Fwd: debian testing pandoc version not updated since long (although debian unstable has latest version). What is blocking debian testing from having latest version?
Zaxebo Yaxebo
zaxebo1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 00:57:31 UTC 2016
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Date: Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 6:24 AM
Subject: debian testing pandoc version not updated since long (although
debian unstable has latest version). What is blocking debian testing from
having latest version?
To: submit at bugs.debian.org
Package: pandoc
My question/request in Brief(TLDR version): My request is that, if there is
no problem/blocking bug, Then please bring version 1.17.2 of pandoc to
debian testing. If there is a problem/blocking bug in doing so, then please
detail it
My question/request in detail:
background information:
http://pandoc.org/releases.html lists that pandoc version was
released on 24 march 2016; 1.17.1 was released on 4 june 2016; version
1.17.2 was released on 17 Jul 2016.
debian testing contains panoc version (released on 24 mar
debian unstable contains pandoc version 1.17.2 (released on 17 jul
My question: given the possibility that next debian stable will be branched
from debian testing in Nov 2016 and todays date is 2nd Oct 2016.
Can i know what is the blocking bug which is preventing 1.17.2 version of
pandoc to be promoted from debian unstable to debian testing, even though
much time has passed already since march 2016?
My request is that: if there is no problem/blocking bug, Then please bring
version 1.17.2 of pandoc to debian testing . If there is such a blocking
issue, then please mention it
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