Barry Hawkins
barryh-guest at
Fri Sep 2 04:56:34 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-java/CVSROOT
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv16998
Modified Files:
cvs-mailcommit loginfo
Log Message:
Updated cvs-mailcommit to latest version and altered usage in loginfo to new format for CVS 1.12+
--- /cvsroot/pkg-java/CVSROOT/cvs-mailcommit 2004/07/14 12:51:41 1.1
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-java/CVSROOT/cvs-mailcommit 2005/09/02 04:56:34 1.2
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# cvs-mailcommit - Send CVS commitments via mail
-# Copyright (c) 1998 Martin Schulze <joey at>
+# Copyright (c) 1998,2004 Martin Schulze <joey at>
+# $Id: cvs-mailcommit,v 1.2 2005/09/02 04:56:34 barryh-guest Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -18,40 +20,192 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
# For testing, call this program like:
-# echo "Logmsg" | CVSROOT=/cvs/webwml cvs-mailcommit -m $LOGIN --from "$LOGIN@`hostname -f` --cvs 'CVSROOT loginfo,1.10,1.11' --diff
+# echo "Logmsg" | CVSROOT=/cvs/webwml ./cvs-mailcommit -m $LOGNAME --from "$LOGNAME@`hostname -f`" --cvs 'CVSROOT loginfo,1.10,1.11' --diff
+# To extract the inline documentation, run the following command:
+# pod2html cvs-mailcommit > cvs-mailcommit.1
+# To read this documentation, just type
+# perldoc cvs-mailcommit
+use Getopt::Long;
+=head1 NAME
+cvs-mailcommit - Send CVS commitments via mail
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<cvs-mailcommit> [options] [version*]
-$sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
+B<cvs-mailcommit> is a helper application to CVS to help people keep
+track of CVS repositories via mail. It is hooked into the CVS system
+via the B<CVSROOT>/I<loginfo> file. It will read modification
+information from CVS via B<stdin> and require version information via
+the commandline.
+B<cvs-mailcommit> will send differences of modified files or entire
+new files via mail to the denoted address.
+You'll have to hook it into CVS for each module in a repository that
+you want to monitor via mail. See B<INSTALLATION> below
+$sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
+$rcsdiff = "rcsdiff";
+$co = "co";
$opt_xloop = '';
$opt_cvs = '';
$opt_from = '';
+$opt_replyto = '';
+$opt_approved = '';
$opt_diff = 0;
+$opt_full = 0;
$opt_maxlines = 400;
@opt_mailto = ();
-while (@ARGV) {
- $arg = shift;
+$opt_cvsroot = '';
+$opt_dir = '';
- if ($arg eq "-m") {
- if (@ARGV) {
- $tmp = shift;
- push (@opt_mailto, $tmp);
- }
- } elsif ($arg eq "--diff") {
- $opt_diff = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq "--xloop") {
- $opt_xloop = shift if (@ARGV);
- } elsif ($arg eq "--from") {
- $opt_from = shift if (@ARGV);
- } elsif ($arg eq "--maxlines") {
- $opt_maxlines = shift if (@ARGV);
- } elsif ($arg eq "--cvs") {
- if (@ARGV) {
- $tmp = shift;
- $opt_cvs = $tmp;
- }
- }
+# A way to alter the default settings
+$cfg = "/etc/";
+require $cfg if (-r $cfg);
+my %options = (
+ 'mailto|m=s' => \@opt_mailto,
+ 'diff|d' => \$opt_diff,
+ 'full' => \$opt_full,
+ 'xloop=s' => \$opt_xloop,
+ 'from=s' => \$opt_from,
+ 'replyto=s' => \$opt_replyto,
+ 'approved=s' => \$opt_approved,
+ 'maxlines=i' => \$opt_maxlines,
+ 'cvs=s' => \$opt_cvs,
+ 'root=s' => \$opt_cvsroot,
+ 'dir=s' => \$opt_dir,
+ );
+# Filter out new directory creations
+# Arguments: '- New directory' NONE NONE
+$pivot = 0;
+while ($pivot <= $#ARGV) {
+ splice (@ARGV, $pivot, $pivot+2) if ($ARGV[$pivot] eq '- New directory');
+ $pivot++;
+GetOptions (%options);
+=head1 OPTIONS
+This program supports the following arguments. When the arguments
+don't make sense the program won't do anything.
+=over 6
+=item B<-m> I<address>, B<--mailto> I<address>
+Send the mail to the specified I<address>. This option can be
+specified on the commandline multiple times.
+=item B<--diff>
+Generate unified diffs for all modified files.
+=item B<--full>
+Include the entire fill for newly created files that were added to the
+=item B<--maxlines> I<nnn>
+You can specify how many lines per file may be quoted in the resulting
+mail. Limiting the number of quoted lines may be useful for
+repositories with excessive changes that are similar. The default is
+to copy 400 lines.
+=item B<--xloop> I<address>
+Include a special B<X-Loop> header in the generated mail. This is
+intended for users to be able to filter CVS mails by a common header
+line. The line will look like
+X-Loop: I<address>
+=item B<--from> I<address>
+Generate a B<From:>-line of the form
+From: CVS User foo <I<address>>
+Otherwise the local user the program runs under will be used instead
+of I<address>. With this parameter you can ensure that all such mails
+will be sent with the same from line, which may be useful for
+moderated lists or some where only subscribers may write.
+=item B<--replyto> I<address>
+Try to redirect replies to CVS mails to another address by setting
+proper header lines such as
+Reply-To: I<address>
+Mail-Followup-To: I<address>
+=item B<--approved> I<address>
+Include a special B<Approved:>-line in the mail. This header is
+intended for moderated mailing-lists to pass the SmartList moderation
+mechanism. The created header will look like
+Approved: I<address>
+=item B<--cvs> I<version string>
+This option carries the CVS version info from CVS into the program.
+It will be added automatically by CVS. When installing this program
+into the B<loginfo> file of a CVS repository, you will need to add the
+following option:
+B<--cvs> %{sVv}
+If you want to test this program manually you'll have to supply the
+module directory and the modified files including the old and new
+versions. This will look like
+--cvs 'CVSROOT loginfo,1.1,1.2'
+This option is only usful for old-style CVS format strings (i.e. prior
+to CVS 1.12.6). You can continue using old-style format strings with
+newer cvs if you write %1{sVv} and set B<UseNewInfoFmtStrings>=I<yes>
+in CVSROOT/config. For more recent versions of CVS you should,
+however, use the new --root and --dir arguments and place %{sVv} at
+the end of the commandline.
+=item B<--root> I<cvs repository>
+Specify the CVS repository directory. This is normally done by the
+CVS server. Prior to version 1.12 the repository was transmitted to
+the log processor via the B<CVSROOT> environment variable. The
+parameter to this option is normally filled in by CVS using the %r
+format string:
+B<--root> %r
+=item B<--dir> I<module directory>
+Specify the directory within the CVS repository in which directories
+or file were added or modified. The parameter to this option is
+normally filled in by CVS using the %p format string:
+B<--dir> %p
exit 0 if (!@opt_mailto);
# $opt_cvs looks like
@@ -59,29 +213,57 @@
# or
# foo gnatz,1.3,1.4
- at cvs_arr = split (/ /,$opt_cvs);
-$module_dir = shift(@cvs_arr);
-$dir .= "/" if ($dir);
+if ($opt_cvs) {
+ @cvs_arr = split (/ /,$opt_cvs);
+ $opt_dir = $cvs_arr[0];
+ $module_dir = $ENV{'CVSROOT'} . "/" . shift(@cvs_arr);
+} else {
+ if ($opt_cvsroot) {
+ if ($opt_dir) {
+ $module_dir = $opt_cvsroot ."/". $opt_dir;
+ } else {
+ $module_dir = $opt_cvsroot;
+ }
+ while ($#ARGV >= 2) {
+ push (@cvs_arr, shift (@ARGV) .",". shift (@ARGV) .",". shift (@ARGV));
+ }
+ while ($#ARGV > -1) {
+ printf "Unknown argument '%s', deleting.\n", shift (@ARGV);
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "No --cvs and no --root (and --dir) specified, aborting.\n";
+ }
$login = $ENV{'CVS_USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'}|| getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || "nobody";
+$logname = $ENV{'LOGNAME'}|| getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || $ENV{'CVS_USER'} || "nobody";
if (open (M, "|$sendmail -t")) {
# if (open (M, ">-")) {
printf M "To: %s\n", join(",", at opt_mailto);
- printf M "Subject: CVS %s\n", $module_dir;
- printf M "From: \"Debian CVS %s\" <%s>\n", $login, $opt_from if ($opt_from);
+ printf M "Subject: CVS %s\n", $opt_dir;
+ if ($opt_from) {
+ printf M "From: \"CVS User %s\" <%s>\n", $login, $opt_from;
+ } else {
+ printf M "From: \"CVS User %s\" <%s>\n", $login, $logname;
+ }
+ if ($opt_replyto) {
+ printf M "Reply-To: %s\n", $opt_replyto;
+ printf M "Mail-Followup-To: %s\n", $opt_replyto;
+ }
+ printf M "Approved: %s\n", $opt_approved if ($opt_approved);
printf M "X-Loop: %s\n", $opt_xloop if ($opt_xloop);
print M "\n";
print M while (<>);
if ($opt_diff) {
- print M "\n";
+ print M "\n";
foreach $cstr (@cvs_arr) {
($file,$oldver,$newver) = split (/,/,$cstr);
next if ($oldver eq "" || $newver eq "");
if ($oldver ne "NONE") {
- # print "rcsdiff -r$oldver -r$newver -u $ENV{'CVSROOT'}/$module_dir/$file|\n";
- if (open (R, "rcsdiff -r$oldver -r$newver -u $ENV{'CVSROOT'}/$module_dir/$file 2>/dev/null |")) {
+ # print "$rcsdiff -r$oldver -r$newver -u $module_dir/$file|\n";
+ if (open (R, "$rcsdiff -r$oldver -r$newver -u $module_dir/$file 2>/dev/null |")) {
$lines = 0;
while (<R>) {
@@ -94,5 +276,118 @@
+ # Process new files
+ if ($opt_full) {
+ print M "\n";
+ foreach $cstr (@cvs_arr) {
+ ($file,$oldver,$newver) = split (/,/,$cstr);
+ next if ($oldver ne "NONE" || $newver ne "1.1");
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
+ = gmtime(time);
+ my $date = sprintf ("%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
+ $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour,$min,$sec);
+ if (open (R, "$co -p -r$newver $module_dir/$file 2>/dev/null |")) {
+ printf M "--- %s/%s\t%s\tNONE\n", $module_dir, $file, $date;
+ printf M "+++ %s/%s\t%s\t%s\n", $module_dir, $file, $date, $newver;
+ while (<R>) {
+ $lines++;
+ print M if ($lines <= $opt_maxlines);
+ }
+ close (R);
+ printf M "\n[%d lines skipped]\n", $lines - $opt_maxlines if ($lines > $opt_maxlines);
+ } else {
+ print M "Cannot open $co, huh, $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
close (M);
+B<cvs-mailcommit> supports an additional configuration file
+I</etc/> so that hard-coded default values can be
+overwritten. The file is included via require and hence needs to
+contain valid Perl code, which evaluates to I<true>. I.e. place B<1;>
+at the end of the file.
+The B<CVSROOT>/I<loginfo> file controls where B<cvs commit> log
+information is sent. The first entry on a line is a regular
+expression which must match the directory (alias module) that the
+change is being made to, relative to the $B<CVSROOT>. If a match is
+found, then the remainder of the line is a filter program that should
+expect log information on its standard input.
+A I<loginfo> line looks like
+<directory> <command> --<option> --<option>
+=head1 NOTES
+The B<--cvs> option is only valid for old-style CVS format strings
+prior to version 1.12.6 of CVS with I<%{sVv}> or for new-style CVS
+format strings using the compatibility hack with I<%1{sVv}>.
+For new-style CVS format strings for CVS version 1.12.6 or higher
+B<--cvs> must not be used anymore, but instead B<--root> and B<--dir>
+are required. The version information I<%{sVv}> must be added at the
+end of the command line.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Assume you want to monitor changes in the B<CVSROOT> module, then you
+may want to use the following line.
+ CVSROOT cvs-mailcommit \
+ --mailto master at \
+ --from cvs at \
+ --cvs %{sVv} --diff --full
+If you want to distribute changes in a module via a mailing list where
+only these log messages should appear you may have to add an X-Loop:
+or Approved: header line.
+ webwml cvs-mailcommit \
+ --mailto master at \
+ --from cvs at \
+ --approved cvsmaster at \
+ --cvs %{sVv} --diff --full
+The above configuration lines are valid only for old-style format
+strings. With a more recent version of CVS (1.12.6 or newer) you'll
+have to replace I<%{sVv}> with I<%1{sVv}> and set
+B<UseNewInfoFmtStrings> to I<yes> in I<CVSROOT/config>.
+For new-style CVS format strings other parameters need to be used
+since CVS changed the syntax and semantics. You must not use the
+B<--cvs> option anymore but need to use B<--root> and B<--dir> and
+place the version list at the end. The last example converted for
+new-style format strings looks like the following:
+ webwml cvs-mailcommit \
+ --mailto master at \
+ --from cvs at \
+ --approved cvsmaster at \
+ --diff --full --root %r --dir %p %{sVv}
+To improve readability, the above lines were broken up into several
[14 lines skipped]
--- /cvsroot/pkg-java/CVSROOT/loginfo 2005/09/02 01:53:17 1.8
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-java/CVSROOT/loginfo 2005/09/02 04:56:34 1.9
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
#DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %{sVv}; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog
#DEFAULT CVSROOT/syncmail -u --fromhost --cvsroot=/cvsroot/pkg-java --reply-to=pkg-java-maintainers at %{sVv} pkg-java-commits at
#ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/syncmail -u --fromhost --cvsroot=/cvsroot/pkg-java --reply-to=pkg-java-maintainers at %{sVv} pkg-java-commits at
-ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvs-mailcommit -m pkg-java-commits at --cvs %{sVv} --diff
+ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvs-mailcommit --mailto pkg-java-commits at --replyto pkg-java-maintainers at --diff --root %r --dir %p %{sVv}
More information about the pkg-java-commits
mailing list