[Pkg-haskell-maintainers] Bug#573925: Bug#573925: How should the Haskell maintainers work then?

Marco TĂșlio Gontijo e Silva marcot at debian.org
Sat Mar 20 10:20:54 UTC 2010

Hi Jonas.

Excerpts from Jonas Smedegaard's message of Sex Mar 19 23:19:09 -0300 2010:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 04:47:42PM -0300, Marco TĂșlio Gontijo e Silva wrote:
> >Jonas wrote:
> >(...)
> >> Unfortunately - and confusing for you as user - the Haskell 
> >> developers chose to not cooporate directly with the CDBS maintainers 
> >> in maintaining a snippet for their needs but felt it better to 
> >> maintain it on their own. :-(
> >
> >How do you suggest we to do?  hlibrary.mk is very related to the 
> >dh_haskell* scripts also shipped in haskell-devscripts, and it would 
> >not make sense to release them separetly --- a newer version of 
> >hlibrary.mk would not work with older versions of dh_haskell* scripts, 
> >and vice-versa.
> I feel it best to maintain CDBS snippets as part of the cdbs package 
> itself, so that the coding style can most easily be kept in sync across 
> snippets.

It's a good point.

> The cdbs package is maintained in the collab-maint group at Alioth which 
> means all Debian developers already have write access and anyone else 
> can request membership of the group as well - just mention your reason 
> for needing such membership when requesting it: for helping co-maintain 
> cdbs.

Would it be possible to make a CDBS release immediately when I, for instance,
want a change in the haskell snippet to be in the archive, to make it sync with
the new release of the dh_haskell* scripts?  I'm assuming you're not saying I
should include the dh_haskell* scripts in the CDBS package.

If this is possible, I see no problem in moving hlibrary.mk to the cdbs

> If Haskell is too fast-moving for maintainance with cdbs, then it might 
> make sense to separate tiny parts into something shipped with the Haskel 
> tools - similar to how Python ships their competing python-central and 
> puthon-module tools, which several CDBS snippets then make use of 
> through a commandline interface.

Are you talking here about Makefiles or dh_* kind of scripts?

Haskell is not too fast moving, but when there's a change needed, we often need
it to be applied and released immediately, since there are libraries waiting
to be uploaded.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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