Bug#783780: ghc-mod: conffiles not removed

Sven Bartscher sven.bartscher at weltraumschlangen.de
Sun Aug 23 15:42:09 UTC 2015

On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 07:56:06 +0800 Paul Wise <pabs at debian.org> wrote:
> The recent upgrade did not deal with obsolete conffiles properly.
> Please use the dpkg-maintscript-helper support provided by
> dh_installdeb to remove these obsolete conffiles on upgrade.

The conffile isn't plain obsolete, but moved to another package. The
policy doesn't declare a special case here but also fails to define
precisely when a conffile is "obsolete".
So, removing the conffile should be easy, by using dh_installdeb
functionality but I don't know if it's the appropriate thing to do.


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