Bug#1053756: haskell-lambdahack FTBFS: test: Error when parsing configuration file. Please fix config.ui.ini or remove it altogether.
Adrian Bunk
bunk at debian.org
Tue Oct 10 15:33:07 BST 2023
Source: haskell-lambdahack
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite test: RUNNING...
test: Error when parsing configuration file. Please fix config.ui.ini or remove it altogether. The details:
Internal failure occurred and the following is to blame:
config file access failed
( ""
, "maxFps"
, fromList
[ ( "additional_commands"
, fromList
[ ( "Cmd_2 "
, "(\"KP_Insert\", ([CmdAim], \"\", ByAimMode AimModeCmd {exploration = Dashboard, aiming = Accept}))"
, ( "fonts"
, fromList
[ ( "16x16xwBitmap " , "FontMapBitmap \"16x16xw.bdf\" 0" )
, ( "16x16xwScalable "
, "FontMapScalable \"16x16xw.woff\" 16 HintingHeavy 0"
, ( "8x8xBitmap " , "FontMapBitmap \"8x8x.fnt\" 2" )
, ( "8x8xbBitmap " , "FontMapBitmap \"8x8xb.fnt\" 2" )
, ( "binaryBold "
, "FontProportional \"BinarySansProLH-Semibold.ttf.woff\" 16 HintingHeavy"
, ( "binaryMono "
, "FontMonospace \"BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf.woff\" 14 HintingHeavy"
, ( "binaryRegular "
, "FontProportional \"BinarySansProLH-Regular.ttf.woff\" 16 HintingHeavy"
, ( "dejavuBold "
, "FontProportional \"DejaVuLGCSans-Bold.ttf.woff\" 13 HintingHeavy"
, ( "dejavuMono "
, "FontMonospace \"Hack-Bold.ttf.woff\" 13 HintingHeavy"
, ( "dejavuRegular "
, "FontProportional \"DejaVuLGCSans.ttf.woff\" 15 HintingHeavy"
, ( "fontsets"
, fromList
[ ( "16x16xw "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"\", fontPropBold = \"\", fontMono = \"\"}"
, ( "8x8x "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"\", fontMapBitmap = \"8x8xBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"\", fontPropBold = \"\", fontMono = \"\"}"
, ( "8x8xb "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"\", fontMapBitmap = \"8x8xbBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"\", fontPropBold = \"\", fontMono = \"\"}"
, ( "binary "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"binaryRegular\", fontPropBold = \"binaryBold\", fontMono = \"binaryMono\"}"
, ( "binaryBold "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"binaryBold\", fontPropBold = \"binaryBold\", fontMono = \"binaryMono\"}"
, ( "binaryMono "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"binaryMono\", fontPropBold = \"binaryMono\", fontMono = \"binaryMono\"}"
, ( "dejavu "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"dejavuRegular\", fontPropBold = \"dejavuBold\", fontMono = \"dejavuMono\"}"
, ( "dejavuBold "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontPropRegular = \"dejavuBold\", fontPropBold = \"dejavuBold\", fontMono = \"dejavuMono\"}"
, ( "dejavuBold_original "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"dejavuBold\", fontPropBold = \"dejavuBold\", fontMono = \"dejavuMono\"}"
, ( "dejavuMono "
, "FontSet {fontMapScalable = \"16x16xwScalable\", fontMapBitmap = \"16x16xwBitmap\", fontPropRegular = \"dejavuMono\", fontPropBold = \"dejavuMono\", fontMono = \"dejavuMono\"}"
, ( "hero_names"
, fromList
[ ( "HeroName_0 " , "(\"Haskell Alvin\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_1 " , "(\"Alonzo Barkley\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_2 " , "(\"In\233s Galenti\", \"she\")" )
, ( "HeroName_3 " , "(\"Ernst Abraham\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_4 " , "(\"Samuel Saunders\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_5 " , "(\"Roger Robin\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_6 " , "(\"Christopher Flatt\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_7 " , "(\"Simon Wise\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_8 " , "(\"Daniel Homer\", \"he\")" )
, ( "HeroName_9 " , "(\"Oleg Cracker\", \"he\")" )
, ( "ui"
, fromList
[ ( "allFontsScale " , "1.0" )
, ( "chosenFontset " , "\"dejavuBold\"" )
, ( "fullscreenMode " , "NotFullscreen" )
, ( "historyMax " , "5000" )
, ( "hpWarningPercent " , "20" )
, ( "maxFps " , "24" )
, ( "movementLeftHandKeys_axwdqezc " , "True" )
, ( "movementViKeys_hjklyubn " , "True" )
, ( "msgWrapColumn " , "80" )
, ( "noAnim " , "False" )
, ( "overrideCmdline " , "\"\"" )
, ( "version" , fromList [ ( "version " , "0.11.0" ) ] )
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at engine-src/Game/LambdaHack/Client/UI/UIOptionsParse.hs:37:19 in LambdaHack-
Test suite test: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist-ghc/test/LambdaHack-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
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