CVS eclipse/debian/extra
Stephan Michels
tashiro-guest at
Fri Dec 23 11:29:30 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/eclipse/debian/extra
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv7590/extra
Modified Files:
Added Files:
ecj-gcj.1 ecj-java.1
Removed Files:
Log Message:
* debian/extra/eclipse.1: Updated and added missing commandline
options. Closes: #343315
* debian/patches/eclipse-public-applypatch.dpatch: Add patch to make some
of the API of the compare plugin public, which is needed for the bugzilla
plugin (
* debian/rules,debian/eclipse-ecj.manpages,debian/eclipse-ecj-gcj.manpages,
Make an own copy for ecj-gcj with a special comment about gcj and
use *.manpages instead of a copy within the rules.
* debian/control, debian/rules: Added dependency to classpath-doc and enabled
eclipse-link-classpathdoc.dpatch to prevent that javadoc is fetching
javadoc informations from during the build time.
--- /cvsroot/pkg-java/eclipse/debian/extra/eclipse.1 2005/12/15 09:19:39 1.2
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-java/eclipse/debian/extra/eclipse.1 2005/12/23 11:29:30 1.3
@@ -20,94 +20,196 @@
be set by editing ~/.eclipse/eclipserc (but options given on the commandline
will overwrite them). This is usefull, when you start eclipse via menu entry.
-.B \-data <workspacePath>
-The path of the workspace on which to run the Eclipse platform. The workspace
-location is also the default location for projects. Relative paths are
-interpreted relative to the directory that Eclipse was started from.
+.B \-arch <architecture>
+Defines the processor architecture on which the Eclipse platform is running.
+The Eclipse platform ordinarily computes the optimal setting using the
+prevailing value of Java os.arch property. If specified here, this is the
+value that the Eclipse platform uses. The value specified here is available
+to plug-ins as BootLoader.getOSArch(). Example values: "x86", "sparc",
+"PA-RISC", "ppc".
-.B \-nl <locale>
-Defines the name of the locale on which the Eclipse platform is running. The
-Eclipse platform ordinarily computes the optimal setting automatically. If
-specified here, this is the value that the Eclipse platform uses. The value
-specified here is available to plug-ins as BootLoader.getNL(). Example
-values: "en_US" and "fr_FR_EURO".
-You need to install additonal language strings, before that works! Such
-strings are available in the
-.B eclipse-nls-sdk
+.B \-application <applicationId>
+The application to run. Applications are declared by plug-ins supplying
+extensions to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point.
+This argument is typically not needed. If specified, the value overrides
+the value supplied by the configuration. If not specified, the Eclipse
+Workbench is run.
+.B \-clean
+Any cached data used by the OSGi framework and eclipse runtime will be wiped
+clean. This will clean the caches used to store bundle dependency resolution
+and eclipse extension registry data. Using this option will force eclipse to
+reinitialize these caches.
.B \-configuration <configurationFileURL>
-The location for the Eclipse Platform configuration file, expressed as a
-URL. The configuration file determines the location of the Eclipse platform,
-the set of available plug-ins, and the primary feature. Note that relative
-URLs are not allowed. The configuration file is written to this location
+The location for the Eclipse Platform configuration file, expressed as a
+URL. The configuration file determines the location of the Eclipse platform,
+the set of available plug-ins, and the primary feature. Note that relative
+URLs are not allowed. The configuration file is written to this location
when the Eclipse platform is installed or updated.
-.B \-dev <classpathEntries>
-Puts the platform in development mode. The optional classpath entries (a
-comma-separated list) are added to the runtime classpath of each plug-in.
-For example, when the workspace contains plug-ins being developed,
-specifying -dev bin adds a classpath entry for each plug-in project's
-directory named bin, allowing freshly-generated class files to be found
-there. Redundant or non-existent classpath entries are eliminated.
-.B \-feature <featureID>
-The ID of the primary feature. The primary feature gives the launched
-instance of Eclipse its product personality, and determines the product
-customization information used.
-.B \-plugincustomization <propertiesFile>
-The location of a properties file containing default settings for
-propertiesFile plug-in preferences. These default settings override default
-settings specified in the primary feature. Relative paths are interpreted
-relative to the directory that eclipse was started from.
-.B \-vm <vmPath>
-The location of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use to run the Eclipse
-platform. If not specified, the JRE is at jre, sibling of the Eclipse
-executable. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory that
-eclipse was started from.
-.B \-application <applicationId>
-The application to run. Applications are declared by plug-ins supplying
-extensions to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point.
-This argument is typically not needed. If specified, the value overrides the
-value supplied by the configuration. If not specified, the Eclipse Workbench
-is run.
+.B \-console [port]
+If set to a non-null value, the OSGi console (if installed) is enabled. If
+the value is a suitable integer, it is interpreted as the port on which
+the console listens and directs its output to the given port. Handy for
+investigating the state of the system.
.B \-consolelog
-Mirrors the Eclipse platform's error log to the console used to run Eclipse.
+Mirrors the Eclipse platform's error log to the console used to run Eclipse.
Handy when combined with -debug.
-.B \-debug <optionsFileURL>
-Puts the platform in debug mode and loads the debug options from the file at
-the given URL, if specified. This file indicates which debug points are
-available for a plug-in and whether or not they are enabled.
-Relative URLs are not allowed.
+.B \-data <workspacePath>
+The path of the workspace on which to run the Eclipse platform. The
+workspace location is also the default location for projects. Relative paths
+are interpreted relative to the directory that Eclipse was started from.
+.B \-debug [optionsFile]
+Puts the platform in debug mode and loads the debug options from the file at
+the given location, if specified. This file indicates which debug points are
+available for a plug-in and whether or not they are enabled. If a file
+location is not given, the platform looks in the directory that eclipse was
+started from for a file called ".options". Both URLs and file system paths
+are allowed as file locations.
.B Note:
On Debian, eclipse expects that the following arguments is a path to a
option file. You are not allowed to omit this file!
+.B \-dev [classpathEntries]
+Puts the platform in development mode. The optional classpath entries (a
+comma separated list) are added to the runtime classpath of each plug-in. For
+example, when the workspace contains plug-ins being developed, specifying
+-dev bin adds a classpath entry for each plug-in project's directory named
+bin, allowing freshly generated class files to be found there. Redundant or
+non-existent classpath entries are eliminated.
+.B \-endSplash <command>
+Specifies the command to use to take down the splash screen. Typically
+supplied by the Eclipse executable.
+.B \-feature <feature id>
+The identifier of the product being run. This controls various branding
+information and what application is used.
+.B \-framework <location>
+The URL location of the OSGi framework. Useful if the Eclipse install is
+.B \-initialize
+Initializes the configuration being run. All runtime related data structures
+and caches are refreshed. Any user/plug-in defined configuration data is not
+purged. No application is run, any product specifications are ignored and no
+UI is presented (e.g., the splash screen is not drawn)
+.B \-install <location>
+The install location of the platform. This setting indicates the location of
+the basic Eclipse plug-ins and is useful if the Eclipse install is disjoint.
.B \-keyring <keyringFilePath>
-The location of the authorization database (or "key ring" file) on disk.
-This argument must be used in conjunction with the \-password option.
-Relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory that Eclipse was
-started from.
+The location of the authorization database (or "key ring" file) on disk. This
+argument must be used in conjunction with the -password option. Relative
+paths are interpreted relative to the directory that Eclipse was started from.
+.B \-name <string>
+The name to be displayed in task bar item when the application starts up. When
+not set, the name is the name of the executable.
+.B \-nl <locale>
+Defines the name of the locale on which the Eclipse platform is running. The
+Eclipse platform ordinarily computes the optimal setting automatically. If
+specified here, this is the value that the Eclipse platform uses. The value
+specified here is available to plug-ins as BootLoader.getNL(). Example
+values: "en_US" and "fr_FR_EURO".
+You need to install additonal language strings, before that works! Such
+strings are available in the
+.B eclipse-i18n
+.B \-noExit
+The VM will not exit after the eclipse application has ended. This is useful
+for examining the OSGi framework after the eclipse application has ended.
+.B \-noLazyRegistryCacheLoading
+The platform's plug-in registry cache loading optimization is deactivated.
+By default, configuration elements are loaded from the registry cache
+(when available) only on demand, reducing memory footprint. This option
+forces the registry cache to be fully loaded at startup.
+.B \-noRegistryCache
+The internal extension registry cache is neither read or written
+.B \-nosplash
+Runs the platform without putting up the splash screen.
+.B \-os <operatingSystem>
+Defines the operating system on which the Eclipse platform is running. The
+Eclipse platform ordinarily computes the optimal setting using the
+prevailing value of Java property. If specified here, this is the
+value that the Eclipse platform uses. The value specified here is available
+to plug-ins as BootLoader.getOS(), and used to resolve occurrences of the
+$os$ variable in paths mentioned in the plug-in manifest file. Example
+values: "win32", "linux", "hpux", "solaris", "aix".
.B \-password <password>
-The password for the authorization database. Used in conjunction with the -keyring option.
+The password for the authorization database. Used in conjunction with the
+-keyring option.
+.B \-perspective <perspectiveId>
+The perspective to open in the active workbench window on startup. If this
+parameter is not specified, the perspective that was active on shutdown will
+be opened.
+.B \-plugincustomization <propertiesFile>
+The location of a properties file containing default settings for plug-in
+preferences. These default settings override default settings specified in
+the primary feature. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory
+that eclipse was started from.
+.B \-product <productId>
+The ID of the product to run. The product gives the launched instance of
+Eclipse its personality, and determines the product customization information
+used. This replaces -feature, which is still supported for compatibility.
+.B \-refresh
+Option for performing a global refresh of the workspace on startup. This will
+reconcile any changes that were made in the file system since the platform
+was last run.
+.B \-showlocation
+Option for displaying the location of the workspace in the window title bar.
+In release 2.0 this option only worked in conjunction with the -data command
+line argument.
+.B \-showSplash <command>
+Specifies the command to use to show the splash screen. Typically supplied
+by the Eclipse executable.
+.B \-startup <location>
+The location of jar used to startup eclipse. The jar referred to must have
+the Main-Class attribute set. If this parameter is not set, the startup.jar
+located in the same folder than the executable is used.
+.B \-user <location>
+The location of the user area. The user area contains data (e.g., preferences)
+specific to the OS user and independent of any Eclipse install, configuration
+or instance.
+.B \-vm <vmPath>
+The location of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use to run the Eclipse
+platform. If not specified, the JRE is at jre, sibling of the Eclipse
+executable. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory that
+eclipse was started from.
-.B \-addsite <directory> or <"*.links" file>
-A site is basicly a directory which includes a directopry "eclipse" in it, with
-two subdirs "plugins" and "features", where features and plugins are
-installed. A "*.links" file is a java property file, which has only one entry:
-"path=<full path to a site>"
-.B \-vmargs <java virtual machine arguments>
-Everything after "-vmargs" is passed as arguments on to the java virtual
+.B \-vmargs <args>
+When passed to the Eclipse, this option is used to customize the operation of
+the Java VM used to run Eclipse. If specified, this option must come at the
+end of the command line. The given arguments are dependant on VM that is
+being run.
+.B \-ws <window system>
+The window system value. The value should be one of the Eclipse window system
+names known to Eclipse (e.g., win32, motif, ...).
Eclipse will search for a java virtual machine in this order: VM given with
the "\-vm <JVM>" argument, $JAVA_HOME/bin/java from $HOME/.eclipse/eclipserc
@@ -122,4 +224,4 @@
This manual page was written by Takashi Okamoto <tora at>,
for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). It was updated
-by Jan Schulz <debian at>.
+by Jan Schulz <debian at> and Stephan Michels <stephan at>.
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