[pandoc] branch master updated (70bcba5 -> dea827b)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Fri Jul 21 19:13:38 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to branch master
in repository pandoc.
from 70bcba5 pandoc: Fix build by bumping directory bounds
new d9880fe LaTeX template: Added dummy definition for `\institute`.
new 3490932 Textile reader: improved table parsing.
new e2d5946 Textile reader: improve definition list parsing.
new 3263ed3 RST reader: use Div for admonitions.
new 5611de1 Restored whitespace between paragraphs in beamer template.
new 1b6c973 LaTeX reader: more robust parsing of unknown environments.
new 34533dd LaTeX reader: be more forgiving of non-standard characters.
new c52fa06 Small changes in debian package creation.
new 2bd07f4 deb Vagrantfile: install curl.
new 307b94a make_deb.sh: get pandoc-citeproc.1 directly from github.
new fba8dc1 make_deb.sh: get pandoc-citeproc LICENSE from github.
new 2e27b29 Updated stack.full.yaml.
new 5b46980 stack.full.yaml - only build pandoc, pandoc-types, pandoc-citeproc.
new 69e7249 Removed flag setting for texmath in stack.full.yaml.
new 5f75897 Textile reader: support `bc..` extended code blocks.
new 266caf7 Added test for extended code block in textile.
new 27762af Textile reader: disallow empty URL in explicit link.
new a396003 Rename README to MANUAL.txt
new 2824688 Add Github-friendly README.md
new 199489c Merge pull request #3033 from tarleb/github-readme
new 1a3d753 Fix MANUAL.txt path in make-windows-installer.txt.
new c42ae8c Added appveyor badge
new aa21f96 Fixed appveyor badge
new 49f4460 Use http to access online documentation
new 6489be8 Merge pull request #3038 from tarleb/patch-1
new 7f414f3 Fixed stack.full.yaml.
new d2464de Use texmath Closes #3040.
new 08bef01 Added texmath
new d6507d6 Fix the LaTeX and EPUB links
new 7af8bfd Merge pull request #3045 from mortonfox/patch-1
new a480293 LaTeX writer: don't use * for unnumbered paragraph, subparagraph.
new cde1f00 Added `beamerarticle` variable.
new be47831 Fix out of index error in handleError
new 3a49439 Fix for unquoted attribute values in mediawiki tables.
new 124679f Improved mediawiki reader's treatment of verbatim constructions.
new 0fbb676 MediaWiki reader: properly interpret XML tags in pre environments.
new ba5b426 Org reader: ensure image sources are proper links
new 3a6e15a Merge pull request #3067 from tarleb/org-figure-bugfix
new 13280a8 Org reader: preserve indentation of verse lines
new 13424a2 Merge pull request #3065 from tarleb/org-verse-indent
new cfbee76 Tell where to get tarball in INSTALL.
new 81311a7 Added `themeoptions` variable to beamer template (Carsten Gips).
new f9afc0d LaTeX reader: drop duplicate `*` in bibtexKeyChars
new 1955ee9 Merge pull request #3048 from tarleb/latex-mini-fix
new 347d716 Docx parser: Use xml convenience functions
new a362a62 Docx Writer: Implement user-defined styles.
new 6c6860d Docx Writer: Have state keep track of dynamic styles.
new 9999db2 StyleMap: export functions on StyleMap instances
new 59bc1e6 Docx writer: Inject new paragraph properties
new d6b6055 Docx writer: Allow dynamic styles on spans.
new 66d393a Docx Writer: Keep track of dynamic text props too.
new 2870c9b Docx writer: Inject text properties as well.
new b784ce8 Docx Writer: change dynamic style key
new b512573 Add discussion of custom styles to MANUAL.txt.
new 663f689 Docx writer tests: allow for altered round trip
new d416f62 Docx writer: test for custom styles.
new 972286c Docx writer test: comment out function to make compiler happy.
new 3a44ee6 MANUAL: fix some whitespace issues.
new 91afa51 Org writer: remove blank line after figure caption
new d669425 Org writer: ensure blank line after figure
new dbf4d77 Org writer: ensure link targets are paths or URLs
new 29ac4ae Merge branch 'org-figure-fix'
new 35e1d6d synchronize spacing of footnotes in help output
new 2c9f17d Merge pull request #3074 from waldyrious/patch-1
new 84a99af MANUAL: fix up custom-style documentation.
new f59dfb8 Note in MANUAL that `--katex` works best with `html5`.
new b7b5458 Allow aeson 1.0.*.
new 500de5e Org writer: translate language identifiers
new d29a623 Man writer: allow section numbers that are not a single digit.
new 62882f9 Docx reader: Handle anchor spans with content in headers.
new 2893b00 Docx reader: Let headers use exisiting id.
new 9f6fd61 Docx reader: use all anchor spans for header ids.
new 95734b2 Docx reader: update copyright.
new fcbb37c Docx reader: test for nested anchor spans in header
new bed5f70 Org reader: extract meta parsing code to module
new 153970b Org reader: read markup only for special meta keys
new 2ca2585 Org reader: allow multiple, comma-separated authors
new 75df104 Org reader: give precedence to later meta lines
new a257488 Org reader: read LaTeX_header as header-includes
new 825ce8c Org reader: set documentclass meta from LaTeX_class
new d164ead Org reader: set classoption meta from LaTeX_class_options
new 28d17ea Org reader: read HTML_head as header-includes
new ad62578 Put Org reader export option tests into test group
new 117d3f4 Org reader: respect `author` export option
new 0568aa5 Org reader: respect `email` export option
new 88313c0 Org reader: respect `creator` export option
new a3a3e3f Merge branch 'org-meta-handling'
new 7ae9621 Docx reader: clean up function with `traverse`
new 773adc7 Docx reader: Import traverse for ghc 7.8
new abc4bca Docx reader: make all compilers happy with traversable.
new 21cd76c Org reader: respect unnumbered header property
new 1053677 Translate NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE into LaTeX.
new 07c67cf Merge pull request #3091 from wilx/master-narrow-no-break-space
new b0013bf PDF: Don't crash with nonexistent image.
new 45c7108 Remove Compat.Monoid
new 1cdebe1 Remove an inline monad compatibility macro.
new 26c3705 Fix grouping of imports.
new 7f676b5 Remove Text.Pandoc.Compat.Except
new f72e3b5 Remove directory compat
new 121e3df Change constraint on mtl.
new 7ea16ad Actually remove T/P/Compat/Except.
new c613dbd Remove unnecessary CPP condition in UTF8
new 99d5d1c Bump base lower bound to 4.6 (ghc 7.6)
new 8701899 Remove 7.6 build from .travis.yaml
new eee780b Bump base lower bound to 4.7
new 10567f2 Bump supported ghc version in CONTRIBUTING.md.
new e8f4f49 Add note about GHC version support to INSTALL.
new c9a631e Remove GHC 7.6 from list of tested versions
new 3f8d3d8 Remove TagSoup compat
new df1ca2b Add EOL note to time compat module.
new 7d9f2d3 Remove blaze-html CPP conditional.
new 3f82471 Remove http-client CPP conditionals.
new 09d96bb Remove unnecessary CPP in custom Prelude.
new fd4831d DocBook writer: include an anchor element when a div or span has an id.
new 5b5f55a LaTeX writer: enclose backtick in `{}` in verbatim
new 9c1467e Add test for backtick in verbatim.
new 5c4adf9 Put note on structured vars in separate paragraph
new 02e4b7d Merge pull request #3071 from tarleb/structured-author-doc
new 581fc01 LaTeX writer: change braced backtick to \textasciigrave{}
new fd3520b Bump to 1.17.3
new c55233f Update changelog.
new c1d26a2 Use lts-7.0 in stack.yaml files.
new 86f6d79 Added pandoc-citeproc back to extra-deps.
new e70d848 Beamer template: added support for fontfamilies.
new dfb1676 Updated changelog.
new b43ebd2 HTML template: use p instead of h1 for subtitle, author, date.
new 820ab51 Use p tags for subtitle, author, date in epub, revealjs, slidy templates.
new cacb9c0 USe latest pandoc-citeproc in binary package stack.yaml.
new e7c3ea4 Updated man page and MANUAL date.
new ec6d063 Check `$DATADIR/filters` for filters
new cc5c5c1 Update MANUAL.txt for new filter behavior.
new 14a26f9 Whitespace fixes.
new df33d13 LaTeX: Do not set [htbp] figure placement options.
new c6d3eca Merge pull request #3093 from wilx/master-figure-placement
new a244aff LaTeX template: set default figure placement.
new 78c142b Updated changelog.
new 0ab833e revealjs template: Added `notes-server` option (Yoan Blanc).
new ae32d71 LaTeX template: use footnote package to fix notes in tables.
new 66575ab Updated changelog
new 03167bb Updated test suite.
new e95047e Markdown reader: added bracket syntax for native spans.
new 6b2bb8f Update changelog.
new 06fa698 Execute .js filters with node
new 9a2d92a Merge pull request #3136 from nichtich/patch-1
new f49ed2e Removed cabal 1.16 cruft from .travis.yml.
new 5ec9b63 Moved template compiling/rendering code to a separate library.
new e4b74aa Added doctemplates to stack.lts6.yaml.
new fcb45c3 Use doctemplates
new 7ecafa6 Removed unneeded stack.hsb2hs.yaml.
new c28c16d Use doctemplates
new a99d81d Revert overhasty bounds change for pandoc-types.
new 46d8b42 AsciiDoc writer: avoid unnecessary use of "unconstrained" emphasis.
new d0bfcbb EPUB writer: use stringify instead of plain writer for metadata.
new 1435906 MediaWiki writer: transform filename with underscores in images.
new 6a3d1cf Add ReaderT env to the docx writer:
new a2d3854 Move more enviroment vars to Reader Monad.
new 8d148c0 Add setRTL and setLTR functions.
new e98be61 Test for "dir" metadata.
new acf3523 Add a boolean flag to the setRTL function.
new 666c042 Filter text/para props correctly.
new ab31d5e Remove bool on setRTL.
new 41f4c87 Clean up commented-out code
new f7d92b5 Update KaTeX to v0.6.0
new 3f9a0a8 Merge pull request #3141 from ickc/master
new 1893f8f Docx writer: move a couple more vars to ReaderT
new be27c9c Docx writer: Clean up and streamline RTL behavior
new 4eba314 Docx writer: code legibility fixups.
new 6d05c37 Docx writer: Move one more env var to Reader monad
new 4d621f4 Replace Google Chart API by CodeCogs
new 6613359 fix typo
new d8600d6 Added a small clarification on --webtex with Markdown output.
new ea5c620 add a temp file to keep track of all files involving markdown_mmd and multimarkdownExtensions
new 46be319 removed mmd raw_tex in src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
new a06586a update manual accordingly
new be5bd22 remove temporary checklist
new 8b7b42e Delete googlecode-upload.sh
new 5a0d91f Merge pull request #3156 from ickc/removing-googlecode
new f4b7ab1 More checks for Ext_raw_html when rendering HTML in Markdown.
new bb48f2e Org reader: trim verse lines properly
new 27113bd Options: Add references location.
new 6914808 Add ReaderT monad for environment variables.
new ca50dee Markdown writer: Allow footnotes/refs at the end of blocks, sections
new 14209b2 Add reference-location options to executable.
new 4b0dbdc Markdown writer: add test for note placement.
new afbeba9 MANUAL.txt: document --reference-location.
new 901045b Merge pull request #3159 from jkr/refs
new ced4032 Note on --reference-links about --reference-location.
new cbeb72d MANUAL: Made formatting of arguments with several options consistent.
new 64b77cc Shared: add function combining lines using LineBreak
new 22cb9e3 Add support for the LineBlock element to writers
new c9460e7 Parse line-oriented markup as LineBlock
new 3e60ed9 Allow empty lines when parsing line blocks
new 63966f6 Bump required pandoc-types version to 1.17
new 4eff607 Merge pull request #3072 from tarleb/lineblock
new 354c4ab Updated stack.yaml and windows/stack.yaml to use latest pandoc-types.
new 79d8056 Document `biblio-title` variable in MANUAL.txt.
new 4a1ef0b Revert "Remove http-client CPP conditionals."
new 6d13567 Allow http-client 0.4.30, which is the version in stackage lts.
new 6156cdd Update stack.yaml files.
new 886e131 Use latest pandoc-citeproc in stack.yamls.
new cd14278 Markdown writer: Abstract out note/ref function.
new b5c0eeb Use newest pandoc-types from repo.
new 8049a43 Use latest pandoc-types in windows/stack.yaml.
new 85cf7b1 Travis: test with lts-7 not lts-6.
new edc951e [ODT Parser] Include list's starting value
new 9282fad Added tests and a corner case for starting number
new 9bd1da1 Merge pull request #3146 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-list-start-value
new 49b0b67 Remove Tests.Arbitrary
new 462c140 Org reader: allow figure with empty caption
new 4a25342 Travis: Use fast flag for aeson.
new bd1dcd6 Travis: fixed --flag argument in stack.
new 8625ff2 Update stack.yamls to use pandoc-types 1.17 release.
new e298dc2 BUmp pandoc-types version in stack.yamls.
new 15902b3 Try travis build with latest dev pandoc-types.
new 54d54fc Use pandoc-types in stack.yaml.
new f8603e6 Bump pandoc-types versions to in stack.yaml.
new e666c92 RST reader: skip whitespace before note.
new f407b66 RST reader: Add test for space-before-note.
new 1266b21 Org writer: drop space before footnote markers
new f11d7c2 Travis tweaks.
new a85e8fe Allow latest HUnit.
new 7a2d9a2 stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-types.
new ea31c9e Use lts-7.4 resolver.
new 630e79f Added pandoc-citeproc back to extra-deps in stack.yaml.
new 13ff73b Setup.hs - removed some unneeded imports.
new 3747abf Try to fix build error on ghc 7.8.
new 8264ae2 Better fix for the problem with ghc 7.8.
new c924611 Basic support for images in ODT documents
new a02f276 Infer caption from the text following the img
new 7234321 Minor refactoring
new 4417e33 Use bind function instead of pattern matching
new 0cd11b3 Merge pull request #3165 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-image
new c74c5fd Issue 3143: Don't duplicate text for anchors
new 4a2a7a2 Merge pull request #3166 from hubertp-lshift/bug/3134
new dd799df Image with a caption needs special formatting
new 29cbd5c Merge pull request #3168 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-image-with-caption
new 23fb52e Add --parts command line option to LaTeX writer.
new aca695a TEI writer: remove heuristic to detect book template
new 595a171 Add option for top-level division type
new 1da40d6 Merge pull request #3108 from tarleb/part
new 4b51ed3 Download markdown version of the license from GNU and rename to `COPYING.md`
new 4851986 Merge pull request #3158 from ickc/COPY-LICENSE
new 8b9cce9 "Merge" MANUAL.txt into README.md (#3167)
new d2a6533 EPUB reader: don't add root path to data: URIs.
new 696dfbc Added `angle_brackets_escapable` extension.
new 422b861 Handle line blocks in sample.lua custom lua writer.
new 3f93ca5 Updated changelog.
new 273d90b Added --list-* options.
new 1d15f0e Update changelog.
new 9dd18eb ICML writer: replace partial function (!!) in table handling (#3175)
new 96fa1da fix example in documentation (#3176)
new 95d3966 Travis: add to end of path to avoid a warning.
new 5ec7331 Travis: Set ulimit -n 4096 before build. This seems necessary on OSX.
new 7388061 Allow binary formats to be written to stdout unless tty output.
new bf72a48 Tighten up parsing of raw email addresses.
new fc061e6 Updated changelog.
new b2c8b97 stack.yamls - use latest pandoc-citeproc.
new 10bd57e Fixed typo in deprecation warning.
new 7b1a9d7 stack.yamls - use latest pandoc-citeproc.
new d51e475 Export Text.Pandoc.Error in Text.Pandoc.
new 5898598 Updated changelog.
new bd26819 Use pandoc-citeproc 0.10.2 in stack package builds.
new 7359ce6 Add hypersetup options to beamer templates (Jake Zimmerman).
new b4fbe22 Document hyperref options for beamer in MANUAL.
new bb20f91 Added INSTALL.md, incorporating INSTALL + installing page from website.
new 14bcf97 README.md: added link to INSTALL and examples and demo on website.
new c0e8c02 Removed duplicate link refs.
new b0df50f Minor changes to CONTRIBUTING.md.
new c46ad7c reveal.js: don't change slide title to level 1 header.
new 78e4fbd Markdown Reader: add attributes for autolink (#3183)
new 4473cd8 Fixed date on MANUAL.txt
new 3a25544 Version to 1.18.
new fa5b0b6 Use latest pandoc-citeproc.
new bd71569 Use lts-7.5 resolver.
new 626d0b7 Print highlighting-kate version in --version.
new f75921f Updated man page.
new b41f9f7 Updated changelog.
new 4afb115 Updated authors in MANUAL.txt.
new 3ddb166 Updated man page.
new b55310d stack.yamls - use git commit from pandoc-citeproc
new d2bc983 Update pandoc-citeproc commit to use for binary packages.
new d518277 Org reader: add support for todo-markers
new 63bdc5d Org reader: support the `todo` export option
new 4f06e6c Org reader: support `ATTR_HTML` for special blocks
new 5d02e47 LaTeX reader: allow for []s inside LaTeX optional args.
new e08ffa5 Added a test case with a complex raw latex environment in Markdown.
new 01a21dd [odt] Infer tables' header props from rows (#3199)
new eb5cb0f Handle hungarumlaut in LaTeX reader. Closes #3201.
new 705df61 LaTeX reader: Handle BVerbatim from fancyvrb. Fixes #3203.
new bdda4b1 HTML reader: treat `<math>` as MathML by default...
new 1138ae6 Docx reader utils: handle empty namespace in elemName
new effc348 Docx reader: Handle Alt text and titles in images.
new 378603c Docx writer: Handle title text in images.
new 5684577 Docx reader/writer: Update tests for img title and alt
new 4a99e14 Docx Reader: abstract out function to avoid code repetition.
new e6422b1 Improved error if they give wrong arg to --top-level-division.
new 7db4dd4 Allow `file://` URIs as arguments.
new eced02d Markdown reader: Allow reference link labels starting with @...
new 13bc573 Inline code when text has a special style
new 7e5220b Org reader: allow HTML attribs on non-figure images
new 7539de0 Docx reader: Be more specific in parsing images
new eea4d14 Docx reader: add a placeholder value for CHART.
new b6a9169 Markdown writer: Fix escaping of spaces in super/subscript.
new 3de6b97 Use correct mime types for woff and woff2.
new 50f0cfc HTML reader: only treat "a" element as link if it has href.
new dec0ff3 changelog: Moved an item that was misplaced...
new 064e3f8 Markdown writer: fixed inconsistent spacing issue.
new 298e6f3 Allow alignments to be specified in Markdown grid tables.
new 0dfceda Adjust widths in Markdown grid tables so that they match on round-trip.
new e8ce21d Small caps in Bracketed Spans (#3191)
new 74ebeee remove make_travis_yml.hs (#3235)
new 99287f4 Add comment acknowledging source of .travis.yml.
new 20b2269 In --version, trap error in getAppUserDataDirectory.
new 31076ad Markdown writer: Use bracketed form for native spans...
new aabf10b Added weigh-pandoc for memory usage diagnostics.
new 9141f1f windows/stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-citeproc from git.
new a729dd8 Docx writer: fixed XML markup for empty cells.
new f9df62c Export Text.Pandoc.getDefaultExtensions.
new 1a8af5f Org reader: Ensure images in paragraphs are not parsed as figures
new e4798a6 Fixed xref lookup in DocBook reader. Closes #3243.
new 5a1796e LaTeX reader: improved parsing of tables.
new 64413b1 Un-break Travis build
new f255625 LaTeX reader: limited support for minipage.
new d905551 LaTeX reader: improved table handling.
new 6246d6e Added error message for illegal call to Pretty.block
new 18f5d25 Added function to compute the minimal width of a document
new 2761fec Fix for calculation of column widths for aligned multiline tables
new bd19176 LaTeX writer: ensure that simple tables have simple cells.
new 8d7ecc2 Allow beamer-style <...> options in raw LaTeX (also in Markdown).
new ac6dfe0 Changed resolution of filter paths.
new 7775374 Cleaned up filter-finding.
new 77912dd Put 'warn' in MonadIO. Add warnings for math conversions in docx.
new 5449e4a Docx writer: Give full detail when there are errors converting tex math.
new 6ee7f72 Further revisions to manual for --version changes.
new 03788eb Fixed some bugs in Pretty that caused blank lines in tables.
new 07b3060 CONTRIBUTING.md: minor change in wording and punctuation (#3252)
new d7fb9db LaTeX writer: use `\autocites*` when "suppress-author" citation used.
new f4a8f12 Org reader: respect column width settings
new 78f2c99 Use pre-wrap for code in dzslides template (Nicolas Porcel).
new 2873cd8 LaTeX reader: don't treat `\vspace` and `\hspace` as block commands.
new baa2536 Allow to overwrite top-level division type heuristics (#3258)
new 015dead [odt] Infer table's caption from the paragraph (#3224)
new 5219599 [Tex] Remove invalid inlines in sections (#3218)
new fee0b91 Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use indent (#2757)
new 7b4a12a Revert "Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use indent (#2757)"
new 5222572 HTML reader: improved table parsing.
new aa67b34 Update changelog.
new 92a78d7 Version to 1.19.
new 08bf8f2 Updated stack.yaml to use lts 7.9 + latest pandoc-citeproc dev.
new 1fc07ff Refactor top-level division selection (#3261)
new ea91643 Updated renderHtml import in HTML writer to avoid deprecated function.
new e2a452b Shared.fetchItem: Better handling of protocol-relative URL.
new fd2cac8 Updated changelog.
new ac83d4b Use new module from texmath to lookup MS font codepoints.
new 804bba1 stack.yaml - use texmath 0.9 release.
new fdc5674 travis: use language generic (#3267)
new 478e15d Removed unused import.
new ac312ca Updated changelog.
new fb8a254 Options: Removed writerStandalone, made writerTemplate a Maybe.
new aedd604 Use pandoc-citeproc 0.10.3 release in stack.yamls for binary pkgs.
new e8a9de3 Updated changelog.
new 4e6edd2 Update date in manual and man page.
new ddb5a0a Reformatting changelog.
new 3dacf5b More cosmetic changes to changelog.
new 733b1f3 Minor spelling typos in the manual (#3273)
new 7ace7dd Markdown writer: Fixed incorrect word wrapping.
new 85e8afe LaTeX template: use correct separator for pdfkeywords.
new bfa734c LaTeX writer: Fix unnumbered headers when used with `--top-level`
new 33b4bc8 Pretty: Added `afterBreak`.
new 41627ed Man writer: Ensure that periods are escaped at beginning of line.
new 97274c9 Fixed some bad regressions in HTML table parser.
new 7fbfcb0 RST reader: fix hyperlink aliases.
new 0e9c96d RST reader: print warnings when keys, substitition, notes not found.
new 65c0e52 Fixed tests with dynamic linking.
new 7ce6224 HTML reader: Understand `style=width:` as well as `width` in `col`.
new a197341 MANUAL: better docs on how to create a custom reference.docx.
new b073319 Fixed bash completion for filenames with spaces.
new d5bfa27 Improved bash-completion for filenames with spaces.
new afa675b Really fixed bash completion this time!
new 6708c6a Removed debug trace from HTML reader.
new 1fde7a3 Set PANDOC_VERSION environment variable for filters.
new f3cb472 Makefile: use stack.
new a09f601 Small tweaks to release checklist.
new 8ced8cb Docx reader: Ensure one-row tables don't have header.
new 9b9ec99 We no longer need the MathMLInHTML.js shim from 2004!
new 00e83be Version to 1.19.1
new abc874b Updated changelog.
new 35ff12a Updated MANUAL date and man page.
new 7fe4b25 New upstream version 1.19.1~dfsg
new 025dbe8 Updated version 1.19.1~dfsg from 'upstream/1.19.1_dfsg'
new 73802d6 Update package relations: Add GHC for doctemplates. Tighten GHC lower bounds for mtl. Shift GHC bounds for texmath pandoc-types. Drop GHC lower bounds for network-uri zip-archive tagsoup blaze-html yaml vector sha cmark http-types, and for diff (but unused as testsuite skipped), relax to build-depend unversioned on haskell-devscripts, and relax to suggest unversioned texlive-latex-extra: Needed versions satisfied even in oldsable. Relax GHC upper bounds for aeson, an [...]
new 88d6578 Stop override lintian for package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends: Fixed in lintian.
new ded2c87 Update copyright info: Add and tidy some copyright holders.
new 78624e6 Modernize cdbs: Check copyright in maintainer script (not during build).
new b0f1a2b Drop patch 2002: Upstream now relaxed GHC lower bounds for http-client http-client-tls.
new 01b8897 Unfuzz patches.
new b242ebf Tidy rules file: Drop no longer used hint.
new dfdc1ce Tidy rules file: Use install file for pandoc-data.
new 8c8b701 Tidy rules file: Declare package dependencies above build and packaging hints.
new e5ce0b3 Tidy rules file: Declare expansion macros before using them, and add descriptive comment.
new 835ef3b Tidy rules file: Rename variables deps-ghc* → ghc-deps*.
new acbe591 Install README.md (renamed upstream from README).
new 5a4f9f9 Modernize Vcs-Browser field: Use git (not cgit) in path.
new 73000af Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.0.0.
new dea827b Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
The 405 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 1 -
COPYING | 346 ---------
COPYING.md | 361 ++++++++++
INSTALL | 234 ------
INSTALL.md | 339 +++++++++
README => MANUAL.txt | 389 +++++++---
README.md | 144 ++++
Setup.hs | 6 +-
benchmark/benchmark-pandoc.hs | 1 -
benchmark/weigh-pandoc.hs | 37 +
changelog | 796 ++++++++++++++++++++-
data/MathMLinHTML.js | 70 --
data/bash_completion.tpl | 26 +-
data/odt/styles.xml | 10 +-
data/sample.lua | 5 +
data/templates/default.beamer | 26 +-
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.../patches/1001_online_latexmathml_default.patch | 32 +-
debian/patches/2001_avoid_missing_files.patch | 11 +-
.../2002_relax_http-client_lower_bounds.patch | 17 -
debian/patches/2003_bump_directory_bounds.patch | 20 +-
debian/patches/series | 1 -
debian/rules | 161 ++---
debian/source/lintian-overrides | 3 -
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src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs | 64 +-
src/Text/Pandoc/Templates.hs | 273 +------
src/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs | 9 +-
src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs | 41 +-
src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs | 9 +-
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src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs | 25 +-
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src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OPML.hs | 6 +-
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src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs | 14 +-
src/Text/Pandoc/XML.hs | 4 +-
stack.yaml | 9 +-
tests/Tests/Arbitrary.hs | 194 -----
tests/Tests/Helpers.hs | 6 +-
tests/Tests/Old.hs | 15 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/Docx.hs | 14 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/HTML.hs | 7 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs | 3 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/Markdown.hs | 20 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/Odt.hs | 21 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs | 559 +++++++++------
tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs | 17 +-
tests/Tests/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs | 3 +-
tests/Tests/Shared.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Walk.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/Docbook.hs | 77 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/Docx.hs | 99 +--
tests/Tests/Writers/HTML.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/LaTeX.hs | 104 ++-
tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs | 142 +++-
tests/Tests/Writers/Native.hs | 4 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/Plain.hs | 2 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/RST.hs | 8 +-
tests/Tests/Writers/TEI.hs | 2 +-
tests/docbook-xref.native | 6 +-
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tests/docx/image_no_embed.native | 2 +-
tests/docx/image_no_embed_writer.native | 2 +-
tests/docx/inline_images.native | 4 +-
tests/docx/nested_anchors_in_header.docx | Bin 0 -> 17535 bytes
tests/docx/nested_anchors_in_header.native | 10 +
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tests/epub/features.native | 1 +
tests/lhs-test.latex | 6 +
tests/lhs-test.latex+lhs | 6 +
tests/mallard-reader.native | 3 -
tests/markdown-reader-more.native | 38 +-
tests/markdown-reader-more.txt | 31 +
tests/odt/native/image.native | 1 +
tests/odt/native/imageIndex.native | 1 +
tests/odt/native/imageWithCaption.native | 1 +
tests/odt/native/inlinedCode.native | 1 +
tests/odt/native/orderedListMixed.native | 2 +-
tests/odt/native/orderedListRoman.native | 2 +-
tests/odt/native/orderedListSimple.native | 2 +-
tests/odt/native/referenceToText.native | 2 +-
tests/odt/native/simpleTable.native | 2 +-
tests/odt/native/simpleTableWithCaption.native | 1 +
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tests/odt/odt/orderedListMixed.odt | Bin 10580 -> 11970 bytes
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tests/odt/odt/orderedListSimple.odt | Bin 10570 -> 11817 bytes
tests/odt/odt/referenceToText.odt | Bin 10179 -> 10208 bytes
tests/odt/odt/simpleTableWithCaption.odt | Bin 0 -> 10396 bytes
tests/rst-reader.native | 11 +-
tests/rst-reader.rst | 2 +
tests/tables.opendocument | 10 +-
tests/textile-reader.native | 5 +-
tests/textile-reader.textile | 7 +
tests/writer.asciidoc | 8 +-
tests/writer.latex | 8 +-
tests/writer.markdown | 5 +-
tests/writer.opendocument | 115 ++-
tests/writer.opml | 6 +-
tests/writer.org | 12 +-
tests/writer.plain | 5 +-
tests/writers-lang-and-dir.latex | 6 +
190 files changed, 6326 insertions(+), 3617 deletions(-)
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delete mode 100644 COPYING
create mode 100644 COPYING.md
delete mode 100644 INSTALL
create mode 100644 INSTALL.md
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create mode 100644 README.md
create mode 100644 benchmark/weigh-pandoc.hs
delete mode 100644 data/MathMLinHTML.js
create mode 100755 debian/copyright-check
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create mode 100644 src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Meta.hs
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create mode 100644 tests/docx/custom-style-reference.docx
create mode 100644 tests/docx/custom-style-roundtrip-end.native
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create mode 100644 tests/docx/nested_anchors_in_header.docx
create mode 100644 tests/docx/nested_anchors_in_header.native
create mode 100644 tests/docx/table_one_row.docx
create mode 100644 tests/docx/table_one_row.native
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create mode 100644 tests/odt/odt/inlinedCode.odt
create mode 100644 tests/odt/odt/simpleTableWithCaption.odt
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/pandoc.git
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