CVS libpgjava/debian/patches
Wolfgang B??r
wbaer-guest at
Sun Aug 14 13:07:57 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/libpgjava/debian/patches
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv2976/libpgjava/debian/patches
Added Files:
01_BuildXml.patch 02_PSQLException_JDK13.patch
Removed Files:
02_jikes_jdbc2-optional_compilefix.patch 03_BuildXml.patch
Log Message:
libpgjava (8.0-312-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* Changed library name to comply with java policy (closes: #275417)
* Updated everything to the new source package structure
* Updated copyright license and download location
* Updated control file for minimum supported version 7.2
* Deleted README.Debian - no longer needed
* Dropped patches:
+ 01_getInfo_exception_fix.patch - JDBC 1 no longer implemented
+ 02_jikes_jdbc2-optional_compilefix.patch - no longer needed
* Modified/New patches:
+ Renamed 03_BuildXml.patch to 01_BuildXml.patch and updated
+ 02_PSQLException_JDK13.patch (depends on 01_BuildXml.patch)
* postgresql.jar now links to the JDBC 3 jar (added NEWS)
* Changed build-dep libant1.6-java to ant (control, rules)
* Standards-Version: 3.6.2 - no changes
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