[Git][haskell-team/package-plan][master] patat: v0.8.1.2 now in hackage

Félix Sipma gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Nov 4 12:53:45 GMT 2018

Félix Sipma pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / package-plan

ec4fb872 by Félix Sipma at 2018-11-04T12:53:26Z
patat: v0.8.1.2 now in hackage

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- − additional-cabals/patat-


additional-cabals/patat- deleted
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Name:                patat
-Synopsis:            Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
-Description:         Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
-License:             GPL-2
-License-file:        LICENSE
-Author:              Jasper Van der Jeugt <m at jaspervdj.be>
-Maintainer:          Jasper Van der Jeugt <m at jaspervdj.be>
-Homepage:            http://github.com/jaspervdj/patat
-Copyright:           2016 Jasper Van der Jeugt
-Category:            Text
-Build-type:          Simple
-Cabal-version:       >=1.10
-  README.md
-Source-repository head
-  Type:     git
-  Location: git://github.com/jaspervdj/patat.git
-Flag patat-make-man
-  Description: Build the executable to generate the man page
-  Default:     False
-  Manual:      True
-Executable patat
-  Main-is:           Main.hs
-  Ghc-options:       -Wall -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N"
-  Hs-source-dirs:    src
-  Default-language:  Haskell2010
-  Build-depends:
-    aeson                >= 0.9   && < 1.5,
-    ansi-terminal        >= 0.6   && < 0.9,
-    ansi-wl-pprint       >= 0.6   && < 0.7,
-    base                 >= 4.6   && < 5,
-    base64-bytestring    >= 1.0   && < 1.1,
-    bytestring           >= 0.10  && < 0.11,
-    colour               >= 2.3   && < 2.4,
-    containers           >= 0.5   && < 0.7,
-    directory            >= 1.2   && < 1.4,
-    filepath             >= 1.4   && < 1.5,
-    mtl                  >= 2.2   && < 2.3,
-    optparse-applicative >= 0.12  && < 0.15,
-    pandoc               >= 2.0.4 && < 2.3,
-    process              >= 1.6   && < 1.7,
-    skylighting          >= 0.1   && < 0.8,
-    terminal-size        >= 0.3   && < 0.4,
-    text                 >= 1.2   && < 1.3,
-    time                 >= 1.4   && < 1.10,
-    unordered-containers >= 0.2   && < 0.3,
-    yaml                 >= 0.8   && < 0.11,
-    -- We don't even depend on these packages but they can break cabal install
-    -- because of the conflicting 'Network.URI' module.
-    network-uri >= 2.6,
-    network     >= 2.6
-  If impl(ghc < 8.0)
-    Build-depends:
-      semigroups >= 0.16 && < 0.19
-  Other-modules:
-    Data.Aeson.Extended
-    Data.Aeson.TH.Extended
-    Data.Data.Extended
-    Patat.AutoAdvance
-    Patat.Images
-    Patat.Images.Internal
-    Patat.Images.W3m
-    Patat.Images.ITerm2
-    Patat.Presentation
-    Patat.Presentation.Display
-    Patat.Presentation.Display.CodeBlock
-    Patat.Presentation.Display.Table
-    Patat.Presentation.Fragment
-    Patat.Presentation.Interactive
-    Patat.Presentation.Internal
-    Patat.Presentation.Read
-    Patat.PrettyPrint
-    Patat.Theme
-    Paths_patat
-    Text.Pandoc.Extended
-Executable patat-make-man
-  Main-is:          make-man.hs
-  Ghc-options:      -Wall
-  Hs-source-dirs:   extra
-  Default-language: Haskell2010
-  If flag(patat-make-man)
-    Buildable: True
-  Else
-    Buildable: False
-  Build-depends:
-    base   >= 4.6  && < 5,
-    mtl    >= 2.2  && < 2.3,
-    pandoc >= 2.0  && < 2.3,
-    text   >= 1.2  && < 1.3,
-    time   >= 1.6  && < 1.10

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/commit/ec4fb8728f8a9c5d7244673f8934e6f12ebb1d7f

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/commit/ec4fb8728f8a9c5d7244673f8934e6f12ebb1d7f
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