[SCM] libjgoodies-looks-java packaging annotated tag, debian/2.5.0-1, created. debian/2.5.0-1

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed May 30 00:48:48 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/2.5.0-1 has been created
        at  908852aa6a4dbdfe1035e900e594abdbf3de32d5 (tag)
   tagging  31d5fd94dfb4ef7d5b85811458ac6bb269726957 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.5.0
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Fri Feb 10 21:25:56 2012 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
tagging version debian/2.5.0-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


gregor herrmann (89):
      Load libjgoodies-looks-java-2.0.4 into
      add XS-Vcs-Svn line to debian/control
      * Initial release (closes: #nnnn).
      change patch 02_windows
      extend patch 02_windows
      change short description
      bugnumber for ITP
      add XS-Vcs-Browser field to debian/control
      * New upstream release.
      * New upstream release.
      * Improve package description in debian/control.
      fix off-by-one-line error in debian/control
      * Install RELEASE-NOTES.txt as upstream changelog.
      Move upstream URL from the description to the new Homepage field.
      set distribution back to UNRELEASED
      Change XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-*.
      * Set Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes required).
      Change debian/copyright to the new machine-readable format.
      Change patch system from dpatch to quilt.
      New upstream release.
      debian/copyright: update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
      debian/rules: remove configure{,-stamp} targets.
      * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.0; add debian/README.source to document
      my mail address i d/copyright
      Refresh patches.
      add TODO to changelog
      lib/forms is not used, remove comment from changelog
      Change (build) dependency to default-jre-headless and
      changelog cleanup
      releasing version 2.2.0-1
      Relax run-time dependency to "default-jre-headless |
      releasing version 2.2.0-2
      New upstream release.
      Refresh 02_windows.patch.
      releasing version 2.2.1-1
      debian/control: set Section to java.
      New upstream release.
      Refresh 02_windows.patch.
      Set Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes).
      Remove unneeded debian/dirs.
      debian/copyright: update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
      releasing version 2.2.2-1
      New upstream release.
      * debian/copyright: don't point to the BSD license in
      Minimize debian/rules, bump debhelper and quilt build dependencies.
      releasing version 2.3.0-1
      debian/watch: tighten regexp to ignore beta releases.
      New upstream release
      * debian/copyright: update formatting and years of packaging copyright.
      debian/compat: bump to 7.
      releasing version 2.3.1-1
      debian/control: change build dependency from default-jdk-builddep to
      fix changelog
      New upstream release
      * Refresh patches.
      Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
      remove quilt from d/rules, too
      Adjust .install to the new name of the jar, add a .links file for a
      Set Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes).
      WAITS-FOR: libjgoodies-common-java
      debian/copyright: update years of upstream copyright.
      add TODO item
      copyright cosmetics
      New patch 05_debian_libs.patc: use Debian libraries instead of shipped
      Remove 02_windows.patch.
      rename patches
      install all jars
      remove WAITS-FOR
      releasing version 2.4.0-1
      New upstream release.
      * Set Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes).
      * Register API docs with docbase system.
      Update patch debian_libs.patch.
      debian/control: remove dependency on JRE, as suggested by lintian and
      releasing version 2.4.1-1
      Fix Document field in .doc-base file; thanks to Ralf Treinen for the bug
      releasing version 2.4.1-2
      New upstream release.
      Refresh patches.
      releasing version 2.4.2-1
      Update Vcs-* headers.
      Merge tag 'upstream/2.5.0'
      New upstream release.
      Update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
      Refresh debian_libs.patch.
      Bump build dependency on libjgoodies-common-java to >= 1.3.0.
      releasing version 2.5.0-1

tony mancill (4):
      clean up reminder about checking source licenses
      update copyright year (as per copyright in source files)
      update copyright year for packaging
      add build-dep on javahelper


libjgoodies-looks-java packaging

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