[pkg-java] r10663 - trunk/libjibx-java/debian/patches

Michael Koch mkoch at alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 27 14:15:42 UTC 2009

Author: mkoch
Date: 2009-09-27 14:15:41 +0000 (Sun, 27 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 10663

updated for new upstream version

Modified: trunk/libjibx-java/debian/patches/01_build_xml.patch
--- trunk/libjibx-java/debian/patches/01_build_xml.patch	2009-09-27 11:33:24 UTC (rev 10662)
+++ trunk/libjibx-java/debian/patches/01_build_xml.patch	2009-09-27 14:15:41 UTC (rev 10663)
@@ -1,140 +1,34 @@
---- jibx-1.0.1/build/build.xml	2006-01-02 19:45:56.000000000 +0000
-+++ jibx-1.0.1_COMPILED/build/build.xml	2006-03-05 16:44:08.000000000 +0000
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
-   <!-- The directories -->
-   <property name="root" value="${basedir}"/>
-   <property name="lib" value="${basedir}/lib"/>
-+  <property name="javalib" value="/usr/share/java"/>
-   <property name="build" value="${basedir}/build"/>
-   <property name="src" value="${build}/src"/>
-   <property name="extrassrc" value="${build}/extras"/>
-@@ -36,9 +37,9 @@
-   <!-- Other definitions -->
-   <property name="project" value="JiBX Java data binding to XML"/>
-   <property name="projname" value="jibx"/>
--  <property name="bindname" value="jibx-bind"/>
--  <property name="runname" value="jibx-run"/>
--  <property name="extrasname" value="jibx-extras"/>
-+  <property name="bindname" value="jibx-bind-1.0.2"/>
-+  <property name="runname" value="jibx-run-1.0.2"/>
-+  <property name="extrasname" value="jibx-extras-1.0.2"/>
-   <property name="version" value="1.0"/>
-   <property name="distribname" value="jibx_1_0_2"/>
-   <property name="fullname" value="jibx-full"/>
-@@ -58,19 +59,19 @@
-   <path id="project-classpath">
-     <pathelement location="${binddest}"/>
-     <pathelement location="${rundest}"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-     <!-- The dom4j.jar and jdom.jar are only needed for distribution tests and builds -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar"/>
--  	<pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/dom4j.jar"/>
-+  	<pathelement location="${javalib}/jdom1.jar"/>
+--- libjibx-java-1.2.1.orig/build/build.xml
++++ libjibx-java-1.2.1/build/build.xml
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+   <!-- Common classpaths -->
+   <path id="support-classpath">
+     <fileset dir="${lib}" includes="*.jar" excludes="asm*.jar,org.eclipse.*.jar,qdox*.jar,jibx*.jar"/>
++	<fileset dir="/usr/share/java" includes="bcel.jar" />
-   <path id="binding-classpath">
-     <pathelement location="${binddest}"/>
-     <pathelement location="${rundest}"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/bcel.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/bcel.jar"/>
-     <!-- The dom4j.jar and jdom.jar are only needed for distribution tests and builds -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar"/>
--  	<pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/dom4j.jar"/>
-+  	<pathelement location="${javalib}/jdom1.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <path id="tests-classpath">
-     <pathelement location="${testdest}"/>
-@@ -79,53 +80,63 @@
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${extrasname}.jar"/>
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-     <!-- The dom4j.jar and jdom.jar are only needed for distribution tests and builds -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar"/>
--  	<pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/dom4j.jar"/>
-+  	<pathelement location="${javalib}/jdom1.jar"/>
-     <!-- The Xerces jars are only needed for testing on JDK 1.3 -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xml-apis.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xercesImpl.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xml-apis.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xercesImpl.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <path id="javadoc-classpath">
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${bindname}.jar"/>
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${runname}.jar"/>
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${extrasname}.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/bcel.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/bcel.jar"/>
-     <!-- The dom4j.jar and jdom.jar are only needed for distribution tests and builds -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/dom4j.jar"/>
--  	<pathelement location="${lib}/jdom.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/dom4j.jar"/>
-+  	<pathelement location="${javalib}/jdom1.jar"/>
-     <!-- The Xerces jars are only needed for distribution builds on JDK 1.3 -->
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xml-apis.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xercesImpl.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xml-apis.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xercesImpl.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <!-- Need to add jars at point of use, so that build doesn't test with old
-    version (because Ant apparently gets the files at time of definition) -->
-   <path id="tools-classpath">
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${bindname}.jar"/>
-     <pathelement location="${lib}/${runname}.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/bcel.jar"/>
--    <pathelement location="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/bcel.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="${javalib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-   </path>
    <!-- Optional components -->
--  <available property="dom4j" file="${lib}/dom4j.jar"/>
--  <available property="jdom" file="${lib}/jdom.jar"/>
-+  <available property="dom4j" file="${javalib}/dom4j.jar"/>
-+  <available property="jdom" file="${javalib}/jdom1.jar"/>
-+  <!-- clean target to make sure source tree is *exactly* the same as before -->
-+  <target name="clean" depends="clean-bind,clean-run,clean-extras,clean-tests">
-+    <delete quiet="true" includeemptydirs="true">
-+      <fileset dir="${build}/classes" includes="**/*"/>
-+    </delete>
-+    <delete quiet="true" includeemptydirs="true">
-+      <fileset dir="${build}/docs" includes="**/*"/>
-+    </delete>
-+  </target>
-   <!-- Delete binding class files -->
-   <target name="clean-bind">
--    <delete quiet="true" file="${bindname}.jar"/>
-+    <delete quiet="true" file="${lib}/${bindname}.jar"/>
-     <delete quiet="true" dir="${binddest}/org/jibx/binding"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- Delete runtime class files -->
-   <target name="clean-run">
--    <delete quiet="true" file="${runname}.jar"/>
-+    <delete quiet="true" file="${lib}/${runname}.jar"/>
-     <delete quiet="true" dir="${rundest}/org/jibx/runtime"/>
-   </target>
-   <!-- Delete extras class files -->
-   <target name="clean-extras">
--    <delete quiet="true" file="${extrasname}.jar"/>
-+    <delete quiet="true" file="${lib}/${extrasname}.jar"/>
-     <delete quiet="true" dir="${extrasdest}/org/jibx/extras"/>
-   </target>
-@@ -279,7 +290,7 @@
-         <pathelement path="${testdest}"/>
-         <pathelement path="${lib}/${runname}.jar"/>
-         <pathelement path="${lib}/${extrasname}.jar"/>
--        <pathelement path="${lib}/xpp3.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="${javalib}/xpp3.jar"/>
+@@ -232,12 +233,14 @@
+       deprecation="on">
+       <classpath>
+         <fileset dir="${lib}" includes="*.jar" excludes="asm*.jar,org.eclipse.*.jar,qdox*.jar,${schemaname}.jar,${toolsname}.jar"/>
++        <fileset dir="/usr/share/java" includes="log4j-1.2.jar" />
-       <!-- This is the full set of crossbar tests with most combinations included -->
+     </javac>
+     <java classname="org.jibx.binding.Compile" fork="yes" failonerror="true">
+       <classpath>
+         <pathelement path="${schemadest}"/>
+         <fileset dir="${lib}" includes="*.jar" excludes="asm*.jar,org.eclipse.*.jar,qdox*.jar,${schemaname}.jar,${toolsname}.jar"/>
++        <fileset dir="/usr/share/java" includes="bcel.jar" />
+       </classpath>
+       <arg value="${src}/schema-noprefix-binding.xml"/>
+       <arg value="${src}/schema-xsprefix-binding.xml"/>
+@@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@
+   <!-- Intermediate targets, not to be run directly. -->
+   <target name="build-jibx" depends="compile-run,compile-bind,compile-extras"/>
+-  <target name="tojars" depends="build-jibx,jar-run,jar-bind,jar-extras,jar-schema,jar-tools"/>
++  <target name="tojars" depends="build-jibx,jar-run,jar-bind,jar-extras,jar-schema"/>
+   <!-- Targets for building and testing the framework. -->
+   <target name="debug" depends="setdebug,build-jibx"/>

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