CVS bsh/debian/patches

Wolfgang B??r wbaer-guest at
Sun Aug 14 15:35:44 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/bsh/debian/patches
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv11264/bsh/debian/patches

Added Files:
	01_EnableBsfAdapter_buildXml.patch 02_GNUvms_workaround.patch 
Log Message:
bsh (2.0b4-1) unstable; urgency=low

 * New upstream release (closes: #261393, 321633)
 * Move to main - as libbsf-java moved to main
 * Build with kaffe / jikes - no more non-free JDK needed (closes: #306597)
 * Changed build system to cdbs
 * Patches:
   + Enable build of bsf adapter (01_EnableBsfAdapter_buildXml.patch)
   + Use AWTConsole if gnu classpath derived vm (02_GNUvms_workaround.patch)
   + target=1.3 to support JDK 1.3 (03_target13_buildXml.patch)
 * Added new documentation package and added javadoc
 * Added libbsf-java as Enhances (provides bsf adapter) and build-depends
 * Enabled junit tests - removed tests which also fail with SUN JDK
 * Changed libant1.6-java build-dep to ant (now in main)
 * Splitted bsh manpage into one for each version (bsh and xbsh)
 * Standards-Version 3.6.2 (no changes)

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