CVS tomcat4/debian

Barry Hawkins
Fri Apr 1 21:30:02 2005

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/tomcat4/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv12902/debian

Modified Files:
	tomcat4.default tomcat4.init 
Log Message:
Moved setting of JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE environment variable to init for tomcat4 and enabled it only when on powerpc architecture.

--- /cvsroot/pkg-java/tomcat4/debian/tomcat4.default	2005/03/18 02:44:26	1.7
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-java/tomcat4/debian/tomcat4.default	2005/04/01 21:29:14	1.8
@@ -9,13 +9,9 @@
 # Blackdown packages prepared by the java-package utility and the Debian 
 # packages from Blackdown for j2sdk1.4 and j2sdk1.3 are tried. You can 
 # also set JSSE_HOME here to enable SSL support (this is automatically 
-# done for JDK 1.4+).  If the IBM JDK is being used with PowerPC 
-# architecture, uncomment the JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE variable to correctly 
-# enable JIT for that JDK/processor combination.  See the java-package 
-# documentation for further information on this setting.
+# done for JDK 1.4+).
 # Directory for per-instance configuration files and webapps. It contain the
 # directories conf, logs, webapps, work and temp. See RUNNING.txt for details.
--- /cvsroot/pkg-java/tomcat4/debian/tomcat4.init	2005/03/18 02:44:26	1.12
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-java/tomcat4/debian/tomcat4.init	2005/04/01 21:29:15	1.13
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
 export JAVA_HOME
+# If the architecture is powerpc, set the JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE
+if [$(dpkg --print-architecture) -eq powerpc] ; then
 # Set java.awt.headless=true if CATALINA_OPTS is not set so the
 # Xalan XSL transformer can work without X11 display on JDK 1.4+
 # It also looks like the default heap size of 64M is not enough for most cases