[Git][haskell-team/package-plan][wip/kaction/fix-build] Make sure package plan builds

Dmitry Bogatov gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon May 6 22:38:57 BST 2019

Dmitry Bogatov pushed to branch wip/kaction/fix-build at Debian Haskell Group / package-plan

53d3e5f8 by Dmitry Bogatov at 2019-05-06T21:38:42Z
Make sure package plan builds

Since the success of package plan check depends on volatile external
service (hackage.haskell.org), sometimes things drift. This commit add
revision 0 of cabal files into additional-cabal/ directory for packages
that have subsequent revisions on Hackage.

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- + additional-cabals/enummapset-th-
- + additional-cabals/gitlib-3.1.2.cabal
- + additional-cabals/language-python-0.5.4.cabal
- + additional-cabals/libmpd-
- + additional-cabals/polynomial-0.7.3.cabal
- + additional-cabals/presburger-1.3.1.cabal
- + additional-cabals/uulib-0.9.23.cabal


@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+name:           enummapset-th
+synopsis:       TH-generated EnumSet/EnumMap wrappers around IntSet/IntMap.
+  This package wraps @IntSet@ and @IntMap@ from @containers@, and provides
+  fast sets and maps keyed on any data type with a well-behaved @Enum@
+  instance. Useful for derived @Enum at s, newtype'd @Int at s, or any data type
+  that can be packed into an @Int@: just implement @fromEnum@ and @toEnum at .
+  .
+  The boilerplate is generated using Template Haskell, so unlike
+  @enummapset@ it's easier to maintain and keep up-to-date with
+  @containers at . On the downside, it's less portable.
+  .
+  Note that "Data.EnumMap.Lazy" and "Data.EnumMap.Strict" provide distinct
+  newtype wrappers, and their respective 'Functor' instances behave as
+  expected, unlike that of @IntMap@ which is alway lazy.
+homepage:       https://github.com/tsurucapital/enummapset-th
+license:        BSD3
+license-file:   LICENSE
+author:         Liyang HU
+maintainer:     enummapset-th at liyang.hu
+copyright:      © 2013−2015 Liyang HU
+category:       Data
+build-type:     Simple
+cabal-version:  >= 1.8
+tested-with:    GHC == 7.8.3, GHC == 7.8.4, GHC == 7.10.2, GHC == 8.0.1
+    include/map.inc
+source-repository head
+    type:       git
+    location:   https://github.com/tsurucapital/enummapset-th.git
+    exposed-modules:
+        Data.EnumMap.Lazy
+        Data.EnumMap.Strict
+        Data.EnumSet
+    other-modules:
+        Data.EnumMapSetWrapper
+    build-depends:
+        base >= 4.5 && < 5,
+        deepseq >= 1.3,
+        containers >= 0.5.3 && < 0.6,
+        template-haskell >= 2.7
+    include-dirs: include
+    ghc-options: -Wall
+-- vim: et sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Name:          gitlib
+Version:       3.1.2
+Synopsis:      API library for working with Git repositories
+License-file:  LICENSE
+License:       MIT
+Author:        John Wiegley
+Maintainer:    johnw at newartisans.com
+Build-Type:    Simple
+Cabal-Version: >=1.10
+Category:      FFI
+Homepage:      https://github.com/jwiegley/gitlib
+  @gitlib@ is a high-level, lazy and conduit-aware set of abstractions for
+  programming with Git types.  Several different backends are available,
+  including one for the libgit2 C library (<http://libgit2.github.com>) (see
+  @gitlib-libgit2@).  The aim is both type-safety and convenience of use for
+  Haskell users, combined with high performance and minimal memory footprint
+  by taking advantage of Haskell's laziness and the conduit library's
+  deterministic resource cleanup.
+  .
+  For further information, as well as typical use cases, see "Git.Tutorial".
+Source-repository head
+  type: git
+  location: git://github.com/jwiegley/gitlib.git
+-- Test-suite doctests
+--     Default-language: Haskell98
+--     Type:    exitcode-stdio-1.0
+--     Main-is: Doctest.hs
+--     Hs-source-dirs: test
+--     Build-depends:
+--           base
+--         , directory    >= 1.0
+--         , doctest      >= 0.8
+--         , doctest-prop >= 0.1
+--         , filepath     >= 1.3
+    default-language:   Haskell98
+    ghc-options: -Wall
+    build-depends:
+          base                 >= 3 && < 5
+        , base16-bytestring    >=
+        , bytestring           >=
+        , conduit              >= 1.2.8
+        , conduit-combinators  >= 1
+        , containers           >=
+        , directory            >=
+        , exceptions           >= 0.5
+        , filepath             >= 1.3
+        , hashable             >=
+        , mtl                  >= 2.1.2
+        , resourcet            >= 1.1.0
+        , semigroups           >= 0.11
+        , tagged               >=
+        , text                 >= 0.11.2
+        , time                 >= 1.4
+        , transformers         >=
+        , unordered-containers >=
+        , unliftio-core        >= 0.1.1
+        , unliftio
+    if !os(mingw32)
+        build-depends:
+          unix                 >=
+    else
+        build-depends:
+          unix-compat          >= 0.4
+    exposed-modules:
+        Git
+        Git.Blob
+        Git.Commit
+        Git.Commit.Push
+        Git.Object
+        Git.Reference
+        Git.Repository
+        Git.Tree
+        Git.Tree.Builder
+        Git.Tree.Builder.Pure
+        Git.Tree.Working
+        Git.Tutorial
+        Git.Types
+        Git.Utils
+        Git.Working
+    default-extensions:
+        BangPatterns
+        ConstraintKinds
+        DeriveDataTypeable
+        FlexibleContexts
+        FunctionalDependencies
+        MultiParamTypeClasses
+        OverloadedStrings
+        RankNTypes
+        TypeFamilies
+        ViewPatterns

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+name:                language-python
+version:             0.5.4
+cabal-version:       >= 1.6
+synopsis:            Parsing and pretty printing of Python code. 
+description:         language-python is a Haskell library for lexical analysis, parsing 
+                     and pretty printing Python code. It supports versions 2.x and 3.x of Python. 
+category:            Language
+license:             BSD3
+license-file:        LICENSE
+copyright:           (c) 2008-2016 Bernard James Pope
+author:              Bernard James Pope (Bernie Pope)
+maintainer:          florbitous at gmail.com
+homepage:            http://github.com/bjpop/language-python 
+build-type:          Simple
+stability:           experimental
+extra-source-files:  src/Language/Python/Version3/Parser/Parser.y 
+                     src/Language/Python/Version3/Parser/Lexer.x 
+                     src/Language/Python/Version2/Parser/Parser.y 
+                     src/Language/Python/Version2/Parser/Lexer.x 
+source-repository head
+   type: git
+   location: https://github.com/bjpop/language-python
+   hs-source-dirs: src 
+   ghc-options: -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-unused-imports -fwarn-warnings-deprecations
+   build-depends:
+      base == 4.*,
+      containers == 0.5.*,
+      pretty == 1.1.*,
+      array >= 0.4 && < 0.6,
+      transformers >= 0.3 && < 0.6,
+      monads-tf == 0.1.*,
+      utf8-string >= 1 && < 2
+   build-tools: happy, alex
+   exposed-modules:
+      Language.Python.Common
+      Language.Python.Common.ParseError
+      Language.Python.Common.SrcLocation
+      Language.Python.Common.Pretty
+      Language.Python.Common.Token
+      Language.Python.Common.ParserMonad
+      Language.Python.Common.PrettyToken
+      Language.Python.Common.AST
+      Language.Python.Common.PrettyAST
+      Language.Python.Version3
+      Language.Python.Version3.Parser
+      Language.Python.Version3.Lexer
+      Language.Python.Version2
+      Language.Python.Version2.Parser
+      Language.Python.Version2.Lexer
+      Language.Python.Common.PrettyParseError
+      Language.Python.Common.StringEscape
+   other-modules:
+      Language.Python.Common.ParserUtils
+      Language.Python.Common.LexerUtils
+      Language.Python.Version3.Parser.Parser
+      Language.Python.Version3.Parser.Lexer
+      Language.Python.Version2.Parser.Parser
+      Language.Python.Version2.Parser.Lexer

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Name:               libmpd
+Synopsis:           An MPD client library.
+Description:        A client library for MPD, the Music Player Daemon.
+Category:           Network, Sound
+License:            MIT
+License-file:       LICENSE
+Copyright:          Ben Sinclair 2005-2009, Joachim Fasting 2007-2015,
+                    Daniel Schoepe 2009, Andrzej Rybczak 2010,
+                    Simon Hengel 2011-2014, Niklas Haas 2012,
+                    Matvey Aksenov 2014, Wieland Hoffmann 2014,
+                    Tim Heap 2014, Tobias Brandt 2014
+Author:             Ben Sinclair
+Maintainer:         Joachim Fasting <joachifm at fastmail.fm>
+Stability:          beta
+Homepage:           http://github.com/vimus/libmpd-haskell#readme
+Bug-reports:        http://github.com/vimus/libmpd-haskell/issues
+Tested-With:        GHC ==7.6.3, GHC ==7.8.4, GHC ==7.10.1, GHC ==8.0.1
+Build-Type:         Simple
+Cabal-Version:      >= 1.10
+    README.md
+    changelog.md
+    tests/*.hs
+Source-Repository head
+    type:       git
+    location:   https://github.com/vimus/libmpd-haskell
+    Default-Language:   Haskell2010
+    Hs-Source-Dirs:     src
+    Build-Depends:
+        -- Platform dependencies
+        base >= 4 && < 5
+      , attoparsec >= 0.10.1 && < 1
+      , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 1
+      , containers >= 0.3 && < 1
+      , filepath >= 1 && < 2
+      , mtl >= 2.0 && < 3
+      , old-locale >= 1 && < 2
+      , text >= 0.11 && < 2
+        -- Additional dependencies
+      , data-default-class >= 0.0.1 && < 1
+      , network >= 2.1 && < 3
+      , utf8-string >= 0.3.1 && < 1.1
+    if impl(ghc >= 7.10.0)
+        Build-Depends:
+            time >= 1.5 && <1.9
+    else
+        Build-Depends:
+            time >= 1.1 && <1.5
+    Exposed-Modules:
+        Network.MPD
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.ClientToClient
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Connection
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.CurrentPlaylist
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Database
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Output
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.PlaybackControl
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.PlaybackOptions
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Reflection
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Status
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Stickers
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.StoredPlaylists
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Extensions
+      , Network.MPD.Core
+    Other-Modules:
+        Network.MPD.Core.Class
+      , Network.MPD.Core.Error
+      , Network.MPD.Commands
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Arg
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Parse
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Query
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Types
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.ClientToClient
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Status
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.PlaybackOptions
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.PlaybackControl
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.CurrentPlaylist
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.StoredPlaylists
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Database
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Stickers
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Connection
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Output
+      , Network.MPD.Commands.Reflection
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Util
+      , Network.MPD.Applicative.Internal
+      , Network.MPD.Util
+    ghc-options:        -Wall
+Test-Suite specs
+    type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
+    Default-Language:   Haskell2010
+    Main-Is:            Main.hs
+    Hs-Source-Dirs:     src tests
+    cpp-options:        -DTEST -Wall -Werror
+    ghc-options:        -fno-warn-missing-signatures
+    Build-Depends:
+        -- Platform dependencies
+        base
+      , attoparsec
+      , bytestring
+      , containers
+      , filepath
+      , mtl
+      , old-locale
+      , text
+      , time
+        -- Additional dependencies
+      , data-default-class
+      , network
+      , utf8-string
+        -- Test dependencies
+      , unix
+      , QuickCheck >= 2.1
+      , hspec >= 1.3

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+name:                   polynomial
+version:                0.7.3
+stability:              provisional
+cabal-version:          >= 1.8
+build-type:             Simple
+author:                 James Cook <mokus at deepbondi.net>
+maintainer:             James Cook <mokus at deepbondi.net>
+license:                PublicDomain
+homepage:               https://github.com/mokus0/polynomial
+category:               Math, Numerical
+synopsis:               Polynomials
+description:            A type for representing polynomials, several functions
+                        for manipulating and evaluating them, and several
+                        interesting polynomial sequences.
+tested-with:            GHC == 7.8.4,
+                        GHC == 7.10.3,
+                        GHC == 8.0.2,
+                        GHC == 8.1.*
+source-repository head
+  type: git
+  location: git://github.com/mokus0/polynomial.git
+  ghc-options:          -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
+  if impl(ghc >= 7.4)
+    ghc-options:        -fwarn-unsafe
+  hs-source-dirs:       src
+  exposed-modules:      Math.Polynomial
+                        Math.Polynomial.Bernstein
+                        Math.Polynomial.Bernoulli
+                        Math.Polynomial.Chebyshev
+                        Math.Polynomial.Hermite
+                        Math.Polynomial.Interpolation
+                        Math.Polynomial.Lagrange
+                        Math.Polynomial.Legendre
+                        Math.Polynomial.Newton
+                        Math.Polynomial.NumInstance
+                        Math.Polynomial.Type
+                        Math.Polynomial.VectorSpace
+  other-modules:        Data.List.ZipSum
+                        Data.VectorSpace.WrappedNum
+                        Math.Polynomial.Pretty
+  build-depends:        base >= 3 && <5,
+                        deepseq,
+                        vector,
+                        vector-space,
+                        vector-th-unbox >= 0.2.1
+  if impl(ghc < 7.10)
+    build-depends:      pretty < 1.1.2, prettyclass
+  else
+    build-depends:      pretty >= 1.1.2
+Test-Suite polynomial-test
+  type:                 exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  hs-source-dirs:       test
+  main-is:              Tests.hs
+  build-depends:        base >= 3 && <5, 
+                        HUnit == 1.2.*,
+                        polynomial,
+                        QuickCheck >= 2, 
+                        test-framework, 
+                        test-framework-hunit,
+                        test-framework-quickcheck2,
+                        vector,
+                        vector-space

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Name:           presburger
+Version:        1.3.1
+License:        BSD3
+License-file:   LICENSE
+Author:         Iavor S. Diatchki
+Homepage:       http://github.com/yav/presburger
+Maintainer:     diatchki at galois.com
+Category:       Algorithms
+Synopsis:       A decision procedure for quantifier-free linear arithmetic.
+Description:    The decision procedure is based on the algorithm used in
+                CVC4, which is itself based on the Omega test.
+Build-type:     Simple
+Cabal-version:  >= 1.8
+  Build-Depends:  base < 10, containers, pretty
+  hs-source-dirs: src
+  Exposed-modules:
+    Data.Integer.SAT
+  GHC-options:    -O2 -Wall
+source-repository head
+  type: git
+  location: git://github.com/yav/presburger.git
+Test-Suite pressburger-qc-tests
+  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  hs-source-dirs: tests
+  main-is: qc.hs
+  build-depends: base, presburger == 1.3.1, QuickCheck

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+name: uulib
+version: 0.9.23
+license: BSD3
+license-file: COPYRIGHT
+maintainer: UU Computer Science
+homepage: https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uulib
+bug-reports: https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uulib/issues
+description: Fast Parser Combinators and Pretty Printing Combinators
+synopsis: Haskell Utrecht Tools Library
+category: Parsing
+stability: Stable
+copyright: Universiteit Utrecht
+cabal-version: >= 1.6
+build-type: Simple
+extra-source-files: README.md,
+                    CHANGELOG,
+                    examples/bibtex/Bibtex.hs,
+                    examples/parser/Example.hs,
+                    examples/parser/Makefile,
+                    examples/parser/README,
+                    examples/parser/Scanner.x
+source-repository head
+  type:  git
+  location:  https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uulib.git
+  build-depends: base>=4 && <5, ghc-prim >=
+  exposed-modules: UU.Parsing.CharParser UU.Parsing.Derived
+                   UU.Parsing.Interface UU.Parsing.MachineInterface
+                   UU.Parsing.Merge UU.Parsing.Offside UU.Parsing.Perms
+                   UU.Parsing.StateParser UU.Parsing
+                   UU.PPrint
+                   UU.Pretty.Ext UU.Pretty UU.Scanner.GenToken UU.Scanner.GenTokenOrd
+                   UU.Scanner.GenTokenParser UU.Scanner.GenTokenSymbol
+                   UU.Scanner.Position UU.Scanner.Scanner
+                   UU.Scanner.Token UU.Scanner.TokenParser UU.Scanner.TokenShow
+                   UU.Scanner UU.Util.BinaryTrees UU.Util.PermTree UU.Util.Utils
+                   UU.Pretty.Basic UU.Parsing.Machine
+  extensions:  RankNTypes FunctionalDependencies TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses FlexibleContexts CPP ExistentialQuantification
+  hs-source-dirs: src

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