[pkg-java] r16437 - trunk/libcommons-collections-java/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 26 15:08:19 UTC 2013
Author: ebourg-guest
Date: 2013-03-26 15:08:19 +0000 (Tue, 26 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 16437
Machine-readable debian/copyright file (DEP-5)
Modified: trunk/libcommons-collections-java/debian/copyright
--- trunk/libcommons-collections-java/debian/copyright 2013-03-26 13:37:42 UTC (rev 16436)
+++ trunk/libcommons-collections-java/debian/copyright 2013-03-26 15:08:19 UTC (rev 16437)
@@ -1,40 +1,45 @@
-This package was debianized by Takashi Okamoto <tora at debian.org> on
-Mon, 5 Nov 2001 08:15:04 +0900.
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: Apache Commons Collections
+Upstream-Contact: Apache Commons Developers <dev at commons.apache.org>
+Source: http://commons.apache.org/collections/
-It was downloaded from <http://commons.apache.org/collections/>
+Files: *
+Copyright: 2001-2008, The Apache Software Foundation.
+License: Apache-2.0
+ Upstream authors: Stephen Colebourne, Morgan Delagrange, Matthew Hawthorne,
+ Geir Magnusson, Craig McClanahan, Phil Steitz,
+ Arun M. Thomas, Rodney Waldhoff, Henri Yandell, James Carman,
+ Robert Burrell Donkin, Rafael U. C. Afonso,
+ Max Rydahl Andersen, Federico Barbieri, Arron Bates,
+ Nicola Ken Barozzi, Sebastian Bazley, Matt Benson, Ola Berg,
+ Christopher Berry, Nathan Beyer, Janek Bogucki,
+ Chuck Burdick, Dave Bryson, Julien Buret, Jonathan Carlson,
+ Ram Chidambaram, Steve Clark, Eric Crampton,
+ Dimiter Dimitrov, Peter Donald, Steve Downey, Rich Dougherty,
+ Tom Dunham, Stefano Fornari, Andrew Freeman,
+ Gerhard Froehlich, Paul Jack, Eric Johnson, Kent Johnson,
+ Marc Johnson, Nissim Karpenstein, Shinobu Kawai,
+ Mohan Kishore, Simon Kitching, Thomas Knych,
+ Serge Knystautas, Peter KoBek, Jordan Krey, Olaf Krische,
+ Guilhem Lavaux, Paul Legato, David Leppik, Berin Loritsch,
+ Hendrik Maryns, Stefano Mazzocchi, Brian McCallister,
+ Steven Melzer, Leon Messerschmidt, Mauricio S. Moura,
+ Kasper Nielsen, Stanislaw Osinski, Alban Peignier,
+ Mike Pettypiece, Steve Phelps, Ilkka Priha, Jonas Van Poucke,
+ Will Pugh, Herve Quiroz, Daniel Rall, Robert Ribnitz,
+ Huw Roberts, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Howard Lewis Ship,
+ Joe Raysa, Thomas Schapitz, Jon Schewe, Andreas Schlosser,
+ Christian Siefkes, Michael Smith, Stephen Smith,
+ Jan Sorensen, Jon S. Stevens, James Strachan, Leo Sutic,
+ Chris Tilden, Neil O'Toole, Jeff Turner, Kazuya Ujihara,
+ Jeff Varszegi, Ralph Wagner, David Weinrich,
+ Dieter Wimberger, Serhiy Yevtushenko, Jason van Zyl
-Upstream Authors: Stephen Colebourne, Morgan Delagrange, Matthew Hawthorne,
- Geir Magnusson, Craig McClanahan, Phil Steitz,
- Arun M. Thomas, Rodney Waldhoff, Henri Yandell, James Carman,
- Robert Burrell Donkin, Rafael U. C. Afonso,
- Max Rydahl Andersen, Federico Barbieri, Arron Bates,
- Nicola Ken Barozzi, Sebastian Bazley, Matt Benson, Ola Berg,
- Christopher Berry, Nathan Beyer, Janek Bogucki,
- Chuck Burdick, Dave Bryson, Julien Buret, Jonathan Carlson,
- Ram Chidambaram, Steve Clark, Eric Crampton,
- Dimiter Dimitrov, Peter Donald, Steve Downey, Rich Dougherty,
- Tom Dunham, Stefano Fornari, Andrew Freeman,
- Gerhard Froehlich, Paul Jack, Eric Johnson, Kent Johnson,
- Marc Johnson, Nissim Karpenstein, Shinobu Kawai,
- Mohan Kishore, Simon Kitching, Thomas Knych,
- Serge Knystautas, Peter KoBek, Jordan Krey, Olaf Krische,
- Guilhem Lavaux, Paul Legato, David Leppik, Berin Loritsch,
- Hendrik Maryns, Stefano Mazzocchi, Brian McCallister,
- Steven Melzer, Leon Messerschmidt, Mauricio S. Moura,
- Kasper Nielsen, Stanislaw Osinski, Alban Peignier,
- Mike Pettypiece, Steve Phelps, Ilkka Priha, Jonas Van Poucke,
- Will Pugh, Herve Quiroz, Daniel Rall, Robert Ribnitz,
- Huw Roberts, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Howard Lewis Ship,
- Joe Raysa, Thomas Schapitz, Jon Schewe, Andreas Schlosser,
- Christian Siefkes, Michael Smith, Stephen Smith,
- Jan Sorensen, Jon S. Stevens, James Strachan, Leo Sutic,
- Chris Tilden, Neil O'Toole, Jeff Turner, Kazuya Ujihara,
- Jeff Varszegi, Ralph Wagner, David Weinrich,
- Dieter Wimberger, Serhiy Yevtushenko, Jason van Zyl
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2001, Takashi Okamoto <tora at debian.org>
+License: Apache-2.0
-Copyright: © 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
-License: Apache 2.0
-On Debian systems the full text of the Apache License can be found
-in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.
+License: Apache-2.0
+ On Debian systems, the full text of the Apache License can be found
+ in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.
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