[SCM] eclipse - Powerful IDE written in java - Debian package. branch, master, updated. c3edb4a8703709a8464115507854b4496c86fc8a

Niels Thykier nthykier-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 9 13:28:54 UTC 2010

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "eclipse - Powerful IDE written in java - Debian package.".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  c3edb4a8703709a8464115507854b4496c86fc8a (commit)
      from  50cb7a13aacf9cc592e3ed79519f649ffb6075f6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c3edb4a8703709a8464115507854b4496c86fc8a
Author: Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net>
Date:   Tue Mar 9 14:26:10 2010 +0100

    Made copyright-gen.pl sort copyright holders by name.
     - prevents "no-change" re-ordering if a holder is changed.
    Made copyright-gen.pl merge "Corp" and "Corporation" entries and
     removed duplicate file entries.


Summary of changes:
 debian/copyright              |  144 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 debian/extra/copyright-gen.pl |   18 ++++-
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 6956ec1..a9acec9 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -3,96 +3,92 @@ Name: Eclipse
 Source: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/linuxtools/eclipse-build
 Files: *
-Copyright: 2008-2009, Code 9 and others
-           2007-2009, Matthew Hall and others
-           2007, IBM, Composent Inc. and others
-           2004-2008, QNX Software Systems and others
-           2008, Micah Hainline and others
-           2009, Avaloq Evolution AG and others
-           2009, Vladimir Piskarev and others
-           2005, Maik Schreiber
-           2006, Cognos Incorporated
-           2005-2007, Remy Suen
-           2008-2009, Adobe Systems, Inc. and others
-           2006-2009, Cerner Corporation and others
+Copyright: 2008-2009, Adobe Systems, Inc. and others
+           2008-2009, Aleksandra Wozniak and others
+           2009, Anyware Technologies and others
+           2000-2005, Apache Software Foundation
            1983-2002, Apple Computer, Inc
-           2006, Pampered Chef and others
+           2009, Avaloq Evolution AG and others
+           2003-2006, BBDO Detroit and others
+           2005-2009, BEA Systems Inc. and others
+           2005-2009, BEA Systems, Inc
+           2005-2009, BEA Systems, Inc. and others
+           2008-2009, Band XI International, LLC and others
            2007, Benjamin Muskalla and others
+           2007-2008, Brad Reynolds and others
+           2008, Bredex GmbH and others
+           2006-2009, Cerner Corporation and others
            2006-2009, Cloudsmith Inc
-           2008, Cypal Solutions
-           2004-2009, Richard Hoefter and others
-           2000-2006, John-Mason P. Shackelford and others
-           2005-2009, BEA Systems Inc. and others
-           2006, IBM, Inc and Composent, Inc
-           2008-2009, EclipseSource Corporation and others
-           2005-2009, Matt Carter and others
-           2007, Matthew Conway and others
-           2009, Daniel Le Berre and others
-           2000-2005, Matt Conway and others
-           2003-2009, IBM Corp
-           2008-2009, Peter Centgraf and others
-           2009, Cloudsmith and others
-           2009, ThoughtWorks, Inc. and others
            2009, Cloudsmith Inc, and other
-           2000-2009, IBM and others.
+           2009, Cloudsmith Inc. and others
+           2009, Cloudsmith and others
+           2008-2009, Code 9 Corporation and others
+           2008-2009, Code 9 and others
+           2006, Cognos Incorporated
+           2006-2008, Cognos Incorporated, IBM Corporation
+           2004-2008, Composent, Inc
            2004-2009, Composent, Inc. and others
+           2004-2009, Composent, Inc., IBM
+           2004, Composent, Inc., Peter Nehrer, Boris Bokowski
+           2008, Cypal Solutions
+           2009, Daniel Le Berre and others
+           2004-2006, Eclipse Foundation and others
+           2008-2009, EclipseSource Corporation and others
+           2008-2009, EclipseSource and others
            2009, EclipseSource, Inc
+           2007-2008, Ecliptical Software Inc. and others
+           2009, Eric Rizzo and others
+           2002-2008, GEBIT Gesellschaft fuer EDV-Beratung
            2008-2009, Genuitec, LLC and others
-           2002-2006, Object Factory Inc
-           2006-2009, Brad Reynolds and others
-           2008-2009, Versant Corp. and others
-           1997-2009, ProSyst Software GmbH
            2005-2008, Gunnar Wagenknecht and others
-           2005-2009, Wind River Systems and others
-           2002-2008, GEBIT Gesellschaft fuer EDV-Beratung
-           2006-2008, Cognos Incorporated, IBM Corporation
-           2005-2009, BEA Systems, Inc
-           2009, Cloudsmith Inc. and others
-           2009, Anyware Technologies and others
-           2003-2006, BBDO Detroit and others
-           2005-2008, David Orme <djo at coconut-palm-software.com>
-           2007-2009, compeople AG and others
-           2008, Jay Rosenthal
-           2005-2008, db4objects Inc. (http://www.db4o.com) and others
-           2004-2008, Red Hat Incorporated and others
-           2000-2005, Apache Software Foundation
-           2004-2008, Composent, Inc
-           2004-2006, Eclipse Foundation and others
+           1999-2009, IBM Corporation
+           2000-2007, IBM Corporation, BEA Systems, Inc., and others
+           2000-2009, IBM and others.
+           2007, IBM, Composent Inc. and others
+           2006, IBM, Inc and Composent, Inc
            2005-2008, Intel Corporation and others
-           2007-2008, aQute and others
-           2009, Eric Rizzo and others
-           2008-2009, Aleksandra Wozniak and others
-           2008, Jay Rosenthal and others
-           2004-2009, Composent, Inc., IBM
-           2008-2009, Band XI International, LLC and others
-           2008-2009, Code 9 Corporation and others
-           2005-2009, BEA Systems, Inc. and others
-           2009, Oakland Software and others
-           2005-2009, db4objects Inc. http://www.db4o.com
-           2006-2009, Tom Schindl and others
            2007, JCraft,Inc. and others
-           2008, Marko Topolnik and others
+           2008, Jay Rosenthal
+           2008, Jay Rosenthal and others
+           2000-2006, John-Mason P. Shackelford and others
            2000-2007, Keith Seitz and others
-           1999-2009, IBM Corporation
-           2004, Composent, Inc., Peter Nehrer, Boris Bokowski
-           2008-2009, Oakland Software Incorporated and others
-           2008, Versant Corp
+           2005, Maik Schreiber
+           2008, Marko Topolnik and others
            2008-2009, Mateusz Matela and others
+           2005-2009, Matt Carter and others
+           2000-2005, Matt Conway and others
+           2007, Matthew Conway and others
+           2007-2009, Matthew Hall and others
+           2008, Micah Hainline and others
+           2008-2009, Oakland Software Incorporated and others
+           2009, Oakland Software and others
+           2002-2006, Object Factory Inc
+           2008-2009, Peter Centgraf and others
+           1997-2009, ProSyst Software GmbH
+           2004-2008, QNX Software Systems and others
+           2010, Red Hat Inc. and others
+           2004-2008, Red Hat Incorporated and others
+           2005-2007, Remy Suen
+           2004-2009, Richard Hoefter and others
+           2009, ThoughtWorks, Inc. and others
+           2006-2009, Tom Schindl and others
+           2008, Versant Corporation
+           2008-2009, Versant Corporation. and others
+           2009, Vladimir Piskarev and others
+           2006-2009, Wind River Systems and others
            2007-2008, Wind River Systems, Inc. and others
-           2000-2007, IBM Corporation, BEA Systems, Inc., and others
-           2008-2009, EclipseSource and others
-           2007-2008, Ecliptical Software Inc. and others
+           2007-2008, aQute and others
+           2007-2009, compeople AG and others
+           2005-2008, db4objects Inc. (http://www.db4o.com) and others
+           2005-2009, db4objects Inc. http://www.db4o.com
            2005-2007, db4objects Inc. http://www.db4o.com and others
-           2006-2009, Pampered Chef, Inc. and others
-           2008, Bredex GmbH and others
 License: EPL-1.0
 Files: eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/*,
-       eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.registry/src/org/eclipse/core/internal/registry/ReferenceMap.java,
-       eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.help.base/src_demo/org/apache/lucene/demo/html/*,
-       eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.registry/src/org/eclipse/core/internal/registry/ReferenceMap.java,
+       eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.registry/src/org/eclipse/core/internal/registry/ReferenceMap.java,
+       eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.help.base/src_demo/org/apache/lucene/demo/html/*,
@@ -104,8 +100,8 @@ Files: eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/*,
-Copyright: 2001-2004, Apache Software Foundation
-           2004-2005, IBM Corp
+Copyright: 2004-2005, IBM Corporation
+           2001-2004, Apache Software Foundation
            2000-2009, OSGi Alliance
 License: Apache-2.0
@@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ Files: "eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT Mozilla/common/org/eclipse/s
        "eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT Mozilla/common/org/eclipse/swt/internal/mozilla/nsIXPCSecurityManager.java",
        "eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/cairo/library/*",
        "eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/cairo/org/eclipse/swt/internal/cairo/*"
-Copyright: 2003-2009, IBM Corp
+Copyright: 2003-2009, IBM Corporation
 License: MPL-1.1
 Files: eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.ide/src/org/eclipse/ui/internal/views/markers/MarkerSortUtil.java
diff --git a/debian/extra/copyright-gen.pl b/debian/extra/copyright-gen.pl
index b561817..5afcc40 100755
--- a/debian/extra/copyright-gen.pl
+++ b/debian/extra/copyright-gen.pl
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ while ( my ($license, $holderMap) = each(%$lic)){
 	push(@$cr, $crdata);
 	generateFileList($files, $flist);
-    print "Files: ". join(",\n       ", @$files) . "\n";
+    print "Files: ". join(",\n       ", unique(sort(@$files))) . "\n";
     print "Copyright: " .  join("\n           ", @$cr) . "\nLicense: $li\n\n";
@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ sub handleCP{
 	    $years = '?';
-    $cp =~ s/^s\s+//o;
+    $cp =~ s/^s?\s+//o;
+    $cp =~ s/\bCorp\.?\b/Corporation/oi;
     $cp =~ s@/\s*\|\|.+$@@o;
     $cp =~ s/^\s*+(,|by|the)\s*+//oi;
     $cp =~ s/\s*+$//o;
@@ -289,9 +290,20 @@ sub parseYears{
 sub mergeHolders{
     my $hmap = shift;
     my $ret = [];
-    while( my ($holder, $ylist) = each(%$hmap) ){
+    foreach my $holder (sort(keys(%$hmap))) {
+	my $ylist = $hmap->{$holder};
 	my $y = parseYears($ylist);
 	push(@$ret, "$y, $holder");
     return $ret;
+sub unique {
+    my @unique = ();
+    my %seen   = ();
+    foreach my $elem ( @_ ) {
+	next if $seen{ $elem }++;
+	push @unique, $elem;
+    }
+    return @unique;

eclipse - Powerful IDE written in java - Debian package.

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