[pkg-java] r6754 - in trunk/java-access-bridge: . bridge bridge/org bridge/org/GNOME bridge/org/GNOME/Accessibility debian

twerner at alioth.debian.org twerner at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jul 26 16:41:30 UTC 2008

Author: twerner
Date: 2008-07-26 16:41:29 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 6754

* Apply openjdk-java-access-bridge-tck, taken from Fedora.
* New upstream version.

Added: trunk/java-access-bridge/bridge/org/GNOME/Accessibility/JavaBridge.java
--- trunk/java-access-bridge/bridge/org/GNOME/Accessibility/JavaBridge.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/java-access-bridge/bridge/org/GNOME/Accessibility/JavaBridge.java	2008-07-26 16:41:29 UTC (rev 6754)
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+ * java-access-bridge for GNOME
+ * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+package org.GNOME.Accessibility;
+import org.omg.CORBA.*;
+import org.omg.PortableServer.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import java.awt.EventQueue;
+import java.awt.AWTEvent;
+import org.GNOME.Bonobo.*;
+import org.GNOME.Accessibility.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.event.*;
+import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
+import javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole;
+import javax.accessibility.AccessibleText;
+import javax.accessibility.AccessibleEditableText;
+import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
+import java.security.AccessController;
+public class JavaBridge {
+ static java.beans.PropertyChangeListener globalPropertyChangeListener = null;
+ static java.awt.event.FocusListener focusListener = null;
+ static AccessibleFactory accessibleObjectFactory = null;
+ static java.util.Hashtable accessibleObjectTable = new java.util.Hashtable();
+ static EventQueue accessQueue = null;
+ static AccessibleContext oldFocusSource = null;
+ static String oldFocusText = "";
+ static int oldFocusSelectStart = 0;
+ static int oldFocusSelectEnd = 0;
+ static AccessibleContext oldFocusCtx = null;
+ static AccessibleContext savedFocusSource = null;
+ static java.lang.Object oldEventSource = null;
+ static String oldEventName = null;
+ static int oldDetail1 = -1;
+ static boolean debugFlag = false;
+ static Application the_app;
+ javax.accessibility.Accessible appAccessible;
+	static {
+	 accessibleObjectFactory = new AccessibleFactory();
+	}
+	static {
+ 	  globalPropertyChangeListener = new java.beans.PropertyChangeListener() {
+		  public void propertyChange (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+		        String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
+//			System.out.println ("Prop Change Event: " + e.getSource()+" "+e.getPropertyName());
+			if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CARET_PROPERTY)
+				dispatchCaretProperty(e);
+			else if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_TEXT_PROPERTY)
+				dispatchTextProperty(e);
+			else if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY)
+				dispatchChildProperty(e);
+			else if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_PROPERTY) {
+				java.lang.Object source = e.getSource();
+				java.lang.Object descendant = e.getNewValue();
+				org.omg.CORBA.Any any;
+				AccessibleContext ac = null;
+				int detail1 = -1;
+				any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+				if (descendant != null) {
+					if (descendant instanceof AccessibleContext)
+						ac = (AccessibleContext) descendant;
+					else if (descendant instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible)
+						ac = ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) descendant).getAccessibleContext();
+				}
+				if (ac != null) {
+					org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = getAccessibleObjectFactory().getAccessible(ac);
+					EventDetails ed = new EventDetails();
+					ed.host_application = the_app;
+					ed.source_role = accessible.getRole();
+					ed.source_name = accessible.name();
+					ed.any_data = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+					AccessibleHelper.insert(ed.any_data, accessible);
+					EventDetailsHelper.insert (any, ed);
+					detail1 = ac.getAccessibleIndexInParent ();
+				}
+				dispatchEvent(source, 
+					      "object:active-descendant-changed",
+					      detail1, 0, any);
+			}
+			else if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_SELECTION_PROPERTY) {
+                		boolean textEvent = false;
+				java.lang.Object source = e.getSource();
+				javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole role = null;
+				if (source instanceof AccessibleContext ) {
+					role = ((AccessibleContext) source).getAccessibleRole();
+					if ( (role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.TEXT) 
+					    || role.toDisplayString(java.util.Locale.US).equalsIgnoreCase("paragraph")) 
+					    textEvent = true;
+					else if ( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_BAR ) 
+					    dispatchFocusEvent (source);
+					else if ( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB_LIST ) {
+					    // Generate a focus event for the tab selected.
+					    // Because TABs are not actually components in Java
+					    // they don't generate focus, so we need to simulate.
+					    javax.accessibility.AccessibleSelection aSelection = 
+						((AccessibleContext) source).getAccessibleSelection();
+					    if ( aSelection != null && 
+						 aSelection.getAccessibleSelectionCount() > 0 ) {
+						java.lang.Object child = aSelection.getAccessibleSelection(0);
+						dispatchFocusEvent (child);
+					    }
+					}
+				}
+				if ( textEvent ) {
+				    int selection_start = 0, selection_end = 0;
+				    int selection_change_start = 0, selection_change_end = 0;
+				    org.omg.CORBA.Any any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+				    AccessibleContext ac = null;
+				    if (source instanceof AccessibleContext) 
+					ac = (AccessibleContext) source;
+				    // if this is the currently focussed object, return the delta
+				    // otherwise return the whole thing
+				    AccessibleText text = ac.getAccessibleText ();
+				    boolean new_selection = true;
+				    if (text != null) {
+					selection_start = text.getSelectionStart ();
+				        selection_end = text.getSelectionEnd ();
+				    }
+				    if ((ac != null) && (ac == oldFocusSource)) {
+					if ((selection_start != oldFocusSelectStart) || 
+					    (selection_end != oldFocusSelectEnd)) {
+					    if (selection_start != oldFocusSelectStart) {
+						selection_change_start = selection_start;
+						if (oldFocusSelectEnd != oldFocusSelectStart) 
+						    selection_change_end = oldFocusSelectStart;
+						else
+						    selection_change_end = selection_end;
+					    }
+					    if (selection_end != oldFocusSelectEnd) {
+						selection_change_end = selection_end;
+						if (oldFocusSelectStart != oldFocusSelectEnd)
+						    selection_change_start = oldFocusSelectEnd;
+						else
+						    selection_change_start = selection_start;
+					    }
+					    oldFocusSelectStart = selection_start;
+					    oldFocusSelectEnd = selection_end;
+					}
+					else {
+					    new_selection = false;
+					}
+				    }
+				    else {
+					selection_change_start = selection_start;
+					selection_change_end = selection_end;
+				    }
+				    if (new_selection) {
+					 org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = getAccessibleObjectFactory().getAccessible(ac);
+					EventDetails ed = new EventDetails();
+					ed.host_application = the_app;
+					ed.source_role =  accessible.getRole();
+					ed.source_name = accessible.name();
+					ed.any_data = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any();
+					ed.any_data.insert_string (oldFocusText.substring (
+									 Math.min (selection_change_start, 
+									      selection_change_end),
+									 Math.max (selection_change_start,
+									      selection_change_end)));
+					EventDetailsHelper.insert (any, ed);
+					dispatchEvent(source,
+						      "object:text-selection-changed", 
+						      selection_start, selection_end, any);
+				    }
+				}
+				else {
+				    dispatchEvent(source,
+						  "object:selection-changed", 
+						  0, 0);
+				}
+			}
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				;
+				//dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+				//	      "object:visible-data-changed",
+				//	      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-actions",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				 AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_VALUE_PROPERTY)
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-value",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-description",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				 AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_NAME_PROPERTY)
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-name",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-hypertext-offset",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:model-changed",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-caption",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-summary",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-column-header",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-column-description",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-row-header",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == 
+				dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+					      "object:property-change:accessible-table-row-description",
+					      0, 0);
+			else if (propertyName == AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY) {
+			    java.lang.Object value = e.getNewValue();
+			    java.lang.Object source = e.getSource();
+			    if (value == javax.accessibility.AccessibleState.ARMED ) {
+				javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole role = null;
+				javax.accessibility.Accessible parent = null;
+				javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole parent_role = null;
+				if (source instanceof AccessibleContext ) {
+				    parent = ((AccessibleContext) source).getAccessibleParent();
+				    if ( parent != null )
+					parent_role = parent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleRole();
+				    role = ((AccessibleContext) source).getAccessibleRole();
+				}
+				else if (source instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible) {
+				    parent = ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) source).
+					getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleParent();
+				    if ( parent != null )
+					parent_role = parent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleRole();
+				    role = ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) source).
+					getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleRole();
+				}
+//				if ( parent_role != null )
+//				    System.err.println ("State changed source parent_role " + parent_role );
+//				else 
+//				    System.err.println ("State changed source parent_role null");
+//				if ( role != null )
+//				    System.err.println ("State changed source role " + role );
+//				else 
+//				    System.err.println ("State changed source role null");
+				if ( role != null ) {
+				    if ( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM ||
+					 role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU ) {
+					dispatchFocusEvent (source);
+				    }
+				    else if ( parent_role != null && 
+					      ( parent_role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU && 
+						( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.CHECK_BOX ||
+						  role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.RADIO_BUTTON ) 
+						  ) ) {
+					dispatchFocusEvent (source);
+				    }
+				}
+			    } else if (value == javax.accessibility.AccessibleState.SELECTED
+				       && source instanceof AccessibleContext ) {
+				javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole role = null;
+				role = ((AccessibleContext) source).getAccessibleRole ();
+				if ( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU ) {
+				    dispatchFocusEvent (source);
+				}
+			    } else if (value == javax.accessibility.AccessibleState.FOCUSED) {
+				dispatchFocusEvent (source);
+			    }
+			    // System.err.println ("State changed: " + source + ": new value : " + value);				
+			    dispatchStateProperty(e);
+			}
+		  }	
+	      };
+	  focusListener = new java.awt.event.FocusListener() {
+            public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+                dispatchFocusEvent(e.getSource());
+			}
+			public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+			  ;
+			}
+	  };
+	}
+	public static void main(String args[]) {
+		new JavaBridge();
+	}
+	public JavaBridge() {
+		setDebug();
+		if (debugFlag)
+			System.err.println ("Java Accessibility Bridge for GNOME loaded.\n");
+		// Not sure what kind of arguments should be sent to ORB
+		String vm_rev = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
+			public java.lang.Object run() {
+				return System.getProperty("java.version");
+			}
+		});	
+		if (vm_rev.compareTo("1.4.0") < 0) {
+			System.err.println("WARNING: Java Accessibility Bridge " +
+					   "for GNOME requires JVM version 1.4.0 or greater.");
+		} else {
+			registerApplication();
+		}
+	}
+	public JavaBridge(String[] args) {
+		System.err.println(args);
+		new JavaBridge();
+	}
+	public static POA getRootPOA () {
+		return AccessUtil.getRootPOA ();
+	}
+	public static AccessibleFactory getAccessibleObjectFactory () {
+		return accessibleObjectFactory;
+	}
+	public static java.util.Hashtable getAccessibleObjectTable () {
+		return accessibleObjectTable;
+	}
+	public static java.beans.PropertyChangeListener getGlobalPropertyChangeListener() {
+		return globalPropertyChangeListener;
+	}
+	public static java.awt.event.FocusListener getFocusListener() {
+		return focusListener;
+	}
+	public static AccessibleContext getFocusContext() {
+		return oldFocusSource;
+	}
+	public static void dispatchWindowEvent(java.lang.Object source, String eventName) {
+		try {
+			if (source instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible) {
+				dispatchEvent (((javax.accessibility.Accessible)
+						source).getAccessibleContext(),
+					       eventName,
+					       0,
+					       0);
+			} 
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			System.err.println(ex+" caught.");
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	public static void dispatchEvent(java.lang.Object eventSource,
+					  String eventName,
+					  int detail1,
+					  int detail2,
+                                          org.omg.CORBA.Any any) {
+		AccessibleImpl source;
+		// System.out.println ("dispatching event with ANY type " + any.type ());
+		try {
+			AccessibleContext ac = null;
+			if (eventSource instanceof AccessibleContext) 
+				ac = (AccessibleContext) eventSource;
+			else if (eventSource instanceof 
+				 javax.accessibility.Accessible) 
+				ac = 
+				((javax.accessibility.Accessible) eventSource)
+				.getAccessibleContext();
+			else {
+//				System.out.println ("Event source inaccessible! : " +
+//                                    eventSource.toString() );
+				return;
+			}
+			org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = 
+				getAccessibleObjectFactory().
+				getAccessible(ac);
+			if (!any.type().equivalent(EventDetailsHelper.type())) {
+				EventDetails ed = new EventDetails();
+				ed.host_application = the_app;
+				ed.source_role = accessible.getRole();
+				ed.source_name = accessible.name();
+				ed.any_data = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any();
+				EventDetailsHelper.insert (any, ed);
+			}
+			org.GNOME.Accessibility.Event event = 
+				new org.GNOME.Accessibility.Event (eventName, 
+								   accessible,
+								   detail1, 
+								   detail2,
+								   any);
+//			System.out.println(eventName + " " + 
+//					   detail1 + "," + detail2 + " from " +
+//                       eventSource.toString() );
+			accessible.ref();
+			AccessUtil.getRegistryObject().notifyEvent(event);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.out.println ("Error dispatching event "+eventName+":"+eventSource+"; "+ex);
+		}		
+	}
+	public static void dispatchEvent(java.lang.Object eventSource,
+					  String eventName,
+					  int detail1,
+					  int detail2) {
+		AccessibleImpl source;
+		org.omg.CORBA.Any any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+                dispatchEvent (eventSource, eventName, detail1, detail2, any);
+	}
+	public static boolean dispatchDeviceEvent (DeviceEvent de) {
+		try {
+			if (de == null) return false;
+			else return AccessUtil.getRegistryObject().
+				getDeviceEventController().notifyListenersSync(de);
+		}
+		catch (Exception e)
+		{
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.out.println("Exception in dispatchDeviceEvent " + e);
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	public static void dispatchFocusEvent(java.lang.Object eventSource) {
+		AccessibleContext ctx;
+		// System.err.println ("dispatchFocusEvent: " + eventSource);
+		if (eventSource == null) {
+			oldFocusSource = null;
+			return;
+		}
+		try {
+			if (eventSource instanceof javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext) {
+				ctx = (AccessibleContext) eventSource;
+			}
+			else if (eventSource instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible) {
+				ctx = ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) 
+				       eventSource).getAccessibleContext();
+			}
+			else {
+//				System.out.println ("Focus Event source inaccessible! : " + 
+//                                    eventSource.toString());
+                return;
+			}
+		// If the currently focused object is the eventSource
+		// we do not another focus event.
+		//
+		if (ctx == oldFocusSource)
+			return;
+		else {
+			// System.err.println ("oldFocusSource " + oldFocusSource);
+			// System.err.println ("oldFocusCtx " + oldFocusCtx);
+			// System.err.println ("ctx " + ctx);
+			if (oldFocusSource != null) {
+				javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole role = oldFocusSource.getAccessibleRole ();
+				// Focus event when menu is selected focus
+				// it if window loses and regains focus.
+				// System.err.println (oldFocusSource + " " + role);
+				if (role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU ||
+				    role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM) {
+					String jrootpane = "javax.swing.JRootPane$AccessibleJRootPane";
+					String name = ctx.getClass().getName();
+					// Do not report focus if next focus 
+					// object is a JRootPane. Bug #125691.
+					if (name.compareTo (jrootpane) == 0) {
+						oldFocusCtx = ctx;
+						return;
+					}					
+				}
+				savedFocusSource = ctx;
+			} else if (oldFocusCtx == ctx) {
+				ctx = savedFocusSource;
+			} else {
+				savedFocusSource = ctx;
+			}
+			oldFocusSource = ctx;
+			if ((ctx != null) && (ctx.getAccessibleText () != null)) {
+			    AccessibleText axt = ctx.getAccessibleText ();
+			    oldFocusText = getTextRange (axt, 0, 
+							 axt.getCharCount ());
+			    oldFocusSelectStart = axt.getSelectionStart ();
+			    oldFocusSelectEnd = axt.getSelectionEnd ();
+			}
+			else oldFocusText = "";
+		}
+            //
+            // Handle PAGE_TAB be sending focus-events for PAGE_TAB_LIST
+            // on focused child instead.
+            //
+            javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole role = null;
+            role = ctx.getAccessibleRole();
+            if ( role == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB_LIST ) {
+                // Ensure listeners are attached to page-tab-list still...
+                org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = 
+                      JavaBridge.getAccessibleObjectFactory().getAccessible(ctx);
+                javax.accessibility.AccessibleSelection aSelection = 
+                    ctx.getAccessibleSelection();
+                if ( aSelection != null && 
+                     aSelection.getAccessibleSelectionCount() > 0 ) {
+                    java.lang.Object child = aSelection.getAccessibleSelection(0);
+                    if (child instanceof javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext) {
+                        ctx = (AccessibleContext) child;
+                    }
+                    else if (child instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible) {
+                        ctx = ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) 
+                               child).getAccessibleContext();
+                    }
+                    else 
+                        return;
+                }
+            }
+  			org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = 
+			      JavaBridge.getAccessibleObjectFactory().getAccessible(ctx);
+			org.omg.CORBA.Any any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+			EventDetails ed = new EventDetails();
+			ed.host_application = the_app;
+			ed.source_role = accessible.getRole();
+			ed.source_name = accessible.name();
+			ed.any_data =  AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+			EventDetailsHelper.insert (any, ed);
+			org.GNOME.Accessibility.Event event = new org.GNOME.Accessibility.Event
+				("focus:", accessible, 0, 0, any);
+			// System.out.println("focus: " + ctx);
+			accessible.ref();
+			AccessUtil.getRegistryObject().notifyEvent(event);
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.out.println ("Error dispatching focus event "+":"+eventSource+":"+ex);
+		}		
+	}
+	public static void dispatchCaretProperty(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+		int oldCaretPosition = Integer.parseInt(e.getOldValue().toString());
+		int newCaretPosition = Integer.parseInt(e.getNewValue().toString());
+//        System.err.println("Carent EVENT : " + newCaretPosition + ", " + 
+//                           oldCaretPosition );
+		// check selection, to see if it has changed
+		AccessibleText text = null;
+		if ((e.getSource() instanceof AccessibleContext) && (e.getSource() == oldFocusSource)) {
+		    text = ((AccessibleContext )e.getSource()).getAccessibleText ();
+		    int selection_start = text.getSelectionStart ();
+		    int selection_end = text.getSelectionEnd ();
+		    if ((selection_start != oldFocusSelectStart) || 
+			(selection_end != oldFocusSelectEnd)) {
+			org.omg.CORBA.Any selection_any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+			int selection_change_start = 0;
+			int selection_change_end = 0;
+			if (selection_start != oldFocusSelectStart) {
+			    selection_change_start = selection_start;
+			    if (oldFocusSelectEnd != oldFocusSelectStart)
+				selection_change_end = oldFocusSelectStart;
+			    else
+				selection_change_end = selection_end;
+			}
+			if (selection_end != oldFocusSelectEnd) {
+			    selection_change_end = selection_end;
+			    if (oldFocusSelectStart != oldFocusSelectEnd)
+				selection_change_start = oldFocusSelectEnd;
+			    else
+				selection_change_start = selection_start;
+			}
+			oldFocusSelectStart = selection_start;
+			oldFocusSelectEnd = selection_end;
+			if (selection_change_start != selection_change_end) {
+			    selection_any.insert_string (oldFocusText.substring (
+							     Math.min (selection_change_start, selection_change_end),
+							     Math.max (selection_change_start, selection_change_end)));
+			    dispatchEvent (e.getSource(),
+					   "object:text-selection-changed",
+					   selection_start, selection_end,
+					   selection_any);
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), 
+			      "object:text-caret-moved",
+			      newCaretPosition,
+			      oldCaretPosition);
+	}
+    private static HashMap lastTextSizes = new HashMap();
+    public static void setInitialTextSize( AccessibleContext ac, int size ) {
+        lastTextSizes.put(ac, new Integer(size));
+    }
+    // cut-and-pasted from TextImpl.java
+    private static String getTextRange ( AccessibleText accText, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
+	String text = "";
+	int offset = startOffset;
+	String word = accText.getAtIndex (
+	    javax.accessibility.AccessibleText.WORD, 
+	    startOffset);
+	// go char-by-char until word changes,
+	while (offset < endOffset && word.equals (accText.getAtIndex (
+						      javax.accessibility.AccessibleText.WORD, offset) ) ) {
+	    String character = accText.getAtIndex (
+		javax.accessibility.AccessibleText.CHARACTER, 
+		offset);
+	    ++offset;
+	    if (character != null)
+		text += character; 
+	    // TODO: charbuff would be faster here
+	}
+	// then word by word until offset crosses
+	while (offset < endOffset) {
+	    word = accText.getAtIndex (
+		javax.accessibility.AccessibleText.WORD, 
+		offset);
+	    offset += word.length();
+	    if (offset > endOffset) 
+		text += word.substring (0,
+					word.length() - (offset - endOffset));
+	    else
+		text += word;
+	} // TODO: sentence-by-sentence for even longer spans.
+	return text;
+    }
+    //
+    // In order to overcome some deficiencies in the JAA a private interface
+    // was agreed with SO/OOo to handle more detailed information about text
+    // events that occur. 
+    // The main thing was the ability to tell if the change event was an
+    // insert/delete or replace operation. This is determined from the values
+    // of old and new:
+    //
+    //  OLD         NEW         RESULT
+    //  ---         ---         ------
+    //  NULL        NON-NULL    Insert event
+    //  NON-NULL    NULL        Remove event
+    //  NON-NULL    NON-NULL    Replace/Update event
+    //  NULL        NULL        Undetermined - signal general change
+    // 
+    // Another addition is the ability to pass a range for old and new values
+    // rather than a single object. This allows us to be able to pass the
+    // appropriate information to GNOME as required. We only support an array
+    // which as 2 Integer class values in it - a start and end point.
+    //
+    // Standard Java is to pass only a single Integer newValue at present, so
+    // this behaviour remains unchanged.
+    //
+	public static void dispatchTextProperty(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+		try {
+            java.lang.Object newValueObject = e.getNewValue();
+            java.lang.Object oldValueObject = e.getOldValue();
+            // Initialize to "All Changed" values.
+            int newValue = 0;
+            int oldValue = -1;
+            String eventString = "object:text-changed";
+            org.omg.CORBA.Any any = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+            if ( newValueObject instanceof Integer ) {
+                AccessibleContext ac = null;
+                java.lang.Object eventSource = e.getSource();
+                if (eventSource instanceof AccessibleContext) 
+                    ac = (AccessibleContext) eventSource;
+                else if (eventSource instanceof 
+                     javax.accessibility.Accessible) ac = 
+                         ((javax.accessibility.Accessible) eventSource)
+                         .getAccessibleContext();
+                AccessibleText aText = ac.getAccessibleText();
+		AccessibleEditableText aeText = ac.getAccessibleEditableText();
+                int charCount = aText.getCharCount();
+                Integer prevCount = (Integer)lastTextSizes.put(ac, new Integer(charCount));
+                int prevCharCount;
+                if ( prevCount == null )
+                    prevCharCount = 0;
+                else
+                    prevCharCount = prevCount.intValue();
+                if (charCount > prevCharCount) {
+                    eventString += ":insert";
+                    oldValue = charCount - prevCharCount;
+		    if (aeText != null) {
+			any.insert_string (aeText.getTextRange (((Integer)newValueObject).intValue(),
+							       ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue() + oldValue));
+			if (ac == oldFocusSource)
+			    oldFocusText = aeText.getTextRange (0, charCount);
+		    }
+		    else if ((ac != null) && (ac == oldFocusSource)) {
+			any.insert_string (oldFocusText.substring (
+				       ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue(),
+				       ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue() + 
+				       oldValue));
+			oldFocusText = getTextRange (aText, 0, charCount);
+		    }
+		}
+                else if ( charCount < prevCharCount ) {
+                    eventString += ":delete";
+                    oldValue = prevCharCount - charCount;
+		    if ((ac != null) && (ac == oldFocusSource) && (oldFocusText != "")) {
+			int substart = ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue();
+			int subend = substart + oldValue;
+			if (oldFocusText.length() < subend)
+			    System.err.println ("WARNING: subend " + subend + " > len : " + oldFocusText + " - substart = " + substart);
+			any.insert_string (oldFocusText.substring (
+				       ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue(),
+				       ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue() + 
+				       oldValue));
+		    }
+		    // otherwise, can't retrieve the lost contents
+		    oldFocusText = getTextRange (aText, 0, charCount);
+                }
+                else {
+                    eventString += ":replace";
+		    if (aeText != null) {
+			String replacedString = aeText.getTextRange (0, charCount);
+			any.insert_string (replacedString);
+			if (ac == oldFocusSource)
+			    oldFocusText = replacedString;
+		    }
+		    else if (ac == oldFocusSource)
+			oldFocusText = getTextRange (aText, 0, charCount);
+                }
+                newValue = ((Integer)newValueObject).intValue();
+            }
+            /*
+             * Old text change protocol for Oo
+             */ 
+            else if ( newValueObject instanceof Integer[] ||
+                      oldValueObject instanceof Integer[] ) {
+                Integer[] newInts = (Integer[])newValueObject;
+                Integer[] oldInts = (Integer[])oldValueObject;
+                if ( (newInts != null && newInts.length != 2) ||
+                     (oldInts != null && oldInts.length != 2) ) {
+                    System.err.println("TEXT_CHANGED EVENT: Unexpected length of new/old values");
+                }
+                if ( newValueObject != null && oldValueObject == null ) {
+                    // Insert
+                    eventString += ":insert";
+                    newValue = newInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = newInts[1].intValue();
+                }
+                else if ( oldValueObject != null && newValueObject == null ) {
+                    // Delete
+                    eventString += ":delete";
+                    newValue = oldInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = oldInts[1].intValue();
+                }
+                else if ( newValueObject != null && oldValueObject != null ) {
+                    // Replace (or Update)
+                    // TODO - At present GNOME appears to send two seperate
+                    // events for this, so generate them... It's hoped that
+                    // this will change in the future.
+                    // Send a delete event
+                    newValue = oldInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = oldInts[1].intValue();
+                    dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), eventString + ":delete", 
+                                  newValue, oldValue, any);
+                    // Now setup so that an insert will be sent below.
+                    eventString += ":insert";
+                    newValue = newInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = newInts[1].intValue();
+                }
+            }
+            /*
+             * New text change protocol for Oo
+             */ 
+            else if ( newValueObject instanceof java.lang.Object[] ||
+                      oldValueObject instanceof java.lang.Object[] ) {
+                java.lang.Object[] newObjs = (java.lang.Object[])newValueObject;
+                java.lang.Object[] oldObjs = (java.lang.Object[])oldValueObject;
+                String text;
+                Integer[] newInts;
+                Integer[] oldInts;
+                if ( (newObjs != null && newObjs.length != 3) ||
+                     (oldObjs != null && oldObjs.length != 3) ) {
+                    System.err.println("TEXT_CHANGED EVENT: Unexpected length of new/old values");
+                }
+                newInts = new Integer[2];
+                oldInts = new Integer[2];
+                text = null;
+                if (newValueObject != null) {
+                    newInts[0] = (Integer)newObjs [0];
+                    newInts[1] = (Integer)newObjs [1];
+                }
+                if (oldValueObject != null) {
+                    oldInts[0] = (Integer)oldObjs [0];
+                    oldInts[1] = (Integer)oldObjs [1];
+                }
+                if ( newValueObject != null && oldValueObject == null ) {
+                    // Insert
+                    eventString += ":insert";
+                    newValue = newInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = newInts[1].intValue();
+                    text = (String)newObjs[2];
+                }
+                else if ( oldValueObject != null && newValueObject == null ) {
+                    // Delete
+                    eventString += ":delete";
+                    newValue = oldInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = oldInts[1].intValue() - oldInts[0].intValue();
+                    text = (String)oldObjs[2];
+                }
+                else if ( newValueObject != null && oldValueObject != null ) {
+                    // Replace (or Update)
+                    // TODO - At present GNOME appears to send two seperate
+                    // events for this, so generate them... It's hoped that
+                    // this will change in the future.
+                    // Send a delete event
+                    newValue = oldInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = oldInts[1].intValue();
+                    text = (String)oldObjs[2];
+                    org.omg.CORBA.Any any_replace = AccessUtil.getORB().create_any ();
+                    if (text != null) {
+                        any_replace.insert_string (text);
+                    }
+                    dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), eventString + ":delete", 
+                                  newValue, oldValue, any_replace);
+                    // Now setup so that an insert will be sent below.
+                    eventString += ":insert";
+                    newValue = newInts[0].intValue();
+                    oldValue = newInts[1].intValue();
+                    text = (String)newObjs[2];
+                }
+                if (text != null) {
+                    any.insert_string (text);
+                }
+            }
+            else if ( newValueObject == null && oldValueObject == null ) {
+                    // Report all-changed. Nothing to do programatically
+                    // because it's the default behaviour...
+            }
+            else {
+                System.err.println("UNHANDLED TEXT_CHANGED EVENT NewValue CLASS: " 
+                                   + newValueObject.getClass().getName() );
+            }
+            // Dispatch the Event now.
+            dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), eventString, newValue, oldValue, any);
+        } catch (Exception ex) {
+			System.out.println("caught "+ex);
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	public static void dispatchChildProperty(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+        boolean add_event;
+		String eventName;
+        add_event = false;
+		eventName = "object:children-changed";
+        if ( e.getNewValue() != null && e.getOldValue() == null ) {
+		    eventName += ":add";
+            add_event = true;
+        }
+        else if ( e.getOldValue() != null && e.getNewValue() == null ) {
+		    eventName += ":remove";
+            add_event = false;
+        }
+        else {
+            add_event = false;
+        }
+        if ( add_event && e.getSource() instanceof javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext ) {
+            AccessibleRole ar = ((AccessibleContext)e.getSource()).getAccessibleRole();
+            if ( ar != null ) {
+                // System.err.println("ChildEvent to a " + ar.toString() );
+                if ( ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_BAR ||
+                     ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.POPUP_MENU ||
+                     ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU ||
+                     ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM ) {
+                    traverseMenus( (AccessibleContext)e.getSource() );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	//System.err.println ("dispatching child event: "+ eventName);
+	dispatchEvent(e.getSource(),
+		      eventName,
+		      0,
+		      0);
+	}
+	public static void dispatchStateProperty(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+		java.lang.Object oldValue = e.getOldValue();
+		java.lang.Object newValue = e.getNewValue();
+		java.lang.Object object = e.getSource();
+		StateTypeAdapter stateType;
+        int              detail1;
+        // System.err.println("StateProp: new = " +    
+        //                     ((newValue == null)?("null"):(newValue.toString()))
+        //                     + " ; old = " + 
+        //                     ((oldValue == null)?("null"):(oldValue.toString())) );
+		if (newValue != null) {
+			stateType = new StateTypeAdapter((javax.accessibility.AccessibleState)newValue);
+            detail1 = 1;
+		} else {
+			stateType = new StateTypeAdapter((javax.accessibility.AccessibleState)oldValue);
+            detail1 = 0;
+		}
+		// State COLLAPSED has been deprecated in AT-SPI, should now be using
+		// the state EXPANDED wit the value of 0 instead.
+		if ( stateType.value() == StateType._STATE_COLLAPSED ) {
+		    stateType = 
+			new StateTypeAdapter(javax.accessibility.AccessibleState.EXPANDED);
+		    detail1 = 0;
+		}
+		String eventName = "object:state-changed:" + stateType.getName();
+		//System.out.println ("dispatching state event: " + eventName);
+		if (object == oldEventSource &&
+		    eventName.compareTo(oldEventName) == 0 &&
+		    detail1 == oldDetail1)
+			return;
+		oldEventSource = object;
+		oldEventName = eventName;
+		oldDetail1 = detail1;
+		dispatchEvent(e.getSource(), eventName, detail1, /*detail2*/ 0  );
+	}
+    static private class AttachListenerRunnable implements Runnable {
+        private org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible;
+        public AttachListenerRunnable( org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible _accessible ) {
+            accessible = _accessible;
+        }
+        public void run() {
+            try {
+                JavaBridge.attachListenerRecurse(accessible);
+            }
+            catch ( Exception e ) {
+                // System.err.println("AttachListener: exception caught " + e.toString() );
+		if (debugFlag) 
+			e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    static private void startAttachListener( org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible acc ) {
+        SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new AttachListenerRunnable( acc ) );
+        // ( new Thread( new AttachListenerRunnable( acc ) ) ).start();
+    }
+    static private final int max_recurse_depth  = 10;
+    static private final int max_children_block = 200;
+    static private void attachListenerRecurse( org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible ) {
+       org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible a;
+       if ( accessible == null )
+           return;
+       int count = accessible.childCount();
+       // System.err.println("ChildCount = " + count );
+       // XXX - Try to handle case where very large count of children
+       if ( count < max_children_block ) {
+           for ( int i =0; i < count; i++ ) {
+               attachListenerRecurse( accessible.getChildAtIndex(i) );
+           }
+       }
+       else {
+           // System.err.println("Num Children > " + max_children_block + " : returning...");
+           return;
+       }
+    }
+    static public boolean traverseMenus( AccessibleContext ac ) {
+        return traverseMenus( ac, 0 );
+    }
+    static public boolean traverseMenus( AccessibleContext ac, int depth ) {
+       boolean rVal = false;
+       if ( ac != null && depth < max_recurse_depth ) {
+           // Recursively descend hierarchy until we find menus
+           // System.err.println("traverseMenus( depth = " + depth + " )" );
+           AccessibleRole ar = ac.getAccessibleRole();
+           if ( ar != null ) {
+               if ( ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_BAR ||
+                    ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.POPUP_MENU ||
+                    ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU ||
+                    ar == javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole.MENU_ITEM ) {
+                   //attach listeners
+                   // System.err.println("Found Menus!!!! depth = " +depth);
+                   org.GNOME.Accessibility.Accessible accessible = 
+                        getAccessibleObjectFactory().
+                        getAccessible(ac);
+                   startAttachListener( accessible );
+                   rVal = true;
+               }
+               else {
+                   // iterate children until get true or handled all
+                   for ( int i = 0; i < ac.getAccessibleChildrenCount(); i++) {
+                       javax.accessibility.Accessible a = ac.getAccessibleChild( i );
+                       if ( a != null ) {
+                           getAccessibleObjectFactory()
+                                   .getAccessible(a.getAccessibleContext());
+                           rVal = traverseMenus( a.getAccessibleContext(), depth + 1 );
+                           if ( rVal ) // Found a menu, we can go now...
+                               break;
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       return rVal;
+    }
+	public boolean registerApplication() {
+		try {
+			Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec ("gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility");
+			BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader (
+				new InputStreamReader (p.getInputStream ()));
+			String result = b.readLine();
+			if (result == null ||
+                            !result.equals ("true")) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (AccessUtil.getRegistryObject() == null)
+				return false;
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.err.println ("Registering Application.");
+			appAccessible = new ApplicationAccessible ();
+			Application aref = getAccessibleObjectFactory().
+                               getApplication(appAccessible.getAccessibleContext());
+			the_app = aref;
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.err.println(aref);
+			AccessUtil.getRegistryObject().registerApplication(aref);
+			if (debugFlag) {
+				System.err.println(aref.name() + ":" + aref.id());
+				System.err.println("Just registered Application");
+			}
+			return true;
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			if (debugFlag)
+				System.out.println("Error registering application, exception is: "+ e);
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	public static EventQueue getEventQueue () {
+		if (accessQueue == null) 
+			accessQueue = new AccessQueue ();
+		return accessQueue;
+	}
+	public static class AccessQueue extends EventQueue {
+		static KeyEvent pendingKeyPress = null;
+		public AccessQueue () {
+			super ();
+		}
+		public void dispatchEvent (AWTEvent e) {
+			if (e instanceof KeyEvent) 
+				filterKeyEvent ((KeyEvent) e);
+			else
+				super.dispatchEvent (e);
+		}
+        private static boolean isModifierKey( KeyEvent e ) {
+            switch ( e.getKeyCode() ) {
+                case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT:
+                case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL:
+                case KeyEvent.VK_META:
+                case KeyEvent.VK_ALT:
+                case KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH:
+                    return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+		public void filterKeyEvent (KeyEvent e) {
+			boolean isConsumed = false;
+			DeviceEvent de = null;
+			//System.err.println ("key event " + e.getKeyChar ());
+			if (e.getID () == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
+				// If this is a KEY_PRESSED event that's not an action,
+				// hold it and wait for KEY_TYPED
+				if (e.isActionKey () || isModifierKey( e ) ) {
+					de = KeyEventAdapter.deviceEventFromKeyEvent (e);
+					isConsumed = 
+						JavaBridge.dispatchDeviceEvent (de);
+					pendingKeyPress = null;
+				} else {
+					pendingKeyPress = e;
+					isConsumed = true;
+				}
+			} else if (e.getID () == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) {
+				if (pendingKeyPress != null) {
+					de = KeyEventAdapter.coalescePressAndTyped (
+						pendingKeyPress, e);
+					if (de == null) { // coalesce unsuccessful!
+						//System.out.println ("Key coalesce attempt failure!");
+						de = KeyEventAdapter.deviceEventFromKeyEvent ( pendingKeyPress);
+						isConsumed = JavaBridge.dispatchDeviceEvent (de);
+						if (! isConsumed)
+							super.dispatchEvent (
+								pendingKeyPress);
+						pendingKeyPress = null;
+						de =
+							KeyEventAdapter.deviceEventFromKeyEvent (e);
+					}
+				} else {
+					de = KeyEventAdapter.deviceEventFromKeyEvent (e);
+				}
+				isConsumed = JavaBridge.dispatchDeviceEvent (de);
+				if ( isConsumed ) pendingKeyPress = null;
+			} else if (e.getID () == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
+				if (pendingKeyPress != null) 
+					super.dispatchEvent (pendingKeyPress);
+				de = KeyEventAdapter.deviceEventFromKeyEvent (e);
+				isConsumed = JavaBridge.dispatchDeviceEvent (de);
+				pendingKeyPress = null;
+			}
+			if (! isConsumed) {
+				if (pendingKeyPress != null) {
+					super.dispatchEvent (pendingKeyPress);
+					pendingKeyPress = null;
+				}
+				super.dispatchEvent (e);
+			} 
+		}
+	}
+  public static void exit() {
+  }
+	private void setDebug() {
+		try {
+			Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec ("env");
+			BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader (
+				new InputStreamReader (p.getInputStream ()));
+			String result = b.readLine();
+			if (result == null) 
+				return;
+			String str;
+			while ((str = b.readLine()) != null) {
+				if (str.indexOf ("GNOME_ACCESSIBILITY") >= 0) {
+					debugFlag = true;
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		catch (Exception e) {
+		}
+	}

Modified: trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/changelog
--- trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/changelog	2008-07-26 16:06:24 UTC (rev 6753)
+++ trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/changelog	2008-07-26 16:41:29 UTC (rev 6754)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+java-access-bridge (1.23.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Apply openjdk-java-access-bridge-tck, taken from Fedora.
+ -- Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>  Thu, 24 Jul 2008 14:14:03 +0200
+java-access-bridge (1.23.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version.
+ -- Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>  Fri, 11 Jul 2008 18:35:08 +0000
 java-access-bridge (1.22.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * first upload to Debian (Closes: #346599)

Modified: trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/control
--- trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/control	2008-07-26 16:06:24 UTC (rev 6753)
+++ trunk/java-access-bridge/debian/control	2008-07-26 16:41:29 UTC (rev 6754)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 Package: libaccess-bridge-java
 Architecture: all
-Depends: openjdk-6-jre | icedtea-java7-jre | java5-runtime-headless
+Depends: openjdk-6-jre | cacao-oj6-jre | java5-runtime-headless
 Description: Java Access Bridge for GNOME
  This module contains the Java Access Bridge for GNOME, 
  which connects the built-in accessibility support in

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