[pkg-java] r4037 - in trunk/checkstyle/debian: . patches
paulcager-guest at alioth.debian.org
paulcager-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 19 23:11:42 UTC 2007
Author: paulcager-guest
Date: 2007-08-19 23:11:42 +0000 (Sun, 19 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 4037
Prepare for conversion to gij
Added: trunk/checkstyle/debian/Native2Ascii.java
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/Native2Ascii.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/Native2Ascii.java 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
+ * Copyright 2007 Paul Cager
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * This file is derived from the Ant class org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/Native2Ascii.java.
+ * It provides the native2ascii task for GIJ (the standard ant task only works with SUN and
+ * Kaffe JREs).
+ */
+package org.debian.checkstyle;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.BufferedWriter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MatchingTask;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.native2ascii.Native2AsciiAdapterFactory;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Mapper;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileNameMapper;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.util.IdentityMapper;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.util.SourceFileScanner;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.util.facade.FacadeTaskHelper;
+import org.apache.tools.ant.util.facade.ImplementationSpecificArgument;
+ * Converts files from native encodings to ASCII.
+ *
+ * @since Ant 1.2
+ */
+public class Native2Ascii extends MatchingTask {
+ private boolean reverse = false; // convert from ascii back to native
+ private String encoding = null; // encoding to convert to/from
+ private File srcDir = null; // Where to find input files
+ private File destDir = null; // Where to put output files
+ private String extension = null; // Extension of output files if different
+ private Mapper mapper;
+ public Native2Ascii() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Flag the conversion to run in the reverse sense,
+ * that is Ascii to Native encoding.
+ *
+ * @param reverse True if the conversion is to be reversed,
+ * otherwise false;
+ */
+ public void setReverse(boolean reverse) {
+ this.reverse = reverse;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The value of the reverse attribute.
+ *
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public boolean getReverse() {
+ return reverse;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the encoding to translate to/from.
+ * If unset, the default encoding for the JVM is used.
+ *
+ * @param encoding String containing the name of the Native
+ * encoding to convert from or to.
+ */
+ public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
+ this.encoding = encoding;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The value of the reverse attribute.
+ *
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public String getEncoding() {
+ return encoding;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the source directory in which to find files to convert.
+ *
+ * @param srcDir directory to find input file in.
+ */
+ public void setSrc(File srcDir) {
+ this.srcDir = srcDir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the destination directory to place converted files into.
+ *
+ * @param destDir directory to place output file into.
+ */
+ public void setDest(File destDir) {
+ this.destDir = destDir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the extension which converted files should have.
+ * If unset, files will not be renamed.
+ *
+ * @param ext File extension to use for converted files.
+ */
+ public void setExt(String ext) {
+ this.extension = ext;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Choose the implementation for this particular task.
+ * @param impl the name of the implemenation
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public void setImplementation(String impl) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Defines the FileNameMapper to use (nested mapper element).
+ *
+ * @return the mapper to use for file name translations.
+ *
+ * @throws BuildException if more than one mapper is defined.
+ */
+ public Mapper createMapper() throws BuildException {
+ if (mapper != null) {
+ throw new BuildException("Cannot define more than one mapper",
+ getLocation());
+ }
+ mapper = new Mapper(getProject());
+ return mapper;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A nested filenamemapper
+ * @param fileNameMapper the mapper to add
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public void add(FileNameMapper fileNameMapper) {
+ createMapper().add(fileNameMapper);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds an implementation specific command-line argument.
+ * @return a ImplementationSpecificArgument to be configured
+ *
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public ImplementationSpecificArgument createArg() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute the task
+ *
+ * @throws BuildException is there is a problem in the task execution.
+ */
+ public void execute() throws BuildException {
+ DirectoryScanner scanner = null; // Scanner to find our inputs
+ String[] files; // list of files to process
+ // default srcDir to basedir
+ if (srcDir == null) {
+ srcDir = getProject().resolveFile(".");
+ }
+ // Require destDir
+ if (destDir == null) {
+ throw new BuildException("The dest attribute must be set.");
+ }
+ // if src and dest dirs are the same, require the extension
+ // to be set, so we don't stomp every file. One could still
+ // include a file with the same extension, but ....
+ if (srcDir.equals(destDir) && extension == null && mapper == null) {
+ throw new BuildException("The ext attribute or a mapper must be set if"
+ + " src and dest dirs are the same.");
+ }
+ FileNameMapper m = null;
+ if (mapper == null) {
+ if (extension == null) {
+ m = new IdentityMapper();
+ } else {
+ m = new ExtMapper();
+ }
+ } else {
+ m = mapper.getImplementation();
+ }
+ scanner = getDirectoryScanner(srcDir);
+ files = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
+ SourceFileScanner sfs = new SourceFileScanner(this);
+ files = sfs.restrict(files, srcDir, destDir, m);
+ int count = files.length;
+ if (count == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String message = "Converting " + count + " file"
+ + (count != 1 ? "s" : "") + " from ";
+ log(message + srcDir + " to " + destDir);
+ for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+ convert(files[i], m.mapFileName(files[i])[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert a single file.
+ *
+ * @param srcName name of the input file.
+ * @param destName name of the input file.
+ */
+ private void convert(String srcName, String destName)
+ throws BuildException {
+ File srcFile; // File to convert
+ File destFile; // where to put the results
+ // Build the full file names
+ srcFile = new File(srcDir, srcName);
+ destFile = new File(destDir, destName);
+ // Make sure we're not about to clobber something
+ if (srcFile.equals(destFile)) {
+ throw new BuildException("file " + srcFile
+ + " would overwrite its self");
+ }
+ // Make intermediate directories if needed
+ // XXX JDK 1.1 doesn't have File.getParentFile,
+ String parentName = destFile.getParent();
+ if (parentName != null) {
+ File parentFile = new File(parentName);
+ if ((!parentFile.exists()) && (!parentFile.mkdirs())) {
+ throw new BuildException("cannot create parent directory "
+ + parentName);
+ }
+ }
+ log("converting " + srcName, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
+ process(srcFile, destFile);
+ }
+ private void process(File srcFile, File destFile) throws BuildException
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(srcFile), encoding));
+ BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(destFile));
+ String line;
+ int ch;
+ while ( (ch = br.read()) != -1)
+ {
+ if (ch < 128)
+ {
+ bw.write(ch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bw.write("\\u");
+ if (ch < 0x1000) bw.write('0');
+ if (ch < 0x100) bw.write('0');
+ if (ch < 0x10) bw.write('0'); // Never will be!
+ bw.write(Integer.toHexString(ch));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw new BuildException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the (implementation specific) settings given as nested
+ * arg elements.
+ *
+ * @since Ant 1.6.3
+ */
+ public String[] getCurrentArgs() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ private class ExtMapper implements FileNameMapper {
+ public void setFrom(String s) {
+ }
+ public void setTo(String s) {
+ }
+ public String[] mapFileName(String fileName) {
+ int lastDot = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
+ if (lastDot >= 0) {
+ return new String[] {fileName.substring(0, lastDot)
+ + extension};
+ } else {
+ return new String[] {fileName + extension};
+ }
+ }
+ }
Modified: trunk/checkstyle/debian/ant.properties
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/ant.properties 2007-08-19 20:21:36 UTC (rev 4036)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/ant.properties 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+#Do not use sysclasspath=only as we need to define a user-task
Modified: trunk/checkstyle/debian/changelog
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/changelog 2007-08-19 20:21:36 UTC (rev 4036)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/changelog 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+checkstyle (4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream + other stuff
+ -- Paul Cager <paul-debian at home.paulcager.org> Mon, 16 Jul 2007 15:21:22 +0100
checkstyle (4.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=high
* Removed third-party Jars in the orig source tarball (Closes #383791).
Modified: trunk/checkstyle/debian/control
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/control 2007-08-19 20:21:36 UTC (rev 4036)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/control 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -2,15 +2,23 @@
Section: libs
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk at debian.org>, Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>, Wolfgang Baer <WBaer at gmx.de>, Paul Cager <paul-debian at home.paulcager.org>
-Build-Depends-Indep: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4.2.30), kaffe (>= 2:1.1.5-3), ant, ant-optional, junit (>= 3.8.1), libcommons-beanutils-java (>= 1.5), libcommons-collections-java (>= 2.1), libcommons-logging-java (>= 1.0.3), libregexp-java, antlr, libcommons-cli-java, velocity, libjdom0-java, tofrodos
-Standards-Version: 3.6.2
+Uploaders: Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk at debian.org>, Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>, Paul Cager <paul-debian at home.paulcager.org>
+Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 5), ant
+Build-Depends-Indep: java-gcj-compat-dev, ant-optional, junit (>= 3.8.1), libcommons-beanutils-java (>= 1.5), libcommons-collections-java (>= 2.1), libcommons-logging-java (>= 1.0.3), libregexp-java, antlr, libcommons-cli-java, velocity, libjdom0-java, tofrodos
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Package: checkstyle
Architecture: all
Depends: kaffe (>= 2:1.1.5-3) | java1-runtime | java2-runtime, junit (>= 3.8.1), libcommons-beanutils-java (>= 1.5), libcommons-collections-java (>= 2.1), libcommons-logging-java (>= 1.0.3), libregexp-java, antlr, libcommons-cli-java
Description: checks Java source against a coding standard
- It is a tool for checking Java source code for adherence to a set of
- rules.
+ Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that
+ adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java
+ code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it
+ ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard.
- Homepage: http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/
+ Checkstyle is highly configurable and can be made to support almost any
+ coding standard. An example configuration file is supplied supporting the
+ Sun Code Conventions. As well, other sample configuration files are
+ supplied for other well known conventions.
+ .
+ Homepage: http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/
Deleted: trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/00_build_xml.patch
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/00_build_xml.patch 2007-08-19 20:21:36 UTC (rev 4036)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/00_build_xml.patch 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
---- build.xml.orig 2006-01-25 08:50:13.000000000 +0000
-+++ build.xml 2006-01-25 08:52:49.000000000 +0000
-@@ -151,10 +151,51 @@
- <entry key="checkstyle.compile.timestamp" type="date" value="now" pattern="E MMMM dd yyyy, HH:mm z"/>
- </propertyfile>
-+ <!--
- <native2ascii src="src/checkstyle"
- dest="${checkstyle.dest}"
- encoding="EUC-JP"
- includes="**/*_ja.properties" />
-+ -->
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/blocks"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/coding"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/design"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/imports"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/indentation"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/naming"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/sizes"/>
-+ <mkdir dir="target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/whitespace"/>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/blocks/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/blocks/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/coding/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/coding/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/design/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/design/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/imports/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/imports/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/indentation/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/indentation/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/javadoc/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/naming/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/naming/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/sizes/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/sizes/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/whitespace/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/whitespace/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
-+ <exec executable="/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/native2ascii">
-+ <arg line="-encoding EUC-JP src/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/messages_ja.properties target/checkstyle/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/messages_ja.properties"/>
-+ </exec>
- <copy todir="${checkstyle.dest}">
- <fileset dir="src/checkstyle" includes="**/*.properties"/>
-@@ -531,6 +531,7 @@
- <copy file="${cli.jar}" todir="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}" />
- <copy file="${logging.jar}" todir="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}" />
- <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp" />
-+ <!--
- <unjar src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/antlr.jar"
- dest="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp" />
- <unjar src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-beanutils-core.jar"
-@@ -541,6 +542,7 @@
- dest="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp" />
- <unjar src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-logging.jar"
- dest="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp" />
-+ -->
- <unjar src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/checkstyle-${version}.jar"
- dest="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp" />
- <delete dir="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/tmp/META-INF" />
-@@ -648,6 +648,7 @@
- <exclude name="**/*.dtd" />
- <exclude name="**/*.xml" />
- <exclude name="**/*.html" />
-+ <exclude name="**/*.smap" />
- </fileset>
- </javadoc>
- </target>
Added: trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/30-omit-mega-jar.patch
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/30-omit-mega-jar.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/30-omit-mega-jar.patch 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+diff -Nur checkstyle-src-4.3/build.xml checkstyle-src-4.3.new/build.xml
+--- checkstyle-src-4.3/build.xml 2007-07-17 00:10:44.000000000 +0100
++++ checkstyle-src-4.3.new/build.xml 2007-07-17 00:11:57.000000000 +0100
+@@ -496,11 +496,13 @@
+ <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/checkstyle-all-${version}.jar"
+ manifest="${target.dir}/manifest.mf"
+ filesetmanifest="skip">
++ <!-- Not in Debian.
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/antlr.jar" excludes="META-INF/*"/>
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-beanutils-core.jar" excludes="META-INF/*,overview.html"/>
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-collections.jar" excludes="META-INF/*"/>
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-cli.jar" excludes="META-INF/*"/>
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/commons-logging.jar" excludes="META-INF/*"/>
++ -->
+ <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/checkstyle-${version}/checkstyle-${version}.jar" excludes="META-INF/*"/>
+ </jar>
+ <!-- copy stuff without filtering -->
Added: trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/35-native-ro-ascii.patch
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/35-native-ro-ascii.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/patches/35-native-ro-ascii.patch 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff -Nur checkstyle-src-4.3/build.xml checkstyle-src-4.3.new/build.xml
+--- checkstyle-src-4.3/build.xml 2007-08-19 17:50:17.000000000 +0100
++++ checkstyle-src-4.3.new/build.xml 2007-08-19 17:51:17.000000000 +0100
+@@ -150,7 +150,18 @@
+ <entry key="checkstyle.compile.timestamp" type="date" value="now" pattern="E MMMM dd yyyy, HH:mm z"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+- <native2ascii src="src/checkstyle"
++ <javac srcdir="debian"
++ destdir="${checkstyle.dest}"
++ includes="**/*.java"
++ deprecation="on" debug="on"
++ source="${checkstyle.minimum.javaversion}"
++ target="${checkstyle.minimum.javaversion}"
++ classpathref="build.classpath"
++ encoding="iso-8859-1"
++ includeAntRuntime="true"/>
++ <taskdef name="native2ascii" classname="org.debian.checkstyle.Native2Ascii" classpath="/usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar:${checkstyle.dest}"/>
++ <native2ascii src="src/checkstyle"
+ dest="${checkstyle.dest}"
+ encoding="EUC-JP"
+ includes="**/*_ja.properties" />
Modified: trunk/checkstyle/debian/rules
--- trunk/checkstyle/debian/rules 2007-08-19 20:21:36 UTC (rev 4036)
+++ trunk/checkstyle/debian/rules 2007-08-19 23:11:42 UTC (rev 4037)
@@ -10,24 +10,32 @@
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
-JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/kaffe
+JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj
ANT_HOME := /usr/share/ant
-DEB_JARS := junit commons-beanutils commons-collections commons-logging regexp antlr commons-cli com-sun-javadoc $(ANT_HOME)/lib/ant-launcher.jar $(ANT_HOME)/lib/ant-nodeps.jar $(ANT_HOME)/lib/ant.jar velocity jdom0 xercesImpl logkit log4j-1.2
-DEB_ANT_ARGS := -verbose
+DEB_JARS := junit commons-beanutils commons-collections commons-logging regexp antlr commons-cli $(ANT_HOME)/lib/ant-nodeps.jar velocity jdom0 xercesImpl logkit log4j-1.2
+VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) | sed 's/+.*//')
+DOWNLOAD := http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/checkstyle/checkstyle-src-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+#DEB_ANT_ARGS := -verbose
DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := build.bindist #compile.checkstyle #javadoc
+ echo "Getting $(DOWNLOAD)"
+ mkdir orig_tmp
+ cd orig_tmp && \
+ wget -O - $(DOWNLOAD) | tar xzf - && \
+ rm -rf */lib/* && \
+ tar czf ../../$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.gz .
+ rm -rf orig_tmp
dos2unix build.xml
unix2dos build.xml
- install -m 644 target/dist/$(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION)/$(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION).jar debian/checkstyle/usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION).jar
- install -m 644 target/dist/$(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION)/$(SOFTWARE)-optional-$(VERSION).jar debian/checkstyle/usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE)-optional-$(VERSION).jar
- echo "usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE).jar" > debian/links
- echo "usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE)-optional-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java/$(SOFTWARE)-optional.jar" >> debian/links
+ dh_install target/dist/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java
+ dh_install target/dist/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(PACKAGE)-optional-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java
+ dh_link usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE).jar
+ dh_link usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE)-optional-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE)-optional.jar
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mailing list