Bug#1041520: RM: haskell-hoogle [mipsel armel armhf i386] -- RoQA; ANAIS; restricted to 64-bit architectures (resource hog), broken on 32-bit

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Jul 20 09:50:12 BST 2023

Package: ftp.debian.org
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-Cc: haskell-hoogle at packages.debian.org

hoogle is a resource hog and installation takes extremely log on 32-bit
architectures (#1020246) and according to
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1020246#15 it is
completely broken on 32-bit architectures.

The package has been restricted to 64-bit architectures, please remove
the obsolete 32-bit binary packages.


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