[Git][haskell-team/DHG_packages][master] 4 commits: stack: Upgrading from 2.7.5 to
Ilias Tsitsimpis (@iliastsi)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Oct 26 09:57:21 BST 2023
Ilias Tsitsimpis pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / DHG_packages
56d439b2 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2023-10-26T11:53:39+03:00
stack: Upgrading from 2.7.5 to
- - - - -
185dc7a8 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2023-10-26T11:53:42+03:00
yesod: Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- - - - -
9c29ba05 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2023-10-26T11:53:42+03:00
yesod-auth-hashdb: Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- - - - -
08e77f27 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2023-10-26T11:53:42+03:00
yesod-auth-oauth: Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- - - - -
13 changed files:
- p/haskell-stack/debian/changelog
- p/haskell-stack/debian/control
- p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/disable-network-tests
- + p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/fix-build
- − p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/lts-19
- p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/remove-mintty.patch
- p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/series
- p/haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb/debian/changelog
- p/haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb/debian/control
- p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth/debian/changelog
- p/haskell-yesod-auth-oauth/debian/control
- p/haskell-yesod/debian/changelog
- p/haskell-yesod/debian/control
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-haskell-stack (2.7.5-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+haskell-stack ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.6.2
+ * New upstream release
- -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:34:40 +0300
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:16:59 +0300
haskell-stack (2.7.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -9,75 +9,77 @@ Build-Depends:
debhelper (>= 10),
- ghc,
- libghc-aeson-dev (>=,
- libghc-annotated-wl-pprint-dev (>= 0.7.0),
- libghc-ansi-terminal-dev (>= 0.10.3),
- libghc-async-dev (>= 2.2.3),
- libghc-attoparsec-dev (>=,
- libghc-base64-bytestring-dev (>=,
- libghc-casa-client-dev (>= 0.0.1),
- libghc-casa-types-dev (>= 0.0.1),
- libghc-colour-dev (>= 2.3.5),
- libghc-conduit-dev (>=,
- libghc-conduit-extra-dev (>= 1.3.5),
- libghc-cryptonite-dev (>= 0.27),
- libghc-cryptonite-conduit-dev (>= 0.2.2),
- libghc-echo-dev (>= 0.1.4),
- libghc-extra-dev (>= 1.7.9),
- libghc-file-embed-dev (>=,
- libghc-filelock-dev (>=,
- libghc-fsnotify-dev (>=,
- libghc-generic-deriving-dev (>= 1.13.1),
- libghc-hackage-security-dev (>=,
- libghc-hashable-dev (>=,
- libghc-hi-file-parser-dev (>=,
- libghc-hpack-dev (>= 0.34.4),
- libghc-http-client-dev (>=,
- libghc-http-client-tls-dev (>=,
- libghc-http-conduit-dev (>= 2.3.8),
- libghc-http-download-dev (>=,
- libghc-http-types-dev (>= 0.12.3),
- libghc-memory-dev (>= 0.15.0),
- libghc-microlens-dev (>=,
- libghc-mono-traversable-dev (>=,
- libghc-mustache-dev (>= 2.3.1),
- libghc-neat-interpolation-dev (>=,
- libghc-network-uri-dev (>=,
- libghc-open-browser-dev (>=,
- libghc-optparse-applicative-dev (>=,
- libghc-pantry-dev (>= 0.5.3),
- libghc-path-dev (>= 0.7.0),
- libghc-path-io-dev (>= 1.6.3),
- libghc-persistent-dev (>=,
- libghc-persistent-sqlite-dev (>=,
- libghc-persistent-template-dev (>=,
- libghc-primitive-dev (>=,
- libghc-project-template-dev (>=,
- libghc-retry-dev (>=,
- libghc-rio-dev (>=,
- libghc-rio-prettyprint-dev (>=,
- libghc-semigroups-dev (>= 0.19.1),
- libghc-split-dev (>=,
- libghc-streaming-commons-dev (>=,
- libghc-tar-dev (>=,
- libghc-temporary-dev (>= 1.3),
- libghc-text-metrics-dev (>= 0.3.0),
- libghc-th-reify-many-dev (>= 0.1.9),
- libghc-tls-dev (>= 1.5.5),
- libghc-typed-process-dev (>=,
- libghc-unicode-transforms-dev (>=,
- libghc-unix-compat-dev (>= 0.5.3),
- libghc-unliftio-dev (>= 0.2.18),
- libghc-unordered-containers-dev (>=,
- libghc-vector-dev (>=,
- libghc-yaml-dev (>=,
- libghc-zip-archive-dev (>= 0.4.1),
- libghc-zlib-dev (>=,
- libghc-quickcheck2-dev (>= 2.14.2),
- libghc-hspec-dev (>= 2.7.8),
- libghc-raw-strings-qq-dev (>= 1.1),
- libghc-smallcheck-dev (>= 1.2.1),
+ ghc (>= 9.4),
+ libghc-aeson-dev (>=,
+ libghc-annotated-wl-pprint-dev,
+ libghc-ansi-terminal-dev,
+ libghc-async-dev,
+ libghc-attoparsec-dev,
+ libghc-base64-bytestring-dev,
+ libghc-casa-client-dev,
+ libghc-casa-types-dev,
+ libghc-colour-dev,
+ libghc-conduit-dev,
+ libghc-conduit-extra-dev,
+ libghc-cryptonite-dev,
+ libghc-cryptonite-conduit-dev,
+ libghc-echo-dev,
+ libghc-extra-dev,
+ libghc-file-embed-dev,
+ libghc-filelock-dev,
+ libghc-fsnotify-dev (>= 0.4.1),
+ libghc-generic-deriving-dev,
+ libghc-hackage-security-dev,
+ libghc-hashable-dev,
+ libghc-hi-file-parser-dev,
+ libghc-hpack-dev,
+ libghc-http-client-dev,
+ libghc-http-client-tls-dev,
+ libghc-http-conduit-dev,
+ libghc-http-download-dev,
+ libghc-http-types-dev,
+ libghc-memory-dev,
+ libghc-microlens-dev,
+ libghc-mono-traversable-dev,
+ libghc-mustache-dev,
+ libghc-neat-interpolation-dev,
+ libghc-network-uri-dev,
+ libghc-open-browser-dev,
+ libghc-optparse-applicative-dev (>=,
+ libghc-pantry-dev (>= 0.8.1),
+ libghc-path-dev,
+ libghc-path-io-dev,
+ libghc-persistent-dev (>=,
+ libghc-persistent-dev (<< 2.15),
+ libghc-persistent-sqlite-dev,
+ libghc-persistent-template-dev,
+ libghc-primitive-dev,
+ libghc-project-template-dev,
+ libghc-random-dev,
+ libghc-retry-dev,
+ libghc-rio-dev (>=,
+ libghc-rio-prettyprint-dev (>=,
+ libghc-semigroups-dev,
+ libghc-split-dev,
+ libghc-streaming-commons-dev,
+ libghc-tar-dev,
+ libghc-temporary-dev,
+ libghc-text-metrics-dev,
+ libghc-th-reify-many-dev,
+ libghc-tls-dev,
+ libghc-typed-process-dev,
+ libghc-unicode-transforms-dev,
+ libghc-unix-compat-dev,
+ libghc-unliftio-dev,
+ libghc-unordered-containers-dev,
+ libghc-vector-dev,
+ libghc-yaml-dev,
+ libghc-zip-archive-dev,
+ libghc-zlib-dev,
+ libghc-quickcheck2-dev,
+ libghc-hspec-dev,
+ libghc-raw-strings-qq-dev,
+ libghc-smallcheck-dev,
Standards-Version: 4.6.2
Homepage: https://haskellstack.org
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages/tree/master/p/haskell-stack
@@ -2,49 +2,49 @@ Index: b/src/test/Stack/ConfigSpec.hs
--- a/src/test/Stack/ConfigSpec.hs
+++ b/src/test/Stack/ConfigSpec.hs
-@@ -183,26 +183,26 @@ spec = beforeAll setup $ do
- boptsReconfigure `shouldBe` True
- boptsCabalVerbose `shouldBe` True
-- it "finds the config file in a parent directory" $ inTempDir $ do
-- writeFile "package.yaml" "name: foo"
-- writeFile (toFilePath stackDotYaml) sampleConfig
-- parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
-- let childDir = "child"
-- createDirectory childDir
-- setCurrentDirectory childDir
-- loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
-- bc <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
-- view projectRootL bc `shouldBe` parentDir
-+ -- it "finds the config file in a parent directory" $ inTempDir $ do
-+ -- writeFile "package.yaml" "name: foo"
-+ -- writeFile (toFilePath stackDotYaml) sampleConfig
-+ -- parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
-+ -- let childDir = "child"
-+ -- createDirectory childDir
-+ -- setCurrentDirectory childDir
-+ -- loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
-+ -- bc <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
-+ -- view projectRootL bc `shouldBe` parentDir
-- it "respects the STACK_YAML env variable" $ inTempDir $ do
-- withSystemTempDir "config-is-here" $ \dir -> do
-- let stackYamlFp = toFilePath (dir </> stackDotYaml)
-- writeFile stackYamlFp sampleConfig
-- writeFile (toFilePath dir ++ "/package.yaml") "name: foo"
-- withEnvVar "STACK_YAML" stackYamlFp $ loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
-- BuildConfig{..} <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
-- bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir </> stackDotYaml
-- parent bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir
-+ -- it "respects the STACK_YAML env variable" $ inTempDir $ do
-+ -- withSystemTempDir "config-is-here" $ \dir -> do
-+ -- let stackYamlFp = toFilePath (dir </> stackDotYaml)
-+ -- writeFile stackYamlFp sampleConfig
-+ -- writeFile (toFilePath dir ++ "/package.yaml") "name: foo"
-+ -- withEnvVar "STACK_YAML" stackYamlFp $ loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
-+ -- BuildConfig{..} <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
-+ -- bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir </> stackDotYaml
-+ -- parent bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir
- it "STACK_YAML can be relative" $ inTempDir $ do
- parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
+@@ -188,26 +188,26 @@ spec = beforeAll setup $ do
+ boptsReconfigure `shouldBe` True
+ boptsCabalVerbose `shouldBe` CabalVerbosity verbose
+- it "finds the config file in a parent directory" $ inTempDir $ do
+- writeFile "package.yaml" "name: foo"
+- writeFile (toFilePath stackDotYaml) sampleConfig
+- parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
+- let childDir = "child"
+- createDirectory childDir
+- setCurrentDirectory childDir
+- loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
+- bc <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
+- view projectRootL bc `shouldBe` parentDir
++ -- it "finds the config file in a parent directory" $ inTempDir $ do
++ -- writeFile "package.yaml" "name: foo"
++ -- writeFile (toFilePath stackDotYaml) sampleConfig
++ -- parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
++ -- let childDir = "child"
++ -- createDirectory childDir
++ -- setCurrentDirectory childDir
++ -- loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
++ -- bc <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
++ -- view projectRootL bc `shouldBe` parentDir
+- it "respects the STACK_YAML env variable" $ inTempDir $ do
+- withSystemTempDir "config-is-here" $ \dir -> do
+- let stackYamlFp = toFilePath (dir </> stackDotYaml)
+- writeFile stackYamlFp sampleConfig
+- writeFile (toFilePath dir ++ "/package.yaml") "name: foo"
+- withEnvVar "STACK_YAML" stackYamlFp $ loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
+- BuildConfig{..} <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
+- bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir </> stackDotYaml
+- parent bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir
++ -- it "respects the STACK_YAML env variable" $ inTempDir $ do
++ -- withSystemTempDir "config-is-here" $ \dir -> do
++ -- let stackYamlFp = toFilePath (dir </> stackDotYaml)
++ -- writeFile stackYamlFp sampleConfig
++ -- writeFile (toFilePath dir ++ "/package.yaml") "name: foo"
++ -- withEnvVar "STACK_YAML" stackYamlFp $ loadConfig' $ \config -> liftIO $ do
++ -- BuildConfig{..} <- runRIO config $ withBuildConfig ask
++ -- bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir </> stackDotYaml
++ -- parent bcStackYaml `shouldBe` dir
+ it "STACK_YAML can be relative" $ inTempDir $ do
+ parentDir <- getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From 086f93933d547736a7007fc4110f7816ef21f691 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Mike Pilgrem <mpilgrem at users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 22:12:45 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix #6125 Restore building Stack with Cabal flag
+ disable-git-info
+Also extend CI to include `stack build --flag stack:disable-git-info`.
+ .github/workflows/unit-tests.yml | 7 ++++---
+ ChangeLog.md | 3 +++
+ src/main/BuildInfo.hs | 11 ++++-------
+ 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+Index: b/src/main/BuildInfo.hs
+--- a/src/main/BuildInfo.hs
++++ b/src/main/BuildInfo.hs
+@@ -17,21 +17,18 @@ module BuildInfo
+ import qualified Build_stack
+ #endif
+-#ifdef USE_GIT_INFO
+ import Data.Version ( versionBranch )
+-import Data.Version ( showVersion, versionBranch )
+ import Distribution.System ( buildArch )
+ import qualified Distribution.Text as Cabal ( display )
+ #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO
+ import GitHash ( giCommitCount, giHash, tGitInfoCwdTry )
+-#ifdef USE_GIT_INFO
+ import Options.Applicative.Simple ( simpleVersion )
+ #endif
+-import Stack.Prelude
+ import qualified Paths_stack as Meta
++import Stack.Prelude
++#ifndef USE_GIT_INFO
++import Stack.Types.Version ( showStackVersion )
+ versionString' :: String
+ #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO
p/haskell-stack/debian/patches/lts-19 deleted
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-commit a9f00ffe4908b7f55af938f5a85943859f1e7af4
-Author: Mike Pilgrem <mpilgrem at users.noreply.github.com>
-Date: Fri Apr 1 01:54:03 2022 +0100
- Allow stack to build with lts-19.1 (GHC 9.0.2)
- Uses C pre-processor (CPP) directives to not disturb the existing code that builds with versions of GHC before 9.0.2.
- Tested by building stack on Windows 11. The built stack executable was, in turn, then tested by using it to build stack on Windows 11.
-Index: b/src/Stack/Build.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Build.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Build.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-@@ -19,7 +20,12 @@ module Stack.Build
- import Stack.Prelude hiding (loadPackage)
- import Data.Aeson (Value (Object, Array), (.=), object)
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
- import Data.List ((\\), isPrefixOf)
- import Data.List.Extra (groupSort)
- import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
-@@ -293,7 +299,11 @@ queryBuildInfo selectors0 =
- select front (sel:sels) value =
- case value of
- Object o ->
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ case KeyMap.lookup (Key.fromText sel) o of
- case HM.lookup sel o of
- Nothing -> err "Selector not found"
- Just value' -> cont value'
- Array v ->
-@@ -328,7 +338,11 @@ rawBuildInfo = do
- wantedCompiler <- view $ wantedCompilerVersionL.to (utf8BuilderToText . display)
- actualCompiler <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL.to compilerVersionText
- return $ object
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ [ "locals" .= Object (KeyMap.fromList $ map localToPair locals)
- [ "locals" .= Object (HM.fromList $ map localToPair locals)
- , "compiler" .= object
- [ "wanted" .= wantedCompiler
- , "actual" .= actualCompiler
-@@ -336,7 +350,11 @@ rawBuildInfo = do
- ]
- where
- localToPair lp =
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ (Key.fromText $ T.pack $ packageNameString $ packageName p, value)
- (T.pack $ packageNameString $ packageName p, value)
- where
- p = lpPackage lp
- value = object
-@@ -358,7 +376,11 @@ checkComponentsBuildable lps =
- checkSubLibraryDependencies :: HasLogFunc env => [ProjectPackage] -> RIO env ()
- checkSubLibraryDependencies proj = do
- forM_ proj $ \p -> do
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ C.GenericPackageDescription _ _ _ lib subLibs foreignLibs exes tests benches <- liftIO $ cpGPD . ppCommon $ p
- C.GenericPackageDescription _ _ lib subLibs foreignLibs exes tests benches <- liftIO $ cpGPD . ppCommon $ p
- let dependencies = concatMap getDeps subLibs <>
- concatMap getDeps foreignLibs <>
-@@ -372,7 +394,7 @@ checkSubLibraryDependencies proj = do
- (logWarn "SubLibrary dependency is not supported, this will almost certainly fail")
- where
- getDeps (_, C.CondNode _ dep _) = dep
-- subLibDepExist lib =
-+ subLibDepExist lib =
- any (\x ->
- case x of
- C.LSubLibName _ -> True
-Index: b/src/Stack/Build/Execute.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Build/Execute.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Build/Execute.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-@@ -1218,7 +1219,11 @@ withSingleContext ActionContext {..} ee@
- let macroDeps = mapMaybe snd matchedDeps
- cppMacrosFile = setupDir </> relFileSetupMacrosH
- cppArgs = ["-optP-include", "-optP" ++ toFilePath cppMacrosFile]
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ writeBinaryFileAtomic cppMacrosFile (encodeUtf8Builder (T.pack (C.generatePackageVersionMacros (packageVersion package) macroDeps)))
- writeBinaryFileAtomic cppMacrosFile (encodeUtf8Builder (T.pack (C.generatePackageVersionMacros macroDeps)))
- return (packageDBArgs ++ depsArgs ++ cppArgs)
- -- This branch is usually taken for builds, and
-Index: b/src/Stack/BuildPlan.hs
---- a/src/Stack/BuildPlan.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/BuildPlan.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-@@ -224,7 +225,11 @@ selectPackageBuildPlan platform compiler
- flagCombinations :: NonEmpty [(FlagName, Bool)]
- flagCombinations = mapM getOptions (genPackageFlags gpd)
- where
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ getOptions :: C.PackageFlag -> NonEmpty (FlagName, Bool)
- getOptions :: C.Flag -> NonEmpty (FlagName, Bool)
- getOptions f
- | flagManual f = (fname, flagDefault f) :| []
- | flagDefault f = (fname, True) :| [(fname, False)]
-Index: b/src/Stack/ConfigCmd.hs
---- a/src/Stack/ConfigCmd.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/ConfigCmd.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-@@ -17,9 +18,15 @@ module Stack.ConfigCmd
- ,cfgCmdName) where
- import Stack.Prelude
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString)
- import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
-+#if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
- import qualified Options.Applicative as OA
-@@ -74,7 +81,11 @@ cfgCmdSet cmd = do
- liftIO (Yaml.decodeFileEither (toFilePath configFilePath)) >>= either throwM return
- newValue <- cfgCmdSetValue (parent configFilePath) cmd
- let cmdKey = cfgCmdSetOptionName cmd
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ config' = KeyMap.insert (Key.fromText cmdKey) newValue config
- config' = HMap.insert cmdKey newValue config
- if config' == config
- then logInfo
- (fromString (toFilePath configFilePath) <>
-Index: b/src/Stack/Init.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Init.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Init.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-@@ -11,10 +12,15 @@ module Stack.Init
- ) where
- import Stack.Prelude
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
- import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-+#if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
- import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
- import Data.List.Extra (groupSortOn)
- import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-@@ -83,29 +89,29 @@ initProject currDir initOpts mresolver =
- let ignored = Map.difference bundle rbundle
- dupPkgMsg
- | dupPkgs /= [] =
-- "Warning (added by new or init): Some packages were found to \
-- \have names conflicting with others and have been commented \
-- \out in the packages section.\n"
-+ "Warning (added by new or init): Some packages were found to " <>
-+ "have names conflicting with others and have been commented " <>
-+ "out in the packages section.\n"
- | otherwise = ""
- missingPkgMsg
- | Map.size ignored > 0 =
-- "Warning (added by new or init): Some packages were found to \
-- \be incompatible with the resolver and have been left commented \
-- \out in the packages section.\n"
-+ "Warning (added by new or init): Some packages were found to " <>
-+ "be incompatible with the resolver and have been left commented " <>
-+ "out in the packages section.\n"
- | otherwise = ""
- extraDepMsg
- | Map.size extraDeps > 0 =
-- "Warning (added by new or init): Specified resolver could not \
-- \satisfy all dependencies. Some external packages have been \
-- \added as dependencies.\n"
-+ "Warning (added by new or init): Specified resolver could not " <>
-+ "satisfy all dependencies. Some external packages have been " <>
-+ "added as dependencies.\n"
- | otherwise = ""
- makeUserMsg msgs =
- let msg = concat msgs
- in if msg /= "" then
-- msg <> "You can omit this message by removing it from \
-- \stack.yaml\n"
-+ msg <> "You can omit this message by removing it from " <>
-+ "stack.yaml\n"
- else ""
- userMsg = makeUserMsg [dupPkgMsg, missingPkgMsg, extraDepMsg]
-@@ -177,12 +183,20 @@ renderStackYaml p ignoredPackages dupPac
- B.byteString headerHelp
- <> B.byteString "\n\n"
- <> F.foldMap (goComment o) comments
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ <> goOthers (o `KeyMap.difference` KeyMap.fromList comments)
- <> goOthers (o `HM.difference` HM.fromList comments)
- <> B.byteString footerHelp
- <> "\n"
- goComment o (name, comment) =
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ case (convert <$> KeyMap.lookup name o) <|> nonPresentValue name of
- case (convert <$> HM.lookup name o) <|> nonPresentValue name of
- Nothing -> assert (name == "user-message") mempty
- Just v ->
- B.byteString comment <>
-@@ -226,7 +240,11 @@ renderStackYaml p ignoredPackages dupPac
- | otherwise = ""
- goOthers o
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ | KeyMap.null o = mempty
- | HM.null o = mempty
- | otherwise = assert False $ B.byteString $ Yaml.encode o
- -- Per Section Help
-@@ -394,9 +412,9 @@ getWorkingResolverPlan initOpts pkgDirs0
- Right (f, edeps)-> return (snapLoc, f, edeps, pkgDirs)
- Left ignored
- | Map.null available -> do
-- logWarn "*** Could not find a working plan for any of \
-- \the user packages.\nProceeding to create a \
-- \config anyway."
-+ logWarn $ "*** Could not find a working plan for any of " <>
-+ "the user packages.\nProceeding to create a " <>
-+ "config anyway."
- return (snapLoc, Map.empty, Map.empty, Map.empty)
- | otherwise -> do
- when (Map.size available == Map.size pkgDirs) $
-@@ -537,9 +555,9 @@ cabalPackagesCheck cabaldirs dupErrMsg =
- when (nameMismatchPkgs /= []) $ do
- rels <- mapM prettyPath nameMismatchPkgs
-- error $ "Package name as defined in the .cabal file must match the \
-- \.cabal file name.\n\
-- \Please fix the following packages and try again:\n"
-+ error $ "Package name as defined in the .cabal file must match the " <>
-+ ".cabal file name.\n" <>
-+ "Please fix the following packages and try again:\n"
- <> T.unpack (utf8BuilderToText (formatGroup rels))
- let dupGroups = filter ((> 1) . length)
-Index: b/src/Stack/New.hs
---- a/src/Stack/New.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/New.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ module Stack.New
- import Stack.Prelude
- import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
- import Data.Aeson as A
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
- import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString)
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
-@@ -40,7 +44,9 @@ import Stack.Constants
- import Stack.Constants.Config
- import Stack.Types.Config
- import Stack.Types.TemplateName
-+#if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
- import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM
- import RIO.Process
- import qualified Text.Mustache as Mustache
- import qualified Text.Mustache.Render as Mustache
-@@ -139,7 +145,7 @@ loadTemplate name logIt = do
- RepoPath rtp -> do
- let settings = settingsFromRepoTemplatePath rtp
- downloadFromUrl settings templateDir
- where
- loadLocalFile :: Path b File -> (ByteString -> Either String Text) -> RIO env Text
- loadLocalFile path extract = do
-@@ -209,7 +215,11 @@ settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTempla
- , tplExtract = \bs -> do
- decodedJson <- eitherDecode (LB.fromStrict bs)
- case decodedJson of
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ Object o | Just (String content) <- KeyMap.lookup "content" o -> do
- Object o | Just (String content) <- HM.lookup "content" o -> do
- let noNewlines = T.filter (/= '\n')
- bsContent <- B64.decode $ T.encodeUtf8 (noNewlines content)
- mapLeft show $ decodeUtf8' bsContent
-@@ -258,8 +268,8 @@ applyTemplate project template noncePara
- let isPkgSpec f = ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` f || f == "package.yaml"
- unless (any isPkgSpec . M.keys $ files) $
-- throwM (InvalidTemplate template "Template does not contain a .cabal \
-- \or package.yaml file")
-+ throwM (InvalidTemplate template
-+ "Template does not contain a .cabal or package.yaml file")
- -- Apply Mustache templating to a single file within the project
- -- template.
-Index: b/src/Stack/Package.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Package.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Package.hs
-@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ import Data.List (find, isPref
- import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
- import qualified Data.Set as S
- import qualified Data.Text as T
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
- import Distribution.Compiler
- import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
- import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as Cabal
-@@ -128,7 +131,11 @@ resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg =
- (resolvePackageDescription packageConfig gpkg)
- packageFromPackageDescription :: PackageConfig
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ -> [PackageFlag]
- -> [D.Flag]
- -> PackageDescriptionPair
- -> Package
- packageFromPackageDescription packageConfig pkgFlags (PackageDescriptionPair pkgNoMod pkg) =
-@@ -190,7 +197,11 @@ packageFromPackageDescription packageCon
- (library pkg)
- , packageBuildType = buildType pkg
- , packageSetupDeps = msetupDeps
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ , packageCabalSpec = specVersion pkg
- , packageCabalSpec = either orLaterVersion id $ specVersionRaw pkg
- }
- where
- extraLibNames = S.union subLibNames foreignLibNames
-@@ -696,7 +707,11 @@ packageDescModulesAndFiles pkg = do
- -- | Resolve globbing of files (e.g. data files) to absolute paths.
- resolveGlobFiles
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ :: CabalSpecVersion -- ^ cabal file version
- :: Version -- ^ cabal file version
- -> [String]
- -> RIO Ctx (Set (Path Abs File))
- resolveGlobFiles cabalFileVersion =
-@@ -862,7 +877,11 @@ data PackageDescriptionPair = PackageDes
- resolvePackageDescription :: PackageConfig
- -> GenericPackageDescription
- -> PackageDescriptionPair
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+resolvePackageDescription packageConfig (GenericPackageDescription desc _ defaultFlags mlib subLibs foreignLibs' exes tests benches) =
- resolvePackageDescription packageConfig (GenericPackageDescription desc defaultFlags mlib subLibs foreignLibs' exes tests benches) =
- PackageDescriptionPair
- { pdpOrigBuildable = go False
- , pdpModifiedBuildable = go True
-@@ -935,9 +954,17 @@ resolvePackageDescription packageConfig
- -- | Make a map from a list of flag specifications.
- --
- -- What is @flagManual@ for?
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+flagMap :: [PackageFlag] -> Map FlagName Bool
- flagMap :: [Flag] -> Map FlagName Bool
- flagMap = M.fromList . map pair
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ where pair :: PackageFlag -> (FlagName, Bool)
- where pair :: Flag -> (FlagName, Bool)
- pair = flagName &&& flagDefault
- data ResolveConditions = ResolveConditions
-@@ -986,7 +1013,11 @@ resolveConditions rc addDeps (CondNode l
- case v of
- OS os -> os == rcOS rc
- Arch arch -> arch == rcArch rc
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ PackageFlag flag ->
- Flag flag ->
- fromMaybe False $ M.lookup flag (rcFlags rc)
- -- NOTE: ^^^^^ This should never happen, as all flags
- -- which are used must be declared. Defaulting to
-@@ -1394,7 +1425,13 @@ applyForceCustomBuild cabalVersion packa
- }
- | otherwise = package
- where
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ cabalVersionRange =
-+ orLaterVersion $ mkVersion $ cabalSpecToVersionDigits $
-+ packageCabalSpec package
- cabalVersionRange = packageCabalSpec package
- forceCustomBuild =
- packageBuildType package == Simple &&
- not (cabalVersion `withinRange` cabalVersionRange)
-Index: b/src/Stack/Script.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Script.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Script.hs
-@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import Distribution.Compiler
- import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
- import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
- import qualified Distribution.Types.CondTree as C
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+import Distribution.Types.ModuleReexport
- import Distribution.Types.PackageName (mkPackageName)
- import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (withinRange)
- import Distribution.System (Platform (..))
-@@ -280,7 +283,11 @@ allExposedModules gpd = do
- mlibrary = snd . C.simplifyCondTree checkCond <$> PD.condLibrary gpd
- pure $ case mlibrary of
- Just lib -> PD.exposedModules lib ++
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ map moduleReexportName (PD.reexportedModules lib)
- map PD.moduleReexportName (PD.reexportedModules lib)
- Nothing -> mempty
- -- | The Stackage project introduced the concept of hidden packages,
-Index: b/src/Stack/Setup.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Setup.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Setup.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ import Conduit
- import Control.Applicative (empty)
- import "cryptonite" Crypto.Hash (SHA1(..), SHA256(..))
- import Pantry.Internal.AesonExtended
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import qualified Data.ByteString as S
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
- import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
-@@ -41,7 +45,9 @@ import qualified Data.Conduit.List as
- import Data.Conduit.Process.Typed (createSource)
- import Data.Conduit.Zlib (ungzip)
- import Data.Foldable (maximumBy)
-+#if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
- import Data.List hiding (concat, elem, maximumBy, any)
- import qualified Data.Map as Map
- import qualified Data.Set as Set
-@@ -1988,16 +1994,28 @@ downloadStackExe platforms0 archiveInfo
- findArchive (SRIGithub val) pattern = do
- Object top <- return val
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ Array assets <- KeyMap.lookup "assets" top
- Array assets <- HashMap.lookup "assets" top
- getFirst $ fold $ fmap (First . findMatch pattern') assets
- where
- pattern' = mconcat ["-", pattern, "."]
- findMatch pattern'' (Object o) = do
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ String name <- KeyMap.lookup "name" o
- String name <- HashMap.lookup "name" o
- guard $ not $ ".asc" `T.isSuffixOf` name
- guard $ pattern'' `T.isInfixOf` name
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ String url <- KeyMap.lookup "browser_download_url" o
- String url <- HashMap.lookup "browser_download_url" o
- Just url
- findMatch _ _ = Nothing
- findArchive (SRIHaskellStackOrg hso) _ = pure $ hsoUrl hso
-@@ -2095,7 +2113,11 @@ performPathChecking newFile executablePa
- getDownloadVersion :: StackReleaseInfo -> Maybe Version
- getDownloadVersion (SRIGithub val) = do
- Object o <- Just val
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ String rawName <- KeyMap.lookup "name" o
- String rawName <- HashMap.lookup "name" o
- -- drop the "v" at the beginning of the name
- parseVersion $ T.unpack (T.drop 1 rawName)
- getDownloadVersion (SRIHaskellStackOrg hso) = Just $ hsoVersion hso
-Index: b/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Types/Package.hs
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-@@ -15,6 +16,9 @@ import qualified RIO.Text as T
- import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), FromJSON (..), (.=), (.:), object, withObject)
- import qualified Data.Map as M
- import qualified Data.Set as Set
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
- import Distribution.Parsec (PError (..), PWarning (..), showPos)
- import qualified Distribution.SPDX.License as SPDX
- import Distribution.License (License)
-@@ -114,7 +118,11 @@ data Package =
- ,packageBuildType :: !BuildType -- ^ Package build-type.
- ,packageSetupDeps :: !(Maybe (Map PackageName VersionRange))
- -- ^ If present: custom-setup dependencies
-+#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,4,0)
-+ ,packageCabalSpec :: !CabalSpecVersion -- ^ Cabal spec range
- ,packageCabalSpec :: !VersionRange -- ^ Cabal spec range
- }
- deriving (Show,Typeable)
-Index: b/src/Stack/Types/Resolver.hs
---- a/src/Stack/Types/Resolver.hs
-+++ b/src/Stack/Types/Resolver.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-@@ -19,7 +20,12 @@ module Stack.Types.Resolver
- import Pantry.Internal.AesonExtended
- (FromJSON, parseJSON,
- withObject, (.:), withText)
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
-+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
- import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
-@@ -86,8 +92,13 @@ instance FromJSON Snapshots where
- parseJSON = withObject "Snapshots" $ \o -> Snapshots
- <$> (o .: "nightly" >>= parseNightly)
- <*> fmap IntMap.unions (mapM (parseLTS . snd)
-+#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0)
-+ $ filter (isLTS . Key.toText . fst)
-+ $ KeyMap.toList o)
- $ filter (isLTS . fst)
- $ HashMap.toList o)
- where
- parseNightly t =
- case parseSnapName t of
-Index: b/stack-ghc-902.yaml
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/stack-ghc-902.yaml
-@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
-+resolver: lts-19.1
-+- .
-+ enable: false
-+ repo: fpco/alpine-haskell-stack:8.10.4
-+ # --nix on the command-line to enable.
-+ packages:
-+ - zlib
-+ - unzip
-+ stack:
-+ developer-mode: true
-+ "$locals": -fhide-source-paths
-+- mustache-2.4.0 at sha256:09a2eac7b8d093231cd8c5355dc87d7f882be77aebf88de18c4d9e612beca453,3345
-+- unordered-containers- at sha256:859ec9a017e51194755cb8a445b767afc5ce0ac991cd50b0f96abd31b3687aab,5217
-+# See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/4712
-+- cabal-install
-Index: b/stack.cabal
---- a/stack.cabal
-+++ b/stack.cabal
-@@ -474,6 +474,8 @@ executable stack-integration-test
- other-modules:
- StackTest
- Paths_stack
-+ autogen-modules:
-+ Paths_stack
- default-language: Haskell2010
- ghc-options:
-@@ -608,6 +610,8 @@ test-suite stack-test
- Stack.Types.TemplateNameSpec
- Stack.UploadSpec
- Paths_stack
-+ autogen-modules:
-+ Paths_stack
- default-language: Haskell2010
- ghc-options:
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ Index: b/stack.cabal
--- a/stack.cabal
+++ b/stack.cabal
-@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ library
- http-types >=0.12.3,
- memory >=0.15.0,
- microlens >=,
-- mintty >=0.1.2,
- mono-traversable >=,
- mtl >=2.2.2,
- mustache >=2.3.1,
-@@ -396,7 +395,6 @@ executable stack
- http-types >=0.12.3,
- memory >=0.15.0,
- microlens >=,
-- mintty >=0.1.2,
- mono-traversable >=,
- mtl >=2.2.2,
- mustache >=2.3.1,
-@@ -525,7 +523,6 @@ executable stack-integration-test
- http-types >=0.12.3,
- memory >=0.15.0,
- microlens >=,
-- mintty >=0.1.2,
- mono-traversable >=,
- mtl >=2.2.2,
- mustache >=2.3.1,
-@@ -661,7 +658,6 @@ test-suite stack-test
- http-types >=0.12.3,
- memory >=0.15.0,
- microlens >=,
-- mintty >=0.1.2,
- mono-traversable >=,
- mtl >=2.2.2,
- mustache >=2.3.1,
+@@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ library
+ , http-types
+ , memory
+ , microlens
+- , mintty
+ , mono-traversable
+ , mtl
+ , mustache
+@@ -432,7 +431,6 @@ executable stack
+ , http-types
+ , memory
+ , microlens
+- , mintty
+ , mono-traversable
+ , mtl
+ , mustache
+@@ -556,7 +554,6 @@ executable stack-integration-test
+ , http-types
+ , memory
+ , microlens
+- , mintty
+ , mono-traversable
+ , mtl
+ , mustache
+@@ -687,7 +684,6 @@ test-suite stack-test
+ , http-types
+ , memory
+ , microlens
+- , mintty
+ , mono-traversable
+ , mtl
+ , mustache
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.6.2
+ * Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:35:00 +0300
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:52:47 +0300
haskell-yesod-auth-hashdb ( unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Rules-Requires-Root: no
debhelper (>= 10),
- ghc (>= 8.4.3),
+ ghc (>= 9.4),
haskell-devscripts (>= 0.13),
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-haskell-yesod-auth-oauth (1.6.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+haskell-yesod-auth-oauth (1.6.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.6.2
+ * Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:35:00 +0300
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:52:47 +0300
haskell-yesod-auth-oauth (1.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Rules-Requires-Root: no
debhelper (>= 10),
- ghc (>= 8.4.3),
+ ghc (>= 9.4),
haskell-devscripts (>= 0.13),
libghc-authenticate-oauth-dev (>= 1.5),
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-haskell-yesod ( UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+haskell-yesod ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.6.2
+ * Sourceful upload for GHC 9.4
- -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:35:00 +0300
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:52:46 +0300
haskell-yesod ( unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Rules-Requires-Root: no
debhelper (>= 10),
- ghc (>= 8.4.3),
+ ghc (>= 9.4),
haskell-devscripts (>= 0.13),
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