Bug#958663: libghc-hs-bibutils-dev: FTBFS with new libbibutils7 (library transition)

Pierre Gruet pgtdebian at free.fr
Fri Apr 24 08:45:55 BST 2020

Package: libghc-hs-bibutils-dev
Severity: important
Tags: patch
Control: block 958662 by -1

Dear Haskell Group,

I am preparing the transition from libbibutils6 to libbibutils7, which is in experimental.

I have just filed a bug #958662 against release.debian.org to ask for a transition slot.

libbibutils6 has 4 reverse dependencies that are maintained inside your group. Here are the results of their builds against libbibutils7:

* haskell-hs-bibutils           FTBFS, but can be fixed with a simple patch
* haskell-pandoc-citeproc       build OK
* haskell-blogliterately        build OK
* haskell-hakyll                build OK

This is thus a blocking bug for #958662, which can be solved with the enclosed patch. Alternatively, I have just seen that haskell-hs-bibutils' upstream has a new version ready, doing exactly the same as my enclosed patch. Thus, as soon as libbibutils7 enters unstable, you will be able to package the new upstream version and everything should be OK.

Best regards,
-------------- next part --------------
Description: Changes for the transition to libbibutils7
Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
Last-Update: 2020-04-18

--- a/src/Text/Bibutils.hsc
+++ b/src/Text/Bibutils.hsc
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@
 -- | A type for storing the C struct with the bibliography data.
 -- Mostly opaque to the Haskell side. See 'numberOfRefs' to retrieve
 -- the number of references stored in the struct.
-newtype Bibl = Bibl { nrefs :: CLong }
+newtype Bibl = Bibl { n :: CLong }
 instance Storable Bibl where
     sizeOf    _     = #{size      bibl}
     alignment _     = #{alignment bibl}
-    peek p          = #{peek      bibl, nrefs } p >>= return . Bibl
-    poke p (Bibl n) = #{poke      bibl, nrefs } p n
+    peek p          = #{peek      bibl, n } p >>= return . Bibl
+    poke p (Bibl nb) = #{poke      bibl, n } p nb
 -- | Initialize the 'Bibl' C struct. Usually the first function being
 -- called.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 -- | Retrieve the number of references from a 'Bibl' C struct.
 numberOfRefs :: ForeignPtr Bibl -> IO Int
 numberOfRefs b
-    = withForeignPtr b $ \cb -> peek cb >>= return . fromIntegral . nrefs
+    = withForeignPtr b $ \cb -> peek cb >>= return . fromIntegral . n
 -- | A type for storing the Param C struct. It should be accessed with
 -- the functions provided, such as 'setCharsetIn', etc.
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
         c_bibl_addtocorps cparam centry
 bibl_reporterr :: Status -> IO ()
-bibl_reporterr (Status n) = c_bibl_reporterr n
+bibl_reporterr (Status nb) = c_bibl_reporterr nb
 newtype BiblioIn  = BiblioIn  { unBiblioIn  :: CInt }
     deriving ( Eq )

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