Bug#860739: libghc-xcb-types-dev: cannot parse xcb-proto 1.12

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Wed Apr 19 15:05:12 UTC 2017

Package: libghc-xcb-types-dev
Version: 0.7.1-4
Severity: grave
Tags: sid stretch
Control: block 839314 by -1


Currently haskell-xcb-types cannot parse xcb-proto 1.12. While strictly
speaking you don't have to use this package to just parse the files from
xcb-proto, it is the package's main purpose and (afaik) only use in the

To reproduce (in ghci):
> import System.FilePath.Glob
> import Data.XCB.FromXML
> namesMatching "/usr/share/xcb/*.xml" >>= fromFiles

> *** Exception: Invalid bitCase: QName {qName = "required_start_align", qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = Nothing}
> CallStack (from HasCallStack):
>   error, called at ./Data/XCB/FromXML.hs:382:19 in xcb-types-0.7.1-CupcnVsMv4F6MMa4qRj9I6:Data.XCB.FromXML

This is the cause of the xcffib FTBFS in #839314

Apparently xcb-types 0.8.0 fixes this. I don't know how suitable that is
to be included into stretch.


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