[Git][haskell-team/DHG_packages][master] http-client: Disable tests that access the network
Ilias Tsitsimpis (@iliastsi)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Oct 13 16:01:30 BST 2024
Ilias Tsitsimpis pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / DHG_packages
fef8b84a by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2024-10-13T17:58:30+03:00
http-client: Disable tests that access the network
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- p/haskell-http-client/debian/changelog
- + p/haskell-http-client/debian/patches/disable-external-network-connection-test-2.diff
- p/haskell-http-client/debian/patches/disable-external-network-connection-test.diff
- p/haskell-http-client/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+haskell-http-client (0.7.17-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Disable tests that access the network (Closes: #1084839)
+ -- Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org> Sun, 13 Oct 2024 17:57:38 +0300
haskell-http-client (0.7.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.7.0
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Description: Disable tests that access the network
+Author: Ilias Tsitsimpis <iliastsi at debian.org>
+Bug: https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/545
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1084839
+Index: b/test-nonet/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
+--- a/test-nonet/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
++++ b/test-nonet/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
+@@ -39,26 +39,6 @@ silentIOError a = a `E.catch` \e -> do
+ let _ = e :: IOError
+ return ()
+-redirectServerToDifferentHost :: Maybe Int -> (Int -> IO a) -> IO a
+-redirectServerToDifferentHost maxRedirects inner = bracket
+- (N.bindRandomPortTCP "*4")
+- (NS.close . snd)
+- $ \(port, lsocket) -> withAsync
+- (N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCPSocket lsocket) app)
+- (const $ inner port)
+- where
+- redirect ad = do
+- N.appWrite ad "HTTP/1.1 301 Redirect\r\nLocation: http://example.com\r\ncontent-length: 5\r\n\r\n"
+- threadDelay 10000
+- N.appWrite ad "hello\r\n"
+- threadDelay 10000
+- app ad = Async.race_
+- (silentIOError $ forever (N.appRead ad))
+- (silentIOError $ case maxRedirects of
+- Nothing -> forever $ redirect ad
+- Just n ->
+- replicateM_ n (redirect ad) >>
+- N.appWrite ad "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: 5\r\n\r\nhello\r\n")
+ redirectServer :: Maybe Int
+ -- ^ If Just, stop redirecting after that many hops.
+@@ -198,30 +178,6 @@ spec = describe "Client" $ do
+ print $ map (requestHeaders . fst) $ hrRedirects hr
+ mapM_ (\r -> requestHeaders r `shouldBe` []) $
+ map fst $ tail $ hrRedirects hr
+- it "does strips header on redirect, if hosts are different and set to strip them if host differ" $ redirectServerToDifferentHost (Just 1) $ \port -> do
+- req' <- parseUrlThrow $ "" ++ show port
+- let req = req' { requestHeaders = [(hAuthorization, "abguvatgbfrrurer")]
+- , redirectCount = 10
+- , shouldStripHeaderOnRedirect = (== hAuthorization)
+- , shouldStripHeaderOnRedirectIfOnDifferentHostOnly = True
+- }
+- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
+- withResponseHistory req man $ \hr -> do
+- print $ map (requestHeaders . fst) $ hrRedirects hr
+- mapM_ (\r -> requestHeaders r `shouldBe` []) $
+- map fst $ tail $ hrRedirects hr
+- it "does NOT strips header on redirect, if hosts are same and set to strip them if host differ" $ redirectServerToDifferentHost (Just 1) $ \port -> do
+- req' <- parseUrlThrow $ "" ++ show port
+- let req = req' { requestHeaders = [(hAuthorization, "abguvatgbfrrurer")]
+- , redirectCount = 10
+- , shouldStripHeaderOnRedirect = (== hAuthorization)
+- , shouldStripHeaderOnRedirectIfOnDifferentHostOnly = True
+- }
+- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
+- withResponseHistory req man $ \hr -> do
+- print $ map (requestHeaders . fst) $ hrRedirects hr
+- mapM_ (\r -> requestHeaders r `shouldBe` [("Authorization","abguvatgbfrrurer")]) $
+- map fst $ tail $ hrRedirects hr
+ it "redirecting #41" $ redirectServer Nothing $ \port -> do
+ req' <- parseUrlThrow $ "" ++ show port
+ let req = req' { redirectCount = 1 }
@@ -1,146 +1,13 @@
-Index: b/test/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
+Index: b/http-client.cabal
---- a/test/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
-+++ b/test/Network/HTTP/ClientSpec.hs
-@@ -17,140 +17,4 @@ main :: IO ()
- main = hspec spec
+--- a/http-client.cabal
++++ b/http-client.cabal
+@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ library
+ default-language: Haskell2010
- spec :: Spec
--spec = describe "Client" $ do
-- it "works" $ do
-- req <- parseUrlThrow "http://httpbin.org/"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- -- Test the failure condition described in https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/489
-- it "keeps connection alive long enough" $ do
-- req <- parseUrlThrow "http://httpbin.org/"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- responseOpen req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- let
-- getChunk = responseBody res
-- drainAll = do
-- chunk <- getChunk
-- if BS.null chunk then pure () else drainAll
-- -- The returned `BodyReader` used to not contain a reference to the `Managed Connection`,
-- -- only to the extracted connection and to the release action. Therefore, triggering a GC
-- -- would close the connection even though we were not done reading.
-- performGC
-- -- Not ideal, but weak finalizers run on a separate thread, so it's racing with our drain
-- -- call
-- threadDelay 500000
-- drainAll
-- -- Calling `responseClose res` here prevents the early collection from happening in this
-- -- test, but in a larger production application that did involve a `responseClose`, it still
-- -- occurred.
-- describe "method in URL" $ do
-- it "success" $ do
-- req <- parseUrlThrow "POST http://httpbin.org/post"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- it "failure" $ do
-- req <- parseRequest "PUT http://httpbin.org/post"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status405
-- describe "bearer auth" $ do
-- it "success" $ do
-- initialReq <- parseUrlThrow "http://httpbin.org/bearer"
-- let finalReq = applyBearerAuth "token" initialReq
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs finalReq man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- it "failure" $ do
-- req <- parseRequest "http://httpbin.org/bearer"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status401
-- describe "redirects" $ do
-- xit "follows redirects" $ do
-- req <- parseRequest "http://httpbin.org/redirect-to?url=http://httpbin.org"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- xit "allows to disable redirect following" $ do
-- req <- (\ r -> r{ redirectCount = 0 }) <$>
-- parseRequest "http://httpbin.org/redirect-to?url=http://httpbin.org"
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- res <- httpLbs req man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` found302
-- context "managerModifyResponse" $ do
-- it "allows to modify the response status code" $ do
-- let modify :: Response BodyReader -> IO (Response BodyReader)
-- modify res = do
-- return res {
-- responseStatus = (responseStatus res) {
-- statusCode = 201
-- }
-- }
-- settings = defaultManagerSettings { managerModifyResponse = modify }
-- man <- newManager settings
-- res <- httpLbs "http://httpbin.org" man
-- (statusCode.responseStatus) res `shouldBe` 201
-- it "modifies the response body" $ do
-- let modify :: Response BodyReader -> IO (Response BodyReader)
-- modify res = do
-- reader <- constBodyReader [BS.pack "modified response body"]
-- return res {
-- responseBody = reader
-- }
-- settings = defaultManagerSettings { managerModifyResponse = modify }
-- man <- newManager settings
-- res <- httpLbs "http://httpbin.org" man
-- responseBody res `shouldBe` "modified response body"
-- context "managerModifyRequest" $ do
-- it "port" $ do
-- let modify req = return req { port = 80 }
-- settings = defaultManagerSettings { managerModifyRequest = modify }
-- man <- newManager settings
-- res <- httpLbs "http://httpbin.org:1234" man
-- responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200
-- it "checkResponse" $ do
-- let modify req = return req { checkResponse = \_ _ -> error "some exception" }
-- settings = defaultManagerSettings { managerModifyRequest = modify }
-- man <- newManager settings
-- httpLbs "http://httpbin.org" man `shouldThrow` anyException
-- xit "redirectCount" $ do
-- let modify req = return req { redirectCount = 0 }
-- settings = defaultManagerSettings { managerModifyRequest = modify }
-- man <- newManager settings
-- response <- httpLbs "http://httpbin.org/redirect-to?url=foo" man
-- responseStatus response `shouldBe` found302
-- -- skipped because CI doesn't have working IPv6
-- xdescribe "raw IPV6 address as hostname" $ do
-- it "works" $ do
-- -- We rely on example.com serving a web page over IPv6.
-- -- The request (currently) actually ends up as 404 due to
-- -- virtual hosting, but we just care that the networking
-- -- side works.
-- (addr:_) <- NS.getAddrInfo
-- (Just NS.defaultHints { NS.addrFamily = NS.AF_INET6 })
-- (Just "example.com")
-- (Just "http")
-- -- ipv6Port will be of the form [::1]:80, which is good enough
-- -- for our purposes; ideally we'd easily get just the ::1.
-- let ipv6Port = show $ NS.addrAddress addr
-- ipv6Port `shouldStartWith` "["
-- req <- parseUrlThrow $ "http://" ++ ipv6Port
-- man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-- _ <- httpLbs (setRequestIgnoreStatus req) man
-- return ()
-+spec = return ()
+ test-suite spec
++ buildable: False
+ main-is: Spec.hs
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ hs-source-dirs: test
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
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