[SCM] GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education branch, build, updated. debian/

Giovanni Mascellani mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
Sat Dec 24 09:35:21 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the build branch:
commit 471cd86c8bb504bd65a1615886f165d5f67c2ed4
Author: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
Date:   Thu Dec 8 15:38:55 2011 +0100

    Patches updated.

diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/ScientificFormat.java.diff b/debian/patches/patch/ScientificFormat.java.diff
index 672fd96..6cf0d22 100644
--- a/debian/patches/patch/ScientificFormat.java.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/patch/ScientificFormat.java.diff
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
  1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/geogebra/util/ScientificFormat.java b/geogebra/util/ScientificFormat.java
-index e9fb8c9..d903341 100644
+index 839e673..d983c7f 100644
 --- a/geogebra/util/ScientificFormat.java
 +++ b/geogebra/util/ScientificFormat.java
-@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ public class ScientificFormat extends Format
+@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ public class ScientificFormat extends Format
           if (dwe.hasAsymmetricError())
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ index e9fb8c9..d903341 100644
              int errorSigDigit = resolveErrorSigDigit(dwe.getValue(),dwe.getError());
-@@ -238,4 +238,4 @@ public class ScientificFormat extends Format
+@@ -237,4 +237,4 @@ public class ScientificFormat extends Format
  //      return format(dx, resolveErrorSigDigit(d, dx));
  //   }
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ index e9fb8c9..d903341 100644
 \ No newline at end of file
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/ScientificFormat.java (depends on: master)
+tg: (87975a1..) patch/ScientificFormat.java (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/applet_export.diff b/debian/patches/patch/applet_export.diff
index b3d42b4..3f3e900 100644
--- a/debian/patches/patch/applet_export.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/patch/applet_export.diff
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
  1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/geogebra/export/WorksheetExportDialog.java b/geogebra/export/WorksheetExportDialog.java
-index fd5eb93..c52b647 100644
+index b489be3..bb7a89c 100644
 --- a/geogebra/export/WorksheetExportDialog.java
 +++ b/geogebra/export/WorksheetExportDialog.java
-@@ -679,10 +679,15 @@ public class WorksheetExportDialog extends JDialog {
- 	 * whether a signed or unsigned applet is needed for the options set.
+@@ -1109,10 +1109,15 @@ public class WorksheetExportDialog extends JDialog {
+ 	 * unsigned applet is needed for the options set.
  	private URL getAppletCodebase() {
--		URL codebase = app.getCodeBase();
+-		URL codebase = Application.getCodeBase();
 +		URL codebase = null;
 +		try {
 +			codebase = new URL("http://www.geogebra.org/webstart/");
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ index fd5eb93..c52b647 100644
 +		}
  		if (!cbSavePrint.isSelected()) {
  			try {
--				codebase = new URL(app.getCodeBase(), "unsigned/");
+-				codebase = new URL(Application.getCodeBase(), "unsigned/");
 +				codebase = new URL(codebase, "unsigned/");
  			} catch (Exception e) {
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/applet_export (depends on: master)
+tg: (87975a1..) patch/applet_export (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/build.xml.diff b/debian/patches/patch/build.xml.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index f267965..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/patch/build.xml.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-From: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
-Subject: [PATCH] patch/build.xml
-Fixes the build.xml for just building GeoGebra.
-Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- build.xml |  432 ++++++++-----------------------------------------------------
- 1 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
-index 668c4e0..3a624dc 100644
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -38,22 +38,31 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 	<property name="src.dir" location="."/>
- 	<property name="propertiessrc.dir" location="./geogebra/properties"/>
--	<property name="propertiestemp.dir" location="../buildggb32/tempproperties"/>
--	<property name="build.dir" location="../buildggb32"/>
--	<property name="temp.dir" location="../buildggb32/temp"/>
--	<property name="workspace.dir" location="../"/>
-+	<property name="propertiestemp.dir" location="build/tempproperties"/>
-+	<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
-+	<property name="javacc.dir" location="build/javacc"/>
-+	<property name="temp.dir" location="build/temp"/>
- 	<!-- build signed and unsigned GeoGebra jar files -->
- 	<target name="geogebra" 
--		depends="clean, ggb-jar-files, obfuscate, ggb-jar-index, 
--					copyJars, sign, pack, preloadHtml, finish">	  
--	</target>
--	<!-- build jar files for testing without obfuscation -->
--	<target name="geogebra-test" 
--		depends="clean, ggb-jar-files, ggb-jar-index, 
--					copyJars, sign, pack, preloadHtml, finish">	  
-+		depends="ggb-jar-files">	  
- 	</target>
-+	<target name="compile" depends="makedirs">
-+		<mkdir dir="${javacc.dir}/geogebra/kernel/parser"/>
-+		<javacc target="geogebra/kernel/parser/Parser.jj"
-+				outputdirectory="${javacc.dir}/geogebra/kernel/parser"
-+				javacchome="/usr/share/java"
-+				static="false">
-+		</javacc>
-+		<javac destdir="."
-+				target="1.5" source="1.5" debug="on" encoding="UTF-8">
-+			<src>
-+				<dirset dir="." includes="geogebra,jasymca"/>
-+				<dirset dir="${javacc.dir}"/>
-+			</src>
-+		</javac>
-+ 	</target>
- 	<!-- create all jar files -->
- 	<target name="ggb-jar-files" 
-@@ -63,11 +72,30 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 	<manifest file="../manifest.mf">	    
- 		<attribute name="Main-Class" value="geogebra.GeoGebra"/>
- 		<attribute name="Class-Path" 
--			value="geogebra.jar geogebra_main.jar geogebra_gui.jar geogebra_properties.jar geogebra_export.jar geogebra_cas.jar"/>
-+			value="/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra.jar
-+				/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra_main.jar
-+				/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra_gui.jar
-+				/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra_properties.jar
-+				/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra_export.jar
-+				/usr/share/geogebra/geogebra_cas.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/mathpiper.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/commons-math.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/jama.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-io.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-io-tests.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-export.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-swing.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-xml.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-util.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-graphics2d.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-graphicsio.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-graphicsio-svg.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-graphicsio-pdf.jar
-+				/usr/share/java/freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar"/>
- 		<!--	<attribute name="SplashScreen-Image" value="geogebra/splash.gif"/>	-->
- 	</manifest>	
--	<target name="clean">
-+	<target name="makedirs">
- 		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
- 		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/packed"/>
- 		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/unpacked"/>
-@@ -79,6 +107,11 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		    <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="**/geogebra*.jar, **/gluegen-rt.jar, **/jogl.jar, **/jlatexmath.jar, **/jlm_*.jar,**/*.jar.pack.gz, **/*.html"/>
- 		</delete>		
- 	</target>
-+	<target name="clean">
-+		<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
-+		<delete file="**/*.class"/>
-+	</target>
- 	<target name="finish">		
- 		<delete dir="${propertiestemp.dir}"/>		   
-@@ -109,7 +142,7 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 	</target>
- 	<!-- geogebra.jar loads the geogebra_main.jar file and starts up the application/applet  -->
--	<target name="ggb-jar" depends="clean" description="create unsigned geogebra.jar">		
-+	<target name="ggb-jar" depends="compile" description="create unsigned geogebra.jar">		
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra.jar" manifest="../manifest.mf" >		
- 			<fileset dir="${src.dir}"		   
- 				includes="geogebra/*"			
-@@ -132,7 +165,7 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 	<!-- geogebra_main.jar includes all basic classes to run the application and applet  -->
--	<target name="ggb-main-jar" depends="clean" description="create unsigned geogebra_main.jar">		
-+	<target name="ggb-main-jar" depends="compile" description="create unsigned geogebra_main.jar">		
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra_main.jar"		
- 			basedir="${src.dir}"		   
- 			includes="**/*.class, 				
-@@ -156,7 +189,7 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		/>
- 	</target>
--	<target name="ggb-export-jar" depends="clean" description="create unsigned geogebra_export.jar">
-+	<target name="ggb-export-jar" depends="compile" description="create unsigned geogebra_export.jar">
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra_export.jar"
- 			basedir="${src.dir}"
- 			includes="geogebra/export/**, 
-@@ -166,7 +199,7 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		/>
- 	</target>
--	<target name="ggb-cas-jar" depends="clean" description="create unsigned geogebra_cas.jar">
-+	<target name="ggb-cas-jar" depends="compile" description="create unsigned geogebra_cas.jar">
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra_cas.jar"
- 			basedir="${src.dir}"
- 			includes="geogebra/cas/**,
-@@ -176,7 +209,7 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		/>
- 	</target>
--	<target name="ggb-gui-jar" depends="clean" description="create unsigned geogebra_gui.jar">
-+	<target name="ggb-gui-jar" depends="compile" description="create unsigned geogebra_gui.jar">
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra_gui.jar"
- 			basedir="${src.dir}"
- 			includes="geogebra/gui/**"
-@@ -184,91 +217,13 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		/>
- 	</target>
--	<target name="ggb-properties-jar" depends="clean, stripComments" description="create unsigned geogebra_properties.jar">
-+	<target name="ggb-properties-jar" depends="stripComments" description="create unsigned geogebra_properties.jar">
- 		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/geogebra_properties.jar"
- 			basedir="${propertiestemp.dir}"
- 			includes="**/*"			 
- 		/>
- 	</target>
--	<!-- Define Proguard task -->
--	<taskdef 
--		resource="proguard/ant/task.properties" 
--		classpath="proguard44.jar" />
--	<!-- Define pack200 task -->
--	<taskdef name="p200ant"
--	    classname="de.matthiasmann.p200ant.P200AntTask"
--	    classpath="p200ant_java5only.jar"/>
--	<!-- Obfuscate jar files without signing -->
--	<target name="obfuscate" depends="ggb-jar-files">
--		<!-- check if java142-rt.jar file present -->
--	    <condition property="java142-rt.present">
--	    	<available file="${workspace.dir}/java142-rt.jar"/>
--	    </condition>
--		<antcall target="doObfuscate"/>
--	</target>
--	<target name="doObfuscate" if="java142-rt.present" description="obfuscate jar files">
--			<proguard configuration="build.pro"/>
--			<move todir="${build.dir}">
--			    <fileset dir="${temp.dir}">
--			      <include name="*.jar"/>
--			    </fileset>
--			</move>
--			<delete dir="${temp.dir}"/>
--	</target>
--	<!-- Sign jar files -->
--	<target name="sign" depends="ggb-jar-files">	    	
--		<!-- check if keystore file present -->
--		<condition property="keystore.present">
--			<available file="${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.p12"/>
--		</condition>		
--		<antcall target="doSign"/>	
--	</target>
--	<target name="doSign" if="keystore.present" description="sign jar files">	
--		<!-- repack jars -->
--	    <fileset id="jars2pack" dir="${build.dir}">
--	        <include name="*.jar"/>
--	    </fileset>	        
--	    <p200ant repack="true"  configFile="p200.config">
--	        <fileset refid="jars2pack"/>
--	    </p200ant>	   
--		<!-- sign jars -->
--		<signjar 
--			keystore="${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.p12" 	
--			alias="International GeoGebra Institute's GlobalSign nv-sa ID"
--			storetype="pkcs12"
--			storepass="geogebra">
--		    <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
--		</signjar>    
--	</target>
--	<!-- pack jars -->
--	<target name="pack" description="pack jar files">
--	    <fileset id="unsignedJars" dir="${build.dir}/unsigned/unpacked">
--			<include name="*.jar"/>
--		</fileset>	
--		<p200ant destdir="${build.dir}/unsigned/packed"  configFile="p200.config">
--	        <fileset refid="unsignedJars"/>
--	    </p200ant>	
--		<move todir="${build.dir}/unpacked">
--	      <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
--            <include name="*.jar" />
--	      </fileset>
--        </move>
--		<fileset id="signedJars" dir="${build.dir}/unpacked">
--			<include name="*.jar"/>
--		</fileset>	
--		<p200ant destdir="${build.dir}/packed"  configFile="p200.config">
--	        <fileset refid="signedJars"/>
--	    </p200ant>	
--	</target>
- 	<!-- reads the version/build number from geogebra.GeoGebra.java -->
- 	<target name="readVersion">
- 		<loadfile property="fullversion" srcfile="${src.dir}/geogebra/GeoGebra.java">
-@@ -327,280 +282,5 @@ office at geogebra.org
- 		<echo> ${builddate}   </echo>
- 		-->
- 	</target>
--	<!-- creates preload.html by inserting version strings into preload.txt -->
--	<target name="preloadHtml" depends="readVersion">
--		<copy file="${src.dir}/preload.txt"
--		      tofile="${build.dir}/unsigned/preload.html">
--		</copy>
--		<replace file="${build.dir}/unsigned/preload.html" 
--			token="VERSION_STRING" value="${fullversion}"/>
--	</target>
--	<target name="installer" depends="installer-clean, installer-windows, installer-macosx"/>
--	<target name="installer-clean">
--		<delete dir="${build.dir}/installer"/>
--		<mkdir  dir="${build.dir}/installer"/>
--		<mkdir  dir="${build.dir}/installer/windows"/>
--		<mkdir  dir="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned"/>
--		<mkdir  dir="${build.dir}/installer/windows/temp"/>
--		<mkdir  dir="${build.dir}/installer/macosx"/>
--	</target>
--	<!-- defines the launch4j and nsis tasks used to create the Windows installer -->
--	<taskdef name="launch4j" classname="net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask" classpath="installer/launch4j/launch4j.jar" />
--    <taskdef name="nsis" classname="net.sf.nsisant.Task" classpath="installer/nsisant-1.2.jar" />
--	<!-- defines the conditions used during creation of the Windows installer -->
--	<condition property="installer-windows">
--		<or>
--			<os family="winnt"/>
--			<and>
--				<os family="mac"/>
--				<available file="/Applications/Wine.app"/>
--			</and>
--		</or>
--	</condition>
--	<condition property="installer-windows-keystore">
--		<and>
--			<available file="${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc"/>
--			<or>
--				<and>
--					<os family="winnt"/>
--					<available file="${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.pvk"/>
--				</and>
--				<and>
--					<os family="mac"/>
--					<available file="${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.der"/>
--				</and>
--			</or>
--		</and>
--	</condition>
--	<condition property="installer-windows-uninstaller" value="${build.dir}\installer\windows\unsigned\">
--		<os family="winnt"/>
--	</condition>
--	<condition property="installer-windows-uninstaller" value="C:\">
--		<os family="mac"/>
--	</condition>
--	<condition property="installer-windows-osfamily-mac">
--		<os family="mac"/>
--	</condition>
--	<!-- creates a GeoGebra.exe installer for Windows -->
--	<target name="installer-windows" depends="readVersion" if="installer-windows">
--		<launch4j configFile="${src.dir}/installer/geogebra.xml"
--			outfile="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/geogebra.exe"
--			fileVersion="${fullversion}"
--			txtFileVersion="${fullversion}"
--			productVersion="${fullversion}"
--			txtProductVersion="${fullversion}"/>
--		<copy file="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/geogebra.exe" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/windows/geogebra.exe"/>
--		<nsis script="installer/geogebra.nsi" verbosity="1" path="${src.dir}/installer/nsis">
--			<define name="build.dir"   value="${build.dir}"/>
--			<define name="fullversion" value="${fullversion}"/>
--			<define name="versionname" value="${versionname}"/>
--			<define name="builddate"   value="${builddate}"/>
--			<define name="outfile"     value="${build.dir}/installer/windows/temp/uninstaller.exe"/>
--			<define name="uninstaller" value="${installer-windows-uninstaller}"/>
--		</nsis>
--		<exec executable="${build.dir}/installer/windows/temp/uninstaller.exe" osfamily="winnt"/>
--		<exec dir="/Applications/Wine.app/Contents/MacOS" executable="/Applications/Wine.app/Contents/MacOS/startwine" osfamily="mac">
--			<arg file="${build.dir}/installer/windows/temp/uninstaller.exe"/>
--			<env key="WINEPREFIX" value="${workspace.dir}/wine"/>
--		</exec>
--		<antcall target="installer-windows-move-uninstaller"/>
--		<copy file="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/uninstaller.exe" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/windows/uninstaller.exe"/>
--		<antcall target="installer-windows-sign-components"/>
--		<nsis script="installer/geogebra.nsi" verbosity="1" path="${src.dir}/installer/nsis">
--			<define name="build.dir"   value="${build.dir}"/>
--			<define name="fullversion" value="${fullversion}"/>
--			<define name="versionname" value="${versionname}"/>
--			<define name="builddate"   value="${builddate}"/>
--			<define name="outfile"     value="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe"/>
--		</nsis>
--		<copy file="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/windows/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe"/>
--		<antcall target="installer-windows-sign-installer"/>
--		<move file="${build.dir}/installer/windows/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe"/>
--		<delete dir="${build.dir}/installer/windows"/>
--	</target>
--	<target name="installer-windows-move-uninstaller" if="installer-windows-osfamily-mac">
--		<move file="${workspace.dir}/wine/drive_c/uninstaller.exe" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/uninstaller.exe"/>
--	</target>
--	<target name="installer-windows-sign-uninstall-generator" if="installer-windows-keystore">
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/signcode" osfamily="winnt">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -v '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.pvk' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll '${build.dir}/installer/windows/temp/uninstaller.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--	</target>
--	<target name="installer-windows-sign-components" if="installer-windows-keystore">
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/signcode" osfamily="winnt">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -v '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.pvk' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll '${build.dir}/installer/windows/geogebra.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/signcode" osfamily="winnt">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -v '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.pvk' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll '${build.dir}/installer/windows/uninstaller.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/osslsigncode" osfamily="mac">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -key '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.der' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll -in '${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/geogebra.exe' -out '${build.dir}/installer/windows/geogebra.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/osslsigncode" osfamily="mac">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -key '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.der' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll -in '${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/uninstaller.exe' -out '${build.dir}/installer/windows/uninstaller.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--	</target>
--	<target name="installer-windows-sign-installer" if="installer-windows-keystore">
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/signcode" osfamily="winnt">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -v '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.pvk' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll '${build.dir}/installer/windows/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--		<exec executable="${src.dir}/installer/osslsigncode" osfamily="mac">
--			<arg line="-spc '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.spc' -key '${workspace.dir}/igi-keystore.der' -n GeoGebra -i http://www.geogebra.org/ -t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll -in '${build.dir}/installer/windows/unsigned/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe' -out '${build.dir}/installer/windows/GeoGebra_Installer_${versionname}.exe'"/>
--		</exec>
--	</target>
--	<!-- defines the jarbundler task used to create the Mac OS X bundle -->
--	<taskdef name="jarbundler" classname="net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler" classpath="installer/jarbundler-2.1.0.jar" />
--	<!-- creates a GeoGebra.app bundle for Mac OS X -->
--	<target name="installer-macosx" depends="readVersion">
--		<jarbundler
--				dir="${build.dir}/installer/macosx"
--				name="GeoGebra"
--				mainclass="geogebra.GeoGebra" 
--				jar="${build.dir}/unpacked/geogebra.jar"
--				build="${build}"
--				bundleid="geogebra.GeoGebra"
--				icon="installer/geogebra.icns"
--				infostring="GeoGebra ${fullversion}, (C) 2001-2010 International GeoGebra Institute"
--				jvmversion="1.4.2+"
--				shortname="GeoGebra"
--				signature="GGB"
--				stubfile="installer/JavaApplicationStub"
--				version="${version}">
--			<javaproperty name="apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" value="true" />
--			<javafileset dir="${build.dir}/unpacked" />
--			<javafileset dir="${build.dir}/unsigned" includes="unpacked/*.jar" />
--			<documenttype
--				name="GeoGebra File"
--				extensions="ggb"
--				mimetypes="application/vnd.geogebra.file"
--				iconfile="installer/geogebra.icns"
--				role="Editor" />
--			<documenttype
--				name="GeoGebra Tool"
--				extensions="ggt"
--				mimetypes="application/vnd.geogebra.tool"
--				iconfile="installer/geogebra.icns"
--				role="Editor" />
--		</jarbundler>
--		<copy file="${src.dir}/installer/gpl-2.0.txt" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/macosx/GeoGebra.app/Contents/Resources/gpl-2.0.txt" />
--		<move file="${build.dir}/installer/macosx/GeoGebra.app/Contents/Resources/Java/unpacked" tofile="${build.dir}/installer/macosx/GeoGebra.app/Contents/Resources/Java/unsigned" />
--		<zip destfile="${build.dir}/installer/GeoGebra_${versionname}.zip">
--			<zipfileset dir="${build.dir}/installer/macosx" excludes="GeoGebra.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub" />
--			<zipfileset dir="${build.dir}/installer/macosx" includes="GeoGebra.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub" filemode="755" />
--		</zip>
--		<delete dir="${build.dir}/installer/macosx" />
--	</target>
--	<!--builds BSD package -->
--	<target name="packageBSD" depends="readVersion">
--	    <property name="bsd.name" value="geogebra-${fullversion}"/>
--		<tar destfile="${build.dir}/packages/${bsd.name}-src.tar.gz" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu">
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/unix/bsd"
--			              prefix="geogebra-${fullversion}">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}"
--			              fullpath="license.txt">
--			    <include name="_LICENSE.txt"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}/unpacked"
--			              prefix="${bsd.name}">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}/unsigned/unpacked"
--			              prefix="${bsd.name}/unsigned">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/geogebra"
--			              prefix="geogebra-${fullversion}/src/geogebra">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			    <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/org"
--			              prefix="geogebra-${fullversion}/src/org">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			    <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/jasymca"
--			              prefix="geogebra-${fullversion}/src/jasymca">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			    <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--			  <tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/META-INF"
--			              prefix="geogebra-${fullversion}/src/META-INF">
--			    <include name="**"/>
--			    <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
--			  </tarfileset>
--		</tar>
--	</target>
--	<!--builds Debian package -->
--	<target name="package" depends="readVersion">
--		<taskdef name="deb" classname="com.googlecode.ant_deb_task.Deb" 
--					classpath="ant-deb-0.0.1.jar"/>
--	    <property name="deb.tree" value="${build.dir}/deb"/>
--		<property name="deb.version" value="${fullversion}"/>
--		<property name="deb.packages" value="${build.dir}/packages"/>
--		<property name="deb.package" value="${deb.packages}/geogebra_${deb.version}_all.deb"/>
--		<mkdir dir="${deb.packages}"/>
--		<deb toDir="${deb.packages}" postinst="unix/debcontrol/postinst"
--			package="geogebra"
--			version="${deb.version}"
--			postrm="unix/debcontrol/postrm"
--			section="math"
--			priority="optional"
--			maintainer="Markus Hohenwarter <markus at geogebra.org>"
--			architecture="all"
--			recommends="sun-java6-jre | sun-java5-jre, imagemagick"
--			depends="sun-java6-jre | sun-java5-jre | default-jre"
--			packageEntry="${deb.packages}/Packages"
--			repoLocation=""
--			>
--			<description synopsis="Dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education">
-- GeoGebra joins arithmetic, geometry, algebra and calculus. It offers multiple
-- representations of objects in its graphics, algebra, and spreadsheet views
-- that are all dynamically linked.
-- This package also contains a thumbnailer for .ggb files which runs only when
-- imagemagick is installed. 
--			</description>
--		 	<tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/unix/usr/share" prefix="./usr/share"/>
--			<tarfileset dir="${src.dir}/unix/usr/bin" prefix="./usr/bin" filemode="755"/>
--		 	<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}/unpacked" prefix="./usr/share/geogebra/lib"/>
--			<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}/unsigned/unpacked" prefix="./usr/share/geogebra/lib/unsigned"/>
--		</deb>
--		</target>
--		<!-- makes necessary Release & Packages files for Debian repo-->
--		<target name="release" depends="package">
--			<gzip src="${deb.packages}/Packages" destfile="${deb.packages}/Packages.gz"/>
--			<length file="${deb.packages}/Packages" property="packplain.size"/>
--			<length file="${deb.packages}/Packages.gz" property="packgz.size"/>
--			<checksum file="${deb.packages}/Packages" algorithm="MD5" property="packplain.md5"/>
--			<checksum file="${deb.packages}/Packages.gz" algorithm="MD5" property="packgz.md5"/>
--			<copy todir="${deb.packages}">
--				<fileset file="unix/debrelease/Release"/>
--				<filterset begintoken="[[" endtoken="]]">
--					<filter token="plain.size" value="${packplain.size}"/>
--					<filter token="gz.size" value="${packgz.size}"/>
--					<filter token="plain.md5" value="${packplain.md5}"/>
--					<filter token="gz.md5" value="${packgz.md5}"/>
--				</filterset>
--			</copy>
--		</target>
-\ No newline at end of file
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/build.xml (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/flanagan_nonfree.diff b/debian/patches/patch/flanagan_nonfree.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c93a55..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/patch/flanagan_nonfree.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-From: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
-Subject: [PATCH] patch/flanagan_nonfree
-This patch substitutes non free code from Michael Flanagan with
-equivalent code from Apache Commons Math.
-Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- geogebra/io/MyI2GHandler.java                      |   28 +++++-----
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoIntegralDefinite.java          |   55 +++++-------------
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootInterval.java              |   19 ++++--
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootNewton.java                |   60 +++++++++++---------
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootsPolynomial.java           |    6 ++-
- geogebra/kernel/EquationSolver.java                |   53 +++++++++++++-----
- geogebra/kernel/GeoVec2D.java                      |   47 ++++++++--------
- geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/Function.java           |    8 +++
- geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/PolyFunction.java       |    4 +
- geogebra/kernel/integration/EllipticArcLength.java |    2 -
- geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootAdapter.java         |   22 +++++++
- geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivAdapter.java    |   36 ++++++++++++
- geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivFunction.java   |    2 +
- geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootFunction.java        |    5 ++
- 14 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/geogebra/io/MyI2GHandler.java b/geogebra/io/MyI2GHandler.java
-index b62a9d8..ba24ad9 100644
---- a/geogebra/io/MyI2GHandler.java
-+++ b/geogebra/io/MyI2GHandler.java
-@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ import geogebra.kernel.GeoVector;
- import geogebra.kernel.Kernel;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Command;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode;
--import geogebra.kernel.complex.Complex;
- import geogebra.kernel.parser.Parser;
- import geogebra.main.Application;
- import geogebra.main.MyError;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;
- import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
- /**
-@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ debug("startElements", eName);
-     				break;
-     			}
-     			for (coord = 0; coord < coords.length; coord++) {
--    				if (Complex.isNaN(coords[coord])) {
-+    				if (coords[coord].isNaN()) {
-     					break;
-     				}
-     			}
-@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ debug("textElements", str);
-     		        		coords[coord] = new Complex(Double.parseDouble(str), 0);
-     		        	} else if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getReal())) {
-     		        		coords[coord] = new Complex(Double.parseDouble(str), Double.NaN);
--    		        	} else if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getImag())) {
--    		        		coords[coord].setImag(Double.parseDouble(str));
-+    		        	} else if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getImaginary())) {
-+    		        		coords[coord] = new Complex(coords[coord].getReal(), Double.parseDouble(str));
-     		        	} else {
-             				Application.debug("more than 2 <double> specified for <complex>");
-     		        	}
-@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ debug("endElements", eName);
-     			break;
-     		case MODE_COORDINATES :
--				if (Complex.isNaN(coords[coords.length - 1])) {
-+				if (coords[coords.length - 1].isNaN()) {
-         			String tag = "<double>";
-         			if (cmdName.equals("homogeneous_coordinates")) {
-         				tag = "<double> or <complex>";
-@@ -406,12 +406,12 @@ debug("endElements", eName);
- 				} else {
- 			        GeoVec3D v = (GeoVec3D) geo;
- 					if (coords.length == 3) {
--						if (!coords[2].isReal()) {
--							coords[0] = Complex.over(coords[0], coords[2], new Complex());
--							coords[1] = Complex.over(coords[1], coords[2], new Complex());
--							coords[2] = Complex.over(coords[2], coords[2], new Complex());
-+						if (coords[2].getImaginary() != 0.0) {
-+							coords[0] = coords[0].divide(coords[2]);
-+							coords[1] = coords[1].divide(coords[2]);
-+							coords[2] = coords[2].divide(coords[2]);
- 						}
--			            if (coords[0].isReal() && coords[1].isReal() && coords[2].isReal()) {
-+			            if (coords[0].getImaginary() == 0.0 && coords[1].getImaginary() == 0.0 && coords[2].getImaginary() == 0.0) {
- 							v.setCoords(coords[0].getReal(), coords[1].getReal(), coords[2].getReal());
- 			            } else {
- 			            	Application.debug("could not import complex coordinates");
-@@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ debug("endElements", eName);
-     			break;
--				if (coord < coords.length && Complex.isNaN(coords[coord])) {
-+				if (coord < coords.length && coords[coord].isNaN()) {
- 					if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getReal())) {
--						coords[coord] = new Complex();
-+						coords[coord] = new Complex(0, 0);
-     					Application.debug("no <double> specified for <complex>");
--					} else if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getImag())) {
--						coords[coord].setImag(0);
-+					} else if (Double.isNaN(coords[coord].getImaginary())) {
-+						coords[coord] = new Complex(coords[coord].getReal(), 0);
-     					Application.debug("only 1 <double> specified for <complex>");
- 					}
- 				}
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoIntegralDefinite.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoIntegralDefinite.java
-index bf7e8ce..db64bba 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoIntegralDefinite.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoIntegralDefinite.java
-@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@ the Free Software Foundation.
- package geogebra.kernel;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.integration.LegendreGaussIntegrator;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
--import geogebra.kernel.integration.GaussQuadIntegration;
-+import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootAdapter;
- import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootFunction;
- /**
-@@ -33,11 +37,9 @@ public class AlgoIntegralDefinite extends AlgoElement {
-     private GeoFunction symbIntegral;
-     // for numerical adaptive GaussQuad integration  
--    private static final int FIRST_ORDER = 5;
--    private static final int SECOND_ORDER = 7;   
--    private static GaussQuadIntegration firstGauss, secondGauss;
--    private static int adaptiveGaussQuadCounter = 0;
--    private static final int MAX_GAUSS_QUAD_CALLS = 500;     
-+    private static final int ORDER = 5;
-+    private static final int MAX_ITER = 100;   
-+    private static LegendreGaussIntegrator gauss;  
-     public AlgoIntegralDefinite(
-         Construction cons,
-@@ -167,44 +169,17 @@ public class AlgoIntegralDefinite extends AlgoElement {
-      * quadrature approach.
-      */
-     public static double adaptiveGaussQuad(RealRootFunction fun, double a, double b) {
--    	adaptiveGaussQuadCounter = 0;
--    	double result = doAdaptiveGaussQuad(fun, a, b);
--    	//System.out.println("calls: " + adaptiveGaussQuadCounter);  
--    	return result;
--    }
--    private static double doAdaptiveGaussQuad(RealRootFunction fun, double a, double b) {    		   	
--    	if (++adaptiveGaussQuadCounter > MAX_GAUSS_QUAD_CALLS) {
--    		return Double.NaN;
--    	}
-     	// init GaussQuad classes for numerical integration
--        if (firstGauss == null) {
--            firstGauss = new GaussQuadIntegration(FIRST_ORDER);
--            secondGauss = new GaussQuadIntegration(SECOND_ORDER);
-+        if (gauss == null) {
-+            gauss = new LegendreGaussIntegrator(ORDER, MAX_ITER);
-         }
-         // integrate using gauss quadrature
--        double firstSum = firstGauss.integrate(fun, a, b);
--        if (Double.isNaN(firstSum)) return Double.NaN;        
--        double secondSum = secondGauss.integrate(fun, a, b);
--        if (Double.isNaN(secondSum)) return Double.NaN;
--        // check if both results are equal
--        boolean equal = Kernel.isEqual(firstSum, secondSum, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION);
--        if (equal) { 
--        	// success              
--            return secondSum;
--        } else {           
--            double mid = (a + b) / 2;                             
--            double left = doAdaptiveGaussQuad(fun, a, mid);
--            if (Double.isNaN(left))
--                return Double.NaN;
--            else
--                return left + doAdaptiveGaussQuad(fun, mid, b);           
--        }
-+		try {
-+			return gauss.integrate(new RealRootAdapter(fun), a, b);
-+		} catch (Exception e) {
-+			return Double.NaN;
-+		} 
-     }
-     final public String toString() {
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootInterval.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootInterval.java
-index d9479db..e103fb3 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootInterval.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootInterval.java
-@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@ the Free Software Foundation.
- package geogebra.kernel;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.BrentSolver;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Function;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
--import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRoot;
-+import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootAdapter;
- import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootUtil;
- import geogebra.main.Application;
-@@ -32,7 +36,6 @@ public class AlgoRootInterval extends AlgoElement {
-     private GeoPoint rootPoint; // output 
-     private GeoElement aGeo, bGeo;
--    private RealRoot rootFinder;
-     public AlgoRootInterval(
-         Construction cons,
-@@ -47,8 +50,6 @@ public class AlgoRootInterval extends AlgoElement {
-         aGeo = a.toGeoElement();
-         bGeo = b.toGeoElement();
--        rootFinder = new RealRoot();
-         // output
-         rootPoint = new GeoPoint(cons);
-         setInputOutput(); // for AlgoElement    
-@@ -87,16 +88,18 @@ public class AlgoRootInterval extends AlgoElement {
-         double root = Double.NaN;
-         Function fun = f.getFunction();
-+        UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+        UnivariateRealSolver rootFinder = fact.newBrentSolver();
-         try {
-         	// Brent's method
--            root = rootFinder.brent(fun, a.getDouble(), b.getDouble());            
-+            root = rootFinder.solve(new RealRootAdapter(fun), a.getDouble(), b.getDouble());
-             //root = rootFinder.falsePosition(fun, a.getDouble(), b.getDouble());            
--        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {        	
-+        } catch (Exception e) {        	
-             try {                               	        	
-             	// Brent's failed because we left our function's domain
-             	// Let's search for a valid domain and try again
-             	double [] borders = RealRootUtil.getDefinedInterval(fun, a.getDouble(), b.getDouble());            	
--            	root = rootFinder.brent(fun, borders[0], borders[1]);                
-+            	root = rootFinder.solve(new RealRootAdapter(fun), borders[0], borders[1]);                
-             } catch (Exception ex) {   
-             	root = Double.NaN;
-             } 
-@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ public class AlgoRootInterval extends AlgoElement {
-         if (Math.abs(fun.evaluate(root)) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION)
-             return root;
-+        /*
-         // Brent's failed, try false position (regula falsi) method
-         double aVal = fun.evaluate(a.getDouble());
-         double bVal = fun.evaluate(b.getDouble());
-@@ -114,6 +118,7 @@ public class AlgoRootInterval extends AlgoElement {
- 	        if (Math.abs(fun.evaluate(root)) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION)
- 	            return root;
-         }
-+        */
-         return Double.NaN;
-     }
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootNewton.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootNewton.java
-index 188f672..b499f5c 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootNewton.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootNewton.java
-@@ -12,9 +12,15 @@ the Free Software Foundation.
- package geogebra.kernel;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Function;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
--import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRoot;
-+import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootAdapter;
-+import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootDerivAdapter;
- import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootDerivFunction;
- import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootUtil;
-@@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ public class AlgoRootNewton extends AlgoElement {
-     private GeoPoint rootPoint; // output 
-     private GeoElement startGeo;
--    private RealRoot rootFinder;
-+    private UnivariateRealSolver rootFinderBrent, rootFinderNewton;
-     public AlgoRootNewton(
-         Construction cons,
-@@ -45,8 +51,6 @@ public class AlgoRootNewton extends AlgoElement {
-         this.start = start;
-         startGeo = start.toGeoElement();
--        rootFinder = new RealRoot();
-         // output
-         rootPoint = new GeoPoint(cons);
-         setInputOutput(); // for AlgoElement    
-@@ -57,7 +61,6 @@ public class AlgoRootNewton extends AlgoElement {
-     AlgoRootNewton(Construction cons) {
-         super(cons);
--        rootFinder = new RealRoot();
-     }
-     protected String getClassName() {
-@@ -93,35 +96,40 @@ public class AlgoRootNewton extends AlgoElement {
-     final double calcRoot(Function fun, double start) {
-     	double root = Double.NaN;
-+    	double [] borders = getDomain(fun, start);
-     	// for Newton's method we need the derivative of our function fun
-         RealRootDerivFunction derivFun = fun.getRealRootDerivFunction();        
--        // no derivative found: let's use REGULA FALSI
--        if (derivFun == null) {
--        	double [] borders = getDomain(fun, start);
--        	try {
--        		root = rootFinder.brent(fun, borders[0], borders[1]);
--        	} catch (Exception e) {
--        		root = Double.NaN;
-+        // derivative found: let's use Newton's method
-+        if (derivFun != null) {
-+        	if (rootFinderNewton == null) {
-+        		UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+        		rootFinderNewton = fact.newNewtonSolver();
-         	}
--        }
--        else {
--        	// NEWTON's METHOD
-             try {        	                  	
--            	root = rootFinder.newtonRaphson(derivFun, start);                      
-+            	root = rootFinderNewton.solve(new RealRootDerivAdapter(derivFun), borders[0], borders[1], start);
-             } 
--            catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {   
--            	// BISECTION with NEWTON's METHOD
--                try {                               	        	
--                	// Newton's method failed because we left our function's domain
--                	// Let's search for a valid domain and try again using a restricted method
--                	double [] borders = getDomain(fun, start);
--                	root = rootFinder.bisectNewtonRaphson(derivFun, borders[0], borders[1]);                                
--                } catch (Exception ex) {
--                }                      	        	        	
-+            catch (Exception e) {   
-+            	e.printStackTrace();
-+            	root = Double.NaN;                    	        	        	
-             }
-         }
-+        // if Newton didn't know the answer, let's ask Brent
-+        if (Double.isNaN(root)) {
-+        	if (rootFinderBrent == null) {
-+        		UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+        		rootFinderBrent = fact.newBrentSolver();
-+        	}
-+        	try {		
-+        		root = rootFinderBrent.solve(new RealRootAdapter(fun), borders[0], borders[1]);
-+        	} catch (Exception e) {
-+        		root = Double.NaN;
-+        	}
-+        }
-         // check what we got
-         if (Math.abs(fun.evaluate(root)) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION )
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootsPolynomial.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootsPolynomial.java
-index cac5380..7af3d07 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootsPolynomial.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoRootsPolynomial.java
-@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
- /**
-- * Finds all real roots of a polynomial.
-+ * Finds all real roots of a polynomial using Brent's method.
-  * TODO: extend for rational functions
-  * 
-  * @author Markus Hohenwarter
-@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ public class AlgoRootsPolynomial extends AlgoIntersect {
-     // used for AlgoExtremumPolynomial, see setRootPoints()
-     private Function diffFunction; // used for intersection of f and g
-     private GeoPoint tempPoint;
-+    private UnivariateRealSolver rootFinder;
-     /**
-      * Computes all roots of f
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/EquationSolver.java b/geogebra/kernel/EquationSolver.java
-index a3ad579..0466abc 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/EquationSolver.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/EquationSolver.java
-@@ -12,25 +12,28 @@ the Free Software Foundation.
- package geogebra.kernel;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.LaguerreSolver;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.PolyFunction;
--import geogebra.kernel.complex.Complex;
--import geogebra.kernel.complex.ComplexPoly;
--import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRoot;
-+import geogebra.kernel.roots.RealRootAdapter;
- public class EquationSolver { 
- 	private static final double LAGUERRE_EPS = 1E-5;
- 	private double epsilon = Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION;
--	private RealRoot rootPolisher;
--	//private ExtremumFinder extrFinder;
-+	private LaguerreSolver laguerreSolver;
-+	private UnivariateRealSolver rootFinderBrent, rootFinderNewton;
-     public EquationSolver(Kernel kernel) {		
- 		// we need someone to polish our roots
--		rootPolisher = new RealRoot();
- 		//extrFinder = kernel.getExtremumFinder();
-     }
-@@ -391,8 +394,15 @@ public class EquationSolver {
- 		*/			
- 		// calc roots with Laguerre method
--		ComplexPoly poly = new ComplexPoly(eqn);	
--		Complex [] complexRoots = poly.roots(false, new Complex(LAGUERRE_START, 0)); // don't polish here 
-+		Complex[] complexRoots = null;
-+		try {
-+			if (laguerreSolver == null) {
-+				laguerreSolver = new LaguerreSolver();
-+			}
-+			complexRoots = laguerreSolver.solveAll(eqn, LAGUERRE_START);
-+		} catch (Exception e) {
-+			System.err.println("EquationSolver.LaguerreSolver: "+e.getLocalizedMessage());
-+		}
- 		// sort complexRoots by real part into laguerreRoots
- 		double [] laguerreRoots = new double[complexRoots.length];
-@@ -419,14 +429,23 @@ public class EquationSolver {
- 			boolean bounded = f_left * f_right < 0.0; 
- 			try {					
--				if (bounded) {						
-+				if (bounded) {		
-+					if (rootFinderBrent == null) {
-+						UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+						rootFinderBrent = fact.newBrentSolver();
-+					}
- 					//	small f'(root): don't go too fare from our laguerre root !	
--					root = rootPolisher.bisectNewtonRaphson(polyFunc, left, right);
-+					root = rootFinderBrent.solve(new RealRootAdapter(polyFunc), left, right);
- 					//System.out.println("Polish bisectNewtonRaphson: " + root);
- 				} 
- 				else {
-+					if (rootFinderNewton == null) {
-+						UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+						rootFinderNewton = fact.newNewtonSolver();
-+					}
- 					// the root is not bounded: give Mr. Newton a chance
--					root = rootPolisher.newtonRaphson(polyFunc, root);
-+					root = rootFinderNewton.solve(new RealRootAdapter(polyFunc), left, right, root);
- 					//System.out.println("Polish newtonRaphson: " + root);
- 				}				
- 			} 
-@@ -435,10 +454,16 @@ public class EquationSolver {
- 				// polishing failed: maybe we have an extremum here
- 				// try to find a local extremum
- 				try {		
--					root = rootPolisher.bisectNewtonRaphson(derivFunc, left, right);	
-+					if (rootFinderBrent == null) {
-+						UnivariateRealSolverFactory fact = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
-+						rootFinderBrent = fact.newBrentSolver();
-+					}
-+					root = rootFinderBrent.solve(new RealRootAdapter(derivFunc), left, right);
- 					//System.out.println("    find extremum successfull: " + root);
- 				} catch (Exception ex) {
--					System.err.println(ex.getMessage());
-+					//System.err.println(ex.getMessage());
- 				}
- 			}
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/GeoVec2D.java b/geogebra/kernel/GeoVec2D.java
-index f30afd1..2f19282 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/GeoVec2D.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/GeoVec2D.java
-@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.MyList;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ValidExpression;
- import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.VectorValue;
--import geogebra.kernel.complex.Complex;
- import java.util.HashSet;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;
- /** 
-  * 
-  * @author  Markus
-@@ -410,12 +411,12 @@ implements VectorValue {
-       //c.x = (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)/(x2 * x2 + y2 * b.y);
-       //c.y = (y1 * x2 - x1 * y2)/(x2 * x2 + y2 * b.y);
--      Complex out = new Complex();
-+      Complex out;
--      Complex.over(new Complex(a.x, a.y), new Complex(b.x, b.y), out);
-+      out = new Complex(a.x, a.y).divide(new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-       c.x = out.getReal();
--      c.y = out.getImag();
-+      c.y = out.getImaginary();
-     	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-@@ -431,12 +432,12 @@ implements VectorValue {
-       //c.y = ( - x1 * y2)/(x2 * x2 + y2 * b.y);
--      Complex out = new Complex();
-+      Complex out;
--      Complex.over(a.getDouble(), new Complex(b.x, b.y), out);
-+      out = new Complex(a.getDouble(), 0).divide(new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-       c.x = out.getReal();
--      c.y = out.getImag();
-+      c.y = out.getImaginary();
-     	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
- }
-@@ -452,62 +453,62 @@ implements VectorValue {
-     /** c = a ^ b Michael Borcherds 2009-03-10 */
-     final public static void complexPower(GeoVec2D a, NumberValue b, GeoVec2D c) {                                       
--        Complex out = new Complex();
-+        Complex out;
--        out = Complex.pow(new Complex(a.x, a.y), b.getDouble());
-+        out = new Complex(a.x, a.y).pow(new Complex(b.getDouble(), 0));
-         c.x = out.getReal();
--        c.y = out.getImag();
-+        c.y = out.getImaginary();
-       	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-     /** c = a ^ b Michael Borcherds 2009-03-10 */
-     final public static void complexPower(NumberValue a, GeoVec2D b, GeoVec2D c) {                                       
--        Complex out = new Complex();
-+        Complex out;
--        out = Complex.pow(new Complex(a.getDouble(), 0.0), new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-+        out = new Complex(a.getDouble(), 0.0).pow(new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-         c.x = out.getReal();
--        c.y = out.getImag();
-+        c.y = out.getImaginary();
-       	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-     /** c = e ^ a Michael Borcherds 2009-03-10 */
-     final public static void complexExp(GeoVec2D a, GeoVec2D c) {                                       
--        Complex out = new Complex();
-+        Complex out;
--        out = Complex.exp(new Complex(a.x, a.y));
-+        out = new Complex(a.x, a.y).exp();
-         c.x = out.getReal();
--        c.y = out.getImag();
-+        c.y = out.getImaginary();
-       	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-     /** c = natural log(a) Michael Borcherds 2009-03-10 */
-     final public static void complexLog(GeoVec2D a, GeoVec2D c) {                                       
--        Complex out = new Complex();
-+        Complex out;
--        out = Complex.log(new Complex(a.x, a.y));
-+        out = new Complex(a.x, a.y).log();
-         c.x = out.getReal();
--        c.y = out.getImag();
-+        c.y = out.getImaginary();
-       	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-     /** c = natural log(a) Michael Borcherds 2009-03-10 */
-     final public static double complexAbs(GeoVec2D a) {                                       
--        return Complex.abs(new Complex(a.x, a.y));
-+        return new Complex(a.x, a.y).abs();
-     }
-     /** c = a ^ b Michael Borcherds 2009-03-14 */
-     final public static void complexPower(GeoVec2D a, GeoVec2D b, GeoVec2D c) {                                       
--        Complex out = new Complex();
-+        Complex out;
--        out = Complex.pow(new Complex(a.x, a.y), new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-+        out = new Complex(a.x, a.y).pow(new Complex(b.x, b.y));
-         c.x = out.getReal();
--        c.y = out.getImag();
-+        c.y = out.getImaginary();
-       	c.setMode(Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX);
-     }
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/Function.java b/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/Function.java
-index 9e094b5..7c16b17 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/Function.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/Function.java
-@@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ implements ExpressionValue, RealRootFunction, Functional {
-     	}
-     }
-+    public double evaluateDerivative(double x) {
-+    	return getDerivative(1).evaluate(x);
-+    }
-     /**
-      * Returns this function's value at position x.
-      * (Note: use this method if isBooleanFunction() returns true.
-@@ -1249,6 +1253,10 @@ implements ExpressionValue, RealRootFunction, Functional {
- 		public double evaluate(double x) { 
- 			return fun.evaluate(x);
- 		}
-+		public double evaluateDerivative(double x) {
-+			return derivative.evaluate(x);
-+		}
-     }
- 	public final boolean includesDivisionByVariable() {
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/PolyFunction.java b/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/PolyFunction.java
-index 98c1884..6df2802 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/PolyFunction.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/arithmetic/PolyFunction.java
-@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ public class PolyFunction implements RealRootFunction, RealRootDerivFunction {
- 		return deriv;
- 	}
-+	final public double evaluateDerivative(double x) {
-+		return evaluateDerivFunc(x)[1];
-+	}
- 	/**
- 	 * Evaluates polynomial and its derivative 
- 	 */		 
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/integration/EllipticArcLength.java b/geogebra/kernel/integration/EllipticArcLength.java
-index d6aec8f..e80c66d 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/integration/EllipticArcLength.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/integration/EllipticArcLength.java
-@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ public class EllipticArcLength {
- 	private double [] halfAxes;
- 	private RealRootFunction arcLengthFunction;
--	private GaussQuadIntegration gauss;
- 	public EllipticArcLength(GeoConic ellipse) {
- 		halfAxes = ellipse.getHalfAxes();
- 		arcLengthFunction = new EllipticArcLengthFunction();
--		gauss = new GaussQuadIntegration(5);
- 	}
- 	/**
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootAdapter.java b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootAdapter.java
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e6241c3
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootAdapter.java
-@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-+package geogebra.kernel.roots;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
-+public class RealRootAdapter implements UnivariateRealFunction {
-+	private RealRootFunction fun;
-+	public RealRootAdapter(RealRootFunction fun) {
-+		this.fun = fun;
-+	}
-+	public double value(double x) throws FunctionEvaluationException {
-+		double res = this.fun.evaluate(x);
-+		if (Double.isInfinite(res) || Double.isNaN(res))
-+			throw new FunctionEvaluationException(res);
-+		else
-+			return res;
-+	}
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivAdapter.java b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivAdapter.java
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..65c8725
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivAdapter.java
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-+package geogebra.kernel.roots;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.DifferentiableUnivariateRealFunction;
-+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
-+public class RealRootDerivAdapter implements
-+		DifferentiableUnivariateRealFunction {
-+	private RealRootDerivFunction derivFun;
-+	public RealRootDerivAdapter(RealRootDerivFunction derivFun) {
-+		this.derivFun = derivFun;
-+	}
-+	public UnivariateRealFunction derivative() {
-+		return new UnivariateRealFunction() {
-+			public double value(double x) throws FunctionEvaluationException {
-+				double res = derivFun.evaluateDerivative(x);
-+				if (Double.isInfinite(res) || Double.isNaN(res))
-+					throw new FunctionEvaluationException(x);
-+				else
-+					return res;
-+			}
-+		};
-+	}
-+	public double value(double x) throws FunctionEvaluationException {
-+		double res = derivFun.evaluate(x);
-+		if (Double.isInfinite(res) || Double.isNaN(res))
-+			throw new FunctionEvaluationException(x);
-+		else
-+			return res;
-+	}
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivFunction.java b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivFunction.java
-index 055f023..ba4c964 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivFunction.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootDerivFunction.java
-@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ public interface RealRootDerivFunction extends RealRootFunction {
- 	 * @param x	 
- 	 */
- 	public double [] evaluateDerivFunc(double x);
-+	public double evaluateDerivative(double x);
- }
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootFunction.java b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootFunction.java
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..65c8438
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/roots/RealRootFunction.java
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+package geogebra.kernel.roots;
-+public interface RealRootFunction {
-+	public double evaluate(double x);
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/flanagan_nonfree (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/geogebra.desktop.diff b/debian/patches/patch/geogebra.desktop.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 020f095..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/patch/geogebra.desktop.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
-Subject: [PATCH] patch/geogebra.desktop
-This patch fixes the categories of geogebra.desktop, in order
-to make Education the preferred one.
-Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- unix/usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop |   51 +++++++++++++-------------
- 1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/unix/usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop b/unix/usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop
-index 329279a..3d0dc73 100644
---- a/unix/usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop
-+++ b/unix/usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop
-@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
--#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
--[Desktop Entry]
--GenericName=Dynamic mathematics software
--GenericName[cs]=Dynamický matematický software
--GenericName[de]=Dynamische Mathematiksoftware
--GenericName[es]=Programa de matemáticas dinámico
--GenericName[fr]=Logiciel de Mathématiques dynamiques
--GenericName[hi]=सक्रिय गणितीय सॉफ्टवेर 
--GenericName[it]=Software di matematica dinamica
--GenericName[pt_BR]=Programa de Matemática Dinâmica
--Comment=Create interactive mathematical constructions and applets. 
--Comment[cs]=Vytvořte interaktivní konstrukce a aplety.
--Comment[de]=Erstelle interaktive Konstruktionen und Applets.
--Comment[fr]=Créer des constructions mathématiques et des appliquettes.
--Comment[hi]=संवादात्मक गणितीय निर्माण और एप्लेट बनाएँ
--Comment[it]=Creazione di costruzioni matematiche e applet interattive.
--Comment[pt_BR]=Crie construções matemáticas interativas e applets.
--Exec=geogebra %F
-\ No newline at end of file
-+[Desktop Entry]
-+GenericName=Dynamic mathematics software
-+GenericName[cs]=Dynamický matematický software
-+GenericName[de]=Dynamische Mathematiksoftware
-+GenericName[es]=Programa de matemáticas dinámico
-+GenericName[fr]=Logiciel de Mathématiques dynamiques
-+GenericName[hi]=सक्रिय गणितीय सॉफ्टवेर 
-+GenericName[it]=Software di matematica dinamica
-+GenericName[pt_BR]=Programa de Matemática Dinâmica
-+Comment=Create interactive mathematical constructions and applets. 
-+Comment[cs]=Vytvořte interaktivní konstrukce a aplety.
-+Comment[de]=Erstelle interaktive Konstruktionen und Applets.
-+Comment[fr]=Créer des constructions mathématiques et des appliquettes.
-+Comment[hi]=संवादात्मक गणितीय निर्माण और एप्लेट बनाएँ
-+Comment[it]=Creazione di costruzioni matematiche e applet interattive.
-+Comment[pt_BR]=Crie construções matemáticas interativas e applets.
-+Exec=geogebra %F
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/geogebra.desktop (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/jama.diff b/debian/patches/patch/jama.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa8b71..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/patch/jama.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-From: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
-Subject: [PATCH] patch/jama
-This patch fixes the import used to work with the JAMA library.
-Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoInvert.java                |    2 +-
- geogebra/kernel/AlgoTranspose.java             |    2 +-
- geogebra/kernel/jama/GgbMat.java               |   74 ++++++++++++------------
- geogebra/kernel/statistics/RegressionMath.java |    2 +-
- 4 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoInvert.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoInvert.java
-index b7493eb..ce611f3 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoInvert.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoInvert.java
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class AlgoInvert extends AlgoElement {
-    			return;
-    		}*/
--   		matrix.inverseImmediate();
-+   		matrix = matrix.ggbInverse();
-    		if (matrix.isUndefined()) {
-   			//outputList.setUndefined();
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoTranspose.java b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoTranspose.java
-index 4147a4f..d0b99b8 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/AlgoTranspose.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/AlgoTranspose.java
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class AlgoTranspose extends AlgoElement {
- 	   		return;   		
- 	   	}
--   		matrix.transposeImmediate();
-+   		matrix = matrix.ggbTranspose();
-    		// Transpose[{{1,2},{3,4}}]
-    		outputList = matrix.getGeoList(outputList, cons);
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/jama/GgbMat.java b/geogebra/kernel/jama/GgbMat.java
-index 80ee214..db01f23 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/jama/GgbMat.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/jama/GgbMat.java
-@@ -1,44 +1,59 @@
- package geogebra.kernel.jama;
-+import java.awt.Dimension;
- import geogebra.kernel.Construction;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoElement;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoList;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoNumeric;
- import geogebra.main.Application;
-+import Jama.Matrix;
- public class GgbMat extends Matrix{
- 	private boolean isUndefined = false;
--	public GgbMat (GeoList inputList) {
-+	public GgbMat (Matrix m) {
-+		super(m.getArray());
-+	}
-+	public GgbMat(int row, int col) {
-+		super(row, col);
-+	}
-+	public static Dimension calcDim(GeoList inputList) {
- 		int rows = inputList.size();
- 		if (!inputList.isDefined() || rows == 0) {
--			setIsUndefined(true);
--			return;
-+			return new Dimension(0, 0);
- 		} 
- 		GeoElement geo = inputList.get(0);
- 		if (!geo.isGeoList()) {
--			setIsUndefined(true);
--			return;   		
-+			return new Dimension(0, 0);
- 		}
- 		int cols = ((GeoList)geo).size();
- 		if (cols == 0) {
--			setIsUndefined(true);
--			return;   		
-+			return new Dimension(0, 0);	
- 		}
--		A = new double[rows][cols];
--		m = rows;
--		n = cols;
-+		return new Dimension(rows, cols);
-+	}
-+	public GgbMat (GeoList inputList) {
-+		super(calcDim(inputList).width, calcDim(inputList).height);
-+		int rows = this.getRowDimension();
-+		int cols = this.getColumnDimension();
- 		GeoList rowList;
-+		GeoElement geo;
- 		for (int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++) {
- 			geo = inputList.get(r);
- 			if (!geo.isGeoList()) {
-@@ -62,35 +77,18 @@ public class GgbMat extends Matrix{
- 		}
- 	}
--	public void inverseImmediate() {
-+	public GgbMat ggbInverse() {
- 		try {
--			Matrix ret = inverse();
--			A = ret.A;
--			m = ret.m;
--			n = ret.n;
--		}
--		catch (Exception e) { // can't invert
--			setIsUndefined(true);
-+			return new GgbMat(((Matrix) this).inverse());
-+		} catch (Exception e) {
-+			GgbMat mat = new GgbMat(this.getRowDimension(), this.getColumnDimension());
-+			mat.setIsUndefined(true);
-+			return mat;
- 		}
- 	}
--	public void transposeImmediate() {
--		double[][] C = new double[n][m];
--		for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
--			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
--				C[j][i] = A[i][j];
--			}
--		}
--		A = C;
--		int temp = n;
--		n = m;
--		m = temp;
--		//Application.debug(""+A[0][0]);
-+	public GgbMat ggbTranspose() {
-+		return new GgbMat(((Matrix) this).transpose());
- 	}
- 	/*
-@@ -106,9 +104,9 @@ public class GgbMat extends Matrix{
- 		outputList.clear();
- 		outputList.setDefined(true);
--		for (int r = 0 ; r < m ; r++) {  	   			
-+		for (int r = 0 ; r < this.getRowDimension() ; r++) {  	   			
- 			GeoList columnList = new GeoList(cons);
--			for (int c = 0 ; c < n ; c++) {
-+			for (int c = 0 ; c < this.getColumnDimension() ; c++) {
- 				//Application.debug(get(r, c)+"");
- 				columnList.add(new GeoNumeric(cons, get(r, c)));  	   			
- 			}
-@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ public class GgbMat extends Matrix{
- 	}
- 	public boolean isSquare() {
--		return (n == m);
-+		return (this.getColumnDimension() == this.getRowDimension());
- 	}
-diff --git a/geogebra/kernel/statistics/RegressionMath.java b/geogebra/kernel/statistics/RegressionMath.java
-index 55ee4fc..8d4ff23 100644
---- a/geogebra/kernel/statistics/RegressionMath.java
-+++ b/geogebra/kernel/statistics/RegressionMath.java
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package geogebra.kernel.statistics;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoList;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoPoint;
- import geogebra.kernel.GeoElement;
--import geogebra.kernel.jama.*;
-+import Jama.*;
- /* 
- GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/jama (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/no_mac.diff b/debian/patches/patch/no_mac.diff
index 3941227..51df825 100644
--- a/debian/patches/patch/no_mac.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/patch/no_mac.diff
@@ -6,62 +6,15 @@ Removes Mac OS X specific code.
 Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- geogebra/gui/app/GeoGebraFrame.java          |   23 +------
- geogebra/gui/app/MacApplicationListener.java |  100 --------------------------
- 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
+ geogebra/gui/app/MacApplicationListener.java |  101 --------------------------
+ 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/geogebra/gui/app/GeoGebraFrame.java b/geogebra/gui/app/GeoGebraFrame.java
-index 87f02b5..809932e 100644
---- a/geogebra/gui/app/GeoGebraFrame.java
-+++ b/geogebra/gui/app/GeoGebraFrame.java
-@@ -250,9 +250,6 @@ public class GeoGebraFrame extends JFrame implements WindowFocusListener
- 			return;
- 		}
--     	if (Application.MAC_OS) 
--    		initMacSpecifics();
-     	// set system look and feel
- 		try {							
- 			if (Application.MAC_OS || Application.WINDOWS)
-@@ -277,24 +274,6 @@ public class GeoGebraFrame extends JFrame implements WindowFocusListener
- 		return activeInstance;
- 	}
--	/**
--	 * MacOS X specific initing. Note: this method can only be run
--	 * on a Mac!
--	 */
--	public static void initMacSpecifics() {
--		try {
--			// init mac application listener
--			MacApplicationListener.initMacApplicationListener();
--			//mac menu bar	
--		    //System.setProperty("com.apple.macos.useScreenMenuBar", "true"); 	
--		    System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true"); 	
--		} catch (Exception e) {
--			Application.debug(e+"");
--		}
--	}
- 	//public abstract GeoGebra buildGeoGebra();
- 	public static synchronized GeoGebraFrame createNewWindow(String[] args) {				
-@@ -391,4 +370,4 @@ public class GeoGebraFrame extends JFrame implements WindowFocusListener
-\ No newline at end of file
 diff --git a/geogebra/gui/app/MacApplicationListener.java b/geogebra/gui/app/MacApplicationListener.java
 deleted file mode 100644
-index c4d696f..0000000
+index 0c53155..0000000
 --- a/geogebra/gui/app/MacApplicationListener.java
 +++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
+@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
 -package geogebra.gui.app;
 -import geogebra.main.Application;
@@ -121,7 +74,8 @@ index c4d696f..0000000
 -				// open file 
 -				File [] files = { openFile };
--				boolean openInThisWindow = app.getCurrentFile() == null;
+-				// #1541
+-				boolean openInThisWindow = app.isSaved();
 -				app.getGuiManager().doOpenFiles(files, openInThisWindow);
 -				// make sure window is visible
@@ -163,4 +117,4 @@ index c4d696f..0000000
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/no_mac (depends on: master)
+tg: (87975a1..) patch/no_mac (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/patch/version.diff b/debian/patches/patch/version.diff
index af98864..7d5749b 100644
--- a/debian/patches/patch/version.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/patch/version.diff
@@ -7,28 +7,36 @@ along with the upstream one.
 Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
- geogebra/GeoGebra.java                |    3 +++
- geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java |    3 ++-
- geogebra/gui/menubar/MenubarImpl.java |    4 +++-
- geogebra/main/Application.java        |    3 ++-
- 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+ geogebra/GeoGebra.java                    |    7 +++++--
+ geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java     |    3 ++-
+ geogebra/gui/menubar/GeoGebraMenuBar.java |    4 +++-
+ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/geogebra/GeoGebra.java b/geogebra/GeoGebra.java
-index d0889f0..fed2a9a 100644
+index f25403d..86c3333 100644
 --- a/geogebra/GeoGebra.java
 +++ b/geogebra/GeoGebra.java
-@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ public class GeoGebra extends Object {
- 	public static final String VERSION_STRING = "";
- 	public static final String SHORT_VERSION_STRING = "3.2"; // used for online archive
+@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ public class GeoGebra extends Object {
+ 	public static final String SHORT_VERSION_STRING = "4.0"; // used for online archive
+ 	public static final boolean CAS_VIEW_ENABLED = false;
+ 	public static final boolean IS_PRE_RELEASE = !VERSION_STRING.endsWith(".0");
 +	// Debian version
 +	public static final String DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING = GeoGebraDebian.DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING;
  	// File format versions
- 	public static final String XML_FILE_FORMAT = "3.2";
+ 	public static final String XML_FILE_FORMAT = "4.0";
+ 	public static final String GGB_XSD_FILENAME = "ggb.xsd"; // for ggb files
+@@ -96,4 +99,4 @@ public class GeoGebra extends Object {
+     	geogebra.gui.app.GeoGebraFrame.main(args);
+     }
+\ No newline at end of file
 diff --git a/geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java b/geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java
-index 90321a8..51a66e5 100644
+index d8de89d..2929722 100644
 --- a/geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java
 +++ b/geogebra/GeoGebraAppletPreloader.java
 @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ public class GeoGebraAppletPreloader extends JApplet {
@@ -37,38 +45,24 @@ index 90321a8..51a66e5 100644
 -		System.out.println("GeoGebraAppletPreloader " + GeoGebra.VERSION_STRING + " started");
 +		System.out.println("GeoGebraAppletPreloader " + GeoGebra.VERSION_STRING
-+				+ " (Debian package " + GeoGebra.DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING + " started");
- 		loadAllJarFiles();
++				+ " (Debian package " + GeoGebra.DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING + ") started");
+ 		loadAllJarFiles(true);
-diff --git a/geogebra/gui/menubar/MenubarImpl.java b/geogebra/gui/menubar/MenubarImpl.java
-index 41ca861..679f6cc 100644
---- a/geogebra/gui/menubar/MenubarImpl.java
-+++ b/geogebra/gui/menubar/MenubarImpl.java
-@@ -1437,7 +1437,9 @@ public abstract class MenubarImpl extends JMenuBar implements Menubar {
- 		sb.append(app.getPlain("ApplicationName"));
- 		sb.append(" ");
- 		sb.append(GeoGebra.VERSION_STRING);
+diff --git a/geogebra/gui/menubar/GeoGebraMenuBar.java b/geogebra/gui/menubar/GeoGebraMenuBar.java
+index 6991e2c..d6529df 100644
+--- a/geogebra/gui/menubar/GeoGebraMenuBar.java
++++ b/geogebra/gui/menubar/GeoGebraMenuBar.java
+@@ -254,7 +254,9 @@ public class GeoGebraMenuBar extends JMenuBar {
+ 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ 		sb.append("<html><b>");
+ 		sb.append(vsb);
 -		sb.append("</b>  (");
 +		sb.append("</b> <i>Debian package ");
 +		sb.append(GeoGebra.DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING);
-+		sb.append("</i> (");
- 		sb.append("Java "+ System.getProperty("java.version") + ", " +(app.getHeapSize()/1024/1024)+"MB"); 
- 		sb.append(")<br>");	
- 		sb.append(GeoGebra.BUILD_DATE);
-diff --git a/geogebra/main/Application.java b/geogebra/main/Application.java
-index a42ca3a..3a7cccf 100644
---- a/geogebra/main/Application.java
-+++ b/geogebra/main/Application.java
-@@ -362,7 +362,8 @@ public abstract class Application implements KeyEventDispatcher {
- 		// Michael Borcherds 2008-05-05
- 		// added to help debug applets
--		System.out.println("GeoGebra " + GeoGebra.VERSION_STRING + ", "
-+		System.out.println("GeoGebra " + GeoGebra.VERSION_STRING + ", Debian package "
-+				+ GeoGebra.DEBIAN_VERSION_STRING + ", "
- 				+ GeoGebra.BUILD_DATE + ", Java "
- 				+ System.getProperty("java.version"));
++		sb.append("</i>  (");
+ 		sb.append("Java "); 
+ 		sb.append(System.getProperty("java.version")); 
+ 		sb.append(", ");
-tg: (96b0c0d..) patch/version (depends on: master)
+tg: (87975a1..) patch/version (depends on: master)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index cbffa5b..e3ff3e8 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
 patch/ScientificFormat.java.diff -p1
 patch/applet_export.diff -p1
-patch/build.xml.diff -p1
-patch/flanagan_nonfree.diff -p1
-patch/geogebra.desktop.diff -p1
-patch/jama.diff -p1
 patch/no_mac.diff -p1
 patch/version.diff -p1

GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education

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