Bug#1035415: Comment regarding broken third party client from tldr maintainer

K.B.Dharun Krishna kbdharunkrishna at gmail.com
Mon May 15 13:11:21 BST 2023

Hello chrylex,

We are aware of this issue, the client uses here is a third party one
called tldr-hs (https://github.com/psibi/tldr-hs) which hasn't been updated
to our recent client specification and still uses master branch for
querying tldr cache (master branch was deprecated with notice in 2021 and
all renaming community client authors in our wiki were notified by myself
and other maintainers in the aforementioned issue before removal,
unfortunately we don't endorce/list it in our wiki so It missed our
oversight). Since, this Debian package is used by Ubuntu too, we are
receiving a lot of reports from users there too in our chatroom.

The original maintainer/developer of the third party client doesn't know
why their client is packaged under tldr package (
https://github.com/psibi/tldr-hs/issues/37). We are having recent
discussions regarding this here (
in our chatroom and I plan on contacting the package maintainer soon to
rename the current package to tldr-hs and update tldr package with our
official python client https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr-python-client
which is one of our official clients packaged in other distribution
repositories too like Fedora and Arch.

In the meanwhile while we discuss the change, I would suggest using our
Python client whose latest version can be installed using `pip`.

*Regards, *
*K.B.Dharun Krishna* <https://github.com/kbdharun>
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