[pkg-java] r13709 - trunk/autocomplete/debian

vladimir kotov rk13-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu May 26 20:52:05 UTC 2011

Author: rk13-guest
Date: 2011-05-26 20:52:04 +0000 (Thu, 26 May 2011)
New Revision: 13709

Added missing info to d/copyright

Modified: trunk/autocomplete/debian/copyright
--- trunk/autocomplete/debian/copyright	2011-05-25 21:47:05 UTC (rev 13708)
+++ trunk/autocomplete/debian/copyright	2011-05-26 20:52:04 UTC (rev 13709)
@@ -12,6 +12,38 @@
 Copyright: 2006, Mark James
 License: Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution
+Files: src/org/fife/ui/autocomplete/bullet_black.png
+Copyright: 2011, Robert Futrell
+License: Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution
+Comment: No license information in 1.5.1 release. We have notified the upstream
+ author Robert Futrell about this and license information was added to
+ distfiles/readme.txt in project SVN (r306)
+ http://svn.fifesoft.com/viewvc-1.0.5/bin/cgi/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&root=RSyntaxTextArea&revision=306.
+ Here is the excerpt:
+ The "bullet_black.png" icon is an edited version of "bullet_black.png" in the
+ Silk icon set noted above.  It can be considered to be distributed under the
+ same Creative Commons 3.0 License.
+Files: src/org/fife/ui/autocomplete/osx_sizegrip.png
+Copyright: 2011, Robert Futrell
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Comment: No license information in 1.5.1 release. We have notified the upstream
+ author Robert Futrell about this and license information was added to
+ distfiles/readme.txt in project SVN (r306)
+ http://svn.fifesoft.com/viewvc-1.0.5/bin/cgi/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&root=RSyntaxTextArea&revision=306.
+ Here is the excerpt:
+ "osx_sizegrip.png" is a reproduction of the size grip used on native OS X
+ windows.  It is distributed under the same LGPL license as the meat of the
+ AutoComplete library.
+Files: org/fife/ui/autocomplete/ParameterizedCompletion.java,
+ org/fife/ui/autocomplete/OutlineHighlightPainter.java
+Copyright: 2009-2010, Robert Futrell
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Comment: No license in the files in 1.5.1 release. We have notified the upstream
+ author Robert Futrell about these and license headers were added in SVN (r306)
+ http://svn.fifesoft.com/viewvc-1.0.5/bin/cgi/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&root=RSyntaxTextArea&revision=306.
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2011, Vladimir Kotov <vladimir at kotov.lv>
 License: LGPL-2.1+

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