[pandoc] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 535fa5c)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Wed Jul 26 00:52:41 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/
in repository pandoc.
at 535fa5c (tag)
tagging 6b1e5e225962abf14c819c6ae78c0ec3d8045a2e (commit)
replaces upstream/1.17.2_dfsg
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Fri Jul 21 21:16:33 2017 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version
Albert Krewinkel (47):
Rename README to MANUAL.txt
Add Github-friendly README.md
Use http to access online documentation
LaTeX reader: drop duplicate `*` in bibtexKeyChars
Org reader: preserve indentation of verse lines
Org reader: ensure image sources are proper links
Put note on structured vars in separate paragraph
Org writer: remove blank line after figure caption
Org writer: ensure blank line after figure
Org writer: ensure link targets are paths or URLs
Merge branch 'org-figure-fix'
Org writer: translate language identifiers
Org reader: extract meta parsing code to module
Org reader: read markup only for special meta keys
Org reader: allow multiple, comma-separated authors
Org reader: give precedence to later meta lines
Org reader: read LaTeX_header as header-includes
Org reader: set documentclass meta from LaTeX_class
Org reader: set classoption meta from LaTeX_class_options
Org reader: read HTML_head as header-includes
Put Org reader export option tests into test group
Org reader: respect `author` export option
Org reader: respect `email` export option
Org reader: respect `creator` export option
Merge branch 'org-meta-handling'
Org reader: respect unnumbered header property
Remove GHC 7.6 from list of tested versions
TEI writer: remove heuristic to detect book template
Org reader: trim verse lines properly
Shared: add function combining lines using LineBreak
Add support for the LineBlock element to writers
Parse line-oriented markup as LineBlock
Allow empty lines when parsing line blocks
Bump required pandoc-types version to 1.17
Org reader: allow figure with empty caption
Org writer: drop space before footnote markers
Add option for top-level division type
Org reader: add support for todo-markers
Org reader: support the `todo` export option
Org reader: support `ATTR_HTML` for special blocks
Org reader: allow HTML attribs on non-figure images
Org reader: Ensure images in paragraphs are not parsed as figures
Un-break Travis build
Org reader: respect column width settings
Allow to overwrite top-level division type heuristics (#3258)
Refactor top-level division selection (#3261)
LaTeX writer: Fix unnumbered headers when used with `--top-level`
Anthony Geoghegan (1):
Minor spelling typos in the manual (#3273)
Björn Peemöller (3):
Added error message for illegal call to Pretty.block
Added function to compute the minimal width of a document
Fix for calculation of column widths for aligned multiline tables
Daniele D'Orazio (1):
Markdown Reader: add attributes for autolink (#3183)
Hubert Plociniczak (9):
Basic support for images in ODT documents
[ODT Parser] Include list's starting value
Added tests and a corner case for starting number
Infer caption from the text following the img
Minor refactoring
Use bind function instead of pattern matching
Issue 3143: Don't duplicate text for anchors
Image with a caption needs special formatting
Inline code when text has a special style
Jakob Voß (1):
Execute .js filters with node
Jeff Sheets (1):
Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use indent (#2757)
Jesse Rosenthal (76):
Docx parser: Use xml convenience functions
Docx Writer: Implement user-defined styles.
Docx Writer: Have state keep track of dynamic styles.
StyleMap: export functions on StyleMap instances
Docx writer: Inject new paragraph properties
Docx writer: Allow dynamic styles on spans.
Docx Writer: Keep track of dynamic text props too.
Docx writer: Inject text properties as well.
Docx Writer: change dynamic style key
Add discussion of custom styles to MANUAL.txt.
Docx writer tests: allow for altered round trip
Docx writer: test for custom styles.
Docx writer test: comment out function to make compiler happy.
MANUAL: fix some whitespace issues.
MANUAL: fix up custom-style documentation.
Docx reader: Handle anchor spans with content in headers.
Docx reader: Let headers use exisiting id.
Docx reader: use all anchor spans for header ids.
Docx reader: update copyright.
Docx reader: test for nested anchor spans in header
Docx reader: clean up function with `traverse`
Docx reader: Import traverse for ghc 7.8
Docx reader: make all compilers happy with traversable.
Remove Compat.Monoid
Remove an inline monad compatibility macro.
Fix grouping of imports.
Remove Text.Pandoc.Compat.Except
Remove directory compat
Change constraint on mtl.
Actually remove T/P/Compat/Except.
Remove unnecessary CPP condition in UTF8
Bump base lower bound to 4.6 (ghc 7.6)
Remove 7.6 build from .travis.yaml
Bump base lower bound to 4.7
Bump supported ghc version in CONTRIBUTING.md.
Add note about GHC version support to INSTALL.
Remove TagSoup compat
Add EOL note to time compat module.
Remove blaze-html CPP conditional.
Remove http-client CPP conditionals.
Remove unnecessary CPP in custom Prelude.
LaTeX writer: enclose backtick in `{}` in verbatim
Add test for backtick in verbatim.
LaTeX writer: change braced backtick to \textasciigrave{}
Check `$DATADIR/filters` for filters
Update MANUAL.txt for new filter behavior.
Add ReaderT env to the docx writer:
Move more enviroment vars to Reader Monad.
Add setRTL and setLTR functions.
Test for "dir" metadata.
Add a boolean flag to the setRTL function.
Filter text/para props correctly.
Remove bool on setRTL.
Clean up commented-out code
Docx writer: move a couple more vars to ReaderT
Docx writer: Clean up and streamline RTL behavior
Docx writer: code legibility fixups.
Docx writer: Move one more env var to Reader monad
Options: Add references location.
Add ReaderT monad for environment variables.
Markdown writer: Allow footnotes/refs at the end of blocks, sections
Add reference-location options to executable.
Markdown writer: add test for note placement.
MANUAL.txt: document --reference-location.
Markdown writer: Abstract out note/ref function.
Remove Tests.Arbitrary
RST reader: skip whitespace before note.
RST reader: Add test for space-before-note.
Docx reader utils: handle empty namespace in elemName
Docx reader: Handle Alt text and titles in images.
Docx writer: Handle title text in images.
Docx reader/writer: Update tests for img title and alt
Docx Reader: abstract out function to avoid code repetition.
Docx reader: Be more specific in parsing images
Docx reader: add a placeholder value for CHART.
Docx reader: Ensure one-row tables don't have header.
John MacFarlane (224):
LaTeX template: Added dummy definition for `\institute`.
Textile reader: improved table parsing.
Textile reader: improve definition list parsing.
RST reader: use Div for admonitions.
Restored whitespace between paragraphs in beamer template.
LaTeX reader: more robust parsing of unknown environments.
LaTeX reader: be more forgiving of non-standard characters.
Small changes in debian package creation.
deb Vagrantfile: install curl.
make_deb.sh: get pandoc-citeproc.1 directly from github.
make_deb.sh: get pandoc-citeproc LICENSE from github.
Updated stack.full.yaml.
stack.full.yaml - only build pandoc, pandoc-types, pandoc-citeproc.
Removed flag setting for texmath in stack.full.yaml.
Textile reader: support `bc..` extended code blocks.
Added test for extended code block in textile.
Textile reader: disallow empty URL in explicit link.
Merge pull request #3033 from tarleb/github-readme
Fix MANUAL.txt path in make-windows-installer.txt.
Added appveyor badge
Fixed appveyor badge
Merge pull request #3038 from tarleb/patch-1
Fixed stack.full.yaml.
Use texmath Closes #3040.
Added texmath
Merge pull request #3045 from mortonfox/patch-1
LaTeX writer: don't use * for unnumbered paragraph, subparagraph.
Added `beamerarticle` variable.
Fix for unquoted attribute values in mediawiki tables.
Improved mediawiki reader's treatment of verbatim constructions.
MediaWiki reader: properly interpret XML tags in pre environments.
Merge pull request #3067 from tarleb/org-figure-bugfix
Merge pull request #3065 from tarleb/org-verse-indent
Tell where to get tarball in INSTALL.
Added `themeoptions` variable to beamer template (Carsten Gips).
Merge pull request #3048 from tarleb/latex-mini-fix
Merge pull request #3074 from waldyrious/patch-1
Note in MANUAL that `--katex` works best with `html5`.
Allow aeson 1.0.*.
Man writer: allow section numbers that are not a single digit.
Merge pull request #3091 from wilx/master-narrow-no-break-space
PDF: Don't crash with nonexistent image.
DocBook writer: include an anchor element when a div or span has an id.
Merge pull request #3071 from tarleb/structured-author-doc
Bump to 1.17.3
Update changelog.
Use lts-7.0 in stack.yaml files.
Added pandoc-citeproc back to extra-deps.
Beamer template: added support for fontfamilies.
Updated changelog.
HTML template: use p instead of h1 for subtitle, author, date.
Use p tags for subtitle, author, date in epub, revealjs, slidy templates.
USe latest pandoc-citeproc in binary package stack.yaml.
Updated man page and MANUAL date.
Whitespace fixes.
Merge pull request #3093 from wilx/master-figure-placement
LaTeX template: set default figure placement.
Updated changelog.
revealjs template: Added `notes-server` option (Yoan Blanc).
LaTeX template: use footnote package to fix notes in tables.
Updated changelog
Updated test suite.
Markdown reader: added bracket syntax for native spans.
Update changelog.
Merge pull request #3136 from nichtich/patch-1
Removed cabal 1.16 cruft from .travis.yml.
Moved template compiling/rendering code to a separate library.
Added doctemplates to stack.lts6.yaml.
Use doctemplates
Removed unneeded stack.hsb2hs.yaml.
Use doctemplates
Revert overhasty bounds change for pandoc-types.
AsciiDoc writer: avoid unnecessary use of "unconstrained" emphasis.
EPUB writer: use stringify instead of plain writer for metadata.
MediaWiki writer: transform filename with underscores in images.
Merge pull request #3141 from ickc/master
Added a small clarification on --webtex with Markdown output.
Merge pull request #3156 from ickc/removing-googlecode
More checks for Ext_raw_html when rendering HTML in Markdown.
Merge pull request #3159 from jkr/refs
Note on --reference-links about --reference-location.
MANUAL: Made formatting of arguments with several options consistent.
Merge pull request #3072 from tarleb/lineblock
Updated stack.yaml and windows/stack.yaml to use latest pandoc-types.
Document `biblio-title` variable in MANUAL.txt.
Revert "Remove http-client CPP conditionals."
Allow http-client 0.4.30, which is the version in stackage lts.
Update stack.yaml files.
Use latest pandoc-citeproc in stack.yamls.
Use newest pandoc-types from repo.
Use latest pandoc-types in windows/stack.yaml.
Travis: test with lts-7 not lts-6.
Merge pull request #3146 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-list-start-value
Travis: Use fast flag for aeson.
Travis: fixed --flag argument in stack.
Update stack.yamls to use pandoc-types 1.17 release.
BUmp pandoc-types version in stack.yamls.
Try travis build with latest dev pandoc-types.
Use pandoc-types in stack.yaml.
Bump pandoc-types versions to in stack.yaml.
Travis tweaks.
Allow latest HUnit.
stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-types.
Use lts-7.4 resolver.
Added pandoc-citeproc back to extra-deps in stack.yaml.
Setup.hs - removed some unneeded imports.
Try to fix build error on ghc 7.8.
Better fix for the problem with ghc 7.8.
Merge pull request #3165 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-image
Merge pull request #3166 from hubertp-lshift/bug/3134
Merge pull request #3168 from hubertp-lshift/feature/odt-image-with-caption
Merge pull request #3108 from tarleb/part
Merge pull request #3158 from ickc/COPY-LICENSE
EPUB reader: don't add root path to data: URIs.
Added `angle_brackets_escapable` extension.
Handle line blocks in sample.lua custom lua writer.
Updated changelog.
Added --list-* options.
Update changelog.
Travis: add to end of path to avoid a warning.
Travis: Set ulimit -n 4096 before build. This seems necessary on OSX.
Allow binary formats to be written to stdout unless tty output.
Tighten up parsing of raw email addresses.
Updated changelog.
stack.yamls - use latest pandoc-citeproc.
Fixed typo in deprecation warning.
stack.yamls - use latest pandoc-citeproc.
Export Text.Pandoc.Error in Text.Pandoc.
Updated changelog.
Use pandoc-citeproc 0.10.2 in stack package builds.
Add hypersetup options to beamer templates (Jake Zimmerman).
Document hyperref options for beamer in MANUAL.
Added INSTALL.md, incorporating INSTALL + installing page from website.
README.md: added link to INSTALL and examples and demo on website.
Removed duplicate link refs.
Minor changes to CONTRIBUTING.md.
reveal.js: don't change slide title to level 1 header.
Fixed date on MANUAL.txt
Version to 1.18.
Use latest pandoc-citeproc.
Use lts-7.5 resolver.
Print highlighting-kate version in --version.
Updated man page.
Updated changelog.
Updated authors in MANUAL.txt.
Updated man page.
stack.yamls - use git commit from pandoc-citeproc
Update pandoc-citeproc commit to use for binary packages.
LaTeX reader: allow for []s inside LaTeX optional args.
Added a test case with a complex raw latex environment in Markdown.
Handle hungarumlaut in LaTeX reader. Closes #3201.
LaTeX reader: Handle BVerbatim from fancyvrb. Fixes #3203.
HTML reader: treat `<math>` as MathML by default...
Improved error if they give wrong arg to --top-level-division.
Allow `file://` URIs as arguments.
Markdown reader: Allow reference link labels starting with @...
Markdown writer: Fix escaping of spaces in super/subscript.
Use correct mime types for woff and woff2.
HTML reader: only treat "a" element as link if it has href.
changelog: Moved an item that was misplaced...
Markdown writer: fixed inconsistent spacing issue.
Allow alignments to be specified in Markdown grid tables.
Adjust widths in Markdown grid tables so that they match on round-trip.
Add comment acknowledging source of .travis.yml.
In --version, trap error in getAppUserDataDirectory.
Markdown writer: Use bracketed form for native spans...
Added weigh-pandoc for memory usage diagnostics.
windows/stack.yaml - use latest pandoc-citeproc from git.
Docx writer: fixed XML markup for empty cells.
Export Text.Pandoc.getDefaultExtensions.
Fixed xref lookup in DocBook reader. Closes #3243.
LaTeX reader: improved parsing of tables.
LaTeX reader: limited support for minipage.
LaTeX reader: improved table handling.
LaTeX writer: ensure that simple tables have simple cells.
Allow beamer-style <...> options in raw LaTeX (also in Markdown).
Changed resolution of filter paths.
Cleaned up filter-finding.
Put 'warn' in MonadIO. Add warnings for math conversions in docx.
Docx writer: Give full detail when there are errors converting tex math.
Further revisions to manual for --version changes.
Fixed some bugs in Pretty that caused blank lines in tables.
LaTeX writer: use `\autocites*` when "suppress-author" citation used.
Use pre-wrap for code in dzslides template (Nicolas Porcel).
LaTeX reader: don't treat `\vspace` and `\hspace` as block commands.
Revert "Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use indent (#2757)"
HTML reader: improved table parsing.
Update changelog.
Version to 1.19.
Updated stack.yaml to use lts 7.9 + latest pandoc-citeproc dev.
Updated renderHtml import in HTML writer to avoid deprecated function.
Shared.fetchItem: Better handling of protocol-relative URL.
Updated changelog.
Use new module from texmath to lookup MS font codepoints.
stack.yaml - use texmath 0.9 release.
Removed unused import.
Updated changelog.
Options: Removed writerStandalone, made writerTemplate a Maybe.
Use pandoc-citeproc 0.10.3 release in stack.yamls for binary pkgs.
Updated changelog.
Update date in manual and man page.
Reformatting changelog.
More cosmetic changes to changelog.
Markdown writer: Fixed incorrect word wrapping.
LaTeX template: use correct separator for pdfkeywords.
Pretty: Added `afterBreak`.
Man writer: Ensure that periods are escaped at beginning of line.
Fixed some bad regressions in HTML table parser.
RST reader: fix hyperlink aliases.
RST reader: print warnings when keys, substitition, notes not found.
Fixed tests with dynamic linking.
HTML reader: Understand `style=width:` as well as `width` in `col`.
MANUAL: better docs on how to create a custom reference.docx.
Fixed bash completion for filenames with spaces.
Improved bash-completion for filenames with spaces.
Really fixed bash completion this time!
Removed debug trace from HTML reader.
Set PANDOC_VERSION environment variable for filters.
Makefile: use stack.
Small tweaks to release checklist.
We no longer need the MathMLInHTML.js shim from 2004!
Version to 1.19.1
Updated changelog.
Updated MANUAL date and man page.
Jonas Smedegaard (2):
New upstream version 1.19.1~dfsg
New upstream version
Kolen Cheung (1):
Download markdown version of the license from GNU and rename to `COPYING.md`
KolenCheung (7):
Update KaTeX to v0.6.0
Replace Google Chart API by CodeCogs
fix typo
add a temp file to keep track of all files involving markdown_mmd and multimarkdownExtensions
removed mmd raw_tex in src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
update manual accordingly
remove temporary checklist
Matthew Pickering (1):
Fix out of index error in handleError
Mauro Bieg (1):
ICML writer: replace partial function (!!) in table handling (#3175)
Morton Fox (1):
Fix the LaTeX and EPUB links
Oliver Matthews (1):
Add --parts command line option to LaTeX writer.
Thomas Weißschuh (1):
fix example in documentation (#3176)
Vaclav Zeman (2):
LaTeX: Do not set [htbp] figure placement options.
Waldir Pimenta (1):
synchronize spacing of footnotes in help output
hubertp-lshift (3):
[odt] Infer tables' header props from rows (#3199)
[odt] Infer table's caption from the paragraph (#3224)
[Tex] Remove invalid inlines in sections (#3218)
ickc (6):
Delete googlecode-upload.sh
"Merge" MANUAL.txt into README.md (#3167)
Small caps in Bracketed Spans (#3191)
remove make_travis_yml.hs (#3235)
CONTRIBUTING.md: minor change in wording and punctuation (#3252)
travis: use language generic (#3267)
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 6b1e5e2 New upstream version
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/pandoc.git
More information about the Pkg-haskell-commits
mailing list