[SCM] Java-based codings helper classes for Joni and JRuby annotated tag, upstream/1.0.4, created. upstream/1.0.4

Hideki Yamane henrich at debian.org
Tue May 7 04:23:56 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/1.0.4 has been created
        at  26fcb34a76da91f46a32e2917d74d46e9372ae70 (tag)
   tagging  c4d2da8eb0939a5421aa2f87d8d88b87dcd993c4 (commit)
 tagged by  Hideki Yamane
        on  Sun Apr 7 09:08:06 2013 +0900

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.0.4

Hideki Yamane (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.0.4

Hiro Asari (1):
      Fix JRUBY-4389: Bug in AbstractEncoding?

Marcin Mielżyński (20):
      create jcodings trunk
      a move
      a move
      a move
      a move
      Changes required to land 1.9 Encoding class. Proper encoding indexing, dummy support, lazy encoding loading support, encoding/alias database accessors.
      Add Encoding.strCodeAt and move Encoding.strLength impl down the encoding hierarchy into MultiByteEncoding.
      Introduce DUMMY encoding to speed up dummy checks directly from an encoding later on.
      EncodingDB.Entry should be dummy aware.
      Add Encoding.isAsciiCompatible().
      Modify Encoding.length routine so it never throws and uses int values to signal incorrect/incomplete charactes. VANILLA mode still enabled.
      USASCIIEncoding.length should not raise either.
      Faster Encoding.isAscii (byte specialized).
      Introduce FixedWidthUnicodeEncoding as an abstraction over UTF32LE/BE to reduce polymorphism and code duplication.
      Switching VANILLA mode off, since too many changes in 1.9 repo and Oniguruma original (e.g JRUBY-2780).
      Introduce non strict versions of UTF8, SJIS and EUCJP encodings that will be used in 1.8 mode.
      New jcodings version.
      Multiple changes required to match encoding alias/replication/dummyfication in 1.9.
      Bump jcodings version.
      jcodings 1.0.2

Thomas E. Enebo (3):
      Make maven generate source and javadocs and be openable by netbeans (wagon decl no longer needed in maven
      Bump version
      Prevent some AIOOBE


Java-based codings helper classes for Joni and JRuby

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