[pkg-java] r12032 - in trunk/statsvn/debian: . manpages
Vincent Fourmond
fourmond at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 6 20:25:13 UTC 2010
Author: fourmond
Date: 2010-04-06 20:25:12 +0000 (Tue, 06 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 12032
[statsvn] Update manual page from upstream's wiki
Modified: trunk/statsvn/debian/changelog
--- trunk/statsvn/debian/changelog 2010-04-06 20:15:16 UTC (rev 12031)
+++ trunk/statsvn/debian/changelog 2010-04-06 20:25:12 UTC (rev 12032)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+statsvn (0.7.0.dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Pull option documentation from upstream's wiki:
+ http://wiki.statsvn.org/Default.aspx?Page=User Manual (closes: 576664)
+ Thanks to Mathieu Malaterre for pointing out.
+ -- Vincent Fourmond <fourmond at debian.org> Tue, 06 Apr 2010 22:24:27 +0200
statsvn (0.7.0.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release (closes: #572613)
Modified: trunk/statsvn/debian/manpages/statsvn.1
--- trunk/statsvn/debian/manpages/statsvn.1 2010-04-06 20:15:16 UTC (rev 12031)
+++ trunk/statsvn/debian/manpages/statsvn.1 2010-04-06 20:25:12 UTC (rev 12032)
@@ -83,99 +83,234 @@
.BR statsvn 's
+.SS General Options
+.BI -output-dir \ <directory>
+Specify an output directory. The reports will be generated in this
+directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
-.B \-version
-print the version information and exit
+.BI -include \ <include-pattern-list>
-.BI \-output\-dir \ dir
-directory where HTML suite will be saved
+.BI -exclude \ <exclude-pattern-list>
+Specify filters to exclude files from the analysis. A file will be
+ignored if it doesn't match any of the patterns in
+.I include-pattern-list\fR, or if it matches any pattern in
+.IR exclude-pattern-list .
+The patterns are lists of Apache Ant-style wildcard patterns,
+seperated by colons or semicolons. The wildcards are:
+ * '?' matches a single character
+ * '*' matches zero or more characters
+ * '**' matches zero or more directories
+For example, src/**/*.java matches all java files in the src directory
+or its subdirectories. Note that *.java only matches java files in the
+root directory, because '*' does not match subdirectories.
+One more example:
+.I -include "**/*.c:**/*.h" -exclude "legacy/**"
+This matches all .c and .h files anywhere in the directory tree except
+those in the legacy directory and its subdirectories.
+For more information on Ant's wildcard syntax, see the Patternset
+section of the Ant manual.
+If not specified, all files will be included and no files will be
+.B Note\fR: Unix users must put the patterns in quotes, or the shell will
+interfere with the wildcards.
-.BI \-include \ pattern
-include only files matching pattern, e.g. **/*.c;**/*.h
+.BI -cache-dir \ <directory>
+Specify a cache directory for information retrieved from the
+Subversion server (e.g. line counts). The data will be saved in this
+directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist. By
+default, the current user directory is used.
-.BI \-exclude \ pattern
-exclude matching files, e.g. tests/**;docs/**
+.BI -username \ <subversion_username>
+Specify a username to use when connecting to the Subversion server.
-.BI \-title \ title
-Project title to be used in reports
+.BI -password \ <subversion_username>
+Specify a password to use when connecting to the Subversion server.
-.BI \-viewvc \ url
-integrate with ViewCVS installation at
-.I url
+.BI -tags \ <tags-regularexpression>
+Includes information about Subverison tags into the reports. Only tags
+matching the regular expression are included. To include all tags, add
+-tags '.*' to the command line.
+.B Note: \fR Unix users must put the expression in quotes, or the shell will
+interfere with the wildcards.
+.B Note: \fR Tags are determined by looking at your repository's /tags
+directory. To be able to use this feature, you must generate the log
+file from the root of your repository, so that the log contains
+information from both the /tags and the /trunk. The checked out
+version does not have to contain the tags directory.
-.BI \-trac \ url
-integrate with Trac installation at
-.I url
+.BI -tags-dir \ <directory>
+Specifies the root directory from which the tags regular expression is
+evaluated. The default -tags-dir is /tags/
-.BI \-bugzilla \ url
-integrate with Bugzilla installation at
-.I url
+.BI -no-developer \ <login-name>
+Excludes a Subversion account name from all developer reports. This is
+useful to reduce noise from administrative and other non-developer
+accounts. Multiple accounts can be excluded by adding the option to
+the command line once for each account.
+.SS Report Options
-.BI \-username \ svnusername
+.BI -xdoc
+Generate Maven XDoc instead of HTML. This allows Maven and Maven 2 to
+integrate the reports when it generates the projects Maven
+site. Reports could be placed, for example, into src/site/statsvn.
-.BI \-password \ svnpassword
-username and password for
-.BR svn (1)
+.BI -xml
+Generate XML instead of HTML.
-.BI \-tags \ 'regularexpression'
-includes information about Subversion tags matching
-.I regularexpression
-into the reports (to include all tags use -tags '.*')
+.BI -css \ <stylesheet>
+Optional (default varies for html or xdoc). Specify a Cascading Style
+Sheet for the report. This can be a HTTP URL or a local file. A URL
+will simply be linked in every page of the report. A local file will
+be copied into the report directory.
-.B \-xdoc
-generates Maven XDoc instead of HTML for output
+.BI -notes \ <notes-file>
+The contents of the specified file will be included at the top of the
+report's index page. The file should contain a valid block-level HTML
+fragment, for example:
+ <p>
+ These are development statistics for the
+ <a href="http://www.statsvn.org">StatSVN</a>
+ project, created by StatSVN itself.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Note:</strong>
+ This report was generated by an unreleased
+ development version of StatSVN. It might
+ contain features not yet found in the
+ official release.
+ </p>
-.BI \-threads \ number
-How many concurrent
-.BR svn (1)
-processes will be spawned
+.BI -title \ <title>
+Specifies a display title to be used in the reports. The name of the
+Subversion module will be used as default if no title is specified.
-.B \-dump
-dump the Repository content on console.
+.BI -config-file \ <path-to-properties-file>
+Allows one to replace the source control username with more
+information such as real name, website, email and avatar icon. See
+this file for an example.
-.B \-xdoc
-.I xdoc
-output format.
+.BI -charset \ <charSet>
+Specifies the charset to use in HTML or XDOC output. ISO-8859-1 will
+be used as default if no charset is specified.
-.B \-xml
-.I xml
-output format.
+.BI -disable-twitter-button
+if present, exclude the Twitter "Tweet This" buttons from the output.
+.SS Options for Integration with External Tools
-.BI \-charset \ name
-Specifies the charset of the output.
+.BI -bugzilla
+Specify the URL of a root of a Bugzilla installation. Will
+replace 'Bug ###' in commit logs with a link to the appropriate
+bug. (New in StatSVN)
-.B \-verbose
-print extra progress information
+.BI -chora \ <chora-url>
+Specify the URL of a Chora installation for the module. This must be
+the URL of the page for the module's root directory. StatSVN will
+create links to Chora for directories, files and revisions.
+.BI -viewvc \ <viewvc-url>
+Specify the URL of a ViewVC installation for the module. This must be
+the URL of the page for the module's root directory. StatSVN will
+create links to ViewVC for directories, files and revisions.
+.BI -mantis \ <mantis-url>
+Specify the root URL of a Mantis bug tracker installation. In commit
+messages, this will turn “Bug ####” into a link to the appropriate
+.BI -trac \ <trac-url>
+Specify the root URL of a Trac installation. In commit messages, this
+will turn “Bug ####” into a link to the appropriate bug.
+.SS Miscellaneous Options
+.BI -debug
+Output lots of additional progress information.
+.BI -verbose
+Output additional progress information.
+.BI -version
+Output the version of StatSVN.
+.BI -dump
+Will output the repository content on console and stop
+.BI -concurrency-threshold \ <millisec>
+Switch to concurrent svn diff if the first call takes more than the
+threshold (in milliseconds) (default: 4000)
+.BI -threads \ <int>
+How many threads for svn diff (default: 25)
+.BI -anonymize
+Anonymizes committer names.
Unlike its cousin
.BR statcvs (1),
.B statsvn
-can work on distant repositories. Please note however, that
+can work on distant repositories. Please note however, that
.B statsvn
needs to download many diffs from the repository, so it is often more
-network-efficient to simply
+network-efficient to simply
.BR rsync (1)
the repository to a local host and run it on the local copy.
@@ -189,7 +324,7 @@
.BR svn (1)
processes might be too much for the target host. If you get weird
error messages about unreachable hosts and similar problems, try
-taking down the
+taking down the
.I \-threads
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