[SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, policy-dc10, updated. 0.31-42-g116c34b

Niels Thykier nthykier-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Sep 30 15:01:35 UTC 2010

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "UNNAMED PROJECT".

The branch, policy-dc10 has been updated
       via  116c34b6130fdc5f42bd3ac8ede1ce043cde0076 (commit)
      from  fcfda69b7e116b0575cb7644da072be9ca8748b0 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 116c34b6130fdc5f42bd3ac8ede1ce043cde0076
Author: Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net>
Date:   Thu Sep 30 17:00:37 2010 +0200

    Use a defined value as return value for find_inc.


Summary of changes:
 jh_manifest |   55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jh_manifest b/jh_manifest
index cd003c1..92dee0c 100755
--- a/jh_manifest
+++ b/jh_manifest
@@ -292,32 +292,45 @@ sub resolve_link{
     return $target;
+sub find_inc{
+    my $jar = shift;
+    my $path = $jar;
+    $path =~ s@/[^/]+$@@og;
+    foreach my $inc (@incdir){
+        if($path =~ m/$inc$/){
+            return $inc;
+        }
+    }
+    return '';
 sub rewrite_classpath{
     my $jar = shift;
     my $cp = shift;
-    my $target;
-    my $rel = 0;
     if( -e $cp ){
+        #  Only rewrite if it is a public library.
+        return $cp unless(find_inc($cp));
+        # Absolute system installed library
         return resolve_link($jar, $cp);
-    }
-    foreach my $inc (@incdir){
-        if( -e "$inc/$cp" ){
-            return resolve_link($jar, $cp, $inc);
-        }
-    }
-    # $cp definitely do not point to a system installed library
-    # but it could point to a library in a package we are currently working with.    if( -e $cp || -e "/usr/share/java/$cp" ){
-    foreach my $pkg (@packages){
-        my $ptmpdir = tmpdir($pkg);
-        # Skip if it does not exists
-        next unless( -d $ptmpdir );
-        $ptmpdir = Cwd::abs_path($ptmpdir) or error("Cannot resolve the path to the tempdir of $pkg,");
-        if( -e "$ptmpdir/$cp"){
-            return resolve_link($jar, $cp, '', $ptmpdir);
-        }
-        foreach my $inc (@incdir){
-            if( -e "$ptmpdir/$inc/$cp" ){
-                return resolve_link($jar, $cp, $inc, $ptmpdir);
+    } else {
+        my $reldir = find_inc($jar);
+        if( $reldir && -e "$reldir/$cp" ){
+            return resolve_link($jar, $cp, $reldir);
+        } else {
+            # $cp definitely do not point to a system installed library
+            # but it could point to a library in a package we are currently working with.
+            foreach my $pkg (@packages){
+                my $ptmpdir = tmpdir($pkg);
+                # Skip if it does not exists
+                next unless( -d $ptmpdir );
+                $ptmpdir = Cwd::abs_path($ptmpdir) or error("Cannot resolve the path to the tempdir of $pkg,");
+                if( -e "$ptmpdir/$cp"){
+                    return $cp unless(find_inc("$ptmpdir/$cp"));
+                    return resolve_link($jar, $cp, '', $ptmpdir);
+                }
+                if( $reldir && -e "$ptmpdir/$reldir/$cp" ){
+                    return resolve_link($jar, $cp, $reldir, $ptmpdir);
+                }


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