Bug#1092610: shellcheck.1: Some remarks about this man page
Bjarni Ingi Gislason
bjarniig at simnet.is
Thu Jan 9 19:49:43 GMT 2025
Package: shellcheck
Version: 0.10.0-1
Severity: minor
Tags: upstream
* What led up to the situation?
Checking for defects with a new version
test-[g|n]roff -mandoc -t -K utf8 -rF0 -rHY=0 -rCHECKSTYLE=10 -ww -z < "man page"
[Use "groff -e ' $' <file>" to find trailing spaces.]
["test-groff" is a script in the repository for "groff"; is not shipped]
(local copy and "troff" slightly changed by me).
[The fate of "test-nroff" was decided in groff bug #55941.]
* What was the outcome of this action?
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing third argument; consider document modification date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing fifth argument and second argument '1' not a recognized manual section; specify its title
troff:<stdin>:38: warning: font name 'C' is deprecated
Output from "test-nroff -mandoc -t -K utf8 -rF0 -rHY=0 -rCHECKSTYLE=10 -ww -z ":
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing third argument; consider document modification date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing fifth argument and second argument '1' not a recognized manual section; specify its title
troff:<stdin>:43: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:44: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:44: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:47: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:48: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:51: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:52: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:52: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:58: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:112: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:113: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:114: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:120: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:121: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:123: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:141: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:143: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:144: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:145: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:148: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:149: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:167: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:168: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:168: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:205: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:205: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:272: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:309: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:312: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:313: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:318: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:322: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:328: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:328: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:333: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:339: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:339: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:343: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:346: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:346: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:350: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:352: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:353: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:354: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:363: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:364: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:364: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:366: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:369: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:395: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:396: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:397: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:398: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:402: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:405: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:409: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:441: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:442: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:445: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:446: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:453: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:454: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:454: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:455: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:467: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:469: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:471: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:474: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:475: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:477: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:479: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:481: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:482: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:483: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:483: warning: cannot select font 'V'
* What outcome did you expect instead?
No output (no warnings).
General remarks and further material, if a diff-file exist, are in the
-- System Information:
Debian Release: trixie/sid
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Kernel: Linux 6.12.6-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=is_IS.iso88591, LC_CTYPE=is_IS.iso88591 (charmap=ISO-8859-1), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: sysvinit (via /sbin/init)
Versions of packages shellcheck depends on:
ii libc6 2.40-4
ii libffi8 3.4.6-1
ii libgmp10 2:6.3.0+dfsg-3
shellcheck recommends no packages.
shellcheck suggests no packages.
-- no debconf information
-------------- next part --------------
N.B. The used generator (Pandoc 3.1.3) is out of date!!!!
Input file is shellcheck.1
Any program (person), that produces man pages, should check the output
for defects by using (both groff and nroff)
[gn]roff -mandoc -t -ww -b -z -K utf8 <man page>
The same goes for man pages that are used as an input.
For a style guide use
mandoc -T lint
So any 'generator' should check its products with the above mentioned
'groff', 'mandoc', and additionally with 'nroff ...'.
This is just a simple quality control measure.
The 'generator' may have to be corrected to get a better man page,
the source file may, and any additional file may.
Common defects:
Input text line longer than 80 bytes.
Not removing trailing spaces (in in- and output).
The reason for these trailing spaces should be found and eliminated.
Not beginning each input sentence on a new line.
Lines should thus be shorter.
See man-pages(7), item 'semantic newline'.
The difference between the formatted output of the original and patched file
can be seen with:
nroff -mandoc <file1> > <out1>
nroff -mandoc <file2> > <out2>
diff -u <out1> <out2>
and for groff, using
"printf '%s\n%s\n' '.kern 0' '.ss 12 0' | groff -mandoc -Z - "
instead of 'nroff -mandoc'
Add the option '-t', if the file contains a table.
Read the output of 'diff -u' with 'less -R' or similar.
If 'man' (man-db) is used to check the manual for warnings,
the following must be set:
The option "-warnings=w"
The environmental variable:
export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value)
(produce only warnings):
export MANROFFOPT="-ww -b -z"
export MAN_KEEP_STDERR=yes (or any non-empty value)
Output from "mandoc -T lint shellcheck.1": (shortened list)
1 missing date, using ""
13 skipping paragraph macro
Output from "test-groff -mandoc -t -ww -z shellcheck.1": (shortened list)
1 font name 'C' is deprecated
1 name 'hy' not defined
Change '-' (\-) to '\(en' (en-dash) for a numeric range.
GNU gnulib has recently (2023-06-18) updated its
"build_aux/update-copyright" to recognize "\(en" in man pages.
shellcheck.1:495:Copyright 2012-2024, Vidar Holen and contributors.
Change two HYPHEN-MINUSES (code 0x2D) to an em-dash (\(em),
if one is intended.
" \(em " creates a too big gap in the text (in "troff").
An en-dash is usually surrounded by a space,
while an em-dash is used without spaces.
"man" (1 byte characters in input) transforms an en-dash (\(en) to one
and an em-dash to two HYPHEN-MINUSES without considering the space
around it.
If "--" are two single "-"
(begin of an option or end of options)
then use "\-\-".
shellcheck.1:56:\f[B]-a\f[R],\ \f[B]--check-sourced\f[R]
shellcheck.1:62:\f[B]-C\f[R][\f[I]WHEN\f[R]],\ \f[B]--color\f[R][=\f[I]WHEN\f[R]]
shellcheck.1:66:\f[B]--color\f[R] without an argument is equivalent to
shellcheck.1:69:\f[B]-i\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--include=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
shellcheck.1:75:\f[B]-e\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--exclude=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
shellcheck.1:87:\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]FORMAT\f[R], \f[B]--format=\f[R]\f[I]FORMAT\f[R]
shellcheck.1:101:--rcfile\ RCFILE
shellcheck.1:105:\f[B]-o\f[R]\ \f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--enable=\f[R]\f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...]
shellcheck.1:111:\f[B]-P\f[R]\ \f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R],\ \f[B]--source-path=\f[R]\f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R]
shellcheck.1:116:\f[B]-s\f[R]\ \f[I]shell\f[R],\ \f[B]--shell=\f[R]\f[I]shell\f[R]
shellcheck.1:126:\f[B]-S\f[R]\ \f[I]SEVERITY\f[R],\ \f[B]--severity=\f[R]\f[I]severity\f[R]
shellcheck.1:132:\f[B]-V\f[R],\ \f[B]--version\f[R]
shellcheck.1:135:\f[B]-W\f[R] \f[I]NUM\f[R],\ \f[B]--wiki-link-count=NUM\f[R]
shellcheck.1:140:\f[B]-x\f[R],\ \f[B]--external-sources\f[R]
shellcheck.1:211:--- a/test.sh
shellcheck.1:363:Unless \f[V]--norc\f[R] is used, ShellCheck will look for a file
shellcheck.1:414:export SHELLCHECK_OPTS=\[aq]--shell=bash --exclude=SC2016\[aq]
Change -- in x--y to \(em (em-dash), or, if an
option, to \-\-
414:export SHELLCHECK_OPTS=\[aq]--shell=bash --exclude=SC2016\[aq]
Change - to \- if it shall be printed as a minus sign.
shellcheck.1:213:\[at]\[at] -2,6 +2,6 \[at]\[at]
Change a HYPHEN-MINUS (code 0x2D) to a minus(-dash) (\-),
if it
is in front of a name for an option,
is a symbol for standard input,
is a single character used to indicate an option,
or is in the NAME section (man-pages(7)).
N.B. - (0x2D), processed as a UTF-8 file, is changed to a hyphen
(0x2010, groff \[u2010] or \[hy]) in the output.
21:shellcheck - Shell script analysis tool
44:\f[V]-s sh\f[R]), ShellCheck will warn that \f[V](( .. ))\f[R] is not
48:\f[V]-s bash\f[R]), ShellCheck will warn that decimals are not
52:\f[V]-s ksh\f[R]), ShellCheck will not warn at all, as \f[V]ksh\f[R]
56:\f[B]-a\f[R],\ \f[B]--check-sourced\f[R]
62:\f[B]-C\f[R][\f[I]WHEN\f[R]],\ \f[B]--color\f[R][=\f[I]WHEN\f[R]]
66:\f[B]--color\f[R] without an argument is equivalent to
69:\f[B]-i\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--include=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
71:Subsequent \f[B]-i\f[R] options are cumulative, but all the codes can be
75:\f[B]-e\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--exclude=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
77:Subsequent \f[B]-e\f[R] options are cumulative, but all the codes can be
87:\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]FORMAT\f[R], \f[B]--format=\f[R]\f[I]FORMAT\f[R]
90:Subsequent \f[B]-f\f[R] options are ignored, see \f[B]FORMATS\f[R] below
95:These can be enabled with \f[B]-o\f[R] flags or \f[B]enable\f[R]
101:--rcfile\ RCFILE
105:\f[B]-o\f[R]\ \f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--enable=\f[R]\f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...]
108:Subsequent \f[B]-o\f[R] options accumulate.
111:\f[B]-P\f[R]\ \f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R],\ \f[B]--source-path=\f[R]\f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R]
116:\f[B]-s\f[R]\ \f[I]shell\f[R],\ \f[B]--shell=\f[R]\f[I]shell\f[R]
126:\f[B]-S\f[R]\ \f[I]SEVERITY\f[R],\ \f[B]--severity=\f[R]\f[I]severity\f[R]
132:\f[B]-V\f[R],\ \f[B]--version\f[R]
135:\f[B]-W\f[R] \f[I]NUM\f[R],\ \f[B]--wiki-link-count=NUM\f[R]
140:\f[B]-x\f[R],\ \f[B]--external-sources\f[R]
154:One or more script files to check, or \[dq]-\[dq] for standard input.
167:\f[V]:set makeprg=shellcheck\[rs] -f\[rs] gcc\[rs] %\f[R] will allow
205:Can be piped to \f[V]git apply\f[R] or \f[V]patch -p1\f[R] to
211:--- a/test.sh
213:\[at]\[at] -2,6 +2,6 \[at]\[at]
217:- grep -qi hq.*mp3 $f \[rs]
218:+ grep -qi hq.*mp3 \[dq]$f\[dq] \[rs]
219: && echo -e \[aq]Playlist $f contains a HQ file in mp3 format\[aq]
354:Multiple paths accumulate, and \f[V]-P\f[R] takes precedence over them.
363:Unless \f[V]--norc\f[R] is used, ShellCheck will look for a file
390:# Allow [ ! -z foo ] instead of suggesting -n
414:export SHELLCHECK_OPTS=\[aq]--shell=bash --exclude=SC2016\[aq]
Find a repeated word
! 311 --> be
Add a comma (or \&) after "e.g." and "i.e.", or use English words
Abbreviation points should be protected against being interpreted as
an end of sentence, if they are not, and that independent of the
current place on the line.
311:A range can be be specified with a dash, e.g.
428:2: Some files could not be processed (e.g.
431:3: ShellCheck was invoked with bad syntax (e.g.
434:4: ShellCheck was invoked with bad options (e.g.
Wrong distance between sentences in the input file.
Separate the sentences and subordinate clauses; each begins on a new
line. See man-pages(7) ("Conventions for source file layout") and
"info groff" ("Input Conventions").
The best procedure is to always start a new sentence on a new line,
at least, if you are typing on a computer.
Remember coding: Only one command ("sentence") on each (logical) line.
E-mail: Easier to quote exactly the relevant lines.
Generally: Easier to edit the sentence.
Patches: Less unaffected text.
Search for two adjacent words is easier, when they belong to the same line,
and the same phrase.
The amount of space between sentences in the output can then be
controlled with the ".ss" request.
Mark a final abbreviation point as such by suffixing it with "\&".
44:\f[V]-s sh\f[R]), ShellCheck will warn that \f[V](( .. ))\f[R] is not
390:# Allow [ ! -z foo ] instead of suggesting -n
Split lines longer than 80 characters into two or more lines.
Appropriate break points are the end of a sentence and a subordinate
clause; after punctuation marks.
Line 69, length 109
\f[B]-i\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--include=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
Line 75, length 109
\f[B]-e\f[R]\ \f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--exclude=\f[R]\f[I]CODE1\f[R][,\f[I]CODE2\f[R]...]
Line 105, length 108
\f[B]-o\f[R]\ \f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...],\ \f[B]--enable=\f[R]\f[I]NAME1\f[R][,\f[I]NAME2\f[R]...]
Line 111, length 81
\f[B]-P\f[R]\ \f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R],\ \f[B]--source-path=\f[R]\f[I]SOURCEPATH\f[R]
Line 378, length 81
# Since 0.9.0, values can be quoted with \[aq]\[aq] or \[dq]\[dq] to allow spaces
Name of a manual is set in bold, the section in roman.
See man-pages(7).
500:sh(1) bash(1)
Put a parenthetical sentence, phrase on a separate line,
if not part of a code.
See man-pages(7), item "semantic newline".
Not considered in a patch, too many lines.
shellcheck.1:45:POSIX compliant (similar to checkbashisms).
shellcheck.1:81:Enable/disable Dataflow Analysis to identify more issues (default true).
shellcheck.1:123:\f[I]sh\f[R] refers to POSIX \f[V]sh\f[R] (not the system\[aq]s), and
shellcheck.1:144:command line (plus \f[V]/dev/null\f[R]).
shellcheck.1:287:source \[dq]$(find_install_dir)/lib.sh\[dq]
shellcheck.1:397:XDG config directory (usually \f[V]\[ti]/.config/shellcheckrc\f[R]) on
shellcheck.1:442:locales where encoding is unspecified (such as the \f[V]C\f[R] locale).
shellcheck.1:445:\f[V]commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)\f[R] should set
Put a subordinate sentence (after a comma) on a new line.
Too many lines to include in a patch.
3:.\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats
4:.\" that render this, and otherwise B font.
31:error message or strange behavior, but it also reports on a few more
44:\f[V]-s sh\f[R]), ShellCheck will warn that \f[V](( .. ))\f[R] is not
48:\f[V]-s bash\f[R]), ShellCheck will warn that decimals are not
52:\f[V]-s ksh\f[R]), ShellCheck will not warn at all, as \f[V]ksh\f[R]
58:Normally, \f[V]shellcheck\f[R] will only warn about issues in the
60:With this option, any issues in sourced files will also be reported.
63:For TTY output, enable colors \f[I]always\f[R], \f[I]never\f[R] or
71:Subsequent \f[B]-i\f[R] options are cumulative, but all the codes can be
72:specified at once, comma-separated as a single argument.
77:Subsequent \f[B]-e\f[R] options are cumulative, but all the codes can be
78:specified at once, comma-separated as a single argument.
83:thousand lines of code, extended analysis can be disabled with this flag
87:\f[B]-f\f[R] \f[I]FORMAT\f[R], \f[B]--format=\f[R]\f[I]FORMAT\f[R]
88:Specify the output format of shellcheck, which prints its results in the
90:Subsequent \f[B]-f\f[R] options are ignored, see \f[B]FORMATS\f[R] below
112:Specify paths to search for sourced files, separated by \f[V]:\f[R] on
118:Valid values are \f[I]sh\f[R], \f[I]bash\f[R], \f[I]dash\f[R],
119:\f[I]ksh\f[R], and \f[I]busybox\f[R].
121:directive, shebang, or \f[V].bash/.bats/.dash/.ksh\f[R] extension, in
123:\f[I]sh\f[R] refers to POSIX \f[V]sh\f[R] (not the system\[aq]s), and
129:\f[I]warning\f[R], \f[I]info\f[R] and \f[I]style\f[R].
136:For TTY output, show \f[I]NUM\f[R] wiki links to more information about
143:By default, \f[V]shellcheck\f[R] will only follow files specified on the
154:One or more script files to check, or \[dq]-\[dq] for standard input.
158:Plain text, human readable output.
166:For example, in Vim,
168:using \f[V]:make\f[R] to check the script, and \f[V]:cnext\f[R] to jump
253:It\[aq]s a raw array of comments, and all offsets have a tab stop of 8.
257:Exit with zero if no issues are found, otherwise exit with one.
262:If they appear before the first command, they are considered file-wide.
263:Otherwise, they apply to the immediately following command or block:
272:For example, to suppress SC2035 about using \f[V]./*.jpg\f[R]:
309:The command can be a simple command like \f[V]echo foo\f[R], or a
310:compound command like a function definition, subshell block or loop.
311:A range can be be specified with a dash, e.g.
316:Enable an optional check by name, as listed with
342:is determined at runtime, or to skip a source by telling it to use
347:statements (by default, only ShellCheck\[aq]s working directory is
351:currently checked script\[aq]s directory, as in
354:Multiple paths accumulate, and \f[V]-P\f[R] takes precedence over them.
359:shebang), or possibly as a more targeted alternative to
363:Unless \f[V]--norc\f[R] is used, ShellCheck will look for a file
366:If found, it will read \f[V]key=value\f[R] pairs from it and treat them
378:# Since 0.9.0, values can be quoted with \[aq]\[aq] or \[dq]\[dq] to allow spaces
381:# Allow opening any \[aq]source\[aq]d file, even if not specified as input
398:Unix, or \f[V]%APPDATA%/shellcheckrc\f[R] on Windows.
405:that are mounted in the container, so \f[V]\[ti]/.shellcheckrc\f[R] will
439:All files are leniently decoded as UTF-8, with a fallback of ISO-8859-1
441:\f[V]LC_CTYPE\f[R] is respected for output, and defaults to UTF-8 for
449:(If nothing in this section makes sense, you are unlikely to be affected
452:To avoid confusing and misguided suggestions, ShellCheck requires
454:\f[V]( subshells )\f[R], and function names containing \f[V][]*=!\f[R]
471:Further, if ShellCheck sees \f[V][x!=y]\f[R] it will assume this is an
473:To invoke the above function, quote the command as in
474:\f[V]\[aq][x!=y]\[aq]\f[R], or to retain the same globbing behavior, use
479:While \f[V][ $x= 1 ]\f[R] is defined in POSIX, ShellCheck will assume it
482:For unconventional or dynamic uses of the \f[V][\f[R] command, use
491:ShellCheck is developed and maintained by Vidar Holen, with assistance
495:Copyright 2012-2024, Vidar Holen and contributors.
496:Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later, see
Remove quotes when there is a printable
but no space character between them
and the quotes are not for emphasis (markup),
for example as an argument to a macro.
17:.TH "SHELLCHECK" "1" "" "Shell script analysis tool" ""
Output from "test-groff -mandoc -t -K utf8 -rF0 -rHY=0 -rCHECKSTYLE=10 -ww -z ":
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing third argument; consider document modification date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing fifth argument and second argument '1' not a recognized manual section; specify its title
troff:<stdin>:38: warning: font name 'C' is deprecated
Output from "test-nroff -mandoc -t -K utf8 -rF0 -rHY=0 -rCHECKSTYLE=10 -ww -z ":
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing third argument; consider document modification date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
an.tmac:<stdin>:17: style: .TH missing fifth argument and second argument '1' not a recognized manual section; specify its title
troff:<stdin>:43: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:44: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:44: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:47: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:48: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:51: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:52: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:52: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:58: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:112: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:113: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:114: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:120: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:121: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:123: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:141: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:143: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:144: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:145: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:148: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:149: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:167: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:168: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:168: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:205: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:205: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:272: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:309: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:312: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:313: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:318: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:322: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:328: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:328: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:333: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:339: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:339: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:343: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:346: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:346: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:350: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:352: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:353: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:354: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:363: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:364: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:364: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:366: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:369: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:395: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:396: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:397: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:398: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:402: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:405: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:409: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:441: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:442: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:445: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:446: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:453: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:454: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:454: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:455: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:467: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:469: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:471: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:474: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:475: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:477: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:479: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:481: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:482: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:483: warning: cannot select font 'V'
troff:<stdin>:483: warning: cannot select font 'V'
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