Bug#811554: haskell-hslua: Please don't build-depend on libluajit-5.1-dev for unsupported architectures

Steven Chamberlain steven at pyro.eu.org
Wed Jan 20 17:16:19 UTC 2016

Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> > I would therefore suggest to change the build dependency on libluajit-5.1-dev to use
> > a whitelist instead of a blacklist, i.e. change debian/control as below:
> Could we rather have that for luajit first:  enable luajit builds on
> any architecture, except for a blacklist of arches where we know it
> definitely does not work (if any)?

Sorry, I meant, go the opposite way to what you said.  Have luajit use a
blacklist like that in haskell-hslua [!arm64 !ppc64el !s390x] instead of
the whitelist of Architectures luajit has.

Steven Chamberlain
steven at pyro.eu.org
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