[pkg-java] r13826 - in branches/lucene3: . upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches

Jan-Pascal van Best janpascal-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jun 28 15:26:25 UTC 2011

Author: janpascal-guest
Date: 2011-06-28 15:26:25 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 13826

Added lucene3 branch to upgrade to lucene 3.2

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/changelog
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/changelog	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/changelog	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-lucene3 (3.0.2+ds1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release. Lucene3 is not backwards compatible with lucene2; 
-    source using lucene will need to be recompiled and possibly patched.
-    Lucene3 uses Java5 features (such as generics) and removes deprecated APIs.
-  * liblucene3-java Conflicts with liblucene2-java because of the symlinks to
-    the actual jar files. May be resolved in a later version
-  * Split package into a liblucene3-java-core and liblucene3-java-contrib
-  * Add Class-Path entries to the contrib jar files' MANIFEST.MF containing
-    the lucene-core jar files and other dependencies.
-  * Use javahelper as much as possible
-  * Put lucli under control of update-alternatives (needed for coexistence with
-    liblucene2-java)
-  * Bump standards version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:40:39 +0200
-lucene2 (2.9.3+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release 2.9.3
-  * Bump standards version to 3.9.0 (no changes needed)
-  * Added OSGI Require-Bundle metadata in contrib libraries (Closes: #578196)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 06 Aug 2010 16:14:31 +0200
-lucene2 (2.9.2+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release
-  * Add patch to fix Java networking during package build (workaround for
-    #560056).
-  * Bump standards version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 18 Mar 2010 13:03:42 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Override OSGi Bundle-SymbolicName for lucene-analyzers to be
-    `analysis' instead of `analyzers' (Closes: #566445)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:27:45 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Disable calling svnversion during package build
-  * Backport upstream fix (svn 834011): fix bug that causes false positive
-    failure in the test (Closes: #562308)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:49:57 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Mention in this changelog that CVE-2007-2383 has been fixed
-    (Closes: #558355; Fix CVE-2007-2383)
-  * Providing OSGi metadata in the Manifest for the
-    core and contrib packages (needed for building Eclipse).
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:54:48 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Removed (unused) embedded Prototype javascript library 
-    (Closes: #555225, #555226; Fix CVE-2007-2383)
-  * Added README.source containing information about how to create the Debian
-    source from the upstream source tarball
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 19 Nov 2009 20:45:04 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release 2.9.1
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 06 Nov 2009 21:22:26 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Fix contrib/ant unit test for running under pbuilder
-  * Disable backwards compatibility tests because these download older versions
-    from the Apache Lucene svn repository
-  * Moved a number of dependencies to Recommends: because they are only
-    dependencies of a contrib library:
-       libicu4j-java: contrib/collation
-       libjline-java: contrib/lucli
-       libjtidy-java: contrib/ant
-       libregexp-java: contrib/regex
-       libcommons-beanutils-java, libcommons-collections3-java,
-       libcommons-compress-java, libcommons-digester-java,
-       libcommons-logging-java: contrib/benchmark
-       libdb4.7-java, libdb-je-java: contrib/db
-  * Changed JRE depends to the -headless versions
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:49:39 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Updated Java source and target version to 1.5 (Closes: #549812)
-  * Added missing dependency on libicu4j-java (for contrib/collation)
-  * Added missing dependency on libjtidy-java (for contrib/ant)
-  * Fix lucli script (shebang line was places after the license block)
-  * Converted debian/copyright to machine-readable format
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:27:47 +0100
-lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version
-  * Updated Debian patches for Lucene 2.9
-  * Bumped standards version to 3.8.3 (no changes needed)
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 09 Oct 2009 16:02:03 +0200
-lucene2 (2.4.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version (2.4.1).
-  * Changed Section from "text" to the new section "java".
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:24:27 +0200
-lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Changed Breaks to Conflicts to prevent trouble with buildds still
-    running Etch.
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sun, 01 Mar 2009 07:31:37 +0100
-lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added a Breaks: control field to indicate incompatibility with versions
-    of solr-common before 1.2.0+ds2-3 (Closes: 516291).
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 27 Feb 2009 23:39:14 +0100
-lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Re-enable Highlighter unit test because it no longer causes network access
-    (Closes: 50678).
-  * Added ${misc:Depends} dependencies to fix possible debhelper dependencies.
-  * Cleaned up package description of liblucene2-java (removed list of contrib
-    libraries)
-  * Removed two invalid tests also removed upstream (Closes: #516475).
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:57:33 +0100
-lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * switch to libdb4.6-java as we need the armel binary of it since OOo/armel
-    needs us 
-  * add myself to Uploaders:
- -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:18:01 +0100
-lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version (2 patches patched)
-  * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes to debian/control
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:46:02 +0200
-lucene2 (2.3.2+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release 
-  * Use openjdk to build lucene2, move to main (Closes: #488895)
-  * Update TODO.Debian to reflect move to openjdk
-  * Update README.Debian to reflect inclusion of bdb-je (in 2.3.0+ds1-1)
-  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
-  * Update debian/copyright to refer to the text of the Apache license in
-    /usr/share/common-licenses/
-  * Clean up some cruft (failed-unittest-log.txt, KEYS, rules-backup) per
-    suggestion of Jeff Breidenbach
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:57:05 +0200
-lucene2 (2.3.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  [ Michael Koch ]
-  * Updated watch file to work with repackaged version number.
-  [ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
-  * New upstream release 
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:47:48 +0100
-lucene2 (2.3.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  [ Varun Hiremath ]
-  * New upstream release
-  * Enable bdb-je integration (Closes: #450569)
-  * debian/patches:
-    - Remove 55_disable-db-jre-compilation.dpatch
-    + Add 55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch to enable bdb-je integration
-  * Move the following patches to old dir as they are no longer applicable:
-    + old/20_remove-gdata-server.dpatch
-    + old/81_fix-javadocs-links.dpatch
-    + old/82_fix-javadoc-external-link-for-gcj.dpatch
-    + old/80_fix-javadocs-classpath.dpatch
-  * debian/control:
-    + Add libdb-je-java to Build-Depends-Indep
-    + Add Homepage header and replace XS-Vcs with Vcs
-    + Bump debhelper compat to 6
-    + Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3
-  [ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
-  * Removed generated (javacc) files from orig.tar.gz.
-  * Updated Debian version to x.y.z+ds1-1, since it is a repackaged source
-  * Install the class documentation into the -doc package instead of into the
-    main package
-  * Added Debian packaging copyright information
-  * Added missing descriptions to patch files
-  * Prevent the test run to download anything, which would not work for
-    autobuilders
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:18:11 +0100
-lucene2 (2.2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Use libdb4.5-java instead of libdb4.3-java, which is removed from Debian.
-  * Move to cdbs
-  * Expanded man page a little
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 04 Sep 2007 21:02:06 +0200
-lucene2 (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release (2.2.0)
-  * Repackaged source tarball, removing third party jars
-  * Added links in lucene javadocs to locally installed ant and regexp javadocs
-  * Updated README.Debian for running the example webapp with tomcat5.5
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:42:29 +0200
-lucene2 (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release (2.1.0)
-  * Fixes compilation of lucli, dbd, dbd-je, regex contrib jar files
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:23:52 +0200

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/changelog (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/changelog)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/changelog	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+lucene3 (3.0.2+ds1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. Lucene3 is not backwards compatible with lucene2; 
+    source using lucene will need to be recompiled and possibly patched.
+    Lucene3 uses Java5 features (such as generics) and removes deprecated APIs.
+  * liblucene3-java Conflicts with liblucene2-java because of the symlinks to
+    the actual jar files. May be resolved in a later version
+  * Split package into a liblucene3-java-core and liblucene3-java-contrib
+  * Add Class-Path entries to the contrib jar files' MANIFEST.MF containing
+    the lucene-core jar files and other dependencies.
+  * Use javahelper as much as possible
+  * Put lucli under control of update-alternatives (needed for coexistence with
+    liblucene2-java)
+  * Bump standards version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed)
+  * Move to quilt patch system and debian source format 3.0 (quilt)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 14 Jun 2011 22:20:41 +0200
+lucene2 (2.9.3+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release 2.9.3
+  * Bump standards version to 3.9.0 (no changes needed)
+  * Added OSGI Require-Bundle metadata in contrib libraries (Closes: #578196)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 06 Aug 2010 16:14:31 +0200
+lucene2 (2.9.2+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Add patch to fix Java networking during package build (workaround for
+    #560056).
+  * Bump standards version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 18 Mar 2010 13:03:42 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Override OSGi Bundle-SymbolicName for lucene-analyzers to be
+    `analysis' instead of `analyzers' (Closes: #566445)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:27:45 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Disable calling svnversion during package build
+  * Backport upstream fix (svn 834011): fix bug that causes false positive
+    failure in the test (Closes: #562308)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:49:57 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Mention in this changelog that CVE-2007-2383 has been fixed
+    (Closes: #558355; Fix CVE-2007-2383)
+  * Providing OSGi metadata in the Manifest for the
+    core and contrib packages (needed for building Eclipse).
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:54:48 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Removed (unused) embedded Prototype javascript library 
+    (Closes: #555225, #555226; Fix CVE-2007-2383)
+  * Added README.source containing information about how to create the Debian
+    source from the upstream source tarball
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 19 Nov 2009 20:45:04 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release 2.9.1
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 06 Nov 2009 21:22:26 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix contrib/ant unit test for running under pbuilder
+  * Disable backwards compatibility tests because these download older versions
+    from the Apache Lucene svn repository
+  * Moved a number of dependencies to Recommends: because they are only
+    dependencies of a contrib library:
+       libicu4j-java: contrib/collation
+       libjline-java: contrib/lucli
+       libjtidy-java: contrib/ant
+       libregexp-java: contrib/regex
+       libcommons-beanutils-java, libcommons-collections3-java,
+       libcommons-compress-java, libcommons-digester-java,
+       libcommons-logging-java: contrib/benchmark
+       libdb4.7-java, libdb-je-java: contrib/db
+  * Changed JRE depends to the -headless versions
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:49:39 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Updated Java source and target version to 1.5 (Closes: #549812)
+  * Added missing dependency on libicu4j-java (for contrib/collation)
+  * Added missing dependency on libjtidy-java (for contrib/ant)
+  * Fix lucli script (shebang line was places after the license block)
+  * Converted debian/copyright to machine-readable format
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:27:47 +0100
+lucene2 (2.9.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version
+  * Updated Debian patches for Lucene 2.9
+  * Bumped standards version to 3.8.3 (no changes needed)
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 09 Oct 2009 16:02:03 +0200
+lucene2 (2.4.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version (2.4.1).
+  * Changed Section from "text" to the new section "java".
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:24:27 +0200
+lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed Breaks to Conflicts to prevent trouble with buildds still
+    running Etch.
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sun, 01 Mar 2009 07:31:37 +0100
+lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added a Breaks: control field to indicate incompatibility with versions
+    of solr-common before 1.2.0+ds2-3 (Closes: 516291).
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 27 Feb 2009 23:39:14 +0100
+lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Re-enable Highlighter unit test because it no longer causes network access
+    (Closes: 50678).
+  * Added ${misc:Depends} dependencies to fix possible debhelper dependencies.
+  * Cleaned up package description of liblucene2-java (removed list of contrib
+    libraries)
+  * Removed two invalid tests also removed upstream (Closes: #516475).
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:57:33 +0100
+lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * switch to libdb4.6-java as we need the armel binary of it since OOo/armel
+    needs us 
+  * add myself to Uploaders:
+ -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:18:01 +0100
+lucene2 (2.4.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version (2 patches patched)
+  * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes to debian/control
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:46:02 +0200
+lucene2 (2.3.2+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release 
+  * Use openjdk to build lucene2, move to main (Closes: #488895)
+  * Update TODO.Debian to reflect move to openjdk
+  * Update README.Debian to reflect inclusion of bdb-je (in 2.3.0+ds1-1)
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
+  * Update debian/copyright to refer to the text of the Apache license in
+    /usr/share/common-licenses/
+  * Clean up some cruft (failed-unittest-log.txt, KEYS, rules-backup) per
+    suggestion of Jeff Breidenbach
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:57:05 +0200
+lucene2 (2.3.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Michael Koch ]
+  * Updated watch file to work with repackaged version number.
+  [ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
+  * New upstream release 
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:47:48 +0100
+lucene2 (2.3.0+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Varun Hiremath ]
+  * New upstream release
+  * Enable bdb-je integration (Closes: #450569)
+  * debian/patches:
+    - Remove 55_disable-db-jre-compilation.dpatch
+    + Add 55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch to enable bdb-je integration
+  * Move the following patches to old dir as they are no longer applicable:
+    + old/20_remove-gdata-server.dpatch
+    + old/81_fix-javadocs-links.dpatch
+    + old/82_fix-javadoc-external-link-for-gcj.dpatch
+    + old/80_fix-javadocs-classpath.dpatch
+  * debian/control:
+    + Add libdb-je-java to Build-Depends-Indep
+    + Add Homepage header and replace XS-Vcs with Vcs
+    + Bump debhelper compat to 6
+    + Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3
+  [ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
+  * Removed generated (javacc) files from orig.tar.gz.
+  * Updated Debian version to x.y.z+ds1-1, since it is a repackaged source
+  * Install the class documentation into the -doc package instead of into the
+    main package
+  * Added Debian packaging copyright information
+  * Added missing descriptions to patch files
+  * Prevent the test run to download anything, which would not work for
+    autobuilders
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:18:11 +0100
+lucene2 (2.2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Use libdb4.5-java instead of libdb4.3-java, which is removed from Debian.
+  * Move to cdbs
+  * Expanded man page a little
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 04 Sep 2007 21:02:06 +0200
+lucene2 (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (2.2.0)
+  * Repackaged source tarball, removing third party jars
+  * Added links in lucene javadocs to locally installed ant and regexp javadocs
+  * Updated README.Debian for running the example webapp with tomcat5.5
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:42:29 +0200
+lucene2 (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (2.1.0)
+  * Fixes compilation of lucli, dbd, dbd-je, regex contrib jar files
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:23:52 +0200

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/compat
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/compat	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/compat	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/compat (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/compat)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/compat	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/compat	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/control
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/control	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/control	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Source: lucene3
-Section: java
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>, Barry Hawkins <barry at alltc.com>, 
- Jeff Breidenbach <jab at debian.org>, Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>, Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>
-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/lucene3/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/lucene3/
-Homepage: http://lucene.apache.org/java/
-Conflicts: liblucene2-java (<= 3.0)
-Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.49), debhelper (>= 6), dpatch (>= 2.0),
- javahelper (>= 0.33~1),
- default-jdk (>= 1.6),
- ant-optional (>= 1.8), ant-contrib, javacc, junit
-Build-Depends-Indep: libjline-java (>= 0.9.5), 
- libcommons-digester-java (>= 1.7), 
- libregexp-java (>= 1.4), 
- libdb4.7-java,
- libdb-je-java (>= 3.2.68),
- libcommons-collections3-java (>= 3.1), 
- libcommons-logging-java (>= 1.0.4), 
- libcommons-beanutils-java (>= 1.7.0),
- libcommons-compress-java (>= 1.0),
- libicu4j-java (>= 3.8.1),
- libjtidy-java (>= 7+svn20070309)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.1
-Package: liblucene3-java
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
- liblucene3-java-core, liblucene3-java-contrib
-Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
- Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
- Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
- that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
- .
- This is a metapackage containing the Lucene core and contrib libraries.
-Package: liblucene3-java-core
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Breaks: solr-common (<< 1.2.0+ds2-3)
-Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
- Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
- Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
- that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
- .
- This package contains the Lucene core library.
-Package: liblucene3-java-contrib
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Breaks: solr-common (<< 1.2.0+ds2-3)
-Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
- Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
- Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
- that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
- .
- This package contains the Lucene contrib libraries.
-Package: liblucene3-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: ${java:Recommends}
-#libregexp-java (>= 1.4), ant-doc
-Description: Documentation for Lucene
- Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
- Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
- that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
- .
- This package contains class API documentation for Lucene.

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/control (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/control)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/control	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/control	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Source: lucene3
+Section: java
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>, Barry Hawkins <barry at alltc.com>, 
+ Jeff Breidenbach <jab at debian.org>, Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>, Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>
+DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/lucene3/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/lucene3/
+Homepage: http://lucene.apache.org/java/
+Conflicts: liblucene2-java (<= 3.0)
+Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.49), debhelper (>= 7), quilt (>= 0.40),
+ javahelper (>= 0.33~1),
+ default-jdk (>= 1.6),
+ ant-optional (>= 1.8), ant-contrib, javacc, junit
+Build-Depends-Indep: libjline-java (>= 0.9.5), 
+ libcommons-digester-java (>= 1.7), 
+ libregexp-java (>= 1.4), 
+ libdb4.7-java,
+ libdb-je-java (>= 3.2.68),
+ libcommons-collections3-java (>= 3.1), 
+ libcommons-logging-java (>= 1.0.4), 
+ libcommons-beanutils-java (>= 1.7.0),
+ libcommons-compress-java (>= 1.0),
+ libicu4j-java (>= 3.8.1),
+ libjtidy-java (>= 7+svn20070309)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.1
+Package: liblucene3-java
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
+ liblucene3-java-core, liblucene3-java-contrib
+Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
+ Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
+ Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
+ that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
+ .
+ This is a metapackage containing the Lucene core and contrib libraries.
+Package: liblucene3-java-core
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Breaks: solr-common (<< 1.2.0+ds2-3)
+Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
+ Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
+ Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
+ that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
+ .
+ This package contains the Lucene core library.
+Package: liblucene3-java-contrib
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Breaks: solr-common (<< 1.2.0+ds2-3)
+Description: Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
+ Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
+ Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
+ that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
+ .
+ This package contains the Lucene contrib libraries.
+Package: liblucene3-java-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Recommends: ${java:Recommends}
+#libregexp-java (>= 1.4), ant-doc
+Description: Documentation for Lucene
+ Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language.
+ Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API
+ that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
+ .
+ This package contains class API documentation for Lucene.

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/copyright (from rev 13801, trunk/lucene3/debian/copyright)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/copyright	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/copyright	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Format-Specification: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=REVISION
+Name: lucene3
+Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Source: http://lucene.apache.org/java/
+Files: *
+Copyright: 2006-2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+License: Apache-2
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2007-2009 Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org> 
+License: Apache-2
+Files: src/java/org/apache/lucene/util/UnicodeUtil.java
+Copyright: 2001-2004 Unicode, Inc.
+License: Unicode and Apache-2
+Files: src/java/org/apache/lucene/util/ArrayUtil.java
+Copyright: 1991-2005 Python Software Foundation
+License: PSF-2.4 and Apache-2
+License: Apache-2
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache
+ License, version 2.0, can be found in the 
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0' file.
+License: PSF-2.4
+ ------------------------------------
+ 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation
+ ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and
+ otherwise using Python 2.4 software in source or binary form and its
+ associated documentation.
+ 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF
+ hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide
+ license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly,
+ prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 2.4
+ alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's
+ License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c)
+ 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved"
+ are retained in Python 2.4 alone or in any derivative version prepared
+ by Licensee.
+ 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on
+ or incorporates Python 2.4 or any part thereof, and wants to make
+ the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then
+ Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of
+ the changes made to Python 2.4.
+ 4. PSF is making Python 2.4 available to Licensee on an "AS IS"
+ 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
+ breach of its terms and conditions.
+ 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any
+ relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between PSF and
+ Licensee.  This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF
+ trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote
+ products or services of Licensee, or any third party.
+ 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python 2.4, Licensee
+ agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License
+ Agreement.
+License: Unicode
+ Disclaimer
+ This source code is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are
+ made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any
+ kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine
+ applicability of information provided. If this file has been
+ purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the
+ sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media
+ within 90 days of receipt.
+ Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Code
+ Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information
+ supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the
+ Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form
+ for internal or external distribution as long as this notice
+ remains attached.

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/get-orig-source.sh
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/get-orig-source.sh	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/get-orig-source.sh	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-DEHS=`( uscan --dehs )`
-URL=`echo $DEHS | xsltproc debian/uscan-url.xslt -`
-VERSION=`echo $DEHS | xsltproc debian/uscan-upstream-version.xslt -`
-ABI_VERSION=$(echo $UPSTREAM_VERSION | grep -o "^[[:digit:]]\+" )
-# Download source tarball and signature file
-if [ ! -r "$SOURCEFILE" ]; then
-  wget "$URL" -O $SOURCEFILE
-wget "$URL.asc" -O $SIGFILE
-# If necessary, recreate keyring used for signing
-# Only do this if the keyring is not yet downloaded
-if [ ! -r $KEYFILE ]; then
-    wget "$KEYURL" -O "$KEYFILE"
-if [ ! -r $KEYRING ]; then
-    touch $KEYRING
-    gpg --no-default-keyring --primary-keyring $KEYRING --import $KEYFILE
-# Check signature
-gpgv --quiet --keyring $KEYRING $SIGFILE $SOURCEFILE
-echo "Check whether the archive has been signed by Uwe Schindler (CODE SIGNING KEY) <uschindler at apache.org>, key ID E1EE085F"
-# Repackage upstream source file without the third party jars
-TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
-echo "Unpacking into tempdir $TEMPDIR..."
-echo "Removing third party jars..."
-find $TEMPDIR -name \*.jar -exec rm {} \;
-echo "Removing pre-generated javacc output files..."
-# Some generated files are excepted because they are not properly generated by
-# the build system
-#fgrep -lR "Generated By:JavaCC:" $TEMPDIR | grep -v "analysis/standard/ParseException.java\|precedence\|surround" | xargs -n5 rm
-fgrep -lR "Generated By:JavaCC:" $TEMPDIR | xargs -n5 rm
-echo "Packing new orig source tarball $SOURCETAR..."
-tar cf $SOURCETAR *
-gzip -9 $SOURCETAR
-echo "Removing tempdir..."
-rm -rf "$TEMPDIR"

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/get-orig-source.sh (from rev 13801, trunk/lucene3/debian/get-orig-source.sh)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/get-orig-source.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/get-orig-source.sh	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+DEHS=`( uscan --dehs )`
+URL=`echo $DEHS | xsltproc debian/uscan-url.xslt -`
+VERSION=`echo $DEHS | xsltproc debian/uscan-upstream-version.xslt -`
+ABI_VERSION=$(echo $VERSION | grep -o "^[[:digit:]]\+" )
+# Download source tarball and signature file
+if [ ! -r "$SOURCEFILE" ]; then
+  wget "$URL" -O $SOURCEFILE
+wget "$URL.asc" -O $SIGFILE
+# If necessary, recreate keyring used for signing
+# Only do this if the keyring is not yet downloaded
+if [ ! -r $KEYFILE ]; then
+    wget "$KEYURL" -O "$KEYFILE"
+if [ ! -r $KEYRING ]; then
+    touch $KEYRING
+    gpg --no-default-keyring --primary-keyring $KEYRING --import $KEYFILE
+# Check signature
+gpgv --quiet --keyring $KEYRING $SIGFILE $SOURCEFILE
+echo "Check whether the archive has been signed by Uwe Schindler (CODE SIGNING KEY) <uschindler at apache.org>, key ID E1EE085F"
+# Repackage upstream source file without the third party jars
+TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
+echo "Unpacking into tempdir $TEMPDIR..."
+echo "Removing third party jars..."
+find $TEMPDIR -name \*.jar -exec rm {} \;
+echo "Removing pre-generated javacc output files..."
+# Some generated files are excepted because they are not properly generated by
+# the build system
+#fgrep -lR "Generated By:JavaCC:" $TEMPDIR | grep -v "analysis/standard/ParseException.java\|precedence\|surround" | xargs -n5 rm
+fgrep -lR "Generated By:JavaCC:" $TEMPDIR | xargs -n5 rm
+echo "Packing new orig source tarball $SOURCETAR..."
+tar cf $SOURCETAR *
+gzip -9 $SOURCETAR
+echo "Removing tempdir..."
+rm -rf "$TEMPDIR"

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/00list
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/00list	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/00list	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/01_remove_all_jarfiles.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/01_remove_all_jarfiles.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/01_remove_all_jarfiles.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-## 01_remove_all_jarfiles.dpatch -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## DP: We want to be use we do not build using jar files contained
-## DP: in the Lucene distribution tarball, so we start by removing
-## DP: all jar files.
-if [ -z "$OPERATION" ]; then
-	echo "Illegal arguments"
-	exit 1
-if [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
-case "$OPERATION" in
-  -patch)
-		echo "Removing all jar files under $DIRECTORY"
-		find $DIRECTORY -name \*.jar -exec rm {} \;
-		;;
-  -unpatch)
-		echo "Unable to magic back jar files..."
-		;;
-  *)
-		echo "Illegal command line $1 $2"
-		exit 1
-		;;

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene2~/build.xml lucene2/build.xml
---- lucene2~/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:32.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@
-   <property name="junit.includes" value="**/Test*.java"/>
-+  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene" />
-+  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
-+    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache"/>
-+    <mapper>
-+      <chainedmapper>
-+        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
-+      </chainedmapper>
-+    </mapper>
-+  </pathconvert>
-   <import file="common-build.xml"/>
-   <property name="build.demo.template" value="src/demo/demo-build.template"/> 
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene2~/common-build.xml lucene2/common-build.xml
---- lucene2~/common-build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/common-build.xml	2010-08-06 13:46:16.000000000 +0200
-@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
-     for standalone use.
-   </description>
-+  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
-   <dirname file="${ant.file.common}" property="common.dir"/>
-   <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
-@@ -291,6 +293,15 @@
-   </macrodef>  	
-+  <macrodef name="update-manifest-requirebundle" 
-+            description="Updates the Require-Bundle attribute of a manifest file">
-+    <sequential>
-+      <manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
-+                <attribute name="Require-Bundle"
-+                           value="${OSGi.requirebundle}"/>
-+      </manifest>
-+    </sequential>
-+  </macrodef>
-   <macrodef name="build-manifest" description="Builds a manifest file">
-   	<attribute name="title" default="Lucene Search Engine: ${ant.project.name}" />
-@@ -311,6 +322,24 @@
- 		           value="${javac.source}"/>
- 		<attribute name="X-Compile-Target-JDK" 
- 		           value="${javac.target}"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-ManifestVersion"
-+                           value="2"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-SymbolicName"
-+                           value="${OSGi.symbolicname}"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-Name"
-+                           value="@{title}"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-Version"
-+                           value="${version}"/><!--
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-Version"
-+                           value="1.9.1.v20080530-1600"/>-->
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment"
-+                           value="J2SE-1.5"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-Vendor"
-+                           value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
-+                <attribute name="Bundle-Localization"
-+                           value="plugin"/>
-+                <attribute name="Export-Package"
-+                           value="${OSGi.exportpackage}"/>
- 	  </manifest>
-   	</sequential>
-   </macrodef>
-@@ -328,6 +357,12 @@
-       </exec>
-       <build-manifest/>
-+      <if>
-+        <isset property="OSGi.requirebundle"/>
-+        <then>
-+          <update-manifest-requirebundle/>
-+        </then>
-+      </if>
-       <jar
-         destfile="@{destfile}"
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene2~/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml lucene2/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:32.000000000 +0200
-@@ -30,8 +30,18 @@
-   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../../dist/contrib/analyzers/common" />
-   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../../dist/maven" />
-+  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene.analysis" />
-+  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
-+    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene org/apache/lucene/analysis"/>
-+    <mapper>
-+      <chainedmapper>
-+        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
-+      </chainedmapper>
-+    </mapper>
-+  </pathconvert>
-   <import file="../../contrib-build.xml"/>
-   <path id="test.classpath">
-     <path refid="classpath"/>
-     <pathelement location="../../../build/classes/test/"/>
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene2~/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml lucene2/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:32.000000000 +0200
-@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@
-   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../../dist/contrib/analyzers/smartcn" />
-   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../../dist/maven" />
-+  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
-+    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene org/apache/lucene/analysis"/>
-+    <mapper>
-+      <chainedmapper>
-+        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
-+      </chainedmapper>
-+    </mapper>
-+  </pathconvert>
-   <import file="../../contrib-build.xml"/>
-   <path id="test.classpath">
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene2~/contrib/contrib-build.xml lucene2/contrib/contrib-build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/contrib-build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/contrib-build.xml	2010-08-06 13:44:32.000000000 +0200
-@@ -24,7 +24,21 @@
-   <property name="build.dir" location="../../build/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
-   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../dist/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
-   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../dist/maven"/>
-+  <!-- these can be overridden in the separate contrib
-+       build.xml files --> 
-+  <property name="OSGi.requirebundle"
-+    value='org.apache.lucene;bundle-version="${version}";visibility:=reexport' />
-+  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene.${ant.project.name}" />
-+  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
-+    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene"/>
-+    <mapper>
-+      <chainedmapper>
-+        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
-+      </chainedmapper>
-+    </mapper>
-+  </pathconvert>
-   <import file="../common-build.xml"/>
-   <property name="lucene.jar" location="${common.dir}/build/lucene-core-${version}.jar"/>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/05_add-osgi-metadata-in-manifests.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/build.xml
+@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@
+   <property name="junit.includes" value="**/Test*.java"/>
++  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene" />
++  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
++    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache"/>
++    <mapper>
++      <chainedmapper>
++        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
++      </chainedmapper>
++    </mapper>
++  </pathconvert>
+   <import file="common-build.xml"/>
+   <property name="build.demo.template" value="src/demo/demo-build.template"/> 
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/common-build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/common-build.xml
+@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
+     for standalone use.
+   </description>
++  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
+   <dirname file="${ant.file.common}" property="common.dir"/>
+   <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
+@@ -291,6 +293,15 @@
+   </macrodef>  	
++  <macrodef name="update-manifest-requirebundle"
++            description="Updates the Require-Bundle attribute of a manifest file">
++    <sequential>
++      <manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
++                <attribute name="Require-Bundle"
++                           value="${OSGi.requirebundle}"/>
++      </manifest>
++    </sequential>
++  </macrodef>
+   <macrodef name="build-manifest" description="Builds a manifest file">
+   	<attribute name="title" default="Lucene Search Engine: ${ant.project.name}" />
+@@ -311,6 +322,24 @@
+ 		           value="${javac.source}"/>
+ 		<attribute name="X-Compile-Target-JDK" 
+ 		           value="${javac.target}"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-ManifestVersion"
++                           value="2"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-SymbolicName"
++                           value="${OSGi.symbolicname}"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-Name"
++                           value="@{title}"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-Version"
++                           value="${version}"/><!--
++                <attribute name="Bundle-Version"
++                           value="1.9.1.v20080530-1600"/>-->
++                <attribute name="Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment"
++                           value="J2SE-1.5"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-Vendor"
++                           value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
++                <attribute name="Bundle-Localization"
++                           value="plugin"/>
++                <attribute name="Export-Package"
++                           value="${OSGi.exportpackage}"/>
+ 	  </manifest>
+   	</sequential>
+   </macrodef>
+@@ -328,6 +357,12 @@
+       </exec>
+       <build-manifest/>
++      <if>
++        <isset property="OSGi.requirebundle"/>
++        <then>
++          <update-manifest-requirebundle/>
++        </then>
++      </if>
+       <jar
+         destfile="@{destfile}"
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/analyzers/common/build.xml
+@@ -27,8 +27,18 @@
+   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../../dist/contrib/analyzers/common" />
+   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../../dist/maven" />
++  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene.analysis" />
++  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
++    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene org/apache/lucene/analysis"/>
++    <mapper>
++      <chainedmapper>
++        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
++      </chainedmapper>
++    </mapper>
++  </pathconvert>
+   <import file="../../contrib-build.xml"/>
+   <path id="test.classpath">
+     <path refid="classpath"/>
+     <pathelement location="../../../build/classes/test/"/>
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/analyzers/smartcn/build.xml
+@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
+   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../../dist/contrib/analyzers/smartcn" />
+   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../../dist/maven" />
++  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
++    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene org/apache/lucene/analysis"/>
++    <mapper>
++      <chainedmapper>
++        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
++      </chainedmapper>
++    </mapper>
++  </pathconvert>
+   <import file="../../contrib-build.xml"/>
+   <path id="test.classpath">
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/contrib-build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/contrib-build.xml
+@@ -24,7 +24,21 @@
+   <property name="build.dir" location="../../build/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
+   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../dist/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
+   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../dist/maven"/>
++  <!-- these can be overridden in the separate contrib
++       build.xml files -->
++  <property name="OSGi.requirebundle"
++    value='org.apache.lucene;bundle-version="${version}";visibility:=reexport' />
++  <property name="OSGi.symbolicname" value="org.apache.lucene.${ant.project.name}" />
++  <pathconvert property="OSGi.exportpackage" pathsep=",">
++    <dirset dir="src/java" excludes="org org/apache org/apache/lucene"/>
++    <mapper>
++      <chainedmapper>
++        <packagemapper from="${basedir}/src/java/*" to="*"/>
++      </chainedmapper>
++    </mapper>
++  </pathconvert>
+   <import file="../common-build.xml"/>
+   <property name="lucene.jar" location="${common.dir}/build/lucene-core-${version}.jar"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 10_fix-javacc-locations.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Fix lucene's build configuration to find javacc
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2-2.3.0~/common-build.xml lucene2-2.3.0/common-build.xml
---- lucene2-2.3.0~/common-build.xml	2008-01-26 15:39:14.000000000 +0530
-+++ lucene2-2.3.0/common-build.xml	2008-01-26 15:42:13.000000000 +0530
-@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@
-   <property name="m2.repository.url" value="file://${maven.dist.dir}"/>
-   <property name="m2.repository.private.key" value="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa"/>
--  <property name="javacc.home" location="${common.dir}"/>
-+  <property name="javacc.home" location="/usr/share/java"/>
-+  <property name="javacc.jar" location="${javacc.home}/javacc.jar"/>
-   <property name="jflex.home" location="${common.dir}"/>
-   <property name="junit.output.dir" location="${build.dir}/test"/>
-@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
-   <available
-     property="javacc.present"
-     classname="org.javacc.parser.Main"
--    classpath="${javacc.home}/bin/lib/javacc.jar"
-+    classpath="${javacc.jar}"
-     />
-    <available

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/10_fix-javacc-locations.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: Fix lucene's build configuration to find javacc
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/common-build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/common-build.xml
+@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
+   <property name="m2.repository.url" value="file://${maven.dist.dir}"/>
+   <property name="m2.repository.private.key" value="${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa"/>
+-  <property name="javacc.home" location="${common.dir}"/>
++  <property name="javacc.home" location="/usr/share/java"/>
++  <property name="javacc.jar" location="${javacc.home}/javacc.jar"/>
+   <property name="jflex.home" location="${common.dir}"/>
+   <property name="junit.output.dir" location="${build.dir}/test"/>
+@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
+   <available
+     property="javacc.present"
+     classname="org.javacc.parser.Main"
+-    classpath="${javacc.home}/bin/lib/javacc.jar"
++    classpath="${javacc.jar}"
+     />
+    <available

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 11_fix-javacc-generated-files.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/contrib/queryparser/build.xml lucene2/contrib/queryparser/build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/queryparser/build.xml	2009-10-08 18:23:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/queryparser/build.xml	2009-10-08 18:24:45.000000000 +0200
-@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-   	                         match="^  public ParseException\(Token currentTokenVal.*$(\s\s[^}].*\n)*  \}"
-   	                         replace="  public ParseException(Token currentTokenVal,

-   	        int[][] expectedTokenSequencesVal, String[] tokenImageVal) {

--  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, initialise(

--  	      currentTokenVal, expectedTokenSequencesVal, tokenImageVal)));

-+  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, new Object[]{initialise(

-+  	      currentTokenVal, expectedTokenSequencesVal, tokenImageVal)}));

-   	    this.currentToken = currentTokenVal;

-   	    this.expectedTokenSequences = expectedTokenSequencesVal;

-   	    this.tokenImage = tokenImageVal;

-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
-   	    <replaceregexp file="src/java/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/standard/parser/ParseException.java"
-   	                         match="^  public ParseException\(\).*$(\s\s[^}].*\n)*  \}"
-   	                         replace="  public ParseException() {

--  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, "Error"));

-+  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, new Object[]{"Error"}));

-   	  }"
-   	                         flags="gm"
-   	                         byline="false"/>
-@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@
-   	                         replace="  static private String add_escapes(String str) {"
-   	                         flags="g"
-   	                         byline="false"/>
-+  	    <replaceregexp file="src/java/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/standard/parser/StandardSyntaxParser.java"
-+  	                         match="Message message = new MessageImpl\(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX_CANNOT_PARSE, query, tme.getMessage\(\)\);"
-+  	                         replace="Message message = new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX_CANNOT_PARSE, new Object[]{query, tme.getMessage()});"
-+  	                         flags="g"
-+  	                         byline="false"/>
-   </target>
- </project>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/11_fix-javacc-generated-files.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/queryparser/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/queryparser/build.xml
+@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
+   	                         match="^  public ParseException\(Token currentTokenVal.*$(\s\s[^}].*\n)*  \}"
+   	                         replace="  public ParseException(Token currentTokenVal,

+   	        int[][] expectedTokenSequencesVal, String[] tokenImageVal) {

+-  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, initialise(

+-  	      currentTokenVal, expectedTokenSequencesVal, tokenImageVal)));

++  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, new Object[]{initialise(

++  	      currentTokenVal, expectedTokenSequencesVal, tokenImageVal)}));

+   	    this.currentToken = currentTokenVal;

+   	    this.expectedTokenSequences = expectedTokenSequencesVal;

+   	    this.tokenImage = tokenImageVal;

+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+   	    <replaceregexp file="src/java/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/standard/parser/ParseException.java"
+   	                         match="^  public ParseException\(\).*$(\s\s[^}].*\n)*  \}"
+   	                         replace="  public ParseException() {

+-  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, "Error"));

++  	    super(new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX, new Object[]{"Error"}));

+   	  }"
+   	                         flags="gm"
+   	                         byline="false"/>
+@@ -85,6 +85,11 @@
+   	                         replace="  static private String add_escapes(String str) {"
+   	                         flags="g"
+   	                         byline="false"/>
++  	    <replaceregexp file="src/java/org/apache/lucene/queryParser/standard/parser/StandardSyntaxParser.java"
++  	                         match="Message message = new MessageImpl\(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX_CANNOT_PARSE, query, tme.getMessage\(\)\);"
++  	                         replace="Message message = new MessageImpl(QueryParserMessages.INVALID_SYNTAX_CANNOT_PARSE, new Object[]{query, tme.getMessage()});"
++  	                         flags="g"
++  	                         byline="false"/>
+   </target>
+ </project>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/20_add-classpath-to-manifest-in-jars.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/20_add-classpath-to-manifest-in-jars.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/20_add-classpath-to-manifest-in-jars.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 20_add-classpath-to-manifest-in-jars.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/collation/build.xml lucene3/contrib/collation/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/collation/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/collation/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:28:15.000000000 +0200
-@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
-   <import file="../contrib-build.xml"/>
-+  <property name="manifest.classpath"
-+    value="/usr/share/java/lucene-core-${version}.jar /usr/share/java/lucene-misc-${version}.jar"
-+  />
-   <target name="compile-misc">
-     <subant target="compile">
-        <fileset dir="${common.dir}/contrib/misc" includes="build.xml"/>
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/contrib-build.xml lucene3/contrib/contrib-build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/contrib-build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/contrib-build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:12.000000000 +0200
-@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
-   <property name="build.dir" location="../../build/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
-   <property name="dist.dir" location="../../dist/contrib/${ant.project.name}"/>
-   <property name="maven.dist.dir" location="../../dist/maven"/>
-+  <property name="project.classpath" value=""/> 
-   <!-- these can be overridden in the separate contrib
-        build.xml files --> 
-@@ -52,6 +54,13 @@
-    <pathelement path="${project.classpath}"/>
-   </path>
-+  <path id="external.classpath">
-+   <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/lucene-core-$(version}.jar"/>
-+   <pathelement path="${project.classpath}"/>
-+  </path>
-+  <pathconvert property="manifest.classpath" pathsep=" " refid="external.classpath" />
-   <path id="test.classpath">
-     <path refid="classpath"/>
-     <pathelement location="../../build/classes/test/"/>
-@@ -74,6 +83,13 @@
-     <ant dir="${common.dir}" target="compile-test" inheritAll="false"/>
-   </target>
-+  <target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Create JAR">
-+    <jarify>
-+      <manifest-attributes>
-+        <attribute name="Class-Path" value="/usr/share/java/lucene-core-${version}.jar ${project.classpath}" />
-+      </manifest-attributes>
-+    </jarify>
-+  </target>
-   <target name="init" depends="common.init,build-lucene,build-lucene-tests"/>
-   <target name="compile-test" depends="init" if="contrib.has.tests">
-@@ -124,5 +140,7 @@
-   <li><a href="contrib-${name}/index.html">${name}</a></li>
- ]]></echo>
-   </target>
-+  <target name="default" depends="jar"/>
- </project>
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml lucene3/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:12.000000000 +0200
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-     limitations under the License.
-  -->
--<project name="bdb" default="default">
-+<project name="bdb" default="jar">
-   <description>
-     Lucene Berkeley DB integration
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/lucli/build.xml lucene3/contrib/lucli/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/lucli/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/lucli/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:31:33.000000000 +0200
-@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
-     <jarify>
-       <manifest-attributes>
-         <attribute name="Main-Class" value="lucli.Lucli" />
--        <attribute name="Class-Path" value="lib/jline.jar lib/lucene.jar" />
-+        <attribute name="Class-Path" 
-+          value="/usr/share/java/lucene-core-${version}.jar /usr/share/java/jline.jar" 
-+        />
-       </manifest-attributes>
-     </jarify>
-    </target>
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/snowball/build.xml lucene3/contrib/snowball/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/snowball/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/snowball/build.xml	2010-08-13 15:26:12.000000000 +0200
-@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
-   <target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Create JAR">
-     <jarify>
-+      <manifest-attributes>
-+        <attribute name="Class-Path" value="/usr/share/java/lucene-core-${version}.jar" />
-+      </manifest-attributes>
-       <metainf-includes>
-         <metainf dir=".">
-           <include name="SNOWBALL-LICENSE.txt"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Link contrib/ant to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
-## DP: to the (removed) libraries from lib/
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad trunk~/contrib/ant/build.xml trunk/contrib/ant/build.xml
---- trunk~/contrib/ant/build.xml	2007-06-04 06:02:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/contrib/ant/build.xml	2007-06-05 13:30:58.000000000 +0200
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-   <path id="additional.dependencies">
-     <!-- TODO: make ${tidy.jar} property -->
--    <pathelement location="lib/Tidy.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/jtidy.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/30_fix-contrib-ant-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: Link contrib/ant to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
+to the (removed) libraries from lib/
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/ant/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/ant/build.xml
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+   <path id="additional.dependencies">
+     <!-- TODO: make ${tidy.jar} property -->
+-    <pathelement location="lib/Tidy.jar"/>
++    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/jtidy.jar"/>
+   </path>
+   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: The URL decoding caused the test to fail when building with pbuilder,
-## DP: because the '+' sign in the Debian version number was converted to
-## DP: a space. This patch removes the URL decoding.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java lucene2/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java
---- lucene2~/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java	2009-06-27 12:58:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java	2009-11-05 09:34:23.000000000 +0100
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-         String fullname =
-                      this.getClass().getResource(filename).getFile();
--        File file = new File(URLDecoder.decode(fullname, "UTF-8"));
-+        File file = new File(fullname);
-         return file;
-     }

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/31_fix-contrib-ant-test-wrong-encoding.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: The URL decoding caused the test to fail when building with pbuilder,
+because the '+' sign in the Debian version number was converted to
+a space. This patch removes the URL decoding.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/ant/src/test/org/apache/lucene/ant/DocumentTestCase.java
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+         String fullname =
+                      this.getClass().getResource(filename).getFile();
+-        File file = new File(URLDecoder.decode(fullname, "UTF-8"));
++        File file = new File(fullname);
+         return file;
+     }

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 39_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/contrib/benchmark/build.xml lucene2/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/benchmark/build.xml	2009-08-20 09:34:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/benchmark/build.xml	2009-08-20 09:35:09.000000000 +0200
-@@ -107,9 +107,13 @@
-         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/highlighter/classes/java"/>
-         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/memory/classes/java"/>
-         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/fast-vector-highlighter/classes/java"/>
--    	<fileset dir="lib">
--    		<include name="**/*.jar"/>
--    	</fileset>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-digester.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-collections.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-compress.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-logging.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"/>
-+        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/xml-apis.jar"/>
-     </path>
-     <path id="run.classpath">
-         <path refid="classpath"/>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/40_fix-contrib-benchmark-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
+@@ -107,9 +107,13 @@
+         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/highlighter/classes/java"/>
+         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/memory/classes/java"/>
+         <pathelement path="${common.dir}/build/contrib/fast-vector-highlighter/classes/java"/>
+-    	<fileset dir="lib">
+-    		<include name="**/*.jar"/>
+-    	</fileset>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-digester.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-collections.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-compress.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-logging.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar"/>
++        <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/xml-apis.jar"/>
+     </path>
+     <path id="run.classpath">
+         <path refid="classpath"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/contrib/collation/build.xml lucene2/contrib/collation/build.xml
---- lucene2~/contrib/collation/build.xml	2009-08-19 20:22:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/collation/build.xml	2009-08-20 11:16:40.000000000 +0200
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-   <path id="additional.dependencies">
--    <fileset dir="lib" includes="icu4j-*.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/icu4j.jar"/>
-     <pathelement location="../../build/contrib/misc/classes/java"/>
-   </path>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/45_fix-contrib-collation-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/collation/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/collation/build.xml
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+   <path id="additional.dependencies">
+-    <fileset dir="lib" includes="icu4j-*.jar"/>
++    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/icu4j.jar"/>
+     <pathelement location="../../build/contrib/misc/classes/java"/>
+   </path>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 50_fix-contrib-db-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml lucene3/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:19:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:21:17.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@
-     Lucene Berkeley DB integration
-   </description>
--  <property name="db.version" value="4.7.25" />
-   <path id="db.jar">
--    <pathelement location="lib/db-${db.version}.jar" />
-+    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/libdb4.7-java.jar" />
-   </path>
-   <available classname="com.sleepycat.db.internal.Db" property="db.jar.exists">
-@@ -46,12 +44,6 @@
-     <pathelement location="${build.dir}/classes/java"/>
-   </path>
--  <target name="get-db-jar" unless="db.jar.exists">
--    <mkdir dir="lib" />
--    <get src="http://downloads.osafoundation.org/db/db-${db.version}.jar"
--         dest="lib/db-${db.version}.jar" />
--  </target>
-   <target name="sanity-load-lib" depends="compile-test">
-     <java classname="org.apache.lucene.store.db.SanityLoadLibrary"
-           classpathref="junit.classpath"
-@@ -78,7 +70,6 @@
-     <antcall target="common.test" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />
-   </target>
--  <target name="check-and-get-db-jar" depends="get-db-jar" />
--  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init,check-and-get-db-jar" />
-+  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init" />
- </project>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/50_fix-contrib-db-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/db/bdb/build.xml
+@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@
+     Lucene Berkeley DB integration
+   </description>
+-  <property name="db.version" value="4.7.25" />
+   <path id="db.jar">
+-    <pathelement location="lib/db-${db.version}.jar" />
++    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/libdb4.7-java.jar" />
+   </path>
+   <available classname="com.sleepycat.db.internal.Db" property="db.jar.exists">
+@@ -46,12 +44,6 @@
+     <pathelement location="${build.dir}/classes/java"/>
+   </path>
+-  <target name="get-db-jar" unless="db.jar.exists">
+-    <mkdir dir="lib" />
+-    <get src="http://downloads.osafoundation.org/db/db-${db.version}.jar"
+-         dest="lib/db-${db.version}.jar" />
+-  </target>
+   <target name="sanity-load-lib" depends="compile-test">
+     <java classname="org.apache.lucene.store.db.SanityLoadLibrary"
+           classpathref="junit.classpath"
+@@ -78,7 +70,6 @@
+     <antcall target="common.test" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />
+   </target>
+-  <target name="check-and-get-db-jar" depends="get-db-jar" />
+-  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init,check-and-get-db-jar" />
++  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init" />
+ </project>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml lucene3/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:19:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:23:15.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@
-     Lucene Berkeley DB Java Edition integration
-   </description>
--  <property name="je.version" value="3.3.69" />
-   <path id="je.jar">
--    <pathelement location="lib/je-${je.version}/lib/je-${je.version}.jar" />
-+    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/db-je.jar" />
-   </path>
-   <available classname="com.sleepycat.je.Database" property="je.jar.exists">
-@@ -46,17 +44,5 @@
-     <pathelement location="${build.dir}/classes/java"/>
-   </path>
--  <target name="get-je-jar" unless="je.jar.exists">
--    <mkdir dir="lib" />
--    <get src="http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/je-${je.version}.zip"
--         dest="lib/je-${je.version}.zip" />
--    <unzip src="lib/je-${je.version}.zip" dest="lib">
--      <patternset>
--        <include name="je-${je.version}/lib/je-${je.version}.jar" />
--      </patternset>
--    </unzip>
--  </target>
--  <target name="check-and-get-je-jar" depends="get-je-jar" />
--  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init,check-and-get-je-jar" />
-+  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init" />
- </project>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/55_fix-contrib-db-je-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/db/bdb-je/build.xml
+@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@
+     Lucene Berkeley DB Java Edition integration
+   </description>
+-  <property name="je.version" value="3.3.69" />
+   <path id="je.jar">
+-    <pathelement location="lib/je-${je.version}/lib/je-${je.version}.jar" />
++    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/db-je.jar" />
+   </path>
+   <available classname="com.sleepycat.je.Database" property="je.jar.exists">
+@@ -46,17 +44,5 @@
+     <pathelement location="${build.dir}/classes/java"/>
+   </path>
+-  <target name="get-je-jar" unless="je.jar.exists">
+-    <mkdir dir="lib" />
+-    <get src="http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/je-${je.version}.zip"
+-         dest="lib/je-${je.version}.zip" />
+-    <unzip src="lib/je-${je.version}.zip" dest="lib">
+-      <patternset>
+-        <include name="je-${je.version}/lib/je-${je.version}.jar" />
+-      </patternset>
+-    </unzip>
+-  </target>
+-  <target name="check-and-get-je-jar" depends="get-je-jar" />
+-  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init,check-and-get-je-jar" />
++  <target name="init" depends="contrib-build.init" />
+ </project>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Link contrib/lucli to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
-## DP: to the (removed) libraries from lib/
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad trunk~/contrib/lucli/build.xml trunk/contrib/lucli/build.xml
---- trunk~/contrib/lucli/build.xml	2007-06-04 06:02:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/contrib/lucli/build.xml	2007-06-05 13:52:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-   <path id="additional.dependencies">
--    <pathelement location="lib/jline.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/jline.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/60_fix-contrib-lucli-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: Link contrib/lucli to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
+to the (removed) libraries from lib/
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/lucli/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/lucli/build.xml
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+   <path id="additional.dependencies">
+-    <pathelement location="lib/jline.jar"/>
++    <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/jline.jar"/>
+   </path>
+   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 61_lucli-script.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Fix the lucli run.sh script to use the jar files in the
-## DP: standard locations.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/contrib/lucli/run.sh lucene2/contrib/lucli/run.sh
---- lucene2~/contrib/lucli/run.sh	2009-10-09 13:00:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene2/contrib/lucli/run.sh	2009-10-09 13:01:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- #    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- #    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-@@ -14,9 +15,8 @@
- #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- #    limitations under the License.
- export CLASSPATH
--$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx${LUCLI_MEMORY} lucli.Lucli
-+java -Xmx${LUCLI_MEMORY} lucli.Lucli

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/61_lucli-script.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: Fix the lucli run.sh script to use the jar files in the
+standard locations.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/lucli/run.sh
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/lucli/run.sh
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+ #    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ #    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+@@ -14,9 +15,8 @@
+ #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ #    limitations under the License.
+ export CLASSPATH
+-$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx${LUCLI_MEMORY} lucli.Lucli
++java -Xmx${LUCLI_MEMORY} lucli.Lucli

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Link contrib/regex to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
-## DP: to the (removed) libraries from lib/
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad trunk~/contrib/regex/build.xml trunk/contrib/regex/build.xml
---- trunk~/contrib/regex/build.xml	2007-06-04 06:02:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/contrib/regex/build.xml	2007-06-05 13:58:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-   </description>
-   <path id="additional.dependencies">
--    <fileset dir="lib" includes="*-oro-*.jar,*-regexp-*.jar"/>
-+    <fileset dir="/usr/share/java" includes="regexp.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/70_fix-contrib-regex-libs.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: Link contrib/regex to the libraries from /usr/share/java instead of
+to the (removed) libraries from lib/
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/regex/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/regex/build.xml
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+   </description>
+   <path id="additional.dependencies">
+-    <fileset dir="lib" includes="*-oro-*.jar,*-regexp-*.jar"/>
++    <fileset dir="/usr/share/java" includes="regexp.jar"/>
+   </path>
+   <pathconvert property="project.classpath"

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 80_prevent-downloading-data-files.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/contrib/benchmark/build.xml lucene3/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
---- lucene3~/contrib/benchmark/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:35:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/contrib/benchmark/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:36:53.000000000 +0200
-@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
-     <target name="init" depends="common.init,compile-demo,compile-memory,compile-highlighter,compile-vector-highlighter,check-files"/>
-     <!-- make sure online collections (reuters) are first downloaded -->
--    <target name="test" depends="init,get-files">
--      <antcall target="common.test" inheritRefs="true" />
-+    <!-- test disabled, cannot download reuters and news data in automated build environments -->
-+    <target name="test" depends="init">
-     </target>
- </project>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/80_prevent-downloading-data-files.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/contrib/benchmark/build.xml
+@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
+     <target name="init" depends="common.init,compile-demo,compile-memory,compile-highlighter,compile-vector-highlighter,check-files"/>
+     <!-- make sure online collections (reuters) are first downloaded -->
+-    <target name="test" depends="init,get-files">
+-      <antcall target="common.test" inheritRefs="true" />
++    <!-- test disabled, cannot download reuters and news data in automated build environments -->
++    <target name="test" depends="init">
+     </target>
+ </project>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/build.xml lucene3/build.xml
---- lucene3~/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:38:26.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/build.xml	2010-08-11 13:39:40.000000000 +0200
-@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
-   <target name="test-core" depends="common.test"
-           description="Runs unit tests for the core Lucene code"
-   />
--  <target name="test" depends="test-core, test-contrib, test-tag"
--          description="Runs all unit tests (core, contrib and back-compat)"
-+  <target name="test" depends="test-core, test-contrib"
-+          description="Runs all unit tests (core and contrib)"
-   />
-   <property name="tag" value="${compatibility.tag}"/>
-@@ -104,51 +104,6 @@
-     <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
-   </path>
--  <target name="download-tag"
--  	description="Downloads a previous Lucene version. Specify tag version like this: -Dtag=lucene_2_4_back_compat_tests_20090127">
--	<sequential>
--	  <mkdir dir="${tags.dir}/${tag}"/>
--      <exec dir="${tags.dir}/${tag}" executable="${svn.exe}"
--            failifexecutionfails="false">
--        <arg line="checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/tags/${tag}/src/"/>
--      </exec>
--	</sequential>
--  </target>
--  <target name="test-tag" depends="download-tag, compile-core, jar-core"
--  	description="Runs tests of a previous Lucene version. Specify tag version like this: -Dtag=branches/lucene_2_9_back_compat_tests">
--	<sequential>
--      <available property="tag.available" file="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" />
--	  <fail unless="tag.available">
--	  	Specified tag '${tag}' could not be found in directory '${tags.dir}/${tag}'.
--	  </fail>
--	  <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/${tag}"/>	  
--	  <!-- first compile tag classes -->
--	  <compile
--	    srcdir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/java"
--	    destdir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/java"
--      javac.source="${javac.source.tag}" javac.target="${javac.target.tag}">
--	  <classpath refid="tag.classpath"/>
--	  </compile>
--	  <!-- compile jar for tag -->
--      <jarify basedir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/java"
--			  destfile="${build.dir}/${tag}/${tag}.jar" />
--	  <!-- compile tag tests against tag jar -->	
--	  <compile-test-macro srcdir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" destdir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/test"
--			  			  test.classpath="tag.test.classpath" javac.source="${javac.source.tag}" javac.target="${javac.target.tag}"/>
--	  <!-- run tag tests against trunk jar -->
--      <test-macro dataDir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" 
--      			  tempDir="${build.dir}/${tag}"
--      			  junit.classpath="tag.junit.classpath"/>
--  	</sequential>
--  </target>	
-   <target name="clean-tags"
-     description="Removes contents of the tags directory">
-     <delete dir="${tags.dir}"/>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/81_disable-test-tag-backcompat-tests.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/build.xml
+@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
+   <target name="test-core" depends="common.test"
+           description="Runs unit tests for the core Lucene code"
+   />
+-  <target name="test" depends="test-core, test-contrib, test-tag"
+-          description="Runs all unit tests (core, contrib and back-compat)"
++  <target name="test" depends="test-core, test-contrib"
++          description="Runs all unit tests (core and contrib)"
+   />
+   <property name="tag" value="${compatibility.tag}"/>
+@@ -104,51 +104,6 @@
+     <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
+   </path>
+-  <target name="download-tag"
+-  	description="Downloads a previous Lucene version. Specify tag version like this: -Dtag=lucene_2_4_back_compat_tests_20090127">
+-	<sequential>
+-	  <mkdir dir="${tags.dir}/${tag}"/>
+-      <exec dir="${tags.dir}/${tag}" executable="${svn.exe}"
+-            failifexecutionfails="false">
+-        <arg line="checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/java/tags/${tag}/src/"/>
+-      </exec>
+-	</sequential>
+-  </target>
+-  <target name="test-tag" depends="download-tag, compile-core, jar-core"
+-  	description="Runs tests of a previous Lucene version. Specify tag version like this: -Dtag=branches/lucene_2_9_back_compat_tests">
+-	<sequential>
+-      <available property="tag.available" file="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" />
+-	  <fail unless="tag.available">
+-	  	Specified tag '${tag}' could not be found in directory '${tags.dir}/${tag}'.
+-	  </fail>
+-	  <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/${tag}"/>	  
+-	  <!-- first compile tag classes -->
+-	  <compile
+-	    srcdir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/java"
+-	    destdir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/java"
+-      javac.source="${javac.source.tag}" javac.target="${javac.target.tag}">
+-	  <classpath refid="tag.classpath"/>
+-	  </compile>
+-	  <!-- compile jar for tag -->
+-      <jarify basedir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/java"
+-			  destfile="${build.dir}/${tag}/${tag}.jar" />
+-	  <!-- compile tag tests against tag jar -->	
+-	  <compile-test-macro srcdir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" destdir="${build.dir}/${tag}/classes/test"
+-			  			  test.classpath="tag.test.classpath" javac.source="${javac.source.tag}" javac.target="${javac.target.tag}"/>
+-	  <!-- run tag tests against trunk jar -->
+-      <test-macro dataDir="${tags.dir}/${tag}/src/test" 
+-      			  tempDir="${build.dir}/${tag}"
+-      			  junit.classpath="tag.junit.classpath"/>
+-  	</sequential>
+-  </target>	
+   <target name="clean-tags"
+     description="Removes contents of the tags directory">
+     <delete dir="${tags.dir}"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 82_disable-svnversion-calls.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' lucene3~/common-build.xml lucene3/common-build.xml
---- lucene3~/common-build.xml	2010-08-12 11:00:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ lucene3/common-build.xml	2010-08-12 11:01:00.000000000 +0200
-@@ -103,15 +103,6 @@
-   <property name="manifest.file" location="${common.dir}/build/MANIFEST.MF"/>
--  <!-- 
--    we attempt to exec svnversion to get details build information
--    for jar manifests.  this property can be set at runtime to an
--    explicit path as needed, or ant will just try to find it in the
--    default PATH. (this is useful for Hudson)
--  -->
--  <property name="svnversion.exe" value="svnversion" />
--  <property name="svn.exe" value="svn" />
-   <property name="clover.db.dir" location="${common.dir}/build/test/clover/db"/>
-   <property name="clover.report.dir" location="${common.dir}/build/test/clover/reports"/>
-@@ -316,7 +307,7 @@
- 		<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="org.apache.lucene"/>
- 		<!-- impl version can be any string -->
- 		<attribute name="Implementation-Version"
--		           value="${version} ${svnversion} - ${DSTAMP} ${TSTAMP}"/>
-+		           value="${version} - ${DSTAMP} ${TSTAMP}"/>
- 		<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"
- 		           value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
- 		<attribute name="X-Compile-Source-JDK" 
-@@ -351,12 +342,6 @@
-     <element name="manifest-attributes" optional="yes"/>
-   	<element name="metainf-includes" optional="yes"/>
-     <sequential>
--      <!-- If possible, include the svnversion -->
--      <exec dir="." executable="${svnversion.exe}"
--            outputproperty="svnversion" failifexecutionfails="false">
--        <arg line="."/>
--      </exec>
-       <build-manifest/>
-       <if>
-         <isset property="OSGi.requirebundle"/>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/82_disable-svnversion-calls.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/common-build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/common-build.xml
+@@ -103,15 +103,6 @@
+   <property name="manifest.file" location="${common.dir}/build/MANIFEST.MF"/>
+-  <!-- 
+-    we attempt to exec svnversion to get details build information
+-    for jar manifests.  this property can be set at runtime to an
+-    explicit path as needed, or ant will just try to find it in the
+-    default PATH. (this is useful for Hudson)
+-  -->
+-  <property name="svnversion.exe" value="svnversion" />
+-  <property name="svn.exe" value="svn" />
+   <property name="clover.db.dir" location="${common.dir}/build/test/clover/db"/>
+   <property name="clover.report.dir" location="${common.dir}/build/test/clover/reports"/>
+@@ -316,7 +307,7 @@
+ 		<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="org.apache.lucene"/>
+ 		<!-- impl version can be any string -->
+ 		<attribute name="Implementation-Version"
+-		           value="${version} ${svnversion} - ${DSTAMP} ${TSTAMP}"/>
++		           value="${version} - ${DSTAMP} ${TSTAMP}"/>
+ 		<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"
+ 		           value="The Apache Software Foundation"/>
+ 		<attribute name="X-Compile-Source-JDK" 
+@@ -351,12 +342,6 @@
+     <element name="manifest-attributes" optional="yes"/>
+   	<element name="metainf-includes" optional="yes"/>
+     <sequential>
+-      <!-- If possible, include the svnversion -->
+-      <exec dir="." executable="${svnversion.exe}"
+-            outputproperty="svnversion" failifexecutionfails="false">
+-        <arg line="."/>
+-      </exec>
+       <build-manifest/>
+       <if>
+         <isset property="OSGi.requirebundle"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
---- lucene2-2.9.1+ds1.orig/common-build.xml
-+++ lucene2-2.9.1+ds1/common-build.xml
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-   </path>
-   <!-- default arguments to pass to JVM executing tests -->
--  <property name="args" value=""/>
-+  <property name="args" value="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"/>
-   <property name="javac.deprecation" value="off"/>
-   <property name="javac.debug" value="on"/>

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.patch (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.patch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/83_fix-java-IPv4-networking.patch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Author: Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
+Description: No description.
+--- convert-tot-quilt.orig/common-build.xml
++++ convert-tot-quilt/common-build.xml
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+   </path>
+   <!-- default arguments to pass to JVM executing tests -->
+-  <property name="args" value=""/>
++  <property name="args" value="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"/>
+   <property name="javac.deprecation" value="off"/>
+   <property name="javac.debug" value="on"/>

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/99debug_print-unittest-results.dpatch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/99debug_print-unittest-results.dpatch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/99debug_print-unittest-results.dpatch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 99debug_print-unittest-results-final.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad lucene2~/build.xml lucene2/build.xml
---- lucene2~/build.xml	2010-01-25 15:04:52.000000000 +0100
-+++ lucene2/build.xml	2010-01-25 15:28:13.000000000 +0100
-@@ -88,8 +88,11 @@
-   <!-- ================================================================== -->
-   <target name="test-core" depends="common.test"
--          description="Runs unit tests for the core Lucene code"
--  />
-+          description="Runs unit tests for the core Lucene code">
-+    <exec executable="/bin/cat">                                       
-+      <arg path="${junit.output.dir}/TEST-org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexReaderReopen.xml" />
-+    </exec>                                                                                    
-+  </target>
-   <target name="test" depends="test-core, test-contrib"
-           description="Runs all unit tests (core and contrib)"
-   />

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/series (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/patches/series)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/patches/series	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/rules
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/rules	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/rules	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# -*- makefile -*-
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/dpatch.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/javahelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-# Build with OpenJDK
-#JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
-export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
-JH_DEPENDS_ARGS = --verbose --jvm=headless
-DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := javacc jar-core build-contrib war-demo # javadocs
-DEB_ANT_CLEAN_TARGET := clean clean-javacc
-# Needed for running javacc and the unit tests
-DEB_JARS = ant-nodeps ant-contrib ant-junit junit
-# Upstream Lucene name
-UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) | grep -o "^[^+]*" | sed -e "s/~/-/" )
-ABI_VERSION := $(shell echo $(UPSTREAM_VERSION) | grep -o "^[[:digit:]]\+" )
-	# 'ant test' in contrib/db leaves some stuff behind...
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/db/bdb/index
-	rm -f junit*.properties
-	# Same for 'ant test' in contrib/benchmark
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/temp/*
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/index
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/reuters
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/reuters-out
-	# Tags for backward compatibility testing
-	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/tags
-	# remove keyring, since it is a binary file
-	rm -f debian/lucene-keyring.gpg
-	rm -f debian/KEYS
-	# remove all javacc-generated files from src and contrib, except those
-	# that are not regenerated properly 
-	# Now done in build.xml target clean-javacc
-	#fgrep -Rl "Generated By:JavaCC:" $(CURDIR)/src/ $(CURDIR)/contrib/ | grep -v analysis/standard/ParseException.java\\\|precedence\\\|surround | xargs rm -f
-	# clean-javacc misses this
-	grep -Rl "Generated.*By.*JavaCC" $(CURDIR)/contrib/misc/src/  | xargs rm -f
-	# Install the libraries into the libluceneX-java package
-	# Install the core library
-	#install -m 0644 build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java
-	#ln -s lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java/lucene-core-$(ABI_VERSION).jar
-	# Install contrib libraries
-	#CONTRIB_JARS=`find build/contrib/ -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar` ; \
-	for jarfile in $$CONTRIB_JARS; do \
-	    install -m 0644 "$$jarfile" $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java ; \
-	    CONTRIB=`echo $$jarfile | sed "s/.*\\/lucene-\\([-a-z]*\\)-.*\\.jar/\\1/"` ; \
-	    ln -s lucene-$$CONTRIB-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java/lucene-$$CONTRIB-$(ABI_VERSION).jar ; \
-	done
-	install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib
-	install contrib/lucli/run.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/lucli
-	gzip <debian/lucli.1 >$(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/lucli.1.gz
-	# Install the documentation into the libluceneX-java-doc package
-	mkdir -p docs
-	mkdir -p build/docs
-	mkdir -p  $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/
-	cp -r docs $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/
-	cp -r build/docs/* $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/
-	# Remove empty directories
-	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/css
-	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/scripts
-	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/translations
-	# Remove unused embedded prototype library
-	rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/prototype.js
-	install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo
-	install -m 644 build/lucene-demos-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo/
-	install -m 644 build/luceneweb.war $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo/
-	rm -f build.xml
-	rm -f common-build.xml
-	rm -f *.txt
-	rm -f *stamp
-	rm -f *pom.xml.template
-	rm -f junit*.properties
-	rm -rf debian/patched
-	rm -rf build dist docs example lib src contrib test
-restore-from-source: remove-source
-	tar xzf ../lucene$(ABI_VERSION)_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.gz
-	debian/get-orig-source.sh
-	echo build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.jlibs.stub
-	java-propose-classpath build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.classpath.stub
-	find build/contrib -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib.jlibs.stub
-	find build/contrib -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar | xargs java-propose-classpath > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.classpath.stub
-	lintian -i $(CHANGESFILE)
-	zgrep "^---" ../lucene$(ABI_VERSION)_$(DEB_VERSION).diff.gz | grep -v debian ; [ $$? != 0 ]
-	( for p in $(DEB_ALL_PACKAGES); do \
-              echo $${p}_$(DEB_VERSION): ; \
-	      dpkg --contents ../$${p}_$(DEB_VERSION)_all.deb ; \
-	  done ) | less
-.PHONY: patched build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install install-indep install-arch configure

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/rules (from rev 13804, trunk/lucene3/debian/rules)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/rules	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/rules	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/javahelper.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# Build with OpenJDK
+#JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
+JH_DEPENDS_ARGS = --verbose --jvm=headless
+DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := javacc jar-core build-contrib war-demo # javadocs
+DEB_ANT_CLEAN_TARGET := clean clean-javacc
+# Needed for running javacc and the unit tests
+DEB_JARS = ant-nodeps ant-contrib ant-junit junit
+# Upstream Lucene name
+UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) | grep -o "^[^+]*" | sed -e "s/~/-/" )
+ABI_VERSION := $(shell echo $(UPSTREAM_VERSION) | grep -o "^[[:digit:]]\+" )
+	# 'ant test' in contrib/db leaves some stuff behind...
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/db/bdb/index
+	rm -f junit*.properties
+	# Same for 'ant test' in contrib/benchmark
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/temp/*
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/index
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/reuters
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/contrib/benchmark/work/reuters-out
+	# Tags for backward compatibility testing
+	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/tags
+	# remove keyring, since it is a binary file
+	rm -f debian/lucene-keyring.gpg
+	rm -f debian/KEYS
+	# remove all javacc-generated files from src and contrib, except those
+	# that are not regenerated properly 
+	# Now done in build.xml target clean-javacc
+	#fgrep -Rl "Generated By:JavaCC:" $(CURDIR)/src/ $(CURDIR)/contrib/ | grep -v analysis/standard/ParseException.java\\\|precedence\\\|surround | xargs rm -f
+	# clean-javacc misses this
+	grep -Rl "Generated.*By.*JavaCC" $(CURDIR)/contrib/misc/src/  | xargs rm -f
+	# Install the libraries into the libluceneX-java package
+	# Install the core library
+	#install -m 0644 build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java
+	#ln -s lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java/lucene-core-$(ABI_VERSION).jar
+	# Install contrib libraries
+	#CONTRIB_JARS=`find build/contrib/ -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar` ; \
+	for jarfile in $$CONTRIB_JARS; do \
+	    install -m 0644 "$$jarfile" $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java ; \
+	    CONTRIB=`echo $$jarfile | sed "s/.*\\/lucene-\\([-a-z]*\\)-.*\\.jar/\\1/"` ; \
+	    ln -s lucene-$$CONTRIB-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java/usr/share/java/lucene-$$CONTRIB-$(ABI_VERSION).jar ; \
+	done
+	install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib
+	install contrib/lucli/run.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/lucli
+	gzip <debian/lucli.1 >$(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/usr/lib/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib/lucli.1.gz
+	# Install the documentation into the libluceneX-java-doc package
+	mkdir -p docs
+	mkdir -p build/docs
+	touch build/docs/a
+	mkdir -p  $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/
+	cp -r docs $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/
+	cp -r build/docs/* $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/
+	# Remove empty directories
+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/css
+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/scripts
+	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/translations
+	# Remove unused embedded prototype library
+	rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/docs/skin/prototype.js
+	install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo
+	install -m 644 build/lucene-demos-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo/
+	install -m 644 build/luceneweb.war $(CURDIR)/debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/usr/share/doc/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-doc/demo/
+	rm -f build.xml
+	rm -f common-build.xml
+	rm -f *.txt
+	rm -f *stamp
+	rm -f *pom.xml.template
+	rm -f junit*.properties
+	rm -f index.html
+	rm -rf debian/patched
+	rm -rf debian/patched .pc
+	rm -rf build dist docs example lib src contrib test backwards
+restore-from-source: remove-source
+	tar xzf ../lucene$(ABI_VERSION)_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.gz
+	debian/get-orig-source.sh
+	echo build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.jlibs.stub
+	java-propose-classpath build/lucene-core-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.classpath.stub
+	find build/contrib -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-contrib.jlibs.stub
+	find build/contrib -name \*-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar | xargs java-propose-classpath > debian/liblucene$(ABI_VERSION)-java-core.classpath.stub
+	lintian -i $(CHANGESFILE)
+	zgrep "^---" ../lucene$(ABI_VERSION)_$(DEB_VERSION).diff.gz | grep -v debian ; [ $$? != 0 ]
+	( for p in $(DEB_ALL_PACKAGES); do \
+              echo $${p}_$(DEB_VERSION): ; \
+	      dpkg --contents ../$${p}_$(DEB_VERSION)_all.deb ; \
+	  done ) | less
+.PHONY: patched build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install install-indep install-arch configure

Deleted: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/watch
--- trunk/lucene3/debian/watch	2011-06-14 14:04:17 UTC (rev 13800)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/watch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-opts=dversionmangle=s/\+ds\d// \

Copied: branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/watch (from rev 13801, trunk/lucene3/debian/watch)
--- branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/watch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/lucene3/upgrade-from-3.0-to-3.2/debian/watch	2011-06-28 15:26:25 UTC (rev 13826)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+opts=dversionmangle=s/\+ds\d// \

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