Bug#960353: NMU uploaded to DELAYED/5 Re: haskell-hindent: Failed to migrate to testing for too long

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Thu Jun 25 09:27:59 BST 2020

Hi Boyuan,

On Mon, 11 May 2020 18:25:37 -0400 Boyuan Yang <byang at debian.org> wrote:
> As recently announced [1], the Release Team now considers packages that
> are out-of-sync between testing and unstable for more than 60 days as
> having a Release Critical bug. Your package src:haskell-hindent in its current
> version in unstable has been trying to migrate for 154 days. Hence, I am
> filing this bug.

The bug is only RC for the package in testing (I immediately close the
bugs that I file for this issue, as the package in unstable is fine per
definition of the Release Team). As this package isn't in testing, the
severity of this bug is overrated.

> If a package is out of sync between unstable and testing for a longer
> period, this usually means that bugs in the package in testing cannot be
> fixed via unstable. Additionally, blocked packages can have impact on
> other packages, which makes preparing for the release more difficult.
> Finally, it often exposes issues with the package and/or
> its (reverse-)dependencies. We expect maintainers to fix issues that
> hamper the migration of their package in a timely manner.
> Currently your package only needs another source-only upload to be able to
> migrate to Testing; please refer to https://wiki.debian.org/SourceOnlyUpload
> to see how to make a source-only upload.

However, I have prepared a no-change NMU and uploaded to DELAYED/5.
Please let me know if I should cancel my upload.


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