Bug#810105: Bug#809763: cabal-helper: no binary in cabal-helper package

Sven Bartscher sven.bartscher at weltraumschlangen.de
Tue Jan 12 17:34:57 UTC 2016

On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 20:37:13 +0100 Tomas Janousek <tomi at nomi.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 03:19:49PM +0100, Sven Bartscher wrote:
> > > It would be good if you open another report for ghc-mod, so it won't
> > > migrate before its libexecdir is set to /usr/lib.
> Oh, I'm reading this only now, I forgot to scroll down the original e-mail,
> sorry. :-(

No problem. I noticed that it would be easier to clone the bug and did
that instead.

> > Searching through the code revealed, that the code for finding the
> > executable is actually in haskell-cabal-helper. *reassign*
> If it's in libghc-cabal-helper-dev, then a rebuild of ghc-mod is necessary.
> And I assume that's the case since newest cabal-helper with newest ghc-mod
> gives the same error.

ghc-mod has been rebuilt and for me the problem is gone. Are you sure
you upgraded to ghc-mod (Note the +b1 addition)?

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