CVS eclipse/debian/extra
Michael Koch
mkoch-guest at
Sat Oct 15 12:29:55 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/eclipse/debian/extra
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv32266/debian/extra
Added Files:
arch-files.txt config.ini ecj.1 eclipse.1
eclipse.desktop eclipse.png.uu
filenamepatterns.txt java_home
Log Message:
eclipse (3.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to contrib, the remaining reason is tomcat5 beeing in contrib.
* New upstream release. Closes: #260510, #293058.
- source code formatter changes. Closes: #212765.
- Fixed broken Filesystem: inputfield on gtk. Closes: #204569.
- Fixed ant integration memory leaks. Closes: #219475.
- Fixed refactoring and quickfix fail when assert is used. Closes: #226160.
- Fixed includes regarding kaffe jni files. Closes: #262760.
- eclipse-platform package description changed. Closes: #271584.
- Dependency on kaffe is unneeded. Closes: #259321.
- file removed. Closes: #304672.
- libswt2.1-gtk2-java not built anymore. Closes: #207156, #255745, #305990.
- eclipse can be installed. Closes: #247404.
* Michael Koch <konqueror at>:
- Updated debian/patches/eclipse-disable-motif.patch and
debian/patches/eclipse-libswt-cairo1.0.patch. Thanks to Stephan Michels
- Added debian/patches/eclipse-java-cache-model.patch to work around
memory handling stupidity
- debian/rules: Build Eclipse only once.
- debian/rules: Put debian version into about.mappings of org.eclipse.sdk
to show it in Eclipse about dialog.
- debian/rules: Build the native jars conditionally
- Use gcj instead of jikes to build the bootstrap ecj compiler
- Merged the fileInitializer code for debian/rules from Jerry Haltom's
Eclipse version for Ubuntu.
- debian/control: Make sure all *-gcj packages depend directly or
indirectly on gij-4.0 for the gcj-dbtool-4.0.
- debian/control: (Build-)Depends on ant-optional instead of ant for a
fully featured Apache Ant.
- debian/extra/java_home: Added more free and non-free JDKs.
Closes: #281226.
* Matthias Klose <doko at>:
- debian/*-gcj.postrm: Copy the script
into the postrm scripts. eclipse-base: Depend on gij-4.0. Ubuntu #16574.
- debian-*-gcj.prerm: Remove the script.
- debian/extra/java_home: Add home for the Blackdown JDK (j2sdk1.4 package).
- debian/control: Recommend eclipse-source, don't depend on it.
Ubuntu #2878.
- Convert the custom patch system to dpatch.
- Add support to build conditionally with tomcat5.
- debian/control: eclipse-base: Depend on gij-4.0. Ubuntu #2850.
- debian/control: eclipse-rcp replaces eclipse-rcp-common (<< 3.1.1).
Ubuntu #2828.
- debian/control: Remove gcc/g++ build dependencies, replace gcj dependency
with dependency on libgcj-dev.
- debian/control: Generated from debian/
- Set the package section to contrib/devel again, tomcat5 is still in
- Revert the 3.1-11 SWT package changes.
- Add conflicts to the swt packages, which are currently built from sources
extracted from the eclipse release.
- Honor setting of JAVA_HOME in startup script. Ubuntu #2835.
- Build swt libraries using -O2.
- debian/patches/eclipse-ant-manifest.dpatch: Disable.
- Blackdown crashes cannot be reproduced anymore with current Blackdown
package versions on i386 and amd64. Closes: #221712, #221816.
* We do build swt-gtk from the eclipse source for various reasons:
- There is no swt-gtk upstream release, upstream does release swt-gtk
as part of an eclipse release.
- The swt-gtk built by separate sources is incompatible with the swt
built by eclipse as it misses some eclipse specific parts. Eclipse
and SWT always have to have the same version to make sure both are
compatible with each other.
As upstream doesn't maintain different releases of both, they don't
maintain compatiblity very well.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Mon, 10 Oct 2005 22:12:43 +0200
eclipse (3.1.1-0ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low
* New upstream version.
* eclipse-disable-motif.patch, eclipse-libswt-cairo1.0.patch: Update,
thanks to Stephan Michels.
* debian/*-gcj.postrm: Copy the script
into the postrm scripts. Ubuntu #16574.
* debian/extra/java_home: Add home for the Blackdown JDK (j2sdk1.4 package).
-- Matthias Klose <doko at> Sat, 8 Oct 2005 17:48:26 +0200
eclipse (3.1-11) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed SWT.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:16:14 +0000
eclipse (3.1-10ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low
* Synchronize with unstable.
* Disable building with tomcat5, not yet in universe, remove libtomcat5-java
build dependency. libtomcat5-java dependency from eclipse-platform,
replace it with a suggestion.
* Fix FTBFS on amd64, building without tomcat5.
* Build using ecj-bootstrap instead of jikes.
* libswt3.1-gtk-jni: Remove dependency on mozilla-browser.
-- Matthias Klose <doko at> Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:32:13 +0200
eclipse (3.1-10) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/extra/ support -vm instead of -java as the manpage says.
* Reworked debian/patches/eclipse-tomcat5.patch to make the help system
actually work.
* Removed debian/patches/eclipse-doc-plugins-disabled.patch. Obsolete now.
* Removed debian/patches/ Obsolete now.
* Removed debian/patches/eclipse-libswt-cairo0.6.patch and
added debian/patches/eclipse-libswt-cairo1.0.patch to work correctly
with Cairo 1.0
* Added debian/patches/eclipse-swt-x11.patch for building on 64bit archs.
* Added debian/patches/eclipse-disable-javadoc.patch,
* debian/patches/eclipse-disable-buildHelpIndex.patch,
eclipse-3.1/debian/patches/eclipse-consoleprogressmonitor.patch and
eclipse-3.1/debian/patches/z-eclipse-disable-filelog.patch to cope with
a hanging build system when building help files
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Thu, 8 Sep 2005 05:16:07 +0000
eclipse (3.1-9) unstable; urgency=low
* Added patch from Stephan Michels to set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME during startup
to be able to embedd Mozilla inside Eclipse.
* Added debian/patches/eclipse-swttools.patch.
* Fixed debian/extra/arch-files.txt.
* libswt-gtk-3.1-jni: Added dependency on mozilla-browser.
* Fixed debian/patches/eclipse-tomcat5.patch to add the correct jar names to
the tomcat MANIFEST.MF.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Tue, 30 Aug 2005 20:26:10 +0000
eclipse (3.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
* (Build-)Depend on libtomcat5-java instead of libtomcat4-java.
* debian/rules: Reference tomcat5 instead of tomcat4 and handle tomcat5
* Removed debian/patches/eclipse-tomcat4.patch and added
* Make eclipse-rcp depend on libswt3.1-gtk-java.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Sun, 28 Aug 2005 07:45:51 +0000
eclipse (3.1-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Added missing * files to the packages.
* Added debian/aot-compile script and use it to compile jars to native.
* Removed debian/eclipse-sdk.postinst and debian/eclipse-sdk.postrm.
* Don't make eclipse-efj Depends on ${shlibs:Depends}.
* Fixed debian/extra/ to give command line arguments to
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Sun, 21 Aug 2005 13:54:16 +0000
eclipse (3.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed compilation of jars to native.
* Created classmap files and and merged them after package installation.
* Got rid of update-eclipse script.
* Included update-gcj-classmaps-eclipse script.
* Added patches from Stephan Michels to enable cairo and Mozilla support
and to disable Motif and Win32 compilation.
* Use ant instead of libant1.6-java.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Sun, 14 Aug 2005 20:58:35 +0000
eclipse (3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
* Cleaned up debian/rules more.
* debian/rules: Use $(ECLIPSE_ARCH) instead of hardcoding x86.
* Renamed debian/eclipse-ecj.postrm to debian/eclipse-ecj.prerm.
* Renamed debian/eclipse-ecj-native.postrm to
* Added debian/eclipse-rcp.postinst.
* Include efj executable.
* Got rid of libeclipse-jni package.
* Renamed eclipse-ecj-native to eclipse-ecj-gcj and included
ecj-gcj executable.
* Fixed jsch usage.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Mon, 11 Jul 2005 06:16:28 +0000
eclipse (3.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Use native ecj to build Eclipse.
* Updated debian/patches/eclipse-cvs-ssh-jsch.patch to update all
occurrences of jsch version number.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Fri, 8 Jul 2005 13:15:29 +0000
eclipse (3.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/control: Big cleanup.
* Moved debian/addons/ to debian/extra/.
* debian/rules: Got rid of --sourcedir argument to dh_install.
* debian/*.install: Fixed paths.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Fri, 8 Jul 2005 06:56:56 +0000
eclipse (3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed command line arguments for SUN java.
* Include missing files.
* Fixed handling of links for SWT.
* Use standard binaries and remove wrappers in debian/bin.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Wed, 6 Jul 2005 15:18:47 +0000
eclipse (3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream version.
* Updated Standards-Version to 3.6.2.
-- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Tue, 5 Jul 2005 04:27:24 +0000
eclipse (3.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Thanks to Jan Schulz for maintaining the Eclipse 2.1 packages and for his
comments on my Eclipse 3.0 packaging effort.
* Designed to run by default with Kaffe.
-- Jerry Haltom <wasabi at> Sun, 16 Jan 2005 23:19:39 -0600
eclipse (2.1.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
* build by gcc-3.3 instead of 3.4 (closes: #251368).
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Fri, 18 Jun 2004 08:26:58 +0900
eclipse (2.1.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
* add information on non free JVM to eclipse-platform package
description (closes: #243904)
* Remove any references to fonts in control
* add x-www-browser as alternative to mozilla-browser
* remove gij from postinst calls. It fails to run the updater.
(closes: #247404, #248587)
* Changed 2>1 typo in the postinst java calls
* recompile on a plain sid without experimental gcc (closes: #251563)
* s/2.1.2/2.1.3/ in libswt*.links (closes: #252026)
Note to self: this needs to be checked be some tests...)
* libeclipse-jni replaces eclipse-platform (<<2.1.3-2)
* recompile with plain sid and not experimental gcc
(closes: #251368, #251563)
* Add a patch to make it compile on latest gtk
* Make the /usr/lib/jni/*so real files, located in the jni packages and
not symlinks in the java ones (makes lin* happy). Tighten the
dependcies between java and jni packages.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:21:27 +0200
eclipse (2.1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
* workaround for a FTBFS with ant 1.6 and JDK 1.3: Added the right jars to
the CLASSPATH and build depend on ant 1.6.
* add debugging output to the build-java call: export
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=debug before building.
* don't install the old KDE desktop dir.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Thu, 8 Apr 2004 01:15:12 +0200
eclipse (2.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New Upstream version: Again, only bugfixes, no new features
* Remove patches integrated upstream.
. new-cvs-response.patch
. org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.patch
. 00-PDE_build_with_NLS.patch
* Updated eclipse-javac links for ant.
* Removed ant dependencies and include the jars from upstream. This is
due to the problem, that debians ant is now 1.6, but eclipse requires
1.5 ant. As the 3.0 version changes this anyway, I didn't bother to
patch this: this is too much work and too less result (xerces and tomcat
are also taken from upstream source).
* Introduced 3 new packages: lib*-jni, which includes all native
compiled parts from the corresponding Java packages. (closes: #232882)
. Conflict and replace older versions to force them off the system
. Compile this parts in it's own target, so that arch binary only
releases are a lot faster. (closes: #232852)
* Add some info to the libswt*.README.Debian re compiling the jars
to native libs with gcj. (closes: #232011)
* Removed one desktop file, as this is not anymore needed since kde 3.2
* Sidenote: kaffe is now able to do rudimentary startup.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:28:29 +0100
eclipse (2.1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Added a note to NEWS, that the install can fail, if sablevm ends
up being the only JVM for eclipses config app. Also added some note
to the postinst scripts. This is a bug in the java policy, as I cannot
exclude sablevm from the /usr/bin/java alternative, which the postinst
uses as the last option. Workaround is to set JAVA_HOME to a working
JVM before doing the upgrade.
* Tighter dependencies between packages, so that upgrades will work.
(closes: #229587)
* Added patch to work around problems with latest cvs. (closes: #231135)
* Make /usr/bin/eclipse -nl aware and use LANG to determine the to be used
language. To change that independly from your normal settings, add
LANG="..." to your $HOME/.eclipse/eclipserc (closes: #231464)
* Tried to remove as much whitespace changes from the 'addsite' patch as
* Removed the '#!/bin/bash' from startup function: its not meant to be
executed, only sourced.
* Added my name to the copyright.
* Added debian package version to version string, which is shown in
* Readme.Debian: s/artikel/article/g. Thanks to David N. Welton for
spotting it.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Fri, 6 Feb 2004 21:35:36 +0100
eclipse (2.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New Upstream release: Only maintainance, no new features. (Closes: #224104)
. New version needs to be intialized after installation. Added a
postinst call in platform and jdt packages. This call is currently not
failsave due to shortcommings in java policy. It should work on a
current unstable system
* Cleaned up the upstream sourceball a bit (aka: it's not perfect yet),
which resulted in one MB less orig.tar.gz. Basicly a
rm *{macosx,photon,win32,...}* and rm *so. The next upstream version
will be done with CVS and a proper script.
* fixed a bug wrt default WS: I forgot to change the path to the new
java-config file.
* Cleaned up initial $HOME/.eclipse creation. (Closes: #218972)
* Changed the regex in the 'does not startup workaround' to be more
specific. Thanks to David Walluck!
* Add lucene parser.jar from lucene-demos package, so that indexer works
again. Thanks to Anthony W. Juckel for the find. (Closes: #220952)
* Removed old GTK Libs from Build-Depends. I don't think that eclipse is
still working with old gtk versions and I have no system to test.
Use a Gnome >2.2 woody backport, if you want eclipse on a woody system.
* added "libgnomevfs2-dev" to Build-Depends:. Thanks to Hiroshi Miura for
the find. (Closes: #222034)
* added "Copyright: 2000, 2003 IBM and other' in debian/copyright. This is
the String, which is in every java file.
* Add workaround for 'first startup'-bug when two WS are istalled.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Wed, 17 Dec 2003 00:01:13 +0100
eclipse (2.1.1-7) unstable; urgency=low
* updated patch for emacs keybinding and PDE_build_with_NLS.patch fixed.
Thanks to Takashi Okamoto!
* -> not uploaded eclipse 2.1.1-6
* Added sensible-browser (as default) and x-www-browser to view the
help pages. (Closes: #217520)
* the -3 prerm scrips had a bug/typo, which would leave the alternative
installed, when the swt package were removed. This would result in
eclipse not starting up, if the 'ws' value wasn't overwritten at runtime.
Added postinst code to fix this. Thanks for Dominique Devriese for
the bugreport. (closes: #216572)
* added some notes about some locales problems, which results in
strange characters being inserted when doing C&P. The real cause is
reported in bug#200933. (closes: #212767)
* Added "patch (>= 2.5.9)" to build depends, which resolves a problem
when build on woody. Thanks to Anselm Kruis!
* Anselm Kruis also sent a patch to make eclipse be buildable on a plain
woody system together with a gnome2.2 mirror (using old qt and so on).
Many thanks for the work!
. redesign the swt makefiles to accept old qt versions
. add Dependencies for that versions
. add small Howto: debian/README.Backport
* Some minor changes in debian/control and some cleanup debian/rules
* change libswt*java to use java-config files. Included versioned
Conflicts: to force older versions off the system. As I haven't seen
any packages other than the eclipse-platform, the packages don't
provide any fallback to the old behaviour.
* separate some parts of eclipse-platforms README.Debian into FAQ.Debian
* disabled the PDE_build_with_NLS.patch, as it failed to work. I have no
idea why, everything seems fine with that patch.
* replaced the lucene jar with the one from the lucene package.
* -> not uploaded eclipse 2.1.1-5
* Eclipse prints a better error message, when it failed while using
/usr/bin/java, which could be unfit to run eclipse. Also changed -cp
into -classpath, so that the error isn't that obscure. (closes: #207830)
* added kde and gnome desktop files. Thanks to Matt Pavlovich
(closes: #209041)
* update eclipse manpage (JAVA_HOME, addsite).
* added '-vm' functionality, which was in the manpage, but not in the
starter skript. Ouups...
* -> not uploaded eclipse 2.1.1-4:
* Seperated Dependencies and Suggestion from the SWT libs: Not all libs
are needed to use SWT. Also changed the eclipse binary starter
requirements to suggests (see next entry). (Closes:#203966)
* Integrated the launcher capabilities into /usr/bin/eclipse.
The binary launcher is only used for splash screen. It will fail
if the libraries used for displaying this aren't present, but
this won't prevent eclipse from starting.
* ant-optional.jar is now correctly linked. (Closes: #205170)
* Removed platform gtk/motif features: updatemanger was confused,
if two window system versions were present. No functionality was
removed. (Closes: #204791)
* Removed unofficial pde-junit package from eclipse-pde suggest. This
plugin is integrated into upstream source in the next major version.
(Closes: #203964)
* fixed a typo in the *gtk.jars file which prevented the pi jar to
be added to the classpath. (Closes: #217309)
* New standard version (no changes needed).
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:45:03 +0200
eclipse (2.1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
* copyright: libswt2.1-gtk2-java is partly distributed under LGPL.
* fix the Refactor|Rename problem properly. See 00-refactor-rename.patch
* integrated the patches done by Takashi Okamoto (Thanks for the
fast rebuild!)
* make java building fail in case of an error (Closes:201422).
* missed a plugin in dh_install call. Fixed and test for this added.
* changed the buildprocess to use less space.
* upgraded to debian-policy 3.6.0: no changes needed
* Added some workaround for errors at startup: if any plugins are excluded
from loading, the startscript will remove this entries and start with
all plugins. Closes:#192176
* removed bashism in /usr/bin/eclipse. Closes:#201235
* initial support for swt-motif. swt-gtk is still the prefered one
if present. Be aware that eclipse-platform still depends on some gtk
related libs. This will change in the next release.
* different swt versions can be installed next to each other.
. versioned package names
. versioned jar files
. libswt-java is renamed to libswt2.1-java and only a virtual package
. libswt2.1-gtk2-java and libswt2.1-motif-java provide this package
. swt is now under update-alternative (See README.Debian about the way
this is done)
. eclipse has a default -ws, based upon this alternative
* removed the (gtk|motif)-features, as they causes trouble with
the updatemanager, if they are present when the 'other ws' is
used. See:
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Tue, 15 Jul 2003 23:56:00 +0200
eclipse (2.1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed bug C-w don't work correctory when use emacs binding.
See 00-org.eclipse.ui.patch.
* fixed bug export plugin doesn't work when use language pack.
See file.
* build with jdk1.3.1 to avoid refactor problem. (closes: #197484)
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sat, 12 Jul 2003 22:29:39 +0900
eclipse (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version. Only bugfixes, no new features.
o Eclipse crashes with certain gtk themes (closes:#198127)
* converted upstream zip to tar.gz: 10MB less *orig.tar.gz
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Sun, 29 Jun 2003 05:01:43 +0200
eclipse (2.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
* some internal improvements to /usr/bin/eclipse
* eclipse-pde Suggest: eclipse-pde-junit
* updated libswt-java README.Debian to include information
about gcj compile to native. (Closes:#193523)
* Added a new option to $HOME/.eclipse/eclipsrc to *not* use
anti aliased Fonts, which speeds up eclipse.
See /usr/share/doc/eclipse-platform/README.Debian for more info.
eclipse-platform: Suggests: ttf-bitstream-vera
* patch for eclipse launcher to show some debian specific
information in case of a crash and to return proper exit codes.
* Patch for 'Refactor|Rename' problem, when compiled with javac 1.4
* changed libswt-java to be only available on 32bit arch.
* Buildnotes converted to plain text
* Added Takashi Okamoto <tora at> as co-maintainer
* Conflict with a earlier version of eclipse-nls-sdk, which broke due
to the /usr/lib -> /usr/share change.
* addsite patch cleanups.
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Mon, 23 Jun 2003 23:58:07 +0200
eclipse (2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
* Changed /usr/local included site from /usr/local/lib/eclipse to
/usr/local/share/eclipse. You need to copy the plugins/features
by hand to make them work again!
Unofficial version 4.3:
* More fixes for the OutOfMemoryException problem.
Max Memory for ant is now set to 256M, but will
be overwritten(!) in $HOME/.antrc or with an exported
ANT_OPTS variable. Made the errorreport more verbose.
* Fixed a bug in the bugfix *sight*.
* Some smaller cleanups in debian/*
* eclipserc and debug_options are now linked to
* added c-shell to Build-Depends and removed kdelibs*-dev
* updated policy version.
* replaced menu-icon with a smaller version.
Unofficial version 4.2
* Using JAVA_HOME during buildprozess, if set
* Try to prevent OutOfMemeoryException in ant during java
compilation on 1.3 JDKs. Also make the java building more
* eclipse-sdk and eclipse-webdav-ftp are now
"Architecture: all"
Unofficial version 4.1
* Changed eclipse home from /usr/lib/eclipse to
/usr/share/eclipse. Native libs and the eclipse launcher
are in /usr/lib/eclipse and have symlinks to the right places.
* Using gtk launcher instead of motif one (Closes: #191873)
* Additonal sites (places to install plugins) can be specified
via -addsite commandline parameter. See
/usr/share/doc/eclipse-platform/README.Debian for more info.
* Using internal precompiled xerces for now until XML4J is
* Cleanup debian/* files and build-*.sh. Also included is a new
makefile for swt. It now builds on PPC (Closes:#187542)
* Fixed first batch of lintian and linda warnings. Not yet
ready *sight*
* Adding README.Debian to libswt-java
* Included upstream buildlogs
* New maintainer
-- Jan Schulz <debian at> Thu, 22 May 2003 17:51:23 +0200
eclipse (2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed typos and other things in debian/control. (Closes: #190541, #188252)
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 4 May 2003 10:31:03 +0900
eclipse (2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
* New mechanism to install plugins (using the feature zips).
This finally gives working source plug-ins and right named
* Changed name of eclipse package to eclipse-sdk.
* WebDAV and FTP support package included now.
* Fixed typos and updated README.Debian.
* eclipse startscript can now configured with some default
values. See README.Debian
* Fixed broken links in to the swt*.so files
* Most of above improvements are provided by Jan Schulz.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Thu, 24 Apr 2003 02:59:40 +0200
eclipse (2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed broken version.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Wed, 23 Apr 2003 23:10:54 +0900
eclipse (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
unofficial 2.1-1:
* New upstream release
* include source plugins to develop plugins. (closes: #186287)
unofficial 2.1-2:
* fixed following bugs reported by Jan Schulz:
- ant-optional is linked two times (at least two times the same
entry in eclipse-platform.links)
- org.eclipse.jdt-feature is in platform and jdt included.
- error in eclipse.jdt.links: the second link must probably be to
apache and not apahce.
* add debug function for script. (thanks Jan Schulz)
* eclipse args is enable. See eclipse man page.
* create separated packages eclispe-pde and eclipse-source.
* enable emacs key binding for code assist.
unofficial 2.1-3:
* fixed typo.
* add menu file(/usr/lib/menu/eclipse-platform).
* change local plug-ins install directory. Now it's
* use included xerces's jars instead of eclipse-xerces packages.
* remove obsolete patch for
* fixed -vmargs options doesn't work correctly.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 13 Apr 2003 11:33:31 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-RC2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* add plugins path for /usr/local/eclipse/plugins.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sat, 8 Mar 2003 23:32:01 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-RC1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* use eclipse specific xerces instead of libxerces2-java.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 2 Mar 2003 18:04:13 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-RC1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 23 Feb 2003 17:58:10 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-M5-0.5) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed dependency at eclipse-platform.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:23:11 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-M5-0.4) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed update manager didn't work.
* remove motif binding from SWT.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sat, 15 Feb 2003 10:05:01 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-M5-0.3) unstable; urgency=low
* add debian's description to build id.
* add version dependency.
* rename libeclipse-swt-java to libswt-java.
* use gtk for default SWT binding instead of motif.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:01:50 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99-2.1-M5-0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Rename package version.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 9 Feb 2003 15:49:26 +0900
eclipse (2.0.99_2.1M5-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* New updtream.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sat, 8 Feb 2003 23:48:22 +0900
eclipse (2.0.2-0.4) stable; urgency=low
* add j2sdk1.3 and j2sdk1.4 dependency to convinience install.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 15 Dec 2002 13:32:21 +0900
eclipse (2.0.2-0.3) unstable; urgency=low
* add lacked build-depends.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:09:34 +0900
eclipse (2.0.2-0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed lintian error.
* add dependency for xerces2, junit and ant.
* add manual page.
* fixed -data option doesn't work.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:09:34 +0900
eclipse (2.0.2-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sat, 16 Nov 2002 11:07:09 +0900
eclipse (2.0.1-0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* add some dependency.
* clean up build script
* clean up bootstrap script /usr/bin/eclipse
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Fri, 1 Nov 2002 19:18:51 +0900
eclipse (2.0.1-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Exprerimental Release.
-- Takashi Okamoto <tora at> Sun, 27 Oct 2002 16:27:07 +0900
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