[Git][haskell-team/DHG_packages][master] uuagc: Upgrading from to 0.9.55
Ilias Tsitsimpis (@iliastsi)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Oct 6 07:31:46 BST 2023
Ilias Tsitsimpis pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / DHG_packages
bddc36c3 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2023-10-06T09:28:21+03:00
uuagc: Upgrading from to 0.9.55
- - - - -
5 changed files:
- p/uuagc/debian/changelog
- p/uuagc/debian/control
- + p/uuagc/debian/patches/missing-file
- + p/uuagc/debian/patches/series
- p/uuagc/debian/rules
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-uuagc ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+uuagc (0.9.55-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Ilias Tsitsimpis ]
+ * New upstream release
* Remove retired developer, Joachim Breitner, from Uploaders.
+ * Build using the AG sources (Closes: #965311)
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Trim trailing whitespace.
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ uuagc ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Set upstream metadata fields: Archive, Bug-Database.
* Update standards version to 4.6.2, no changes needed.
- -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Mon, 18 Jul 2022 18:35:25 +0300
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Fri, 06 Oct 2023 09:20:12 +0300
uuagc ( unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ Build-Depends:
debhelper (>= 10),
dpkg-dev (>= 1.17.14),
- ghc (>= 8.4.3),
+ ghc (>= 9.4),
haskell-devscripts (>= 0.13),
uuagc (>> <!stage1>,
+ libghc-aeson-dev (>=,
libghc-src-exts-dev (>= 1.11.1),
- libghc-uuagc-cabal-dev (>=,
+ libghc-uuagc-cabal-dev (>=,
libghc-uulib-dev (>= 0.9.14),
+ libghc-uuagc-cabal-dev (>= 1.0),
Standards-Version: 4.6.2
-Homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/uuagc
+Homepage: https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/uuagc
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages/tree/master/p/uuagc
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages.git [p/uuagc]
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+Index: b/src-ag/InterfacesRules.lag
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src-ag/InterfacesRules.lag
+@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
++PRAGMA strictdata
++PRAGMA optimize
++PRAGMA bangpats
++PRAGMA strictwrap
++INCLUDE "Interfaces.ag"
++import Interfaces
++import CodeSyntax
++import GrammarInfo
++import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
++import Data.Sequence(Seq)
++import qualified Data.Map as Map
++import Data.Map(Map)
++import Data.Tree(Tree(Node), Forest)
++import Data.Graph(Graph, dfs, edges, buildG, transposeG)
++import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
++import Data.List (partition,transpose,(\\),nub,findIndex)
++import Data.Array ((!),inRange,bounds,assocs)
++import Data.Foldable(toList)
++\section{Visit sub-sequence-graph}
++Visit sub-sequences can be generated from the |Tdp| by a topological
++sort. To that end we add vertices to |Tdp|. For each production, for
++each child, for each visit to that child, we add a vertex $v$.
++We add the following edges:
++ \item From the inherited attributes passed to the visit to $v$,
++ because these attributes need to be computed before visiting $v$.
++ \item From the synthesized attributes computed by the visit to
++ $v$, because a visit to $v$ computes these attributes.
++ \item From the previous visit to $v$, because we can only visit
++ $c$ for the $i$-th time if we have visited it the $(i-1)$-th time.
++Now we can define a visit sub-sequence as a list of vertices:
++type VisitSS = [Vertex]
++We define a function that generates the visit-subsequences-graph and a
++description of the newly added vertices. We do this using an attribute
++grammar. The visit subsequences graph has transposed edges, so we can
++use |topSort'|.
++ATTR IRoot [ tdp : Graph | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot loc.newedges = toList @inters.newedges
++ loc.visitssGraph = let graph = buildG (0, at inters.v-1) es
++ es = @newedges ++ edges @lhs.tdp
++ in transposeG graph
++As we will need to look up information, we pass |info| down. An
++attribute v stores a fresh vertex. We start counting from the hightest
++vertex in |tdp|.
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ | v : Vertex | ]
++ATTR IRoot Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ info : Info | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.v = snd (bounds @lhs.tdp) + 1
++The actual generation of edges takes place in |Segment|. We group the
++attribute occurrences. |isEqualField| checks are at the same position
++(either lhs of the same child).
++gather :: Info -> [Vertex] -> [[Vertex]]
++gather info = eqClasses comp
++ where comp a b = isEqualField (ruleTable info ! a) (ruleTable info ! b)
++When we do this for right-hand side occurrences of the inherited and
++syntesized attributes of a |Segment|, we find the new vertices.
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.look : {Vertex -> CRule}
++ loc.look = \a -> ruleTable @lhs.info ! a
++ loc.occurAs : {(CRule -> Bool) -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]}
++ loc.occurAs = \p us -> [ a | u <- us
++ , a <- tdsToTdp @lhs.info ! u
++ , p (@look a)]
++ loc.groups : {[([Vertex],[Vertex])]}
++ loc.groups = let group as = gather @lhs.info (@occurAs isRhs as)
++ in map (partition (isInh . @look)) (group (@inh ++ @syn))
++ loc.v : {Int}
++ loc.v = @lhs.v + length @groups
++ loc.newvertices = [@lhs.v .. @loc.v-1]
++A description of the new vertices van be found by looking up the field
++of an attribute occurrence
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment
++ [ visitDescr : {Map Vertex ChildVisit} | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.visitDescr = Map.fromList @descr
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment
++ [ | | newedges USE {Seq.><} {Seq.empty} : {Seq Edge }
++ descr USE {Seq.><} {Seq.empty} : {Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit)} ]
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment lhs.descr = Seq.fromList $ zipWith (cv @look @lhs.n) @newvertices @groups {-$-}
++-- Only non-empty syn will ever be forced, because visits with empty syn are never performed
++-- Right hand side synthesized attributes always have a field
++cv :: (Vertex -> CRule) -> Int -> Vertex -> ([Vertex],[Vertex]) -> (Vertex,ChildVisit)
++cv look n v (inh,syn) = let fld = getField (look (head syn))
++ rnt = fromJust (getRhsNt (look (head syn)))
++ d = ChildVisit fld rnt n inh syn
++ in (v,d)
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot loc.descr = toList @inters.descr
++The edges between attributes occurrences and their corresponding
++visits can be found as follows:
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.attredges = concat (zipWith ed @newvertices @groups)
++ed :: Vertex -> ([Vertex], [Vertex]) -> [(Vertex, Vertex)]
++ed v (inh,syn) = map (\i -> (i,v)) inh ++ map (\s -> (v,s)) syn
++For edges between visits we simpy |zip| the current vertices with the
++next ones.
++ATTR Segment [ nextNewvertices : {[Vertex]} | | newvertices : {[Vertex]} ]
++ATTR Segments [ | | newvertices : {[Vertex]} ]
++SEM Segments
++ | Cons hd.nextNewvertices = @tl.newvertices
++ lhs.newvertices = @hd.newvertices
++ | Nil lhs.newvertices = []
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.visitedges = zip @newvertices @lhs.nextNewvertices
++ lhs.newedges = Seq.fromList @attredges Seq.>< Seq.fromList @visitedges
++The first visit to a child is passed to the first visit of the parent,
++so we add edges for this, too.
++ATTR Segments Segment [ | | groups : {[([Vertex],[Vertex])]} ]
++SEM Segments
++ | Cons lhs.groups = @hd.groups
++ | Nil lhs.groups = []
++SEM Interface
++ | Interface seg.v = @lhs.v
++ loc.v = @seg.v + length @seg.newvertices
++ lhs.v = @loc.v
++ loc.firstvisitvertices = [@seg.v .. @v-1]
++ loc.newedges = zip @firstvisitvertices @seg.newvertices
++ lhs.newedges = @seg.newedges Seq.>< Seq.fromList @newedges
++ loc.look : {Vertex -> CRule}
++ loc.look = \a -> ruleTable @lhs.info ! a
++ loc.descr = zipWith (cv @look (-1)) @firstvisitvertices @seg.groups
++ lhs.descr = @seg.descr Seq.>< Seq.fromList @descr
++The visit number can simply be counted
++ATTR Segments Segment [ n : Int | | ]
++SEM Interface
++ | Interface seg.n = 0
++SEM Segments
++ | Cons tl.n = @lhs.n + 1
++\subsection{Visit sub-sequences}
++To compute the visit subsequences, we pass the visit-subsequence graph down
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ vssGraph : Graph | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.vssGraph = @visitssGraph
++Each segment computes subsequences for each production of the
++nonterminal. We group the occurrences of the synthesized attributes,
++and perform a topological sort on it. In the absence of synthesized
++attributes, nothing needs to be computed, so the visit subsequence
++is empty.
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.synOccur = gather @lhs.info (@occurAs isLhs @syn)
++ loc.vss = let hasCode' v | inRange (bounds (ruleTable @lhs.info)) v = getHasCode (ruleTable @lhs.info ! v)
++ | otherwise = True
++ in if null @syn
++ then replicate (length @lhs.cons) []
++ else map (filter hasCode' . topSort' @lhs.vssGraph) @synOccur
++ATTR Segments Segment [ cons : {[ConstructorIdent]} | | ]
++SEM Interface
++ | Interface seg.cons = @cons
++We adapt the topological sort to take a list of vertices to start
++postorder :: Tree a -> [a]
++postorder (Node a ts) = postorderF ts ++ [a]
++postorderF :: Forest a -> [a]
++postorderF = concatMap postorder
++postOrd :: Graph -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
++postOrd g = postorderF . dfs g
++topSort' :: Graph -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
++topSort' g = postOrd g
++This gives us the subsequence required to compute the synthesized
++attributes. However, a part of this subsequence has already been
++computed in previous visits. We thread this part through. It starts
++with all first visits to children.
++ATTR Interfaces Interface [ prev : {[Vertex]} | | firstvisitvertices USE {++} {[]} : {[Vertex]} ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.prev = let terminals = [ v | (v,cr) <- assocs (ruleTable @lhs.info), not (getHasCode cr), isLocal cr ]
++ in @inters.firstvisitvertices ++ terminals
++ATTR Segments Segment [ | prev : {[Vertex]} | ]
++and we remove this part from the subsequence
++SEM Segment [ | | visitss : {[VisitSS]} ]
++ | Segment loc.visitss' = map (\\ @lhs.prev) @vss
++ loc.defined = let defines v = case Map.lookup v @lhs.visitDescr of
++ Nothing -> [v]
++ Just (ChildVisit _ _ _ inh _) -> v:inh
++ in concatMap (concatMap defines) @visitss
++ lhs.prev = @lhs.prev ++ @defined
++When more that one attribute is defined in the same rule, this rule is
++repeated in the visit subsequence. We do not want this.
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.visitss : {[[Vertex]]}
++ loc.visitss = let rem' :: [(Identifier,Identifier,Maybe Type)] -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
++ rem' _ [] = []
++ rem' prev (v:vs)
++ | inRange (bounds table) v
++ = let cr = table ! v
++ addV = case findIndex cmp prev of
++ Just _ -> id
++ _ -> (v:)
++ cmp (fld,attr,tp) = getField cr == fld && getAttr cr == attr && sameNT (getType cr) tp
++ sameNT (Just (NT ntA _ _)) (Just (NT ntB _ _)) = ntA == ntB
++ sameNT _ _ = False
++ def = Map.elems (getDefines cr)
++ in addV (rem' (def ++ prev) vs)
++ | otherwise = v:rem' prev vs
++ table = ruleTable @lhs.info
++ in map (rem' []) @visitss'
++\subsection{Intra-visit dependencies}
++We ignore terminals, they need to be passed from the first visit up to
++where they are needed. Intra-visit dependencies descibe what a visit
++needs from its previous visits. The first visit does not have
++intra-visit dependencies, because there are no previous visits. We add
++an attribute that indicates whether it's the first visit.
++ATTR Segment Segments [ isFirst : {Bool} | | ]
++SEM Interface
++ | Interface seg.isFirst = True
++SEM Segments
++ | Cons tl.isFirst = False
++We declare an attribute intravisit which gives the intra-visit
++dependencies. We pass the intravisit of the next visit to this
++type IntraVisit = [Vertex]
++ATTR Segment [ nextIntravisits : {[IntraVisit]} | | intravisits : {[IntraVisit]} ]
++SEM Segments [ | | hdIntravisits : {[IntraVisit]} ]
++ | Cons hd.nextIntravisits = @tl.hdIntravisits
++ lhs.hdIntravisits = @hd.intravisits
++ | Nil lhs.hdIntravisits = repeat []
++The first visit does not have intra-visit dependencies. A later visit
++need all attributes that it's subsequence depends on, and the
++intra-visit dependecies of the next visit, except for those attributes
++that are compted in this visit.
++ATTR IRoot [ dpr : {[Edge]} | | ]
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ ddp : Graph | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.ddp = buildG (0, at inters.v-1) (map swap (@lhs.dpr ++ @newedges))
++swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
++swap (a,b) = (b,a)
++ATTR Segments Segment [ fromLhs : {[Vertex]} | | ]
++SEM Interface
++ | Interface seg.fromLhs = @lhs.prev
++SEM Segments
++ | Cons hd.fromLhs = @lhs.fromLhs
++ tl.fromLhs = []
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment loc.fromLhs = @occurAs isLhs @inh ++ @lhs.fromLhs
++ loc.computed = let computes v = case Map.lookup v @lhs.visitDescr of
++ Nothing -> Map.keys (getDefines (ruleTable @lhs.info ! v))
++ Just (ChildVisit _ _ _ _ syn) -> v:syn
++ in concatMap (concatMap computes) @visitss
++ loc.intravisits = zipWith @iv @visitss @lhs.nextIntravisits
++ loc.iv = \vs next ->
++ let needed = concatMap (@lhs.ddp !) vs
++ in nub (needed ++ next) \\ (@fromLhs ++ @computed)
++Our resulting datastructure is:
++Now we pass the visit sub-sequences up. In |Interface|, |@seg.visitss|
++gives us for each segment, for each production a subsequence. What we
++want is for each production, for each visit a subsequence, which is
++accomplished by |transpose|. The same is done for intravisits.
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ allInters : {CInterfaceMap} | | ]
++SEM IRoot
++ | IRoot inters.allInters = @inters.inters
++ATTR IRoot Interfaces [ | | inters : {CInterfaceMap}
++ visits : {CVisitsMap} ]
++SEM Interfaces
++ | Cons lhs.inters = Map.insert @hd.nt @hd.inter @tl.inters
++ lhs.visits = Map.insert @hd.nt @hd.visits @tl.visits
++ | Nil lhs.inters = Map.empty
++ lhs.visits = Map.empty
++SEM Interface [ | | nt : NontermIdent ]
++ | Interface lhs.nt = @nt
++SEM Interface [ | | inter : CInterface
++ visits : {Map ConstructorIdent CVisits} ]
++ | Interface lhs.inter = CInterface @seg.segs
++ lhs.visits = Map.fromList (zip @cons (transpose @seg.cvisits))
++SEM Segments [ | | segs : CSegments
++ cvisits USE {:} {[]} : {[[CVisit]]} ] -- For each visit, for each constructor the CVisit
++ | Cons lhs.segs = @hd.seg : @tl.segs
++ | Nil lhs.segs = []
++SEM Segment [ | | seg : CSegment
++ cvisits : {[CVisit]} ] -- For this visit, for each constructor the CVisit
++ | Segment lhs.seg = -- A fake dependency fixes a type-3 cycle
++ if False then undefined @lhs.vssGraph @lhs.visitDescr @lhs.prev else CSegment @inhmap @synmap
++ loc.inhmap : {Map Identifier Type}
++ loc.synmap : {Map Identifier Type}
++ loc.(inhmap,synmap) = let makemap = Map.fromList . map findType
++ findType v = getNtaNameType (attrTable @lhs.info ! v)
++ in (makemap @inh,makemap @syn)
++ lhs.cvisits = let mkVisit vss intra = CVisit @inhmap @synmap (mkSequence vss) (mkSequence intra) True
++ mkSequence = map mkRule
++ mkRule v = case Map.lookup v @lhs.visitDescr of
++ Nothing -> ruleTable @lhs.info ! v
++ Just (ChildVisit name nt n _ _) -> ccv name nt n @lhs.allInters
++ in zipWith mkVisit @visitss @intravisits
++ccv :: Identifier -> NontermIdent -> Int -> CInterfaceMap -> CRule
++ccv name nt n table
++ = CChildVisit name nt n inh syn lst
++ where CInterface segs = Map.findWithDefault (error ("InterfacesRules::ccv::interfaces not in table for nt: " ++ show nt)) nt table
++ (seg:remain) = drop n segs
++ CSegment inh syn = seg
++ lst = null remain
++To find a type-3 cycle we need to know the dependencies that the
++interfaces generate.
++ATTR Interfaces Interface Segments Segment [ | | edp USE {Seq.><} {Seq.empty} : {Seq Edge} ]
++SEM Segment
++ | Segment lhs.edp = Seq.fromList [(i,s) | i <- @inh, s <- @syn]
++ Seq.>< Seq.fromList [(s,i) | s <- @syn, i <- @lhs.nextInh ]
++SEM IRoot [ | | edp : {[Edge]} ]
++ | IRoot lhs.edp = toList @inters.edp
++SEM Segment [ nextInh : {[Vertex]} | | inh : {[Vertex]} ]
++ | Segment lhs.inh = @inh
++SEM Segments [ | | firstInh : {[Vertex]} ]
++ | Cons hd.nextInh = @tl.firstInh
++ lhs.firstInh = @hd.inh
++ | Nil lhs.firstInh = []
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ else
-# Version cannot be bootstrapped using uuagc, since the AG sources
-# (under src-ag) are missing. Fallback to compiling from the included Haskell
-# sources.
if test ! -e Setup.lhs -a ! -e Setup.hs; then echo "No setup script found!"; exit 1; fi
for setup in Setup.lhs Setup.hs; do if test -e $$setup; then ghc $(EXTERNAL_UUAGC) --make $$setup -o $(DEB_SETUP_BIN_NAME); exit 0; fi; done
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages/-/commit/bddc36c3a26d6be386fd88600b78885ca9e72855
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