Bug#1040046: RM: haskell-pcre-light -- RoQA; RC-buggy; missed bookworm
Bastian Germann
bage at debian.org
Sat Jul 1 18:34:15 BST 2023
Package: ftp.debian.org
Control: affects -1 + src:haskell-pcre-light
X-Debbugs-Cc: haskell-pcre-light at packages.debian.org
User: ftp.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: remove
Severity: normal
Control: block -1 by 1026136
Please remove haskell-pcre-light. The uploader Joachim Breitner is not around anymore and the team
did not care to make it bookworm-ready. It depends on pcre3 and on one unavailable package which
makes it RC-buggy. An alternative exists with haskell-regex-pcre.
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