[DHG_packages] 01/01: Merge branch 'master' into experimental

Clint Adams clint at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 16 03:52:42 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

clint pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository DHG_packages.

commit c035e1c00a96a073c99051d80cd47f46cbee8104
Merge: e659f31 61ac580
Author: Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 15 23:52:19 2017 -0400

    Merge branch 'master' into experimental

 p/alex/debian/changelog                            |   6 +
 p/c2hs/debian/changelog                            |   6 +
 p/c2hs/debian/control                              |   2 +
 .../patches/01_fix-stylesheet-path-for-debian.diff |   8 +-
 p/c2hs/debian/patches/02_fix-docbookx-dtd.diff     |   6 +-
 p/c2hs/debian/patches/03_fix-man-page.diff         |   8 +-
 p/darcs/debian/changelog                           |   7 +
 p/darcs/debian/control                             |   1 -
 p/ghc-mod/debian/changelog                         |   6 +
 p/ghc-mod/debian/control                           |  29 +-
 p/ghc/debian/changelog                             |  38 ++
 p/ghc/debian/control                               |   6 +-
 .../patches/avoid-CrossCompilerPrefix-stage2.patch |  31 ++
 .../patches/build-unlit-and-hp2ps-twice.patch      |  80 ++++
 p/ghc/debian/patches/series                        |   4 +
 .../patches/use-stage1-binaries-for-install.patch  |  26 ++
 p/ghc/debian/rules                                 |  46 +-
 p/gitit/debian/changelog                           |  13 +
 p/gitit/debian/control                             |  31 +-
 p/gitit/debian/patches/clean-cabal-file.patch      |   2 +-
 p/gitit/debian/patches/jquery.patch                |  20 +-
 p/gitit/debian/patches/newer-tagsoup               |  11 -
 p/gitit/debian/patches/series                      |   1 -
 p/glirc/debian/changelog                           |  12 +
 p/glirc/debian/control                             |  84 ++--
 p/happy/debian/changelog                           |   6 +
 p/haskell-aeson/debian/changelog                   |  37 ++
 p/haskell-aeson/debian/control                     |  11 +-
 p/haskell-aeson/debian/patches/32bit-fixes.patch   | 294 +++++++++++++
 p/haskell-aeson/debian/patches/th-option.diff      |  20 +-
 .../debian/patches/threaded-option.diff            |  12 +-
 p/haskell-aeson/debian/rules                       |   4 +-
 p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-alsa-core/debian/control                 |   1 +
 p/haskell-appar/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-appar/debian/control                     |   2 +-
 p/haskell-authenticate-oauth/debian/changelog      |   6 +
 p/haskell-authenticate-oauth/debian/control        |   2 +-
 .../debian/patches/newer-rsa                       |  11 +
 p/haskell-authenticate-oauth/debian/patches/series |   1 +
 p/haskell-aws/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-aws/debian/control                       |   2 +-
 p/haskell-base-orphans/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-binary-conduit/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/control             |   2 +-
 p/haskell-blaze-html/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-blaze-html/debian/control                |   4 +-
 p/haskell-blaze-markup/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-blogliterately/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-blogliterately/debian/control            |  13 +-
 p/haskell-bloomfilter/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-bloomfilter/debian/control               |   2 +-
 p/haskell-boomerang/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-brick/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-brick/debian/control                     |   3 +
 p/haskell-cassava/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-cassava/debian/control                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-cassava/debian/patches/newer-vector      |  11 +
 p/haskell-cassava/debian/patches/series            |   1 +
 p/haskell-cereal-vector/debian/changelog           |   5 +
 p/haskell-cereal-vector/debian/compat              |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  47 ++-
 .../debian/copyright                               |  21 +-
 .../debian/rules                                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-cereal-vector/debian/source/format       |   1 +
 p/haskell-cereal-vector/debian/watch               |   2 +
 p/haskell-charsetdetect-ae/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-chasingbottoms/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-chasingbottoms/debian/control            |   8 +-
 p/haskell-cmark/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-comonad/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-concurrent-output/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/changelog           |   5 +
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/compat              |   1 +
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/control             |  86 ++++
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/copyright           |  25 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/source/format       |   1 +
 p/haskell-config-schema/debian/watch               |   2 +
 p/haskell-cryptonite/debian/changelog              |  12 +
 p/haskell-cryptonite/debian/control                |  12 +-
 .../debian/patches/crypto-buffer-alignment.patch   |  10 +-
 p/haskell-cryptonite/debian/rules                  |   1 +
 p/haskell-debian/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-debian/debian/control                    |  20 +-
 p/haskell-debian/debian/patches/threaded-option    |   8 +-
 p/haskell-derive/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-diagrams-core/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-diagrams-solve/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-diagrams/debian/changelog                |  12 +
 p/haskell-diagrams/debian/control                  |  26 +-
 p/haskell-distributive/debian/changelog            |   8 +
 p/haskell-distributive/debian/control              |   2 +-
 .../debian/patches/no-transformers-compat.diff     |   2 +-
 p/haskell-distributive/debian/rules                |   3 +-
 p/haskell-dlist/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-dns/debian/changelog                     |  10 +
 p/haskell-dns/debian/control                       |   2 +-
 p/haskell-doctemplates/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-doctemplates/debian/patches/no--N        |  11 +
 p/haskell-doctemplates/debian/patches/series       |   1 +
 p/haskell-doctest/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-double-conversion/debian/changelog       |   7 +
 p/haskell-dual-tree/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-dual-tree/debian/control                 |  11 +-
 p/haskell-edit-distance/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-edit-distance/debian/control             |   2 +-
 p/haskell-ekg-core/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-ekg-json/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-ekg/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-ekg/debian/control                       |   1 +
 p/haskell-email-validate/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-email-validate/debian/control            |  12 +-
 p/haskell-errors/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-errors/debian/control                    |  12 +-
 p/haskell-fdo-notify/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-fdo-notify/debian/control                |   2 +-
 p/haskell-fgl/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-filelock/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-foundation/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-fsnotify/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-generics-sop/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-ghc-events/debian/changelog              |   9 +
 p/haskell-ghc-events/debian/control                |   6 +-
 p/haskell-ghc-events/debian/patches/newer-binary   |  11 -
 p/haskell-ghc-events/debian/patches/series         |   1 -
 p/haskell-ghc-events/debian/rules                  |   2 +-
 p/haskell-github/debian/changelog                  |  12 +
 p/haskell-github/debian/control                    |   7 +-
 .../debian/patches/instances-bump.patch            |  11 +
 p/haskell-github/debian/patches/series             |   1 +
 p/haskell-gitrev/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-gitrev/debian/control                    |   3 +
 p/haskell-glob/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-gloss-rendering/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-gloss/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-gloss/debian/control                     |   4 +-
 p/haskell-hakyll/debian/changelog                  |  18 +
 p/haskell-hakyll/debian/control                    |  15 +-
 p/haskell-happstack-hsp/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-happstack-hsp/debian/control             |   2 +-
 p/haskell-happstack-jmacro/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-happstack-jmacro/debian/control          |   2 +-
 p/haskell-hcwiid/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-hdbc-session/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-hedis/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-hint/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-hledger-lib/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-hledger-lib/debian/control               |   9 -
 .../debian/patches/no-mtl-compat.patch             |  12 +-
 p/haskell-hledger-ui/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-hledger-ui/debian/control                |   8 +-
 p/haskell-hledger-web/debian/changelog             |  12 +
 p/haskell-hledger-web/debian/control               |  10 +-
 .../debian/patches/newer-megaparsec                |  11 +
 p/haskell-hledger-web/debian/patches/series        |   1 +
 p/haskell-hledger/debian/changelog                 |  12 +
 p/haskell-hledger/debian/control                   |   9 +-
 p/haskell-hledger/debian/patches/newer-megaparsec  |  11 +
 .../debian/patches/no-mtl-compat.patch             |   8 +-
 p/haskell-hmt/debian/changelog                     |   5 +
 p/haskell-hmt/debian/compat                        |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  65 +--
 p/haskell-hmt/debian/copyright                     |  15 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-hmt/debian/source/format                 |   1 +
 p/haskell-hmt/debian/watch                         |   2 +
 p/haskell-hoauth2/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-hoauth2/debian/control                   |  23 +-
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/changelog                  |  24 ++
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/control                    |  81 ++--
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/copyright                  |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/generate_from_multiple_sources  |  64 ---
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/patches/global_database    |  11 +-
 .../debian/patches/remove_embedded_copies          |   2 -
 p/haskell-hoogle/debian/patches/series             |   1 -
 p/haskell-hopenpgp-tools/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-hopenpgp-tools/debian/control            |   2 +-
 p/haskell-hpack/debian/changelog                   |  12 +
 p/haskell-hpack/debian/control                     |  17 +-
 p/haskell-hsopenssl/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-hspec-core/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-hspec-core/debian/control                |   2 +-
 p/haskell-hspec-discover/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-hspec/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-hspec/debian/control                     |   8 +-
 p/haskell-hspec/debian/patches/no-hspec-discover   |  12 +-
 p/haskell-hsx2hs/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-hsyslog/debian/changelog                 |  10 +
 p/haskell-hsyslog/debian/control                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-http-conduit/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-http-link-header/debian/changelog        |   7 +
 .../59c4bf5c8b2cffb7b293bbc034310914a6c3bd20.patch |  24 ++
 p/haskell-http-link-header/debian/patches/series   |   1 +
 p/haskell-http-reverse-proxy/debian/changelog      |   6 +
 p/haskell-integer-logarithms/debian/changelog      |   8 +
 p/haskell-integer-logarithms/debian/control        |   7 +-
 p/haskell-integer-logarithms/debian/rules          |   3 +-
 p/haskell-interpolate/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-interpolate/debian/control               |   5 +-
 p/haskell-intervals/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-io-streams-haproxy/debian/changelog      |   6 +
 p/haskell-io-streams-haproxy/debian/control        |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/newer-io-streams                |  11 +
 p/haskell-io-streams-haproxy/debian/patches/series |   1 +
 p/haskell-io-streams/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 .../debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder           |   4 +-
 p/haskell-iproute/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-iproute/debian/control                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-ixset-typed/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-js-jquery/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-juicypixels/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 .../debian/changelog                               |   6 +
 p/haskell-lambdabot-haskell-plugins/debian/control |  14 +-
 p/haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins/debian/changelog   |   6 +
 p/haskell-lambdabot-irc-plugins/debian/control     |   2 +-
 p/haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins/debian/changelog  |   6 +
 p/haskell-lambdabot-misc-plugins/debian/control    |   8 +-
 .../debian/changelog                               |   6 +
 p/haskell-lambdabot-novelty-plugins/debian/control |   4 +-
 .../debian/changelog                               |   6 +
 .../debian/control                                 |   2 +-
 .../debian/changelog                               |   6 +
 p/haskell-lambdabot-social-plugins/debian/control  |   2 +-
 p/haskell-language-c/debian/changelog              |  14 +
 .../2021974d7eb48d71a66b1d235287ab83ef1ee2a5.patch | 177 ++++++++
 p/haskell-language-c/debian/patches/series         |   1 +
 p/haskell-lens-action/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-lens-aeson/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-lens/debian/changelog                    |  12 +
 p/haskell-lens/debian/control                      |  15 +-
 p/haskell-lens/debian/patches/flag-test-templates  |  12 +-
 .../debian/patches/fudge-doctest-nonascii.diff     |  12 +-
 p/haskell-libmpd/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-linear/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-linear/debian/control                    |   2 +-
 p/haskell-log-domain/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-logging-facade/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-logging-facade/debian/control            |  10 +-
 p/haskell-mbox/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-megaparsec/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-megaparsec/debian/control                |   2 +-
 p/haskell-memotrie/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-microlens/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-mime-mail/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-monad-control/debian/changelog           |  12 +
 p/haskell-monad-logger/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 .../debian/patches/use-template-haskell-loc        |   6 +-
 p/haskell-mono-traversable/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-monoid-subclasses/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-musicbrainz/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-musicbrainz/debian/control               |   2 +-
 p/haskell-names-th/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-neat-interpolation/debian/changelog      |   5 +
 p/haskell-neat-interpolation/debian/compat         |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  40 +-
 p/haskell-neat-interpolation/debian/copyright      |  34 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   4 +-
 p/haskell-neat-interpolation/debian/source/format  |   1 +
 p/haskell-neat-interpolation/debian/watch          |   2 +
 p/haskell-network-info/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-network-info/debian/control              |   2 +-
 p/haskell-network-multicast/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-network-multicast/debian/control         |   2 +-
 p/haskell-newtype-generics/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-openglraw/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-pandoc-citeproc/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-pandoc-citeproc/debian/control           |   2 +-
 p/haskell-pandoc-types/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-pandoc-types/debian/control              |  28 +-
 p/haskell-parsers/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-parsers/debian/control                   |   5 +
 p/haskell-parsers/debian/patches/disable-doctests  |   2 +-
 p/haskell-persistable-record/debian/changelog      |   6 +
 .../debian/changelog                               |   6 +
 p/haskell-persistent/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-pipes-bytestring/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-pipes-bytestring/debian/control          |  10 +-
 p/haskell-pipes-group/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-pointed/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-pointed/debian/control                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-pqueue/debian/changelog                  |   6 +
 p/haskell-primitive/debian/changelog               |   7 +
 .../newer-base-and-ghc-prim-and-transformers       |  15 -
 p/haskell-primitive/debian/patches/series          |   1 -
 p/haskell-profunctors/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-profunctors/debian/control               |   2 +-
 p/haskell-psqueues/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-quickcheck-io/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-quickcheck-io/debian/control             |   2 +-
 p/haskell-quickcheck-simple/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-reducers/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-reducers/debian/control                  |   2 +-
 p/haskell-reform-happstack/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-reform-happstack/debian/control          |   4 +-
 p/haskell-relational-query-hdbc/debian/changelog   |   6 +
 p/haskell-relational-query-hdbc/debian/control     |   5 +-
 p/haskell-relational-query/debian/changelog        |   7 +
 p/haskell-relational-query/debian/control          |   7 +-
 p/haskell-relational-record/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-relational-record/debian/control         |  10 +-
 p/haskell-relational-schemas/debian/changelog      |   6 +
 p/haskell-relational-schemas/debian/control        |   8 +-
 p/haskell-rsa/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-rsa/debian/control                       |   9 +-
 p/haskell-safe-exceptions/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-safecopy/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-safesemaphore/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-safesemaphore/debian/control             |   2 +-
 p/haskell-sandi/debian/changelog                   |  16 +
 p/haskell-sandi/debian/control                     |  11 +-
 p/haskell-sandi/debian/patches/no-tasty-th         | 274 ++++++++++++
 p/haskell-sandi/debian/patches/series              |   1 +
 p/haskell-scientific/debian/changelog              |  12 +
 p/haskell-scientific/debian/control                |   8 +-
 p/haskell-sdl/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-semigroupoids/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-semigroupoids/debian/control             |  14 +-
 p/haskell-servant-client/debian/changelog          |  12 +
 p/haskell-servant-client/debian/control            |  76 ++--
 p/haskell-servant-server/debian/changelog          |  24 ++
 p/haskell-servant-server/debian/control            | 112 ++---
 .../debian/patches/hspec-wai-0.8                   |  21 +
 p/haskell-servant-server/debian/patches/series     |   1 +
 p/haskell-servant/debian/changelog                 |  18 +
 p/haskell-servant/debian/control                   |  50 ++-
 p/haskell-shake/debian/changelog                   |   7 +
 p/haskell-shakespeare/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-skylighting/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-skylighting/debian/control               |   3 +
 p/haskell-skylighting/debian/patches/series        |   1 -
 p/haskell-skylighting/debian/patches/system-pcre   |  20 -
 p/haskell-smallcheck/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-snap-core/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 .../debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder           |   4 +-
 p/haskell-snap-server/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-snap/debian/changelog                    |  25 ++
 p/haskell-snap/debian/control                      |  53 ++-
 p/haskell-snap/debian/patches/newer-directory      |  16 -
 .../debian/patches/newer-metadata-from-hackage     |  50 +++
 .../debian/patches/no-test-framework-smallcheck    |  29 ++
 p/haskell-snap/debian/patches/series               |   3 +-
 p/haskell-snap/debian/rules                        |   2 +
 p/haskell-sql-words/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-src-exts-simple/debian/changelog         |  11 +
 p/haskell-src-exts-simple/debian/compat            |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  33 +-
 p/haskell-src-exts-simple/debian/copyright         |  32 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-src-exts-simple/debian/source/format     |   1 +
 p/haskell-src-exts-simple/debian/watch             |   2 +
 p/haskell-src-meta/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-src-meta/debian/control                  |   4 +-
 p/haskell-stack/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-stack/debian/control                     | 297 ++++++++++---
 p/haskell-syb/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-tagshare/debian/changelog                |   5 +
 p/haskell-tagshare/debian/compat                   |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  32 +-
 .../debian/copyright                               |  21 +-
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-tagshare/debian/source/format            |   1 +
 p/haskell-tagshare/debian/watch                    |   2 +
 p/haskell-tasty-hunit/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-tasty-hunit/debian/control               |   2 +-
 p/haskell-tasty-quickcheck/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-tasty-quickcheck/debian/control          |   2 +-
 p/haskell-tasty-rerun/debian/changelog             |  10 +
 p/haskell-tasty-rerun/debian/control               |   2 +-
 p/haskell-tasty/debian/changelog                   |  16 +
 p/haskell-tasty/debian/control                     |   4 +-
 p/haskell-temporary/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-texmath/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-text-postgresql/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-text-show/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-text-show/debian/control                 |   5 +-
 .../debian/patches/no-bytestring-builder           |   8 +-
 p/haskell-text-show/debian/patches/no-nats         |   8 +-
 p/haskell-th-abstraction/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-th-data-compat/debian/changelog          |   6 +
 p/haskell-th-orphans/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-th-reify-compat/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-th-reify-many/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/changelog            |   5 +
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/compat               |   1 +
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/control              |  86 ++++
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/copyright            |  32 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/source/format        |   1 +
 p/haskell-th-utilities/debian/watch                |   2 +
 p/haskell-threads/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/changelog                   |  11 +
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/compat                      |   1 +
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/control                     | 101 +++++
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/copyright                   |  15 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/source/format               |   1 +
 p/haskell-tidal/debian/watch                       |   2 +
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 p/haskell-tls-session-manager/debian/compat        |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  34 +-
 p/haskell-tls-session-manager/debian/copyright     |  40 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-tls-session-manager/debian/source/format |   1 +
 p/haskell-tls-session-manager/debian/watch         |   2 +
 p/haskell-torrent/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-twitter-conduit/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-typed-process/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-typed-process/debian/control             |   4 +-
 p/haskell-typed-process/debian/patches/no--N       |   6 +-
 .../debian/patches/no-network-tests                |   2 +-
 p/haskell-uri/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/haskell-uri/debian/control                       |   2 +-
 p/haskell-vector/debian/changelog                  |   8 +
 p/haskell-vector/debian/control                    |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/newer-base-and-ghc-prim         |  14 -
 p/haskell-vector/debian/patches/newer-quickcheck   |  26 --
 .../debian/patches/no_ann_without_ghci             |   4 +-
 p/haskell-vector/debian/patches/series             |   2 -
 p/haskell-vty/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
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 p/haskell-wai-app-file-cgi/debian/compat           |   2 +-
 p/haskell-wai-app-file-cgi/debian/control          |   8 +-
 p/haskell-wai-http2-extra/debian/changelog         |   5 +
 p/haskell-wai-http2-extra/debian/compat            |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  41 +-
 p/haskell-wai-http2-extra/debian/copyright         |  32 ++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   2 +-
 p/haskell-wai-http2-extra/debian/source/format     |   1 +
 p/haskell-wai-http2-extra/debian/watch             |   2 +
 p/haskell-warp-tls/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-warp-tls/debian/control                  |   9 +-
 p/haskell-warp/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-warp/debian/control                      |   5 +-
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 p/haskell-web-routes-happstack/debian/control      |   2 +-
 p/haskell-web-routes-th/debian/changelog           |   6 +
 p/haskell-web-routes/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-weigh/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-werewolf/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/haskell-werewolf/debian/control                  |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/newer-aeson-and-lens            |  44 ++
 p/haskell-werewolf/debian/patches/series           |   1 +
 p/haskell-word8/debian/changelog                   |   6 +
 p/haskell-x509-store/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-x509-store/debian/control                |   3 +-
 p/haskell-x509-system/debian/changelog             |   6 +
 p/haskell-x509-system/debian/control               |   2 -
 p/haskell-x509-validation/debian/changelog         |   6 +
 p/haskell-x509-validation/debian/control           |   4 +-
 p/haskell-x509/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-x509/debian/control                      |   2 +-
 p/haskell-xml-conduit/debian/changelog             |   4 +-
 p/haskell-xmlhtml/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/haskell-xmlhtml/debian/control                   |  18 +-
 p/haskell-yaml/debian/changelog                    |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb/debian/changelog       |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb/debian/control         |   5 +-
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth/debian/changelog        |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth/debian/control          |   2 +-
 .../patches/bump-authenticate-oauth-bounds.patch   |  11 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth/debian/patches/series   |   1 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth2/debian/changelog       |   7 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth2/debian/control         |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/bump-aeson-bounds.patch         |  11 +
 .../debian/patches/bump-http-client-bounds.patch   |  13 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth2/debian/patches/series  |   2 +
 p/haskell-yesod-auth/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-bin/debian/changelog               |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-core/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-form/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-static/debian/changelog            |   6 +
 p/haskell-yesod-static/debian/control              |  16 +-
 p/haskell-yesod-test/debian/changelog              |   6 +
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/changelog                 |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/compat                    |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/control                   | 139 +++++++
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/copyright                 |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/source/format             |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-core/debian/watch                     |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/changelog       |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/compat          |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/control         |  94 +++++
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/copyright       |  12 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/install         |  19 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   5 +-
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/source/format   |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-pango/debian/watch           |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/changelog         |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/compat            |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/control           |  85 ++++
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/copyright         |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/source/format     |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-frontend-vty/debian/watch             |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/changelog         |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/compat            |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/control           |  88 ++++
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/copyright         |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/source/format     |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-emacs/debian/watch             |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/changelog           |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/compat              |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/control             | 100 +++++
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/copyright           |  12 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/install             | 463 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../debian/rules                                   |   5 +-
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/source/format       |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-keymap-vim/debian/watch               |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-misc-modes/debian/changelog           |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-misc-modes/debian/compat              |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  54 ++-
 p/haskell-yi-misc-modes/debian/copyright           |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-misc-modes/debian/source/format       |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-misc-modes/debian/watch               |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-haskell/debian/changelog         |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-haskell/debian/compat            |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  51 ++-
 p/haskell-yi-mode-haskell/debian/copyright         |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-mode-haskell/debian/source/format     |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-haskell/debian/watch             |   2 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-javascript/debian/changelog      |   5 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-javascript/debian/compat         |   1 +
 .../debian/control                                 |  57 ++-
 p/haskell-yi-mode-javascript/debian/copyright      |  12 +
 .../debian/rules                                   |   3 +-
 p/haskell-yi-mode-javascript/debian/source/format  |   1 +
 p/haskell-yi-mode-javascript/debian/watch          |   2 +
 p/hdbc/debian/changelog                            |   8 +
 p/hdbc/debian/patches/newer-time                   |  20 -
 p/hdbc/debian/patches/series                       |   1 -
 p/hdevtools/debian/changelog                       |   6 +
 p/hlint/debian/changelog                           |   6 +
 p/hlint/debian/control                             |  15 +-
 p/lambdabot/debian/changelog                       |   6 +
 p/lambdabot/debian/control                         |  17 +-
 p/shelltestrunner/debian/changelog                 |   6 +
 p/shelltestrunner/debian/control                   |   3 +-
 p/shelltestrunner/debian/patches/newer-process     |   2 +-
 .../debian/patches/relax-hunit-dependency.patch    |   4 +-
 p/threadscope/debian/changelog                     |   6 +
 p/threadscope/debian/control                       |  20 +-
 p/xmonad-extras/debian/changelog                   |  13 +
 p/xmonad-wallpaper/debian/changelog                |   6 +
 p/xmonad-wallpaper/debian/control                  |   4 +-
 .../debian/patches/bump-xmonad-dependency.patch    |  14 +
 p/xmonad-wallpaper/debian/patches/series           |   1 +
 p/xmonad/debian/changelog                          |  31 ++
 p/xmonad/debian/gnome-flashback-xmonad.session     |   2 +-
 p/xmonad/debian/patches/older-pandoc               |  22 -
 p/xmonad/debian/patches/series                     |   1 -
 p/yi/debian/changelog                              |  10 +
 p/yi/debian/control                                | 198 ++-------
 .../9734a8827ab5423242fc571d9b8e08c9763d4763.patch |  56 ---
 p/yi/debian/patches/man-page.diff                  |   4 +-
 p/yi/debian/patches/series                         |   1 -
 p/yi/debian/patches/xpm-icons.diff                 |  15 +-
 p/yi/debian/rules                                  |   2 -
 563 files changed, 6013 insertions(+), 1403 deletions(-)

diff --cc p/ghc/debian/changelog
index 4518a5c,a44b2b7..e9c6a45
--- a/p/ghc/debian/changelog
+++ b/p/ghc/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,16 -1,41 +1,54 @@@
 +ghc (8.2.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Sean Whitton <spwhitton at spwhitton.name>  Fri, 15 Sep 2017 17:15:49 -0700
 +ghc (8.2.0~20170507-3) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * 8.2.1-rc2.
 +    - Switches to LLVM 3.9.
 + -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Wed, 12 Jul 2017 17:51:16 -0400
+ ghc (8.0.2-10) unstable; urgency=medium
+   [ John Paul Adrian Glaubitz ]
+   * Make ghc cross-buildable
+   [ Gianfranco Costamagna ]
+   * Drop arm64 switch to gold, now gcc/binutils should be fixed.
+   * Team upload.
+  -- Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg at debian.org>  Tue, 29 Aug 2017 23:10:26 +0200
+ ghc (8.0.2-9) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Team upload.
+   * Patch arm64 before autoreconf.
+  -- Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Aug 2017 19:04:27 +0200
+ ghc (8.0.2-8) unstable; urgency=high
+   * Team upload
+   * Try arm64 with my Ubuntu patch.
+  -- Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Aug 2017 10:54:27 +0200
+ ghc (8.0.2-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Only apply arm64 linker patch on arm64, to avoid conflict with
+     armel-only patch.
+  -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Fri, 25 Aug 2017 11:19:17 -0400
+ ghc (8.0.2-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Switch arm64 linker to bfd, since gold is garbage.
+  -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Fri, 25 Aug 2017 08:36:53 -0400
  ghc (8.0.2-5) unstable; urgency=medium
    * Patch from James Clarke to fix powerpc breakage caused by
diff --cc p/ghc/debian/control
index aa684e2,17d46e8..6928333
--- a/p/ghc/debian/control
+++ b/p/ghc/debian/control
@@@ -3,16 -3,16 +3,16 @@@ Section: haskel
  Priority: extra
  Maintainer: Debian Haskell Group <pkg-haskell-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
  Uploaders: Joachim Breitner <nomeata at debian.org>, Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
 -Standards-Version: 3.9.8
 +Standards-Version: 4.0.0
    debhelper (>= 10),
-   haskell-devscripts-minimal,
+   haskell-devscripts-minimal <!cross>,
-   ghc (>= 7.8),
+   ghc:native (>= 7.8),
 -  llvm-3.7 [arm64 armel armhf],
 +  llvm-3.9 [arm64 armel armhf],
    binutils [arm64 armel armhf],
diff --cc p/ghc/debian/patches/series
index c6886f2,a3563ea..35de6d0
--- a/p/ghc/debian/patches/series
+++ b/p/ghc/debian/patches/series
@@@ -5,4 -5,9 +5,8 @@@ hurd.dif
+ osdecommitmemory-compat.patch
+ use-stage1-binaries-for-install.patch
+ build-unlit-and-hp2ps-twice.patch
+ avoid-CrossCompilerPrefix-stage2.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-haskell/DHG_packages.git

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