> dd161ad)
Clint Adams
clint at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 12 21:56:32 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
clint pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository DHG_packages.
from bfcfb28 raaz: Upgrading from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1
adds 2e012a9 Initial packaging of posix-pty-
adds 006226a posix-pty: close ITP
adds d946ba7 posix-pty: set urgency
adds e1e70c3 posix-pty: bump std-ver
adds ea1f825 posix-pty: add missing extra lib to Depends:
adds 0be8955 posix-pty: standardise d/copyright
adds 16c4650 posix-pty: drop libutil: not needed for Debian
adds 2227cc9 posix-pty: enable tests
adds b1ab8ab posix-pty: rewrite description
adds bc162c5 Initial packaging of protobuf-
adds e3dbe81 protobuf: close ITP & set urgency
adds f47e123 protobuf: enable tests
adds ff94877 protobuf: bump std-ver
adds ad5f0bc protobuf: rewrite package desc
adds 5cf208e protobuf: fix d/copyright
adds 8232770 protobuf: add test suite build deps
adds cfb93a6 protobuf: upload to NEW
adds b5ef99c Line-wrap README
adds eeb1eaf GLUT: Use extra-libraries
adds 0b9074a protobuf: clarify LICENSE.* files & re-release
adds 2cb032d posix-pty: disable test suite for now
adds e839c42 release posix-pty to NEW
adds ced9914 nanospec 0.2.1
adds 76d90f1 Add call-stack
adds 50d3349 Add foundation
adds b356bf0 Fix path to documentation in hlint(1) (Closes: #862232)
adds 9bc740d posix-pty: add avoid-libutil.patch
adds fe3f0c0 hsini 0.5.0
adds 95a7029 add minimorph
adds 7eddedd add assert-failure
adds 8fd2e29 add enummapset
adds b80cf68 Depend on texlive-science (closes: #864225)
adds c0ca4c9 add miniutter
adds 600de11 New lhs2tex homepage, old one doesn't work.
adds b0e66ae add say
adds d6da1d3 add typed-process
adds 0d3cd0a add LambdaHack
adds d4c4b50 add code-page
adds bc7560c add Allure
adds f6bc63f cpphs: Upgrading from 1.20.2 to 1.20.5
adds 099d8e1 darcs: Upgrading from 2.12.4 to 2.12.5
adds 8e74f38 gtk2hs-buildtools: Upgrading from to
adds 37f18ee aeson: Upgrading from to
adds 59f1db5 ansi-terminal: Upgrading from to 0.6.3
adds 6549193 asn1-encoding: Upgrading from 0.9.4 to 0.9.5
adds 49c350c async: Upgrading from 2.1.0 to
adds 02e67fc base-compat: Upgrading from 0.9.1 to 0.9.3
adds 40dc5c2 basic-prelude: Upgrading from 0.6.1 to
adds af34017 bifunctors: Upgrading from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2
adds 2f619fd binary-orphans: Upgrading from to
adds b004bba binary-tagged: Upgrading from to
adds 0daf095 blaze-html: Upgrading from to
adds 5730125 blaze-markup: Upgrading from to
adds 58dc541 blaze-svg: Upgrading from 0.3.6 to
adds e01c6d1 Boolean: Upgrading from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4
adds 348c460 bytes: Upgrading from 0.15.2 to 0.15.3
adds 01e9f0b bytestring-handle: Upgrading from to
adds dbbb493 cabal-file-th: Upgrading from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4
adds 5f0aeed cabal-helper: Upgrading from to
adds 7d9b184 cabal-install: Upgrading from to
adds aeea8c6 Cabal: Upgrading from to
adds 347a996 case-insensitive: Upgrading from to
adds 5c53f11 cassava: Upgrading from to
adds 9b33d72 cereal: Upgrading from to
adds 3af36ad cgi: Upgrading from 3001.3.0.1 to 3001.3.0.2
adds bf0d652 charsetdetect-ae: Upgrading from to
adds a4ae491 Chart-cairo: Upgrading from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
adds 2bbf50a Chart: Upgrading from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
adds b4af389 classy-prelude-conduit: Upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2
adds 11b5ef3 classy-prelude-yesod: Upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2
adds e64e9cb classy-prelude: Upgrading from to 1.0.2
adds 0130a02 cmark: Upgrading from to
adds 338538f cmdargs: Upgrading from 0.10.14 to 0.10.17
adds f10526d comonad: Upgrading from 5 to 5.0.1
adds bc85e63 concurrent-output: Upgrading from 1.7.7 to 1.7.9
adds 05e0750 conduit-combinators: Upgrading from to
adds 7260685 conduit-extra: Upgrading from to 1.1.16
adds 48fede2 conduit: Upgrading from 1.2.8 to 1.2.10
adds 893a26e connection: Upgrading from 0.2.6 to 0.2.8
adds df5c008 cryptonite: Upgrading from 0.20 to 0.21
adds d18b7c0 csv-conduit: Upgrading from 0.6.6 to 0.6.7
adds 25ee886 dbus: Upgrading from 0.10.12 to 0.10.13
adds 09225c9 dependent-map: Upgrading from to
adds 2d52d17 deriving-compat: Upgrading from 0.3.4 to 0.3.6
adds aec0a1f distributive: Upgrading from to 0.5.2
adds e571de0 dns: Upgrading from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10
adds 935ddc2 doctest: Upgrading from 0.11.0 to 0.11.2
adds 1e990d0 double-conversion: Upgrading from to
adds 5d7122a ekg-json: Upgrading from to
adds 38af78b ekg: Upgrading from to
adds f70230f errors: Upgrading from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
adds 0afb2d4 esqueleto: Upgrading from 2.4.3 to 2.5.2
adds fdf5cbd exception-transformers: Upgrading from to
adds 1398932 executable-path: Upgrading from 0.0.3 to
adds 8d4883b fast-logger: Upgrading from 2.4.7 to 2.4.10
adds 9130709 fclabels: Upgrading from to
adds b3cb17e feed: Upgrading from to
adds 58213dd fgl: Upgrading from to
adds 06c0dd6 foldl: Upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.2.4
adds 0503d1f foundation: Upgrading from 0.0.8 to 0.0.9
adds e110db4 generic-deriving: Upgrading from 1.11.1 to 1.11.2
adds a298e52 generics-sop: Upgrading from to
adds e271bba geniplate-mirror: Upgrading from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5
adds bdf6563 github: Upgrading from 0.14.1 to 0.15.0
adds 83f9025 Glob: Upgrading from 0.7.12 to 0.7.14
adds 9e712af gloss-rendering: Upgrading from to
adds 351fb65 gloss: Upgrading from to
adds aebe409 GLURaw: Upgrading from to
adds a3a7c65 GLUT: Upgrading from to
adds 284cc89 haddock-library: Upgrading from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
adds d4460e1 happstack-authenticate: Upgrading from to
adds a2ae63c happstack-hsp: Upgrading from to
adds 1a26685 happstack-server: Upgrading from to
adds 17f7fb3 hashmap: Upgrading from to 1.3.2
adds e7f5408 hashtables: Upgrading from to
adds d3bd2df hedis: Upgrading from 0.9.4 to 0.9.8
adds 4b5acfd hinotify 0.3.9
adds 4582ea6 hledger-interest: Upgrading from 1.5 to 1.5.1
adds 934881f HsOpenSSL: Upgrading from to
adds 3976432 HStringTemplate: Upgrading from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6
adds 864224d http-client: Upgrading from to
adds 3fdf567 http-link-header: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
adds 62e85f0 http-reverse-proxy: Upgrading from to 0.4.4
adds 242c0c8 http-streams: Upgrading from to
adds 579422b HTTP: Upgrading from 4000.3.3 to 4000.3.7
adds 2c947c6 ieee754: Upgrading from 0.7.8 to 0.7.9
adds 8ae2c98 io-streams: Upgrading from to
adds 0bcecfb JuicyPixels: Upgrading from 3.2.8 to
adds 0df2661 kan-extensions: Upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2
adds 4c9c4cf language-javascript: Upgrading from to
adds 0c3dff1 lens-action: Upgrading from to 0.2.1
adds b06817d lens-aeson: Upgrading from to 1.0.1
adds 0a792f8 lifted-async: Upgrading from 0.9.0 to
adds bea77ba lifted-base: Upgrading from to
adds ab6e8ae linear: Upgrading from 1.20.5 to 1.20.6
adds a3da4f2 ListLike: Upgrading from 4.5 to 4.5.1
adds 8dd8c51 lucid: Upgrading from 2.9.6 to
adds da15ff8 markdown: Upgrading from 0.1.15 to 0.1.16
adds 6c3eb85 math-functions: Upgrading from to
adds 9414768 microlens-ghc: Upgrading from to
adds 4091788 microlens-platform: Upgrading from to
adds b37a1c4 microlens-th: Upgrading from to
adds 6c51f33 microlens: Upgrading from to
adds a50191c mime-mail: Upgrading from 0.4.11 to
adds d21a4f0 mmorph: Upgrading from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9
adds c68b072 monad-logger: Upgrading from 0.3.20 to 0.3.24
adds 7bfcb5b monadcryptorandom: Upgrading from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
adds c59364f mono-traversable: Upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
adds b94ac6c mwc-random: Upgrading from to
adds e037831 netwire: Upgrading from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2
adds a1e849c network-multicast: Upgrading from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0
adds 644a684 nonce: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
adds 3a83dd6 oeis: Upgrading from 0.3.7 to 0.3.9
adds 6dd93e4 OpenGL: Upgrading from to
adds c0738e5 OpenGLRaw: Upgrading from to
adds bfd3e62 openssl-streams: Upgrading from to
adds 8fc30c9 operational: Upgrading from to
adds a4aabe6 pandoc-citeproc: Upgrading from to
adds 67e04e4 parallel: Upgrading from to
adds 9780f17 parseargs: Upgrading from to
adds 0e7ee19 path-io: Upgrading from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2
adds fd80fca path: Upgrading from 0.5.9 to 0.5.13
adds 386f5a3 persistable-record: Upgrading from to
adds 6b57cf8 persistent-postgresql: Upgrading from 2.6 to 2.6.1
adds 8cd8cd5 persistent-sqlite: Upgrading from 2.6 to 2.6.2
adds dbd96e1 persistent-template: Upgrading from to 2.5.2
adds a51fedd persistent: Upgrading from 2.6 to 2.6.1
adds 256aff2 pipes-aeson: Upgrading from to
adds d92952e pipes-attoparsec: Upgrading from to
adds 132b16c pipes-bytestring: Upgrading from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4
adds 7a901c1 pipes-group: Upgrading from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
adds 5ca4e7b pipes-parse: Upgrading from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8
adds a256ed8 postgresql-libpq: Upgrading from to
adds 3695ef6 postgresql-simple: Upgrading from to
adds 98f5160 pqueue: Upgrading from to
adds 9a86ddd pretty-show: Upgrading from 1.6.12 to 1.6.13
adds 5a2975e psqueues: Upgrading from to
adds e7e6394 quickcheck-unicode: Upgrading from to
adds efa37dc ReadArgs: Upgrading from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
adds 4103d2f recursion-schemes: Upgrading from 5 to 5.0.1
adds 90a520a relational-query: Upgrading from to
adds 504e747 relational-record: Upgrading from to
adds c05faa9 resourcet: Upgrading from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9
adds 715670d retry: Upgrading from to
adds 28003d1 safe-exceptions: Upgrading from to
adds daa5835 safe: Upgrading from 0.3.9 to 0.3.14
adds a0d4045 safecopy: Upgrading from 0.9.2 to
adds 0681e80 semigroups: Upgrading from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3
adds 59907d9 shake: Upgrading from 0.15.10+dfsg to 0.15.11
adds c46d36d shakespeare: Upgrading from to 2.0.13
adds 36d878d simple: Upgrading from 0.11.1 to 0.11.2
adds b04d8fd snap-core: Upgrading from to
adds aa768df snap-server: Upgrading from to
adds f7052d7 soap: Upgrading from to
adds 426542e split: Upgrading from to
adds 3f58351 streaming-commons: Upgrading from 0.1.16 to 0.1.17
adds bd878fb string-conversions: Upgrading from 0.4 to
adds 2b34396 tagsoup: Upgrading from 0.14 to 0.14.1
adds bff52c1 tasty-hspec: Upgrading from 1.1.3 to
adds ea3c0b5 tasty: Upgrading from to
adds 40bad21 test-framework-quickcheck2: Upgrading from to
adds de052a5 text-postgresql: Upgrading from to
adds 23a07ed text-zipper: Upgrading from 0.8.1 to 0.10
adds 08dfc44 text: Upgrading from to
adds 9997af2 th-expand-syns: Upgrading from to
adds 6cce375 th-lift-instances: Upgrading from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11
adds 21f9831 th-lift: Upgrading from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7
adds e250469 th-orphans: Upgrading from 0.13.2 to 0.13.3
adds 136d314 these: Upgrading from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3
adds 449dbde time-parsers: Upgrading from to
adds 273bbe6 tls: Upgrading from 1.3.8 to 1.3.10
adds 319e026 trifecta: Upgrading from 1.6 to
adds f7e07e1 twitter-conduit: Upgrading from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2
adds 8a7afe8 unbounded-delays: Upgrading from to
adds 7623571 unix-compat: Upgrading from to
adds d4c1284 unordered-containers: Upgrading from to
adds 1ec1964 userid: Upgrading from to
adds 88b7c10 utility-ht: Upgrading from 0.0.12 to 0.0.13
adds 0fae839 vault: Upgrading from to
adds 268fbea vector-binary-instances: Upgrading from to
adds 70ec1a8 void: Upgrading from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
adds 6572180 wai-extra: Upgrading from 3.0.19 to
adds 2253596 wai-handler-launch: Upgrading from to
adds 8db8001 warp-tls: Upgrading from 3.2.2 to 3.2.3
adds 4eaa822 warp: Upgrading from 3.2.8 to 3.2.12
adds 1c69b63 web-routes-th: Upgrading from 0.22.6 to
adds 295bc65 websockets: Upgrading from to
adds 3d34b91 wl-pprint-text: Upgrading from to
adds e775c8f x509: Upgrading from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5
adds e9aaa66 xml-hamlet: Upgrading from to 0.4.1
adds e857cf2 xmlhtml: Upgrading from to 0.2.4
adds c85d2a3 yaml: Upgrading from 0.8.20 to 0.8.23
adds 7921e25 yesod-auth: Upgrading from to
adds e9e3e49 yesod-bin: Upgrading from to
adds d038676 yesod-core: Upgrading from 1.4.25 to 1.4.33
adds fe3e36f yesod-form: Upgrading from 1.4.8 to 1.4.12
adds a3acbe7 yesod-persistent: Upgrading from to 1.4.2
adds 82a32eb yesod-static: Upgrading from to 1.5.2
adds c9b037a yesod-test: Upgrading from 1.5.3 to 1.5.5
adds 39adac2 yesod: Upgrading from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5
adds 05bc1a9 zip-archive: Upgrading from to
adds aa6d848 hdevtools: Upgrading from to
adds 31f3da8 highlighting-kate: Upgrading from 0.6.3 to 0.6.4
adds 9464e95 agda: remove myself as an uploader
adds e63962f cabal-helper: fix path of cabal-helper-wrapper. closes: #865014.
adds c16adf2 conduit: fix build dependencies. closes: #865016.
adds d9241b7 hinotify: fix build dependencies. closes: #865017
adds 5dd10b7 pqueue: fix build dependencies. closes: #865031.
adds a35c958 snap-core: fix build dependencies. closes: #865038
adds ed61994 websockets: fix build dependencies. closes: #865062
adds 59a7c70 Merge branch 'experimental'
adds afa5d23 raaz: upload to unstable
adds b698c38 ghc: remove patches addressed upstream, preparing for ghc 8.0.2
adds 222e173 ghc: update changelog for 8.0.2
adds f94f939 ghc: Patch refresh for 8.0.2
adds 49bfa10 ghc: bump compat level to 10, dropping autoreconf stuff and parallel builds (automatic now)
adds 528e6a3 ghc: prepare for the upload to unstable
adds 5f7289c Upload to unstable
adds ed9c885 ghc: override_dh_autoreconf, to avoid it running twice
adds 4f04eaa ghc: Team upload in unstable
adds 71bee3d pqueue: re-add dh-haskell to Build-Depends. closes: #865089.
adds 729e261 soap: build-depend on newer version of conduit. closes: #865100.
adds 82b91d3 foundation: run tests in C.UTF-8. closes: #865101.
adds 58c1811 ghc: powerpcspe support from John Paul Adrian Glaubitz. closes: #861806.
adds 53370f2 ghc: apply the corrected powerpcspe patch
adds 654fde6 xcb-types: Upgrading from 0.7.1 to 0.8.0
adds 416e5bd LambdaHack: don't use -N1 for testsuite. closes: #864854.
adds 68f6680 say: don't pass -N for test suite. closes: #864855.
adds 08570da typed-process: don't pass -N for the test suite. closes: #864856.
adds fa6752b hookup: switch libssl1.0-dev build-dependency to libssl-dev. closes: #858829.
adds 2366eac ghc-testsuite: bump std-version to 4.0.0, bump compat level to 10, update to 8.0.2, upload to unstable
adds 07cc88d haskell-filestore: Update to work with new ghc 8.0.2
adds d0494cc haskell-dependent-sum: fix build with patch from Ilias Tsitsimpis
adds cb451ce hasktags: bump directory bounds
adds 0f74fef agda: fix build with new ghc 8.0.2
adds a2c407b add store-core
adds 6e045f4 chell-quickcheck2: patch for newer QuickCheck
adds 3b44962 pipes-zlib: patch for newer pipes
adds 3feee4b add attoparsec-iso8601
adds af9b1d0 aeson-compat: patch for newer QuickCheck
adds d4b0b61 ed25519: patch for newer directory
adds 50bb027 haskell-hackage-security: bump directory bounds
adds 912e2cf haskell-ircbot: bump directory bounds
adds ad3e906 haskell-vector-algorithms: fix build with upstream patch
adds f9f3b09 haskell-heist: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 3d6b02e ghc-mod: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 5fb359a haskell-snap: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds e311725 haskell-werewolf: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 6ec0c6d yi: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds e199b67 haskell-aws: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 5b1fd18 haskell-stack: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds fa05a21 xmonad: fix build with gnome-settings-daemon 3.24.2
adds e9392b6 haskell-diagrams-lib: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds adde610 haskell-hakyll: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 35b869c xmonad-contrib: fix build by bumping directory bounds
adds 587266e haskell-hackage-security: commit patch
adds c76fb18 haskell-snap: this v5 was not meant for unstable
adds fd4de23 haskell-snap: fix previous upload
adds c4a9b93 add cryptohash-md5
adds 3f56e49 add cryptohash-sha1
adds d8e86e0 add cryptohash-sha256
adds 22f6a3f pqueue: switch from dh-haskell to cdbs, since dh-haskell is still mishandling substvars
adds f626c45 haskell-tls: add missing build dependencies
adds 3925f60 haskell-yaml: Add missing build dependencies
adds c10e0e5 haskell-tls: remove useless -prof packages
adds c3a707b haskell-yaml: remove useless -prof libraries
adds 6fdfa76 haskell-binary-orphans: bump semigroup dependency
adds 22f5863 ircbot: Upgrading from 0.6.5 to
adds 2a55467 Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages
adds 71f43cc haskell-soap: update to new
adds 0a1ece5 haskell-pandoc-citeproc: fix build failure by readding missing libghc-aeson-pretty-dev dependency
adds eb329cd http-link-header: run tests under C.UTF-8. closes: #865706.
adds 4a66799 haskell-classy-prelude: new upstream release
adds 1638e06 haskell-classy-prelude-conduit: update to new release
adds 7696b29 haskell-classy-prelude-yesod: update to new release
adds 442306e haskell-cryptnite: fix aligment on some arm* kernel configurations
adds 1ad387e hackage-security: switch back to ghc-bundled Cabal. closes: #865819.
adds 81cb361 cabal-file-th: switch to ghc-bundled Cabal.
adds b1b02e1 cabal-install: switch back to GHC-bundled Cabal
adds 04008a4 ghc: conflict with libghc-cabal-dev (<< to avoid wanna-build confusion
adds a3ae1d6 ghc: patch from Helmut Grohne: do not run tests under DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck (Closes: #853743)
adds 2f25c98 ghc: Support building ghc without building haddock, for cross-compilation. closes: #853285, #853773.
adds a6e2e94 ghc: revert cross-compilation patch
adds 14e29c0 cryptonite: patch from James Clarke to fix sparc64 alignment issues again. closes: #865906.
adds 48be433 cryptohash: patch from James Clarke to fix unaligned accesses. closes: #865908.
adds 79bc7e1 haskell-http-conduit: bump std-version to 4.0.0
adds 3188da3 haskell-http-condutit: bump compat level to 10
adds 67ca79d ghc: patch from James Clarke to fix powerpc breakage caused by powerpcspe patch
adds 7057937 haskell-lens: fix ppc64 build (SMP)
adds 67ee2ec aeson: fix path to libHSrts_thr.a
adds 8eb0b32 hlint: fix path to libHSrts_thr.a
adds 662aee6 hledger: fix path to libHSrts_thr.a
adds 0279b12 debian: enable testsuite
adds 0579a2f debian: Upgrading from 3.91.1 to 3.91.2
adds 9e2d807 debian: patch to build executables without -threaded on architectures without threaded runtime
adds 4f3c03a add hosc
adds 8738a81 hosc: tweak debian/copyright
adds d94f2e9 yaml: patch testsuite to work against the released version of libyaml. closes: #865711 for now.
adds 996077a yesod-bin: don't try to install yesod-{ghc,ld,ar}-wrapper anymore. closes: #866578.
adds b0d49e1 cabal-debian: fix to generate shlibs:Depends for -utils packages.
adds 9cf5b68 cabal-debian: bump debian revision
adds 2540b85 cabal-debian: bump debian revision. recover typo.
adds 868cb3e snap-templates: patch to build with newer directory. closes: #867191.
adds a66e896 terminal-progress-bar: Upgrading from to
adds 6b6ff2f haskell-src-exts: Upgrading from 1.17.1 to 1.18.2
adds 3e96098 hothasktags: Upgrading from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8
adds 443ebb0 optparse-applicative: Upgrading from to
adds 04da220 alex: Upgrading from 3.1.7 to 3.2.1
adds b975c62 cpphs: Upgrading from 1.20.5 to 1.20.8
adds 19c25c1 ghc-mod: Upgrading from to
adds ae06278 derive: Upgrading from 2.5.26 to 2.6.2
adds 86a500c hsx2hs: Upgrading from 0.13.5 to 0.14.1
adds d40c4fe haskell-src-meta: Upgrading from to
adds 20cff2d hlint: Upgrading from 1.9.35 to 1.9.41
adds ed4e8ad QuickCheck: Upgrading from 2.8.2 to 2.9.2
adds 982d72b QuickCheck-safe: Upgrading from to
adds 75febea incremental-parser: Upgrading from 0.2.5 to
adds 8ca5eb7 hspec-contrib: Upgrading from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
adds 40826f2 hspec-core: Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.4.3
adds 0b260c4 hspec-discover: Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.4.3
adds d9191b1 hspec-expectations: Upgrading from 0.7.2 to 0.8.2
adds 0a72c54 hspec-wai: Upgrading from 0.6.6 to 0.8.0
adds d7a17bf hspec: Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.4.3
adds 0dca2d0 pipes-bytestring: Upgrading from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5
adds 0fe2af3 pipes-safe: Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
adds ba43931 pipes: Upgrading from 4.1.9 to 4.3.4
adds bd30b02 vty: Upgrading from 5.11.3 to 5.15.1
adds 0284c11 brick: Upgrading from 0.11 to 0.17.2
adds b3fef6f hledger-lib: Upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.1
adds 8e29867 hledger-ui: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.1.2
adds 3d15e78 hledger-web: Upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.1
adds e6bd7fc hledger: Upgrading from 1.0.1 to 1.1
adds e1820ba parsers: Upgrading from 0.12.4 to 0.12.5
adds 0ce6577 X11: Upgrading from to 1.8
adds e726adc xmonad-contrib: Upgrading from 0.12 to 0.13
adds f96b3f0 xmonad: Upgrading from 0.12 to 0.13
adds c21adcc add alsa-core
adds 5c57b07 add libmpd
adds d7902c8 Reintroduce murmur-hash due to ada dependency
adds b556249 agda: drop old patches, upstream
adds d9ab9cc agda: update to new release, bump compat level to 10 and std-version to 4.0.0
adds 5af1a71 alsa-core: version libasound2 b-d to (>=, closes: #867483.
adds f3f699d add alsa-mixer
adds a726cba criterion: Upgrading from to
adds f3ab501 diagrams: Upgrading from to 1.4
adds 12c9836 diagrams-cairo: Upgrading from to 1.4
adds a8c2607 diagrams-core: Upgrading from to 1.4
adds 8727cdf diagrams-gtk: Upgrading from to 1.4
adds 7014852 diagrams-lib: Upgrading from to
adds acd24a3 diagrams-svg: Upgrading from to 1.4.1
adds 24af716 active: Upgrading from to
adds 82fde05 HUnit: Upgrading from to
adds a7d01a9 ieee754: Upgrading from 0.7.9 to 0.8.0
adds f03eba5 JuicyPixels: Upgrading from to
adds 57b86c3 lifted-base: Upgrading from to
adds 25fb731 log-domain: Upgrading from to 0.11.1
adds 007a59f map-syntax: Upgrading from to
adds e1525bf megaparsec: Upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.2.0
adds f042bea memory: Upgrading from 0.13 to 0.14.6
adds c6384c3 foldl: Upgrading from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5
adds b56cfa5 foundation: Upgrading from 0.0.9 to 0.0.12
adds fbde6a8 hashable: Upgrading from to
adds e9585cd safe: Upgrading from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
adds efd42a8 sbv: Upgrading from 5.12 to 5.14
adds 74facb1 mockery: Upgrading from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5
adds 2115925 monad-control: Upgrading from to
adds 10d19ba MonadRandom: Upgrading from to 0.5.1
adds ef020ae monoid-subclasses: Upgrading from to
adds 93b3415 network: Upgrading from to
adds 433682f nonce: Upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
adds 465f85c zeromq4-haskell: Upgrading from 0.6.5 to 0.6.7
adds 02d53cc zip-archive: Upgrading from to
adds e6b965c extra: Upgrading from 1.4.10 to 1.5.3
adds bcc3061 fb: Upgrading from 1.0.13 to 1.1.1
adds 7b91872 filestore: Upgrading from 0.6.2 to
adds c8a1b9b ghc-syb-utils: Upgrading from 0.2.3 to
adds 1ec5b3c tasty-hspec: Upgrading from to
adds 3de41ad tasty-th: Upgrading from 0.1.4 to 0.1.7
adds b2c6c03 dependent-sum-template: Upgrading from to
adds e65cd0e dependent-sum: Upgrading from to 0.4
adds 79e606d doctest: Upgrading from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3
adds 679aa48 equivalence: Upgrading from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2
adds d1768ca STMonadTrans: Upgrading from 0.3.4 to 0.4.3
adds 32f5d40 vector-instances: Upgrading from 3.3.1 to 3.4
adds bd1e7a8 add FloatingHex
adds 081add3 case-insensitive: Upgrading from to
adds 7f4b1e9 conduit-combinators: Upgrading from to 1.1.1
adds 3679e81 conduit: Upgrading from 1.2.10 to 1.2.11
adds 35eb343 constraints: Upgrading from 0.8 to 0.9.1
adds 9500035 aeson-pretty: Upgrading from 0.8.2 to 0.8.5
adds 54565f0 aeson-qq: Upgrading from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2
adds d4d1872 aeson: Upgrading from to
adds 35bf3cf ansi-terminal: Upgrading from 0.6.3 to
adds 9cdc84c aws: Upgrading from 0.14.1 to 0.16
adds 2ccc654 add uri-bytestring
adds 695056f hmatrix-gsl: Upgrading from to
adds 8948996 hmatrix: Upgrading from to
adds 5b85a97 mersenne-random-pure64: Upgrading from to
adds 8468f1f microlens-mtl: Upgrading from to
adds 92c13db microlens-platform: Upgrading from to
adds 65373ba pandoc-types: Upgrading from to
adds e215d55 process-extras: Upgrading from to 0.7.2
adds d7e848e add integer-logarithms
adds 283b4a3 esqueleto: Upgrading from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3
adds 6999c74 hakyll: Upgrading from to
adds 27a8c0d heist: Upgrading from to
adds f38b902 setlocale: Upgrading from to
adds c57586e uuid: Upgrading from 1.3.12 to 1.3.13
adds c63b96c sql-words: Upgrading from to
adds abe03c1 utility-ht: Upgrading from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14
adds 7d4cade wai-extra: Upgrading from to
adds f703aef websockets: Upgrading from to
adds 86651ce language-javascript: Upgrading from to
adds b3051df texmath: Upgrading from to 0.9.4
adds c182091 xml-conduit: Upgrading from 1.3.5 to
adds 360c46b hsemail: Upgrading from 1.7.7 to 2
adds e9d4162 http2: Upgrading from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3
adds fa4b23c add th-abstraction
adds 97631d0 HsOpenSSL: Upgrading from to
adds f37467b add quickcheck-text
adds 4176ef4 http-client-tls: Upgrading from to
adds 83b49d9 http-client: Upgrading from to
adds 7246af2 http-conduit: Upgrading from 2.1.11 to
adds 0e8ca05 text-show: Upgrading from 3.4 to
adds e02d5db th-reify-many: Upgrading from 0.1.6 to 0.1.7
adds fe03e6b temporary: Upgrading from to 1.2.1
adds bdcc04c hasktags: Upgrading from 0.69.1 to 0.69.3
adds 80530a0 HaXml: Upgrading from 1.25.3 to 1.25.4
adds e78b6b3 ShellCheck: Upgrading from 0.4.4 to 0.4.6
adds 01e24c8 yesod-auth-hashdb: Upgrading from to 1.6.1
adds bde2aa6 yesod-auth-oauth: Upgrading from to 1.4.2
adds f5e706f yesod-auth: Upgrading from to
adds 1fb4290 yesod-core: Upgrading from 1.4.33 to 1.4.35
adds 4d3bfa4 yesod-static: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3
adds 467ef07 yesod-test: Upgrading from 1.5.5 to 1.5.7
adds bd78ea2 authenticate-oauth: Upgrading from to 1.6
adds 4353f72 hoauth2: Upgrading from to 0.5.7
adds d944e8f yaml: Upgrading from 0.8.23 to
adds 3e9655b wreq: Upgrading from to
adds 5095f68 xmonad: patch to build with pandoc older than 1.19. closes: #867386.
adds 1a08e8e relational-query-HDBC: Upgrading from to
adds c2f46b7 relational-record: Upgrading from to
adds f6842ba add xmlgen
adds a0c1386 add base-prelude
adds 1fc4f08 add doctemplates
adds 76096ed add skylighting
adds 385170c xmlhtml: make testsuite slightly less silly so we can get some insight into what's failing on 32-bit architectures
adds 534dc47 call-stack: mark nanospec build-dep as <!nocheck>
adds 1655a12 xmlhtml: fix HUnit upper bound
adds d106d33 hothasktags: add 0001-update-to-haskell-src-exts-1.19.1.patch
adds 8783496 hothasktags: tidy changelog
adds a9865e1 hothasktags: upload to unstable
adds 22eeaa7 semigroupoids: enable testsuite
adds c9cfd30 email-validate: Upgrading from 2.2.0 to
adds ecba673 entropy: Upgrading from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8
adds 804a045 lifted-async: Upgrading from to 0.9.3
adds 1a7c5a0 recursion-schemes: Upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2
adds 6e0d3cb tls: Upgrading from 1.3.10 to 1.3.11
adds aea8b07 hgettext: patch for haskell-src-exts 1.18
adds b215a4a hspec: libghc-hspec-discover-dev does not exist
adds c122446 call-stack: disable testsuite
adds a066475 megaparsec: run tests under C.UTF-8
adds 15734c9 yi-language: Upgrading from 0.2.1 to 0.13.7
adds dfa9afc add multiset-comb
adds f3f9218 add lazy-csv
adds 3b78209 add permutation
adds 55e4712 exceptions: fix incorrect QuickCheck upper bound. closes: #867796
adds 10417b2 add natural-transformation
adds 28f9b3b ed25519: patch for newer QuickCheck. closes: #867831
adds d3e7a36 either: patch for newer mmorph and MonadRandom
adds 5f4b020 exception-transformers: fix b-d's
adds f6bd23b hledger-ui: patch for newer megaparsec and text-zipper. closes: #867834.
adds 27774f3 irc-core: Upgrading from to 2.3.0
adds f809045 mueval: Upgrading from to 0.9.3
adds 3f8d299 lambdabot-core: Upgrading from 5.1 to
adds 1ba147c quickcheck-instances: patch for newer vector and QuickCheck. closes: #867837
adds d1ff22b quickcheck-instances: actually include the patch
adds 37e83fa test-framework-hunit: patch for newer HUnit. closes: #867838
adds f966004 these: patch for newer aeson, semigroupoids, vector, vector-instances. closes: #867839
adds b54b255 uuid-types: patch for newer HUnit and QuickCheck. closes: #867841
adds 0a9ff27 uuid: patch for newer time and QuickCheck. closes: #867840
adds 7aa98fc werewolf: patch for newer extra and MonadRandom. closes: #867842
adds a236f94 QuickCheck: add bug number
adds d2584fe agda: bump ieee754 bounds.
adds 3fdc396 add hashable-time
adds 34de131 wrong path
adds 20b1ef1 aeson: fix bd's
adds 107cdb0 haskell-vty: fix build by removing TODO on debian/docs, removed upstream
adds 3fada2f vector: patch for newer QuickCheck (drop duplicate instances). closes: #867873
adds 94c15a5 Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages
adds 42696c8 werewolf: fix patch for newer extra. closes: #867872
adds 3b33965 hledger-lib: patch for newer megaparsec. closes: #867874
adds 494e1f8 http-api-data: Upgrading from 0.2.4 to
adds f328df7 add cabal-doctest
adds 60f577e add weigh
adds 6f1592b yi-rope: Upgrading from to 0.8
adds 6c10026 xmonad-extras: Upgrading from 0.12.1 to 0.13.0
adds 3febfb0 crackNum: Upgrading from 1.5 to 1.9
adds 2580789 config-value: Upgrading from 0.5 to 0.6.3
adds 42124a9 scientific: Upgrading from to
adds db45f3d these: fix Build-Depends cruft. closes: #867839.
adds 75ff736 hspec-contrib: requires hspec-core >= 2.4.0
adds f2852ec chell-quickcheck2: probably-incorrect patch to deal with QuickCheck 2.9 dropping "exhaustive". closes: #867470.
adds 7acbf28 haskell-map-syntax: bump hspec bounds
adds 5fb75e4 haskell-map-syntax: remove double hspec dependency
adds 90243ce hledger-lib: fix megaparsec b-d
adds ad48d5c semigroupoids: disable testsuite on armel
new dd161ad ghc: 8.2.1-rc2
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
README.md | 20 +-
p/agda/debian/changelog | 33 +
p/agda/debian/compat | 2 +-
p/agda/debian/control | 30 +-
p/agda/debian/patches/add-elpa-pkg-el-file.patch | 12 -
p/agda/debian/patches/bump-ieee754-bounds.patch | 11 +
p/agda/debian/patches/newer-edison-api | 11 -
p/agda/debian/patches/series | 3 +-
p/alex/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/allure/debian/allure.install | 1 +
p/allure/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => allure}/debian/compat | 0
p/allure/debian/control | 34 +
p/allure/debian/copyright | 676 ++++++++++++
p/allure/debian/rules | 11 +
p/{agda => allure}/debian/source/format | 0
p/allure/debian/watch | 2 +
p/cabal-debian/debian/changelog | 14 +
.../debian/patches/fix-utils-shlibs-depends | 13 +
p/cabal-debian/debian/patches/series | 1 +
p/cpphs/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/darcs/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/darcs/debian/control | 9 +-
p/ghc-mod/debian/changelog | 13 +
p/ghc-mod/debian/control | 37 +-
p/ghc-testsuite/debian/changelog | 10 +
p/ghc-testsuite/debian/compat | 2 +-
p/ghc-testsuite/debian/control | 8 +-
p/ghc/debian/changelog | 48 +-
p/ghc/debian/compat | 2 +-
p/ghc/debian/control | 6 +-
p/ghc/debian/patches/R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX | 45 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/add-missing-MO_WriteBarrier | 38 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/buildpath-abi-stability.patch | 14 +-
.../compiler-cmm-PprC-sparc-alignment.patch | 11 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/do-not-use-SHELL | 18 +-
p/ghc/debian/patches/find-tycon-panic | 40 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/fix-ppc-lwa-generation | 64 --
p/ghc/debian/patches/get-linker-flags-correctly | 43 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/hurd.diff | 22 +-
.../debian/patches/no-missing-haddock-file-warning | 10 +-
p/ghc/debian/patches/no-pie | 230 ----
p/ghc/debian/patches/osdecommitmemory-compat.patch | 37 -
.../patches/powerpcspe-disable-FPU-code.patch | 66 ++
p/ghc/debian/patches/reproducible-tmp-names | 10 +-
p/ghc/debian/patches/series | 9 -
p/ghc/debian/patches/smp-arm-fix.patch | 11 -
.../patches/x32-use-native-x86_64-insn.patch | 6 +-
p/ghc/debian/rules | 22 +-
p/gtk2hs-buildtools/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-active/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-active/debian/control | 13 +-
p/haskell-aeson-compat/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-aeson-compat/debian/control | 2 +-
.../debian/patches/newer-quickcheck | 11 +
p/haskell-aeson-compat/debian/patches/series | 1 +
p/haskell-aeson-pretty/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-aeson-qq/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-aeson-qq/debian/control | 8 +-
p/haskell-aeson/debian/changelog | 24 +
p/haskell-aeson/debian/control | 31 +-
p/haskell-aeson/debian/patches/no-fail | 10 -
p/haskell-aeson/debian/patches/series | 1 -
p/haskell-aeson/debian/patches/th-option.diff | 12 +-
.../debian/patches/threaded-option.diff | 6 +-
p/haskell-aeson/debian/rules | 2 +-
p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/changelog | 11 +
p/{glirc => haskell-alsa-core}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/control | 63 ++
p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/copyright | 21 +
p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/rules | 8 +
p/{agda => haskell-alsa-core}/debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-alsa-mixer/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => haskell-alsa-mixer}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-alsa-mixer/debian/control | 62 ++
p/haskell-alsa-mixer/debian/copyright | 40 +
p/haskell-alsa-mixer/debian/rules | 8 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-alsa-mixer/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-ansi-terminal/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-asn1-encoding/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-assert-failure/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => haskell-assert-failure}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-assert-failure/debian/control | 66 ++
p/haskell-assert-failure/debian/copyright | 38 +
p/haskell-assert-failure/debian/rules | 8 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-assert-failure/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-async/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601/debian/changelog | 5 +
.../debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601/debian/control | 66 ++
p/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601/debian/copyright | 41 +
p/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601/debian/rules | 8 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-attoparsec-iso8601/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-authenticate-oauth/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-authenticate-oauth/debian/control | 10 +-
p/haskell-aws/debian/changelog | 13 +
p/haskell-aws/debian/control | 6 +-
p/haskell-base-compat/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-base-prelude/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => haskell-base-prelude}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-base-prelude/debian/control | 58 ++
p/haskell-base-prelude/debian/copyright | 34 +
p/haskell-base-prelude/debian/rules | 8 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-base-prelude/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-basic-prelude/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-bifunctors/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-binary-orphans/debian/changelog | 13 +
p/haskell-binary-orphans/debian/control | 12 +-
.../debian/patches/bump-semigroup-bounds.patch | 11 +
.../debian/patches/newer-aeson | 13 +
p/haskell-binary-orphans/debian/patches/newer-deps | 55 -
p/haskell-binary-orphans/debian/patches/series | 3 +-
p/haskell-binary-tagged/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-blaze-html/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-blaze-html/debian/control | 6 +-
p/haskell-blaze-markup/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-blaze-markup/debian/control | 6 +-
p/haskell-blaze-svg/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-blaze-svg/debian/control | 2 +-
p/haskell-boolean/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-brick/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-brick/debian/control | 11 +-
p/haskell-bytes/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-bytestring-handle/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-bytestring-handle/debian/control | 6 +-
p/haskell-cabal-doctest/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => haskell-cabal-doctest}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-cabal-doctest/debian/control | 58 ++
p/haskell-cabal-doctest/debian/copyright | 40 +
p/haskell-cabal-doctest/debian/rules | 8 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-cabal-doctest/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-cabal-file-th/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-cabal-file-th/debian/control | 2 +-
.../debian/patches/no-Cabal-bound | 13 -
p/haskell-cabal-file-th/debian/patches/series | 1 -
p/haskell-cabal-helper/debian/cabal-helper.install | 2 +-
p/haskell-cabal-helper/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-cabal-helper/debian/control | 3 +-
p/haskell-cabal-install/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-cabal-install/debian/control | 9 +-
.../debian/patches/use-cryptohash | 4 +-
p/haskell-cabal/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-call-stack/debian/changelog | 17 +
p/{glirc => haskell-call-stack}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-call-stack/debian/control | 55 +
p/haskell-call-stack/debian/copyright | 31 +
p/haskell-call-stack/debian/rules | 9 +
.../debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-call-stack/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-case-insensitive/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-case-insensitive/debian/control | 9 +-
p/haskell-cassava/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-cereal/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-cereal/debian/patches/no-fail | 10 +-
p/haskell-cgi/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-charsetdetect-ae/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-chart-cairo/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-chart-cairo/debian/control | 2 +-
p/haskell-chart/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-chart/debian/control | 2 +-
p/haskell-chell-quickcheck2/debian/changelog | 13 +
p/haskell-chell-quickcheck2/debian/control | 4 +-
.../debian/patches/newer-quickcheck | 25 +
p/haskell-chell-quickcheck2/debian/patches/series | 1 +
p/haskell-classy-prelude-conduit/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-classy-prelude-conduit/debian/control | 5 +-
p/haskell-classy-prelude-yesod/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-classy-prelude-yesod/debian/control | 10 +-
p/haskell-classy-prelude/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-classy-prelude/debian/control | 6 +
p/haskell-cmark/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-cmark/debian/control | 7 +-
p/haskell-cmdargs/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-code-page/debian/changelog | 5 +
p/{glirc => haskell-code-page}/debian/compat | 0
p/haskell-code-page/debian/control | 56 +
p/haskell-code-page/debian/copyright | 40 +
p/haskell-code-page/debian/rules | 11 +
p/{agda => haskell-code-page}/debian/source/format | 0
p/haskell-code-page/debian/watch | 2 +
p/haskell-comonad/debian/changelog | 6 +
.../debian/patches/doctest-builddir.diff | 14 -
p/haskell-comonad/debian/patches/series | 1 -
p/haskell-concurrent-output/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-conduit-combinators/debian/changelog | 12 +
p/haskell-conduit-combinators/debian/control | 8 +-
p/haskell-conduit-extra/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-conduit/debian/changelog | 18 +
p/haskell-conduit/debian/control | 66 +-
p/haskell-config-value/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-connection/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-constraints/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-cracknum/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-cracknum/debian/control | 8 +-
p/haskell-criterion/debian/changelog | 6 +
p/haskell-criterion/debian/control | 19 +-
p/haskell-cryptohash-md5/debian/changelog | 5 +
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