[SCM] Spring Security: Java libraries that provide security services for the Spring Framework branch, debianization, created. upstream/3.0.4.RELEASE-2-g8157322

Miguel Landaeta miguel at miguel.cc
Fri May 11 01:58:05 UTC 2012

The branch, debianization has been created
        at  81573222f0a6abf168d5b55441b652c2619305a1 (commit)

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
commit 81573222f0a6abf168d5b55441b652c2619305a1
Author: Miguel Landaeta <miguel at miguel.cc>
Date:   Thu May 10 21:34:21 2012 -0430

    Initial debianization


Spring Security: Java libraries that provide security services for the Spring Framework

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