Bug#811065: FTBFS: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_build' failed

Martin Michlmayr tbm at hpe.com
Fri Jan 15 10:28:29 UTC 2016

Package: hothasktags
Version: 0.3.3-4
Severity: serious

> sbuild (Debian sbuild) 0.67.0 (26 Dec 2015) on dl580gen9-02.hlinux
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> ./Setup build
> Building hothasktags-0.3.3...
> Preprocessing executable 'hothasktags' for hothasktags-0.3.3...
> [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, dist/build/hothasktags/hothasktags-tmp/Main.o )
> Main.hs:112:23:
>     Constructor `L.EVar' should have 2 arguments, but has been given 3
>     In the pattern: L.EVar _ _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name'))
>     In an equation for `matchesSpec':
>         matchesSpec name (L.EVar _ _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name')))
>           = name == name'
>     In an equation for `exported':
>         exported
>           mod@(L.Module _
>                         (Just (L.ModuleHead _ _ _ (Just (L.ExportSpecList _ specs))))
>                         _
>                         _
>                         _)
>           name
>           = any (matchesSpec name) specs
>           where
>               matchesSpec name (L.EVar _ _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name')))
>                 = name == name'
>               matchesSpec name (L.EAbs _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name')))
>                 = name == name'
>               matchesSpec name (L.EThingAll _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name')))
>                 = name == name' || (name `elem` thingMembers mod name')
>               matchesSpec
>                 name
>                 (L.EThingWith _ (L.UnQual _ (L.Ident _ name')) cnames)
>                 = name == name' || any (matchesCName name) cnames
>               matchesSpec _ (L.EModuleContents _ (L.ModuleName _ _)) = False
>               matchesSpec _ _ = False
>               matchesCName name (L.VarName _ (L.Ident _ name')) = name == name'
>               matchesCName name (L.ConName _ (L.Ident _ name')) = name == name'
>               matchesCName _ _ = False
> Main.hs:155:19:
>     Constructor `L.IVar' should have 2 arguments, but has been given 3
>     In the pattern: L.IVar _ _ (L.Ident _ name)
>     In an equation for `specName':
>         specName (L.IVar _ _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>     In an equation for `extractImport':
>         extractImport
>           decl@(L.ImportDecl {L.importModule = L.ModuleName _ name,
>                               L.importSpecs = spec})
>           = Map.unions
>               [if L.importQualified decl then Map.empty else names,
>                Map.mapKeys ((name ++ ".") ++) names,
>                case L.importAs decl of {
>                  Nothing -> Map.empty
>                  Just (L.ModuleName _ name')
>                    -> Map.mapKeys ((name' ++ ".") ++) names },
>                ....]
>           where
>               names
>                 | Just (L.ImportSpecList _ True specs) <- spec
>                 = normalExports
>                   `Map.difference`
>                     (Map.fromList (map (flip (,) ()) (concatMap specName specs)))
>                 | Just (L.ImportSpecList _ False specs) <- spec
>                 = Map.filterWithKey
>                     (\ k _ -> k `elem` concatMap specName specs) normalExports
>                 | otherwise = normalExports
>               normalExports = modExports db name
>               specName (L.IVar _ _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>               specName (L.IAbs _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>               specName (L.IThingAll _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>               specName (L.IThingWith _ (L.Ident _ name) cnames)
>                 = name : concatMap cname cnames
>               specName _ = []
>               cname (L.VarName _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>               cname (L.ConName _ (L.Ident _ name)) = [name]
>               cname _ = []
> debian/rules:10: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_build' failed
> make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_build] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> debian/rules:3: recipe for target 'build' failed
> make: *** [build] Error 2

Martin Michlmayr
Linux for HPE Helion, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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