[Git][haskell-team/package-plan][master] 2 commits: spwhitton updated git-annex

Clint Adams gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Sep 17 01:49:48 BST 2018

Clint Adams pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / package-plan

71e1de8c by Clint Adams at 2018-09-17T00:45:05Z
spwhitton updated git-annex

- - - - -
b5d57e69 by Clint Adams at 2018-09-17T00:49:24Z
add original attoparsec.cabal

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- + additional-cabals/attoparsec-
- packages.txt


@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+name:            attoparsec
+license:         BSD3
+license-file:    LICENSE
+category:        Text, Parsing
+author:          Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at serpentine.com>
+maintainer:      Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at serpentine.com>, Ben Gamari <ben at smart-cactus.org>
+stability:       experimental
+tested-with:     GHC == 7.0.4, GHC == 7.2.2, GHC == 7.4.2, GHC ==7.6.3, GHC ==7.8.4, GHC ==7.10.3, GHC ==8.0.2, GHC ==8.2.2
+synopsis:        Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
+cabal-version:   >= 1.8
+homepage:        https://github.com/bos/attoparsec
+bug-reports:     https://github.com/bos/attoparsec/issues
+build-type:      Simple
+    A fast parser combinator library, aimed particularly at dealing
+    efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary
+    file formats.
+    README.markdown
+    benchmarks/*.cabal
+    benchmarks/*.hs
+    benchmarks/*.txt
+    benchmarks/json-data/*.json
+    benchmarks/Makefile
+    benchmarks/med.txt.bz2
+    changelog.md
+    examples/*.c
+    examples/*.hs
+    examples/Makefile
+    tests/*.hs
+    tests/QC/*.hs
+    tests/QC/IPv6/*.hs
+Flag developer
+  Description: Whether to build the library in development mode
+  Default: False
+  Manual: True
+  build-depends: array,
+                 base >= 4.2 && < 5,
+                 bytestring,
+                 containers,
+                 deepseq,
+                 scientific >= 0.3.1 && < 0.4,
+                 transformers,
+                 text >=
+  if impl(ghc < 7.4)
+    build-depends:
+      bytestring <
+  if !impl(ghc >= 8.0)
+    -- Data.Semigroup && Control.Monad.Fail are available in base-4.9+
+    build-depends: fail == 4.9.*,
+                   semigroups >=0.16.1 && <0.19
+  exposed-modules: Data.Attoparsec
+                   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
+                   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
+                   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Char8
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Internal
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Lazy
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Number
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Text
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Types
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Zepto
+  other-modules:   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Buffer
+                   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.FastSet
+                   Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Internal
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Fhthagn
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Text.Buffer
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Text.FastSet
+                   Data.Attoparsec.Text.Internal
+  ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
+  if flag(developer)
+    ghc-prof-options: -auto-all
+    ghc-options: -Werror
+test-suite tests
+  type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  hs-source-dirs: tests .
+  main-is:        QC.hs
+  other-modules:  QC.Buffer
+                  QC.ByteString
+                  QC.Combinator
+                  QC.Common
+                  QC.IPv6.Internal
+                  QC.IPv6.Types
+                  QC.Rechunked
+                  QC.Simple
+                  QC.Text
+                  QC.Text.FastSet
+                  QC.Text.Regressions
+  other-modules:  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
+                  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Buffer
+                  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
+                  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.FastSet
+                  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Internal
+                  Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Internal
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Fhthagn
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Number
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Text
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Text.Buffer
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Text.FastSet
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Text.Internal
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy
+                  Data.Attoparsec.Zepto
+  ghc-options:
+    -Wall -threaded -rtsopts
+  if flag(developer)
+    ghc-options: -Werror
+  build-depends:
+    array,
+    base >= 4 && < 5,
+    bytestring,
+    deepseq >= 1.1,
+    QuickCheck >= 2.7 && < 2.10,
+    quickcheck-unicode,
+    scientific,
+    tasty >= 0.11,
+    tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8,
+    text,
+    transformers,
+    vector
+  if !impl(ghc >= 8.0)
+    -- Data.Semigroup && Control.Monad.Fail are available in base-4.9+
+    build-depends: fail == 4.9.*,
+                   semigroups >=0.16.1 && <0.19
+benchmark benchmarks
+  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  hs-source-dirs: benchmarks benchmarks/warp- .
+  ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -rtsopts
+  main-is: Benchmarks.hs
+  other-modules:
+    Common
+    HeadersByteString
+    HeadersByteString.Atto
+    HeadersText
+    Links
+    Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ReadInt
+    Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader
+    Numbers
+    Sets
+    TextFastSet
+    Warp
+  ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
+  if flag(developer)
+    ghc-options: -Werror
+  build-depends:
+    array,
+    base == 4.*,
+    bytestring >=,
+    case-insensitive,
+    containers,
+    criterion >= 1.0,
+    deepseq >= 1.1,
+    directory,
+    filepath,
+    ghc-prim,
+    http-types,
+    parsec >= 3.1.2,
+    scientific,
+    text >=,
+    transformers,
+    unordered-containers,
+    vector
+  if !impl(ghc >= 8.0)
+    -- Data.Semigroup && Control.Monad.Fail are available in base-4.9+
+    build-depends: fail == 4.9.*,
+                   semigroups >=0.16.1 && <0.19
+source-repository head
+  type:     git
+  location: https://github.com/bos/attoparsec

@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ ghc-mtl
-git-annex 6.20180807 binary key -f-ConcurrentOutput
+git-annex 6.20180913 binary key -f-ConcurrentOutput
 github 0.19
 github-backup 1.20170301 binary key ignore # BROKEM: LTS 11: newer github
 gitit key ignore # BROKEN: LTS 11: newer time

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/compare/d4ca77238d7cb712c6bb1458ba1d1f8f1857cd2e...b5d57e69b73f035a2112989a6162825bbfb46150

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/compare/d4ca77238d7cb712c6bb1458ba1d1f8f1857cd2e...b5d57e69b73f035a2112989a6162825bbfb46150
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