[pkg-java] r15394 - trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian

Ludovic Claude ludovicc-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 13 23:40:09 UTC 2011

Author: ludovicc-guest
Date: 2011-11-13 23:40:09 +0000 (Sun, 13 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 15394

* Update compat to 7
* d/control:
  - remove Build-Depends on cdbs
  - add Depends and Build-Depends on libcommons-parent-java
  - add cross suggest between the binary and the documentation packages
  - add Build-Depends-Indep on bnd
* d/rules: update to use dh 7
* remove OSGi_Manifest.patch, use bnd itself to generate the OSGi manifest
* Update copyright, use DEP-5 format
* Update installation of the Javadoc package
* poms: remove --no-parent as the parent is now packaged, use
  --has-package-version, add properties for mh_install and for installing
  the Javadoc jar

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/build-classpath
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/build-classpath	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/build-classpath	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/changelog
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/changelog	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/changelog	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+libcommons-lang-java (2.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Update compat to 7
+  * d/control:
+    - remove Build-Depends on cdbs
+    - add Depends and Build-Depends on libcommons-parent-java
+    - add cross suggest between the binary and the documentation packages
+    - add Build-Depends-Indep on bnd
+  * d/rules: update to use dh 7
+  * remove OSGi_Manifest.patch, use bnd itself to generate the OSGi manifest
+  * Update copyright, use DEP-5 format
+  * Update installation of the Javadoc package
+  * poms: remove --no-parent as the parent is now packaged, use
+    --has-package-version, add properties for mh_install and for installing
+    the Javadoc jar
+ -- Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>  Thu, 13 Oct 2011 21:09:20 +0100
 libcommons-lang-java (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Team upload.

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/commons-lang.bnd
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/commons-lang.bnd	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/commons-lang.bnd	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Extension-Name: commons-lang
+Package: org.apache.commons.lang
+Export-Package: org.apache.commons.lang;version=${version},\
+	org.apache.commons.lang.*;version=${version}
+Import-Package: *
+Bundle-Version: ${version}
+Bundle-Description: Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for \
+  the classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to \
+  be so standard as to justify existence in java.lang.
+Bundle-Name: Commons Lang
+Bundle-DocURL: http://commons.apache.org/lang/
+Bundle-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
+Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.commons.lang
+Bundle-License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/compat
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/compat	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/compat	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/control
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/control	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/control	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk at debian.org>, Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>, Kumar Appaiah <akumar at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6), cdbs, default-jdk
-Build-Depends-Indep: maven-repo-helper, ant, junit (>= 3.8.1), default-jdk-doc
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), default-jdk, maven-repo-helper (>= 1.7), ant
+Build-Depends-Indep: libcommons-parent-java (>= 12), junit (>= 3.8.1), bnd, default-jdk-doc
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/libcommons-lang-java
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/libcommons-lang-java
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
 Package: libcommons-lang-java
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Extension of the java.lang package
+Recommends: libcommons-parent-java (>= 12)
+Suggests: libcommons-lang-java-doc
+Description: Commons Lang - an extension of the java.lang package
  The Lang Component contains a set of Java classes that provide helper
  methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the
  java.lang package in the Sun JDK. The following classes are included:
@@ -37,8 +39,8 @@
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Suggests: default-jdk-doc
-Description: Documentation for an extension of the java.lang package
+Suggests: libcommons-lang-java, default-jdk-doc
+Description: Documentation for Commons Lang - an extension of the java.lang package
  The Lang Component contains a set of Java classes that provide helper
  methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the
  java.lang package in the Sun JDK. The following classes are included:

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/copyright
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/copyright	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/copyright	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1,43 +1,16 @@
-This package was debianized by Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at ulg.ac.be> on
-Tue,  1 Jul 2003 14:43:32 +0200.
+Format: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/
+Upstream-Name: Commons Lang
+Source: http://commons.apache.org/lang/
-It was downloaded from http://commons.apache.org/lang/
+Files: *
+Copyright: 2001-2010, The Apache Software Foundation
+License: Apache-2.0
-Upstream Authors: Daniel Rall <dlr at finemaltcoding.com>,
-                  Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at joda.org>,
-                  Henri Yandell <bayard at apache.org>,
-                  Steven Caswell <stevencaswell at apache.org>,
-                  Robert Burrell Donkin <rdonkin at apache.org>,
-                  Gary D. Gregory <ggregory at seagullsw.com>,
-                  Phil Steitz <phil at steitz.com>,
-                  Fredrik Westermarck,
-                  James Carman <jcarman at apache.org>,
-                  Niall Pemberton, Matt Benson, C. Scott Ananian, Chris Audley,
-                  Stephane Bailliez, Michael Becke, Ola Berg, Nathan Beyer,
-                  Stefan Bodewig, Janek Bogucki, Mike Bowler, Sean Brown,
-                  Alexander Day Chaffee, Al Chou, Greg Coladonato,
-                  Maarten Coene, Justin Couch, Michael Davey, Norm Deane,
-                  Ringo De Smet, Russel Dittmar, Steve Downey, Matthias Eichel,
-                  Christopher Elkins, Chris Feldhacker, Pete Gieser,
-                  Jason Gritman, Matthew Hawthorne, Michael Heuer,
-                  Oliver Heger, Chris Hyzer, Marc Johnson, Shaun Kalley,
-                  Tetsuya Kaneuchi, Nissim Karpenstein, Ed Korthof,
-                  Holger Krauth, Rafal Krupinski, Rafal Krzewski,
-                  Craig R. McClanahan, Rand McNeely, Dave Meikle,
-                  Nikolay Metchev, Kasper Nielsen, Tim O'Brien,
-                  Brian S O'Neill, Andrew C. Oliver, Alban Peignier,
-                  Moritz Petersen, Dmitri Plotnikov, Neeme Praks, Eric Pugh,
-                  Stephen Putman, Travis Reeder, Antony Riley, Scott Sanders,
-                  Ralph Schaer, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Sean Schofield,
-                  Reuben Sivan, Ville Skytta, Jan Sorensen, Glen Stampoultzis,
-                  Scott Stanchfield, Jon S. Stevens, Sean C. Sullivan,
-                  Ashwin Suresh, Helge Tesgaard, Arun Mammen Thomas,
-                  Masato Tezuka, Jeff Varszegi, Chris Webb, Mario Winterer,
-                  Stepan Koltsov, Holger Hoffstatte
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2003, Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at ulg.ac.be>
+           2010, Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>
+License: Apache-2.0
-Copyright: 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
-License: Apache 2.0
-On Debian systems the full text of the Apache License can be found
-in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.
+License: Apache-2.0
+  On Debian GNU/Linux system you can find the complete text of the
+  Apache-2.0 license in '/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'

Deleted: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Document: libcommons-lang-java
-Title: Programmer API for Commons Lang
-Author: Apache Commons Lang developers
-Abstract: The Lang Component contains a set of Java classes that provide helper
- methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the
- java.lang package in the Sun JDK.
-Section: Programming
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/libcommons-lang-java-doc/api/index.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/libcommons-lang-java-doc/api/*

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base.api
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base.api	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.doc-base.api	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Document: libcommons-lang-java
+Title: Programmer API for Commons Lang
+Author: Apache Commons Lang developers
+Abstract: The Lang Component contains a set of Java classes that provide helper
+ methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the
+ java.lang package in the Sun JDK.
+Section: Programming
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/libcommons-lang-java/api/index.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/libcommons-lang-java/api/*

Deleted: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.docs
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.docs	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.docs	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.install
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.install	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+target/apidocs/* usr/share/doc/libcommons-lang-java/api

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.poms
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.poms	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java-doc.poms	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# List of POM files for the package
+# Format of this file is:
+# <path to pom file> [option]*
+# where option can be:
+#   --ignore: ignore this POM or
+#   --no-parent: remove the <parent> tag from the POM
+#   --package=<package>: an alternative package to use when installing this POM
+#      and its artifact
+#   --has-package-version: to indicate that the original version of the POM is the same as the upstream part
+#      of the version for the package.
+#   --keep-elements=<elem1,elem2>: a list of XML elements to keep in the POM
+#      during a clean operation with mh_cleanpom or mh_installpom
+#   --artifact=<path>: path to the build artifact associated with this POM,
+#      it will be installed when using the command mh_install
+#   --java-lib: install the jar into /usr/share/java to comply with Debian
+#      packaging guidelines
+#   --usj-name=<name>: name to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
+#   --usj-version=<version>: version to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
+#   --no-usj-versionless: don't install the versionless link in /usr/share/java
+#   --dest-jar=<path>: the destination for the real jar
+#   it will be installed with mh_install.
+#   --classifier=<classifier>: Optional, the classifier for the jar. Empty by default.
+#   --ignore-pom: don't install the POM with mh_install or mh_installpoms. To use with POM files that are created
+#     temporarily for certain artifacts such as Javadoc jars.
+pom.xml --ignore-pom --has-package-version --artifact=target/commons-lang-*-javadoc.jar --classifier=javadoc

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java.poms
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java.poms	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/libcommons-lang-java.poms	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1 +1,27 @@
-pom.xml --no-parent
+# List of POM files for the package
+# Format of this file is:
+# <path to pom file> [option]*
+# where option can be:
+#   --ignore: ignore this POM or
+#   --no-parent: remove the <parent> tag from the POM
+#   --package=<package>: an alternative package to use when installing this POM
+#      and its artifact
+#   --has-package-version: to indicate that the original version of the POM is the same as the upstream part
+#      of the version for the package.
+#   --keep-elements=<elem1,elem2>: a list of XML elements to keep in the POM
+#      during a clean operation with mh_cleanpom or mh_installpom
+#   --artifact=<path>: path to the build artifact associated with this POM,
+#      it will be installed when using the command mh_install
+#   --java-lib: install the jar into /usr/share/java to comply with Debian
+#      packaging guidelines
+#   --usj-name=<name>: name to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
+#   --usj-version=<version>: version to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
+#   --no-usj-versionless: don't install the versionless link in /usr/share/java
+#   --dest-jar=<path>: the destination for the real jar
+#   it will be installed with mh_install.
+#   --classifier=<classifier>: Optional, the classifier for the jar. Empty by default.
+#   --ignore-pom: don't install the POM with mh_install or mh_installpoms. To use with POM files that are created
+#     temporarily for certain artifacts such as Javadoc jars.
+pom.xml --has-package-version --artifact=target/commons-lang.bnd.jar --java-lib

Added: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.ignoreRules
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.ignoreRules	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.ignoreRules	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Maven ignore rules - ignore some Maven dependencies and plugins
+# Format of this file is:
+# [group] [artifact] [type] [version] [classifier] [scope]
+# where each element can be either
+# - the exact string, for example org.apache for the group, or 3.1
+#   for the version. In this case, the element is simply matched
+#   and left as it is
+# - * (the star character, alone). In this case, anything will
+#   match and be left as it is. For example, using * on the
+#  position of the artifact field will match any artifact id
+# All elements much match before a rule can be applied
+# Example rule: match jar with groupid= junit, artifactid= junit
+# and version starting with 3., this dependency is then removed
+# from the POM
+#   junit junit jar s/3\\..*/3.x/
+org.apache.maven.plugins maven-assembly-plugin * * * *

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.rules
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.rules	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/maven.rules	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1,2 +1,20 @@
-junit junit jar s/3\..*/3.x/
+# Maven rules - transform Maven dependencies and plugins
+# Format of this file is:
+# [group] [artifact] [type] [version] [classifier] [scope]
+# where each element can be either
+# - the exact string, for example org.apache for the group, or 3.1
+#   for the version. In this case, the element is simply matched
+#   and left as it is
+# - * (the star character, alone). In this case, anything will
+#   match and be left as it is. For example, using * on the
+#  position of the artifact field will match any artifact id
+# - a regular expression of the form s/match/replace/
+#   in this case, elements that match are transformed using
+#   the regex rule.
+# All elements much match before a rule can be applied
+# Example rule: match jar with groupid= junit, artifactid= junit
+# and version starting with 3., replacing the version with 3.x
+#   junit junit jar s/3\\..*/3.x/
+junit junit jar s/3\..*/3.x/ * *
+org.apache.commons commons-parent pom s/.*/debian/ * *

Modified: trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/rules
--- trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/rules	2011-11-13 23:34:06 UTC (rev 15393)
+++ trunk/libcommons-lang-java/debian/rules	2011-11-13 23:40:09 UTC (rev 15394)
@@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
+DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE   := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Source:' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
+DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | egrep '^Version:' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/-[^-]*$$//')
-PACKAGE              := $(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)
-JAVA_HOME            := /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
-DEB_JARS             := junit
-DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := jar javadoc
-LAST_MODIFIED        := $(shell date +%s%N | cut -c -13)
-DEB_ANT_ARGS         := -Dlastmodified=$(LAST_MODIFIED)
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
+export CLASSPATH=$(shell for jar in `cat debian/build-classpath`; do if [ -f "$$jar" ]; then echo -n "$${jar}:"; fi; done)
-	mv build/apidocs build/api
+	dh $@ --buildsystem=ant --with maven_repo_helper
-	mh_installpoms -p$(PACKAGE)
-	mh_installjar -p$(PACKAGE) -l pom.xml build/commons-lang-$(VERSION).jar
+	ANT_ARGS="-Dbasedir=$(realpath .) -Djdk.javadoc=file:///usr/share/doc/default-jdk-doc/api/ jar javadoc javadoc-jar" dh_auto_build
+	cat debian/commons-lang.bnd | sed s/VERSION/$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION)/ > debian/.commons-lang-versioned.bnd
+	echo debian/.commons-lang-versioned.bnd >> debian/.mh_clean
+	bnd wrap -properties debian/.commons-lang-versioned.bnd -output target/commons-lang.bnd.jar target/commons-lang-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar
-	-rm gjdoc_rawcomment.cache
-	-rm -rf docs/api/*
-	-rm -rf debian/tmp
-	mh_clean
 	-uscan --download-version $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) --force-download --rename

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